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Quote# 115557

Atheists and homosexuals ostracize themselves from traditional society and then wonder why they are sad, angry, bitter, not at peace and also wonder why so many of them commit suicide.

Satan takes them over, oppressed them, and then TELLS them to kill themselves and they LISTEN to that voice.

dlo_3us2001, Realabortiondebate 21 Comments [12/26/2015 5:58:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 115552

Woden's Folk is 18 years old on April 23rd 2016 and over this time we have struggled against all odds to revive the Ancient Religion of our Folk, and to prepare the way for the Coming of The Man to Come - The Avenging God. The last two years have not been good, either on a personal level or at times with our Folkish Movement. We had setbacks in the spring of 2014, and this year I have had so many personal problems that, though they have not deterred me, have set us back somewhat. But this is the strength of the Aryan Warrior who takes such setbacks and falls, and then gets up again without moaning and groaning, or for that matter blaming anyone else.

The tide is turning and I feel now a great Wind of Change coming here in England - we have been knocked about, deprived of our identity, lost our culture and tradition, and the Forces of Evil have set out to destroy our Gene-Pool forever. The Great Flood has engulfed our lands, a flood not of the waters but of outlanders who have imported violence, crime and Global Terrorism, have been allowed into England and are still being allowed into England - even with the knowledge that these people will spread mayhem and terror. The blame lies in the hands of the 'White Traitors' and the Hidden Hand that controls them.

When we started the English Resistance through a Torchlight Rite at Avebury and Wayland's Smithy we started the long struggle to take back our Ancient Sites of Albion - the White Island - from the so-called 'pagans', 'wiccans' and 'new-agers' who seemed to consider these sites belonged to them, and them alone. This was not a one-off and we shall resume this during 2016 - indeed, we shall reclaim these English Sites for Folkish Wodenism.

The Flame of Freedom was lit in 2013 with these rites and the Spirit of Revolt activities of the previous years. These ancient sites are of vital importance for our struggle, since they lie on the system of Holy-Lines (Ley-Lines) around the land, and thus command great power. This is why our enemies have taken control of the Summer Sunwend at Stonehenge, Avebury and Glastonbury, as well as incursions into Wayland's Smithy, Rollright Stones and other important Holy Sites around England.

We shall leave the political struggle on the streets of England to those brave young men and women who have taken up that struggle against overwhelming odds - ours is a religious struggle. But as you take back the streets of England, so shall we take back these Ancient and Holy Sites around rural England.

Over the years we have had so many mystical and strange events at Wayland's Smithy that this place has obviously been 'awakened' by the years of use through Odinism and Folkish Wodenism.

This land is sacred to us, not some 'Holy Land' in the Middle-East; our Ancestors worshipped the Gods at these places, places built by the Giants of ancient times - the Hyperborean Heroes. Their blood and their spirit still flows through the veins of those who feel the Call of the Blood through the Blood Memory. This is Albion - The White Island - The Isles of the Elven-Folk.

Wulf Ingessunu, Inglinga 29 Comments [12/26/2015 5:57:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 115551

[To a 29-year-old woman who is waiting for a more "stable" financial situation before having children:]

the reality, which you can read in any biology textbook, is that the childbearing years for human females are from about age 15 to about 30-35. After this, your eggs are starting to be defective, producing kids with ADHD and other physical and mental difficulties at a far greater rate, and worse - as each year past 30 passes your odds of being completely infertile without invasive and expensive medical treatment skyrockets. God designed women to be mothers first and to have college and careers later, when they're finished having children. The modern PC Feminist attitude completely disregards God's design and in unnatural and unsustainable. God never meant for women to wait until their natural childbearing years were over to get married and try to have children. Millions of women who tried this anyway are now inconsolably depressed when natural reality trumped PC modernism. Don't be one of these women. You're already very close to the end of your opportunity - don't expect God to provide you with miracles later if you knowingly snub the natural order. As many, many weeping women can tell you, most likely He won't.

Ahavah, Aish.com 24 Comments [12/25/2015 6:17:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 115549

When asked about the majority of the people supporting The Donald’s extraordinary plan to remove kebab, Clinton said that people are afraid because Moslems are killing people in Paris and San Bernardino, and that Trump is good at stirring up bigotry and making people think there are “easy answers to complex questions.”

This is obvious Jew gibberish – they love making out as though things are more complicated than they actually are. The simple question is “how can we stop these kebabs from killing us?” and the simple answer is “remove kebab.”

Andrew Anglin, daily stormer 37 Comments [12/25/2015 6:17:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 115548

Its not a Revolution, its a COUNTER REVOLUTION, we are casting out leftist nazi’s, socialists, trust fund whiners, two faced politicians, Hollywood blowhards, Third World colonists, professional liars, insulated lawyers, pontificating professors, controlled media, welfare bums, and ALL of the Parasites feeding off the labor and energy created by working Americans of every type!
We recognize only the Constitution, the Bible and our ability to own Guns, of any kind, as the only manifestation of Freedom consistent with America. We WILL say what we want, and do what we want. We yell “Fire” in a crowed theater that is the corrupt USA, we imprison criminals and shoot traitors. We have laws that we follow and we don’t play political games like imprisoning journalists to silence them!
It is without doubt, time to refresh a dying forest that has become America. It is time to reject the propaganda that presents itself as “news”. It is time to question the allegiance of our illegally elected “leaders” who have come to power based on fabricated votes, manipulated electorates and the phony “process” we call voting in this country. We need to banish foreign billionaires who buy representatives and Presidents. We need to stop any foreign money being contributed to any election anywhere in this country. We need to crush political trusts, masked as charities, and we need to start now before the manufactured economic collapse can be triggered.
God Bless America and America’s Patriots

thomaspain, The Blaze 17 Comments [12/25/2015 6:17:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 115547

I think that he is correct, but I also think he is very wrong. He is correct when he says that America is heading to a violent revolution, and as much as I hate violence against our fellow citizens, there are times when the Tree of Liberty must be watered by the blood of it’s traitors. I also believe that that the Democrat Party has already started the violence by not only permitting the riots, murders, and racists hatred towards all that will not submit to their demands, but by facilitating that hatred with their predetermined rhetoric directed purposely to create the racist hatred towards all that do not willingly surrender to them. That is why it is the Democratic Party that demands social justice for thugs, thiefs, and murderers, all under the name of police brutaility, even demanding the federal government interfer with State laws and proceedings that do not protect Obama’s protected minions.

NCnative, The Blaze 12 Comments [12/25/2015 6:17:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 115546

The conservative base is here like we always have been, but the Republican party has swung so far left that only very few of them are trustworthy conservatives. The GOP has been so worried about getting more left wing radical progressives to vote for them they themselves have become the far left radical progressives and are too stupid to even realize what they stand for now. The liberal progressives have guided them down this path leading them by the nose hoping to split the party (divide and conquer) only the GOP has gone so far left now that very few Republicans will vote for ANY of the GOP now.

The only way the GOP will get it is another big purge next several elections!

I will never give up my firearms nor will my family!

Glock29, The Blaze 27 Comments [12/25/2015 6:15:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 115545

Cincinnati(SINSINati) Outlaws Quoting The Bible.

Starting Wednesday, quoting the the Bible will officially be illegal in Cincinnati. A new ordinance places a $200 per day fee on any therapist or counselor who uses Christian doctrine to guide their clients.

The law is aimed at abolishing therapies which seek to guide homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders away from their sinful tendencies, and instead steer them towards a heterosexual, biblically correct lifestyle.

According to the Conservative Post, any counselor using 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 to help those caught in sin could face fines of $73,000 per year.

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

Many families seek out guidance from Christian-based counselors because they prefer to receive help from someone who is likeminded and shares their deeply-held religious views. The Bible helps those troubled by all sorts of sexual sin, not just homosexuality, but now it will be illegal for anyone in Cincinnati to obtain spiritual guidance for anything from extramarital affairs to premarital sex.

Imagine, just for a moment, that Cincinnati had the audacity to tell Muslims they could not reference the Koran. The media firestorm which would ensue would be unprecedented. The lawsuits which would be brewing might permanently bankrupt the city. But, instead, we have another attack on Christians, with very little backlash.

Share this report if you believe this new law is unconstitutional and must be repealed!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the beginning attempt to enforce the Noahide Laws passed by Daddy Bush the Jew traitor. These are not the laws of Moses by any means. We will soon see what these Jews are trying to pull.

After viewing some of this movie, I have a few comments to make. The Rabbis make a pretense to care for the other families of this world which they hate and abuse. I suggest that they focus on their own people first. The Rabbis claim that we should not blaspheme God, worship idols, kill, lie, steal…etc, but that’s all their people ever do, so, pull the log out of you own eyes first and then you can pretend to want to remove a splinter from the eye’s of the other families of the earth. These Jews pretend that they go by the Pentateuch(The first 5 books of the Bible), but they don’t. This is just for deceptive purposes, giving you the idea that they are God’s chosen people. Many Jews have claimed that Lucifer(Heylel) is their God and it is so… they are the chosen people of the wanna be god of this world. That is the real truth people. Also, here again we see the double standard of the Jews…one set of laws for them and one for the rest of us. When are you people going to wake up and see things as they really are?

So when they speak of us not worshiping idols, they mean Jesus Christ. I will definitely do a show on this soon. Until then, seek ye the truth!

David James, EURO-FOLK-RADIO 17 Comments [12/25/2015 6:14:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 115544

Why Did Jews Create Pornography?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think you should watch this film so that you will have a deeper understanding of how our enemy, the Jew operates. This despicable people have done the same things over and over to our people for thousands of years. We can, and must learn from the examples of History and our mistakes. What you see in our countries today is nothing new. The Jews are destroying the moral fabric of our societies and are causing us and our children great harm.

When you look at the condition of America today, you are actually seeing what happened to Germany in the 1920s. If you study that historical period, you will understand where we are, and where we are headed. Our people will be eating out of garbage cans and fat Jews will mock us while we starve. These very conditions caused World War 2. Notice that this takes place after World War 1. This is the very reason the Jews cause wars and keep our countries in perpetual war. They make money off the wars, steal all the properties and businesses, control the wealth, change the laws, promote degeneracy and this list could go on all day.

This little film has some nudity in it but, it is important to understand that the Jews use our feelings as a weapon against us. They use sex, drugs, music, news stories, films, hatred, television, parties, games, politics and many, many more things to sway us one way or another. Your feelings can become dangerous to you and others if not kept in check. You will see in this film the confirmation of the things I just mentioned.

You see, your feelings are a way to manipulate you. In the film, the Germans are kept in their homes with a curfew. They practically have no choice but the Talmudvision to get information. The Jews play porn on all 3 stations…What is the purpose you say? The purpose is to poison the peoples minds with contrived realities and the monkey see, monkey do principle. Children are subject to this all the time on Talmudvision. They see a guy with tattoos and piercings and they say…that’s cool. Some of them will believe it is a reality and enact upon it, getting tattoos and piercings thus disobeying Yahweh and causing themselves harm for years to come. The crazy thing is that the guy on Talmudvision may not have had any REAL tattoos or piercings at all. Another way to contrive realities that lure the young to their deaths is to have an actor or rock star pretend that they are gay. The children have been taught that these people should be their idols. They then try to be like their idols in every way. Though the rock star or actor is not truly gay, the child believes it and becomes it and voila….there’s your contrived reality.

One more thing. Notice how the word FREEDOM is used in this video, it is the key to understanding something which is extremely important.

Why Did Jews Create Pornography?

These are only some of the examples that I could present to you. Hopefully you get the message and the understanding of how these filthy Jews work. We must become Jew savvy and warn our children how they operate. May Yahweh save our children from these horrible Demonic wolves!

Yet, one more thing…I got an email about the fact that the video mentions the Catholic church as the only true religion. Well, I figured you all know that the Catholic church is a Satanic entity, which is part of part of Mystery Babylon. I hoped you would automatically disregard the foolish nonsense about the Catholic church. Evidently I was wrong! Take Notice! Disregard the comment about the Catholic church being the only true religion for it is an harlot and totally against Yahweh The Most High! There< That settles that!

David James, EURO-FOLK-RADIO 20 Comments [12/25/2015 6:14:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 115543

Its not pathetic! He IS one of them! Since Vat 2 those who behind the scenes controlled THE pagan church came out into the light! Franny is the LAST poop, er pope! He will usher in the filthy g-d of the jew! Its gonna be a lou lou! TRULY UNIVERSAL! Then BAMM! Bundled and burned! It’s ALL in The Book! OUR BOOKS! Cant wait!

Geno's of AWDAWM, EURO-FOLK-RADIO 6 Comments [12/25/2015 6:13:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 115541

AGRA: In chilling disclosures made by a man who wanted to cure his wife of debilitating mental illness, he told shocked policemen on Thursday that on the "advice" of a tantrik he had already killed four minor girls and was on the lookout to murder three more.

The man, who has been identified as Sonu (he apparently just uses his first name), also revealed to horrified cops that he had raped the four minor girls before killing them. The tantrik had told him that to cure his wife he needed to kill seven minor girls in all.

Incidentally, Sonu is the friend of the man who on Tuesday had been dragged out of a police station in Mathura and lynched by a mob of about 100 men. The dead man has been identified as Lalua Balmiki. The mob had attacked Lalua after accusing him of the rape and murder of a 12-year-old girl.

Police said that Sonu further told him that in his dark deeds it was Lalua who aided him. Sub-inspector Omkar Sharma of Farah police station in Mathura, tasked with guarding Sonu from angry mobs as he recuperates from injuries at the SN Medical College in Agra, said the man had confessed to the murder of the 12-year-old girl whose brutalised body was found in the bushes outside Parkham village early this week.


There has been much tension in the village after the lynching. While the Thakurs protested on railway tracks and halted trains, the Dalits said one of their sons was killed and their houses burnt by upper caste men.

On Wednesday, police lodged an FIR against 100 unnamed men for dragging Lalua out of police lock-up and lynching him. Four policemen were suspended for laxity at work.

Sonu, Lalua Balmiki and an unnamed tantrik, The Times of India 7 Comments [12/25/2015 6:12:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 115540

Some of you may remember a TV series from 1966-1967 called The Time Tunnel. The title construct was what we now refer to as a stargate, featuring a helical tunnel as the portal through which one would pass through time. The logo, seen on the floor of the control room, pictures an hourglass but it should also be seen as the crossing of helical windings, as with DNA. A pyramid is also featured in the logo, and you may also note that the novel is a Pyramid book.

The consistency of all this imagery should speak more and more loudly to us of a reality underlying the common thematic elements. As the Bible declares, there is a dimensional portal that will be opened shortly through which will pass entities as from out of a bottomless pit, entering into our realm as appointed to fulfill the sovereign God's purposes.

Bob Schlenker , the open scroll 15 Comments [12/25/2015 6:11:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 115539

[From a comment on a thread titled "Massachusetts Court Rules Catholic School Cannot Fire Openly Gay Employee"]

Such judges as this, need to be hauled out of their homes, and beaten near to death. They literally need to be beaten for their malfeasance and stupidity.

Perhaps if a few of them woke up in an emergency room, they might develop the respect for Christianity that they currently reserve for Islam.

DiogenesLamp, Free Republic 24 Comments [12/25/2015 6:09:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: slyguy

Quote# 115537

To put mind manipulation techniques in proper perspective, you need to realize that your entire existence is about accomplishing Someone Else’s agenda. If you want to experience a positive existence, you need to get in touch with that Someone Else, ask Him why He made you, and find out what He wants from you. It is through absolute submission to our Creators that we thrive, and yet many self-improvement theories lead you in quite the opposite direction. Many who promote themselves as healers will encourage you to view yourself as an autonomous being who can learn to greatly control the circumstances of your life. Yet this “be the captain of your own ship” mentality is only going to land you into trouble, for you are not the captain of anything. Your life is being run by your Creators, and nothing you do will be able to lessen your dependency on Them. So before you waste countless hours chanting some useless mantra about your internal greatness, and before you surrender yourself into the hands of some irreverent fool who can’t wait to toy with your subconscious, you need to seek the wisdom of the Ones who created you. You need to accept the fact that They created you for purposes that please Them, and until you choose to embrace those purposes, you are not going to thrive.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 7 Comments [12/25/2015 6:08:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 115532

[In response to a tweet asking CJ whether atheists can truly be considered as a greater threat than ISIS, given that the latter group slaughters many across borders, but atheists don't]

Neo atheists don't need terrorism.They have the State ready & able to carry out their anti-Muslim desires.

CJ Werleman, Twitter 9 Comments [12/25/2015 6:08:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 115530

[Part of a longer post titled "Conservative Female Pundits"]

Milo writes in a provocative style, but what he is saying here is true. The Pill tricks a woman’s body into thinking that it is pregnant. Women who are pregnant are going to be attracted to men who are more nurturing. In other words, a woman on the Pill is more likely to go for a beta male than the alpha that she would naturally be attracted to. A woman who is on the Pill when she selects her husband may find that the beta guy no longer appeals to her once she goes off the Pill, which leads to divorce.

There is nothing conservative about the Pill. It has destroyed the family, and it has directly fostered the environment that has enable same-sex marriage to gain acceptance. If the current push to gain acceptance of pedophilia is successful, that too will be traceable to the acceptance of the Pill. To say you are conservative but not fight against the Pill is to preemptively concede victory to the opposition.

Michael Sebastian, Honor and Daring 11 Comments [12/25/2015 6:07:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 115529

There are laws now, I think the homosexual community has put these draconian laws on the books that prohibit people from discussing this particular affliction, you can tell somebody you had a heart attack, you can tell them they’ve got high blood pressure, but you can’t tell anybody you’ve got AIDS.

You know what they do in San Francisco, some in the gay community there they want to get people so if they got the stuff they’ll have a ring, you shake hands, and the ring’s got a little thing where you cut your finger. Really. It’s that kind of vicious stuff, which would be the equivalent of murder.

Pat Robertson, Daily Kos 11 Comments [12/25/2015 6:06:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 115528

Best response to Trump-haters:


"Well, I don't think-"


Vox Day, Twitter 40 Comments [12/24/2015 2:20:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 115527

This is only the first step.The final step is intergenerational sexual activity between adults and children.It is part of the Kinsey agenda.
With the erroneous SCOTus ruling pederasty is now legal in all 50 states I find it disgusting that children are being taught that homosexual contact including the insertion of the hand into the anus is normal loving behavior.Sorry for being so blunt but I feel people that love each other should be respectful. It is all very pagan practice though so not surprising. Like I said this is only the first step toward total freedom of sexual expression between all age groups. It is part of Kinseys agenda as he saw nothing wrong with fathers "fondling" their daughter sexually as long as they did it "lovingly" YUK

cjforJesus, Catholic answer forum  15 Comments [12/24/2015 2:19:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Mary

Quote# 115526

Yes, at the core it is hollow, meaning empty.

Atheism argues one thing and one thing only, that there is no God. This is a negative that implies a hundred other negatives that go nowhere. That is what I experienced as an atheist in my youth. The negative effects of atheism on my life were profound. It was only when I began to see the negative effects of atheism on others (and on society at large) that I was able to look in the mirror and see them in myself as well. 

What is positive about atheism? Nothing. 

What is positive about religion? Everything, so long as you have the right religion. Some radical religions are also negative, but none of them are so hollow as atheism. 

This is not to say that atheists cannot be upstanding citizens in society or have virtues that commend them. But it is to say that atheism cannot spring from fundamental roots that grow happiness in our lives. 

I do not say that religion is a guarantee of happiness, since too many people by the lip service they give to their faith show in their lives that their faith is not authentic. 

The true desire to see God, however, inspires hope and virtue in a way that atheism can never do.

Charlemagne III, Catholic answer forum  16 Comments [12/24/2015 2:19:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Mary

Quote# 115524

Can Dawkins Disprove God in 5 Steps?

Can the idea of a Creator God be easily dismissed in just five steps? Well, atheist and anti-theist Richard Dawkins certainly thinks so!

He recently appeared on a Norwegian-Swedish television show called Skavlan where he quickly dismissed the idea of God by ticking off on his fingers five arguments for God.

Dawkins starts by equating God with fairies, and then says that “the onus is not upon an atheist to say why there is not something, the onus is on a theist to say why there is.” Well, Dr. Richard Dawkins, the onus will actually be on each person on judgment day when he stands before God. And no excuses will be enough when we stand before Him. In the end, every person will bow before Christ and acknowledge Him as Lord (Philippians 2:10–11). You can either do so voluntarily now or by compulsion later.

Dawkins then says that “there simply are no reasons for the existence of a God.” But, of course, this doesn’t mean there actually aren’t any reasons for God’s existence. It simply shows his anti-God bias. He then mentions a few of the common arguments used to demonstrate that there is a God.

Design Exists Because of Darwinian Natural Selection?

Dawkins begins with the argument from design. Now, Scripture is clear that everyone is without excuse for not believing in God because His creation clearly shows that He exists (Romans 1:20). But Dawkins dismisses the powerful argument from design in nature simply by saying that we should expect design because that’s what Darwinian natural selection does, “it makes them look as though they’re designed.” According to Dawkins, “Darwin has exploded once and for all the argument from design.” Dawkins recognizes that things do look designed, but says that the most likely explanation, a Designer, isn’t the case—natural selection simply does it. But what he never explains is how natural selection—a process that only works by decreasing or re-shuffling existing genetic information—is supposed to add the massive amounts of new information that are required to get the complexity we see today from a simple single-celled organism over millions of years. How do you get from simple pond scum to highly complex people without adding massive amounts of new genetic information? You can’t!

People Hallucinate or Are Fooled?

Dawkins next dismisses personal testimony by saying that people hallucinate or are fooled with relative ease. Now, subjective personal experience does need to be weighed carefully (see 1 Thessalonians 5:21), but what I would like to ask Dawkins is the same question Bill Nye was asked during our 2014 debate: where did consciousness (which is needed for our experiences) come from? Nye was at a loss to explain this “great mystery” as he called it and Dawkins likely would be too.

Of course, God’s Word tells us exactly where consciousness (and everything else!) came from—God Himself (Genesis 1:27, 2:7). And, furthermore, in a godless world, how do you even know what truth really is when you have no objective standard for determining truth? Who is to say who is right and who is wrong? As Pilate asked Jesus, without God and His Word, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). And if we are just random chemical accidents, why should we trust anything that comes from our brain anyway? If Dawkins’ worldview is true, then he can’t trust anything that comes from his brain either! It’s ultimately a self-defeating argument. We can only know what truth is because there is a God and He has ordered this world and has given us His Word.

If God Is the First Cause, Then Where Did God Come From?

Next is the argument of the first cause. This argument, in a nutshell, states that everything must have a cause, including the universe. Now, Dawkins dismisses this argument by saying that if God is the first cause, then where did God come from? Frankly, it’s a silly response. God is outside of space and time—in fact, He created these things. He didn’t have a beginning and He will have no end (Psalm 90:2). And if there was someone who created God, then it would be a bigger God, and then a bigger-bigger God would need to create that God, and then a bigger-bigger-bigger God would need to create that God, and so on to infinity. This is silly. If He needed to be created, He wouldn’t be God. But God doesn’t need a Creator; He is self-existent.

Darwin Explains How We Got Here Without God?

Dawkins then explains that Darwin shows how everything got here without the need for God. But Darwin was simply wrong because everything we see in observational science confirms the history of the universe from God’s Word, not Darwin’s ideas—kinds reproduce according to their kinds; we don’t see new genetic information being added to produce brand-new features; life only comes from other life, never from non-life. Life did not originate by itself; it was created by our all-wise Creator.

Pascal’s Wager a Silly Argument?

Lastly, Dawkins addresses the so-called Pascal’s wager, which says that it’s better to believe in God, live a godly life, and be wrong when you die than to reject God and die and go to hell. He says that this is a “silly argument” and that there is no way of knowing if you’ve bet on the right god or not. But I submit that only the God of the Bible makes sense of this world. God alone has left us a coherent Scripture that does not contradict itself and is historically and scientifically accurate in all it says.

But Dawkins does get one thing (sort of) right in his short video in reference to Pascal’s wager. He says that perhaps the God of the Bible would not prefer someone who “slavishly pretends to believe something.” Scripture is clear that God sees the heart, not external signs of worship or belief (1 Samuel 16:7). No one will get to heaven by “slavishly” pretending to believe in God. Salvation only comes by truly believing and trusting in Jesus Christ and His work on the Cross to pay for our sin debt (Romans 10:9–10). That’s the good news of the gospel—salvation is a free gift to those who will put their faith in Christ.

My heart breaks for people like Dawkins who are utterly lost and who, unless they repent and believe in Christ, will face an eternity separated from God in hell. All of their seemingly clever arguments against God will amount to nothing when they stand before His judgment throne. If you are like Dawkins, or even if you believe in God but have not trusted in Christ for salvation, I encourage you to listen to the good news and believe in Christ and be saved.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis 25 Comments [12/24/2015 3:51:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 115521

I find it funny how few people see the obvious connection between sexual liberation (viewed as a good thing) and the increased sexual objectification of women (viewed as a bad thing). Now i know women have always been objectified, but today there's such an emphasis on 'being sexy', you have 10 year old girls trying to be sexy. Do some people, including feminists, want their want to have their cake and eat it to (i know stupid saying)? I mean if you wanna express your sexuality, fine, nothing against that, just don't act all prudish when men admire your assets, is all I'm saying. I'm not saying it's an invitation to rape, but you have to admit it promotes more lewd/animalistic behaviour, because thats our nature. Just look at music videos and porn being so mainstream...I'm not sure if I want to be a parent in this era...

[IDK. It sounds like your saying men aren't civilized and cant be expected to take responsibility for controlling their desires and actions therefore it is a woman's responsibility to suppress their own sexuality or its our fault if we are objectified.

While I agree our society has become more openly sexual I don't agree that it has increased the objectification of women. As you stated that has been going on since the beginning. If anything it has probably decreased the objectification and increased the empowerment as the naked female body is seen as less taboo.]

What does 'controlling their desires' mean though? If a man gets aroused at a woman in a bikini is that his fault? Now he can make the decision to force himself on her, but that would be wrong, but he'll still objectify her. That is just nature. But that's not even what I'm talking about. Women want to have sexual freedom, they like sex...yes, that's nothing new too...if they want to show off their body in such a sexual manner, have a lot of hook ups/be promiscuous, they have to expect men will lust after them, right? If they can accept that, then fine. The thing is, this will simply lead to self-worth being based more on looks and sexiness.

You seriously think women are less objectified now than in the past? Look at advertising, look at music videos, compare now and 100 years ago. One could argue that in some ways men respected women more 100 years ago, while in some ways they respected them less. It's a bit of both, but the sexual objectification is part of sexual liberation, whether we like it or not.

In that case women are objectified as much as ever. There are still women in beer commercial, Hooters girls, pretty but incompetent waitresses...it's not all one-sided, too...many women TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS, so I get sick of women always thinking it's the man's fault for this happening...that's what I'm talking about.

Women say 'we don't wanna be objectified', but they flaunt their sexuality and USE it for their own purposes. Not ALL (obviously) but a lot. And pop culture and society promote this, 'you can use your sex appeal to get to the top,' 'if you've got it flaunt it' attitude. Now do you get it?

The Postman, City-data 17 Comments [12/24/2015 3:43:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 115520

I don't like fathers taking on sons. The whole thing is warped. Can't they have noble fathers who give up life for children in story like in Starblazers? Why did fathers die in the battles in reality? Why do men become villains in reality? Villains go against the wish of good fathers. If one has a bad father, he could look up to God and also to the real sacrificial men in order to understand true manhood. No excuse for being bad.That's what's so unrealistic about Star Wars and all other Hollywood stories. The actual villains are baby-killing prostitutes and their playboy lovers and their perv friends. And Darth Vader cannot be good. Nazi generals were good to their own children but were butchering the Jewish children at the same time; those humans cannot be classified as good in any sense and deserve only execution after being given a time for repentance. Hollywood has no morality or a sense of justice; that's why they have problems.

Grace Kim Kwon, The Christian Post 22 Comments [12/24/2015 3:43:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 115518

Jesus was known for calling out fake Christians and I know Jesus would have looked Obama in the eyes and called him a liar and a hypocrite.

Fritz Chery, Bible Reasons 34 Comments [12/24/2015 2:57:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: solomongrundy

Quote# 115506

We are more different from apes than apes are from viruses. Our difference is a metaphysical chasm. It is obvious and manifest in our biological nature. We are rational animals, and our rationality is all the difference. Systems of taxonomy that emphasize physical and genetic similarities and ignore the fact that human beings are partly immaterial beings who are capable of abstract thought and contemplation of moral law and eternity are pitifully inadequate to describe man.

The assertion that man is an ape is self-refuting. We could not express such a concept, misguided as it is, if we were apes and not men.

Micheal Egnor, Evolution News and Views 23 Comments [12/23/2015 7:08:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Ivurm
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