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Quote# 103138

A judge in Australia has been reprimanded because he dared state what many have been thinking as we watch the progression of sexual sin in the world. He was temporarily suspended for suggesting that modern juries may be coming to the point where they could not see a problem with incest.

He cited the fact that in the 1950s a jury would have found it “...unnatural for a man to be interested in another man... Those things have gone.”

He observed that the reason for incest laws was to prevent genetic abnormalities in children born to close relatives. The ease of contraception and abortion has eliminated this concern, he reasoned.

Because we are ignoring God’s clear abhorrence for sexual perversion, the situation is getting more chaotic. In Houston, Texas, the lesbian mayor signed a law allowing “transgenders” to use whichever bathroom they wish. Some schools are also wrestling with this confusion.

This year the Southern Baptist Convention was forced to make a clear statement because a pastor at an SBC-member church performed a same sex marriage for his son. They resolved that God’s design for gender did not include a “third way.”

Many other groups are watching the success of the homosexual steam roller, hoping to duplicate the public acceptance of their perversion. In Brooklyn, a 15-apartment complex dedicated to “polyamory” is almost full, says Leon Feingold, co-president of Open Love NY. In contrast to polygamy, (one man, many wives), polyamory is defined as “participation in multiple and simultaneous loving or sexual relationships.”

The North American Man-Boy-Love Association web site continues to advocate for the elimination of the age-of-consent laws allowing adult sexual predators legal access to children.

Many colleges and universities from Bowdoin to Vanderbilt have instituted “non-discrimination” policies telling Christian campus clubs that they cannot bar homosexuals from leadership. While all sinners are welcome to attend meetings, leaders cannot be required to sign a pledge to abstain from unbiblical behavior.

Some voices of sanity are beginning to be heard. The British Royal College of Psychiatrists has come out with a statement that there is no proof that people are born homosexual. This undercuts the laws in some states against “reparative therapy” where professional counselors are forbidden to counsel anyone underage wishing help in converting to a normal lifestyle.

The “born-that-way” mantra of homosexuals was again called into question by a recent report from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Citing a comprehensive scientific study of 400 homosexual men “…the researchers concluded that homosexuality cannot be traced to specific genes.”

While scientists still maintain that genetics can be a factor, they admit that: “Environmental factors, such as the absence of a father or an unhealthy domestic upbringing, might play significant roles.”

Studies of this sort help bring the discussion back to the biblical viewpoint, that homosexual behavior is a choice. While many “evangelicals” have bought the idea of a homosexual “orientation” which presumes born-that-way, other explanations are surfacing.

One study indicated that an overwhelming majority of those so “oriented” were molested as children.

This tends to support the view presented in the Chick tract, Home Alone, that demonic involvement is introduced early on. Bible believers must continue to present God’s word on the subject: perversion of sexual activity outside His original plan of man and wife is sin. God, through Christ, provided a remedy for all sin, no matter how tenacious its hold on a person.

Further information on reaching those involved in this sin can be found in the Chick ebook, Hot Topics, along with other subjects such as pornography, Islam, persecution, Israel and demonism.

Chick Publications, Chick.com 34 Comments [9/3/2014 3:31:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 103131

God wants us to experience pain: many, many forms of it. It has always been His intention for the human race to fall into sin and struggle along under the context of a curse. Those who say God hates pain forget who it was that was doing all the cursing in Eden: it wasn’t Satan who came up with the idea of women having pain in childbirth or men toiling in misery. God was the One who brought all forms of pain into this world and cursed it forevermore. Adam and Eve were powerless beings whose act of biting into the flesh of a fruit had no adverse effects on the way the world worked. It was God who chose to make a big deal out of their action, and it was God who chose to use their defiance as an excuse to unleash evil into the world—evil which He demonstrated complete control over by announcing just when and how it would be loosed upon us.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 41 Comments [9/3/2014 3:27:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 103130

Why doesn’t Jesus just come to the point and stop with the cute stories? Because there is a large crop of souls who are in His immediate audience that He doesn’t want to understand the spiritual principles He is talking about. Jesus is using parables to intentionally block people from understanding Him and receiving salvation. Now there’s something you’ll never be taught in Sunday School, and yet here it is in black and white. This is why context is so important. Whenever you find someone in the New Testament quoting the Old Testament, look for a cross-reference in your Bible and check out what was going on in the passage that they are quoting from. When Jesus quotes Yahweh’s chilling words in Isaiah 6, the Jews He is talking to immediately understand what He is saying. But today we Christians just blow by this most shocking revelation and say, “Jesus spoke in parables to help make His messages really clear to His audience. What a smart Teacher.” What an absolute crock! Jesus Himself said that He spoke in parables to confuse people and prevent them from understanding Him. The parables were a negative, not a positive. And once you understand what Jesus’ intentions really were, the parables are downright disturbing.

Today we’re so busy quoting “God is love” that we forget that He’s a lot of other things, too. Hateful, wrathful, vengeful, violent, grudge-holding—these are all traits that God has in great abundance as well as love, and all of these traits come to the surface whenever God is speaking to the third group in our list: rebels who He has completely rejected

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 27 Comments [9/3/2014 3:27:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 103129

So does God hate certain people? Absolutely! To deny this is to reject a truth that God puts in front of our faces all throughout the Bible. When we try to avoid the subject of God’s anger, we remain mystified by the concept of Hell, and we reject the notion of eternal damnation by saying things like, “Hell is only temporary. God doesn’t really enjoy tormenting people. Eventually, everyone will end up in Heaven. Jesus is deeply grieved when souls end up in Hell.” Each of these statements is an absolute lie. God doesn’t hate to torment His enemies. HE LOVES IT. He relishes it and He flaunts it. He finds it so satisfying that He just can’t get enough of it, which is why the souls who end up in Hell will be tormented there for an eternity.

When we are badly taught about God’s anger, we end up thinking that God delights in torturing everyone—that He is getting high off of making our lives miserable on earth. But this is another lie. There is only one group that God delights in tormenting: the group He has eternally cut off. THERE ARE NO CHRISTIANS IN THIS GROUP. If Jesus is your Lord, then God does not delight in tormenting you. Yes, He will discipline you, and if need be, He will give you quite a severe beating. But His love towards you will never falter, and everything He does to you will be out of a desire to draw you closer to Him. This is the power of Christ’s atonement: once you are accepted by God, you are permanently shielded from ever becoming an object of His hate. But if you are not atoned by Christ and you reject the Holy Spirit’s many invitations to repent and get right with Him, then the day comes when the Trinity will decide that you are now a member of that third terrible group. At that point, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and Yahweh will all consider you to be Their enemies, and Their love for you will change into intensely hatred. You will be someone who They delight in tormenting and They will publicly flaunt your misery before other creatures They have made for all of eternity (see Why Hell?).

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 23 Comments [9/3/2014 3:27:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 103128

If we’re going to stay faithful to a God who thinks it’s a good idea to maim, torture, and kill us, we need to be darn sure that He is good. But then again, suppose He’s not good? What if God were evil by nature? Then we could all rebel against Him and…go where? It’s still His universe. He’s still in absolute control. If God isn’t good, we are in serious trouble. There are no other options. Peter had this figured out, so when a bunch of Jesus’ disciples got tired of Him and left, and Jesus asked if Peter would do the same, he replied:

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” (Jn. 6:68-69)

Once we learn who God is, we realize that He is the only Truth. He is the only Authority. We might not always like His Truth, and we might not like what He does with His Authority, but if we think we can escape His rule we are deluding ourselves. In this world, Christians aren’t persecuted because Satan got the upper hand. Satan gets his power from God, and God then micro-manages the way that Satan uses that power. This is what God teaches us in His Word: that His control is absolute over every aspect of everything that He has created. This is a truth that the Holy Spirit confirms to our souls over and over again as we read through headlines about Christians being persecuted and slaughtered around the world. So given all of this, what should our response be? Should we be sending up a million prayers for God to stop what He’s doing? Should we be telling God He is wrong in the way that He is using His power? Should we be groaning like those martyrs in Heaven and tell God to get off His duff and stop doing things we don’t like? No, we shouldn’t. This is not a reverent way to speak to the Almighty King. We should be honest with God about how much His choices disturb and upset us. We should be honest about the questions it raises in our minds about how good and trustworthy He is. And then we should ask the Holy Spirit to make our view of God one that is both aligned with His truths and honoring to Him. God is good, He is trustworthy, and He is running this world in a way that is deserving of praise. But He is the only One who can convince us of this these things. We’re not going to get there crying over martyrs and making ourselves sick reading graphic descriptions of torture and sadism. We’re not going to get there worrying about the growing power of religious extremists. We must look to God—the very One who is doing all these things—and ask Him to keep us in alignment with Him. Submission takes on a whole new meaning when we acknowledge God’s involvement with evil. Trust becomes far more challenging. But if we are serious about getting closer to God, we can’t back away from these sobering lessons.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 16 Comments [9/3/2014 3:27:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 103126

Gavin McInnes thinks that Marriage is a panacea, as in, if we just allow gays to get married, they'll settle down and jettison their cultural Marxism and stop having promiscuous sex, like Gavin did.

Gavin is heterosexual and a reformed rake who married outside his peer group, because his peer group is so jaded and STD-ridden there's no marriageable females left in it. He thinks marriage is good, which it is, ergo if only homosexuals could experience marriage they'd all settle down and become reformed hipsters, like Gavin has. But what Gavin doesn't realize is that homosexuals can never, ever experience marriage. Marriage, to use a crude metaphor, is how the plug and the outlet find common ground in order to complete the whole human experience. Two plugs or two outlets can't do this. You can offer marriage to whatever couplings the deviant mind can dream up; it won't expunge the pathology from the pathological. Gay marriage is not about turning gays into low time-preference, minarchist conservatives who live behind picket fences. It's about devaluing marriage for all of society by extending it to any and all sexual couplings.

Marriage ties one into the entire great chain of being. It's a little micro-cosmos, a mini-kingdom, the Creation story playing out right there in your living room. Two homosexuals can't recreate that, and I don't care with what level of dignity and refinement they carry themselves or what extruded process they go through to acquire children. The idea that George Takei or Elton John are "married" to their partners will always be a pathetic joke.

The Anti-Gnostic, The Anti-Gnostic 17 Comments [9/3/2014 3:25:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 103120

Jesus called the two disciples on the road to Emmaus “fools” for being slow to believe the Scriptures. Apple computer founder, Steve Jobs, was at best religiously complicated and confused. He rejected Christianity outright and was a follower of the false religion of Zen Buddhism. Effectively, Jobs was an atheist because he rejected Christ as God. I mean, whether you believe in God or believe in a false god, effectively it's the same thing, because either way you've rejected the one true God of Israel.

All Muslims are atheists. Why? It's because Islam teaches that their god, Allah, has no son, so he couldn't have died on the cross for anyone's sins. In sharp contrast, Biblical Christianity is based upon the truth that God sent His only begotten (biological) Son into the world to die on the cross in our place (John 3:16-17), to pay our debt of sin (2nd Corinthians 5:21), so we could escape eternal damnation in the fires of Hell (Romans 5:9). Thank you Lord Jesus!!! Anyone who denies Jesus' deity (that He is almighty God Who came in the flesh, John 1:1-3,14; John 10:33) is an atheist.


It makes me sad to think that anyone is in Hell, burning in fire, but that is what the holy Bible teaches. Unless your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:15, “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious.org 22 Comments [9/3/2014 3:19:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 103118

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Wednesday explained to his viewers that Robin Williams had recently committed suicide because “the heathen” worships false gods like fame and money.

“What is your God? Is it money?” Robertson asked. “So, when you get money, what’s going to happen? Is it fame? So, when you get fame, what’s going to happen?”

“You know, you see these very popular people in the media who commit suicide like Robin Williams recently,” he continued. “And you say, ‘What is the deal with him? What happened?’”

“Well, you see, the God of the heathen are idols. And everything that you seek in life will ruin you, unless that something and somebody is God himself.”

According to Robertson, no one would commit suicide once they have found his true God.

“Don’t let sexual attraction be your idol, don’t let fame or money or any of these things be your god, but come to the Lord Jesus.”

After encouraging viewers to pray with him, he asked that everyone call in to CBN.

“Pick up the phone, say, ‘Look, I just prayed with that guy on TV, I prayed with Pat, I gave my heart to the Lord,’” he advised.

Pat Robertson, The Raw Story 20 Comments [9/3/2014 3:18:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 103114

The problem is that our liberal culture encourages us to respond to these experiences of unhappiness by blaming the ever-so-slight remnants of the traditional “NO!” This makes things worse. The LGBTQ project is a good example of this. Nine times out of ten, a “transgendered” individual would be far happier if he or she were simply told, with effective authority—you’re a boy or girl.

R.R. Reno, First Things 41 Comments [9/2/2014 3:30:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 103113

Kind of funny that during the supposedly wicked days of blatant male dominance and patriarchy, women dressed in a much more modest and dignified manner.

Somehow, even though excessively skimpy outfits coincide with women’s liberation, it’s patriarchy’s fault that women choose to dress like sluts.

I guess the netizens in the manosphere don’t call it the rationalization “hamster” for nothing.

Bay Area Guy, Occident Invicta 36 Comments [9/2/2014 3:29:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 103110

These Yazidis, nationalistic Kurds etc are all Kuffar. Their blood and wealth are halal.
So whats the fuss.

MuhammadAbdullah89, Islamic Awakening 29 Comments [9/2/2014 3:28:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Hazelnut

Quote# 103108

On today’s edition of the “700 Club,” a viewer told Robertson that her 13-year-old step-son, who “lives with his mother most of the time,” has “crushes on boys” and wanted the televangelist’s help.

Repeating the myth that homosexuality is the result of a lack of parental bonding, Robertson said “his attraction is now toward other men because he’s raised by a woman.”

“I would get him male companions, I’d get him some man to help him, some mentor, someone who cares about young men,” Robertson advised. “He is being raised by a single woman and that is skewing his orientation.”

Pat Robertson, Right Wing Watch 24 Comments [9/2/2014 3:11:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 103107

I shudder to think when Sarah Silverman dies how awful she's going to suffer. Silverman is Jewish and openly blasphemes the name of Jesus often, just as many Christ-rejecting Jews do today. Jon Stewart (real name: Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz) recently referred to Christ's nativity scene as “the Virgin Manger.” No one hates Jesus as much as Christ-rejecting Jews; and no one loves Jesus as much as truly born-again Jews. I believe that. It was Nicodemus, a born-again Jew (and Joseph of Arimathaea), who loved Jesus and prepared the body of our precious Lord for burial and then buried Him in a tomb.

ABC TV debuted a new sitcom on March 4, 2012 called GCB (Good Christian Bitches). Every Hollywood movie today blasphemes the name of Jesus. Sexual suggestiveness in every movie is synonymous with Jewish-owned Hollywood.

Do you think God has missed any of this filth and blasphemy? These God-haters, sodomites and blasphemers are reserved for the lowest (hottest) parts of Hell. Conan O'Brien is Irish, but he is paid to blaspheme Christ by the Jewish-owned networks. Conan O' Brian brags that he is going to Hell when he dies!

All those lost without Christ will be cast body and soul into Hell forever and ever. Did you know that God casts one's “body” into Hell too? Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” It would seem likely that God must provide some type of body that can withstand the intense heat of a furnace, burning day and night, where the smoke ascendeth up forever and ever.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 38 Comments [9/2/2014 3:11:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 103106

The chairman of the Old Testament who translated the New International Version was an open homosexual. No wonder he removed the word “sodomite” from the Bible completely. It is wickedness to remove the word sodomite from the Bible, which is the Biblical term for a homosexual. Romans 1:25 says that the wicked “change the truth of God into a lie.” Homosexuality is a horrible sin, just as are all sins. Any sin can be forgiven in Christ, but this does not mean embracing the homosexual lifestyle as being acceptable or legitimate. The NIV Bible is of the Devil, translated and endorsed by homosexuals.

If you love Jesus, then you're not going to use a perverted Bible version that diminishes His deity, removes the Godhead and removed the blood of Jesus 15 TIMES!

If Dr. John R. Rice were still alive on earth today, I am convinced that he would take an uncompromising stand as I am, as a preacher, against the perversion of modern corrupt Bible versions. The NIV took the Bible version issue to a whole new level. Now the new NIV 2011 has been published, which is gender neutral, no longer calls the Holy Spirit a “He,” wives are no longer commanded to obey their husbands, et cetera.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 24 Comments [9/2/2014 3:11:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 103104

[South Carolina Town has Lesbian Police Chief]

If you read the article it sounds like this sodomite intends to start flaunting and permuting her life style actively from here on out.

If that is the case I’m not sure that’s the sort of environment i’d want to live and raise children around. Sodomy is a diseases, and while victims should be treated with respect and fairness, they should not be trying to spread their misfortune.

There is a fine line between being respected as a person and being a bad role model. If she was as upstanding as she was in the past keeping this sinful and private part of her life behind closed doors there is no reason she can’t continue as she has been.

But if she goes on and does as she seems to be suggesting she now intends to do in the rest of this article in promoting this behavior, then I say that crossed the line, and she should not continue as a community role model.

Monorprise, Free Republic 29 Comments [9/2/2014 3:04:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 103096

[Bolding mine]

Feminism draws several stark contrasts with the truth of revealed Scripture, rejecting biblical paradigms at every turn. In fact, for the Christian, feminism is best described as a declaration of war against the Bible’s teaching on sexuality. It should be recognized up front that feminism is not a Christian worldview; in fact it is an anti-Christian worldview. The Bible teaches that God created us Male and Female. Feminism teaches that gender is a social construct. The Bible teaches that men and women have distinct roles. Feminism teaches that the gender roles are evil and the Bible is an evil, patriarchal book. Those who hold to Feminism with even a modicum of consistency are lost. Many of them are themselves antichrists.

Timothy Dukeman, Deeper than Sound-Bites 35 Comments [9/1/2014 3:40:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 103095

The Biblical testimony is clear: you must choose: Feminism or Christianity. You can't have both. How should we think about those who claim to be Christians but still support homosexuality? We should understand that they are lost and pray that God will grant them repentance. To do any less is to refuse to affirm what Scripture teaches.

Timothy Dukeman, Deeper than Sound-Bites 38 Comments [9/1/2014 3:38:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 103090

people why it is not beneficial to participate in, if in fact there was something wrong with it. I have precious friends and family that have participated in the challenge and I want to make it clear that I am not wanting to offend anybody or condemn anybody who has done the challenge.

If you did it in innocence, then I don’t believe God holds it against you but I do believe that if a Christian participates in it, they should ask God to forgive them and break off any resulting curses. Let me tell you why. After spending time in prayer and doing much research today, I was really bothered by the fact that this Ice Bucket Challenge was bothering me and I didn’t know why. It was on my mind a lot and I kept asking God why. After much prayer and research, I found that the founder, Corey Griffin, of the movement seemed like a good guy. I didn’t find anything wrong with this kid except that he died last week and was unfortunate.

Is his death related to the challenge or is it just a misfortune? Yes and no. On the surface of things, the whole challenge seems like a good cause. It basically is creating awareness to raise funds for Lou Gehrig’s disease, which is a disease of the nerve cells of the brain. The Ice Bucket Challenge is to throw a bucket of ice water on yourself or give a donation towards ALS which does research for finding a cure for the disease.

This is what I found out and what God showed me in my research. ALS uses some of their funds towards Embryonic Stem Cell Research. When I saw that, I finally knew why I was bothered by this challenge in my spirit, but yet still seemed harmless. But I can’t support human embryos being used and destroyed for such a thing. I can’t support killing a baby for this cause. What also bothers me is that the devil himself has come in through the back door to lure the unsuspecting to participate in a ritual that basically signs a contact with the devil to participate in a kind of abortion.

The phenomena of the craze on social media is fueled by a deceiving spirit that brings death. Is it possible that Corey Griffin caused his own death? I hate to say it and it sounds hard and he seemed like a nice guy but this is the perfect picture of the innocent dabbling in something that has originated from hell itself. A life was taken. An innocent life.

This depicts the fact and is a prophetic message that innocent life is taken to try and find a cure for this disease. God definitely wants there to be a cure, but not this way. This whole Embryonic Stem Cell Research is man’s idea, not God’s. It is man’s way of acting out to “be God” in deciding who lives and who dies. This just should not be. I get sick to my stomach thinking about it. So now that I think about what what my friend said that their ex-satanist friend said about the ice bucket ritual, I see very clearly what God is saying through all this.

The enemy has come into America through the back door with what seems like a good work and a good cause but it is only on the surface. As you dig a little deeper and take the time to research, you will see that what I am saying is true. This is a type of sacrifice. It is a type of satanic sacrifice. All these human embryos are being sacrificed. A type of cannibalism is occurring because this craze and this phenomena is causing people to give into this one fund and neglecting other good and noble foundations that have have better causes and more moral ones.

There is definitely a spirit behind this cause and it is not the Holy Spirit. God would never endorse such a fundraiser that supports using human embryos for research. It is abortion, plain and simple. To all those who have already participated, there is no condemnation, but there is a plea from the heart of God to pray, seek his face and ask forgiveness. I really didn’t want to post anything for or against this challenge.

I didn’t want to get involved. But The Lord challenged me to speak the truth and I have done so. Though this post is lengthy, it is very important to pay attention to what God is saying here. Let there be a lesson learned. WE MUST KNOW WHAT WE ARE GIVING INTO! We should only give into good soil.

I have concluded that the Ice Bucket Challenge is not good soil to sow into. I also pray for those who have the Lou Gehrig’s disease that they will be healed by The Lord Jesus Christ and a more noble and moral research breakthrough for this disease will be found. I’m so sorry for offending anyone because of this post. That is not my heart to hurt anyone. Please hear me on this. I felt it was important to speak the truth and speak what The Lord wanted me to say. I truly love you all. Let me leave you with this final, but powerful thought.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!”

~ Reeni Mederos

mr.z, Banoosh 22 Comments [9/1/2014 3:36:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 103087

The average Christian fails to realize that most of the hospitals in America are owned and operated by false religions... St. Elizabeth's... St. Joseph's... St. Mary... St. Jude... et cetera. Eighty-percent of all hospitals in America are Roman Catholic. Please don't misunderstand me, I am NOT condoning false religion. I am just saying that there are few options available when you need a doctor. If I had the choice, I would NEVER step foot into a Catholic hospital.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 40 Comments [9/1/2014 3:31:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 103083

Intactivists are generally discouraged from talking about things we cannot prove. Like, does circumcision sometimes mess up personal relationships and contribute to divorce? And could there be a connection between circumcision and war?

As I see it, all boys are born with an intact penis. Boys left intact, what you might call the default, become men with the genitals that have evolved over hundreds of millions of years. They are going to function perfectly with their female counterpart: they evolved to function together. And if those parts were defective, evolution would have eradicated them.

Once you cut off the foreskin, though (say as a sacrifice to the gods or as a painful rite of passage), the law of unintended consequences kicks in. In the old days, people had no idea what they were cutting off. And they cut off only the part of the foreskin that extended beyond the head of the penis. And even today, American medical associations don't talk about the anatomy or physiology of the part they are cutting off.

As I see it, physicians who would cut if off have to prove that there is a medical basis for it and that it does no harm. Whereas medical associations outside the U.S. say there is no medical basis for it and that it does cause pain, physical harm, sexual problems, and sometimes psychological harm.

So to get to the point, American physicians cannot prove that circumcision does not injure the brains of newborns. They have no resistance to pain. They are bombarded with pain. What effect does this have on the brain? We know that circumcision changes sensitivity to pain, possibly for life, so what is happening to the infant brain?

The same with sex. American medical associations claim that circ. does not affect men's sex lives (they don't mention women). That's just B.S. Without a foreskin, the penis doesn't function properly. It's only common sense that it you remove 1/2 of the penile covering, full of nerves and blood vessels, it must change sensation. And studies show that the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis. So the likelihood is great that circumcision messes up men's sex lives. And since it turns the penis into a dry stick, that it's going to mess up women's sex lives. Doctors cannot prove otherwise.

Now what effect do you think this has on relationships? There is evidence that circumcised men are less likely to be open about their feelings. Which makes sense. And there is evidence that women enjoy sex more with intact men and less with circumcised men, which makes sense. E.g., one study said women feel less fulfilled with sex. Well then it makes sense that couples are going to be more unhappy with each other, and that this could contribute to the divorce rate. Again, it makes sense, and doctors cannot prove otherwise.

The same can be said of aggressiveness. I keep hearing the rule that abuse begets abuse. You were abused, you abuse someone else. Men who were circumcised are much more likely to opt to circumcise their sons. Violence is inflicted on you, for some reason, you are more likely to inflict it on others.

So it is reasonable to ask, might circumcision contribute to aggression and war? Some could argue no, consider Hitler. You could argue yes, presently circumcised populations are perpetually at war, while the non-circumcised countries mostly are at peace. So circumcision might contribute to the war-like nature of the U.S. Doctors can't prove otherwise.

Maybe circumcision contributes to autism too. There's evidence for that. Doctors can't prove otherwise.

All I'm saying is, all of these claims that circumcision really messes men up and their partners more than ever imagined in the 1950's when 90% of men were circumcised are worthy of consideration. They might all be true. We should keep investigating and see if there is a basis for these claims.

The only possible conclusion is that we no one should cut off part of boys' or girls' genitals. It causes all these harms that were pretty obvious, and have been proven, but it might be more harmful than we know today. There's no money in it for doctors, investigating how harmful circumcision is. So the only conservative thing to do to avoid all these problems - the ones that are obvious and the unintended ones - it to leave boys' penises alone.

photenman, Foreskin Restoration Forum 44 Comments [9/1/2014 3:28:54 AM]
Fundie Index: -5

Quote# 103081

Women have no mind of their own because they ARE US. The lower male rib contains stem cells and is the only part of the male body that if severed, will grow back like a chameleons tail. True in genesis the first woman came FROM THE MALE. Scripture isn't too technical about the details of WOMANS genesis, but it is clear that they came FROM US. Could clones have souls? What about minds? It is suspect that women have incomplete minds at best. WE MEN MUST dominate them with OUR MINDS. The dominated woman is then blessed with a surrogate or shadow mind (our mind) so long as we maintain and bestow that upon her. The greatest gift in life for a woman is to be dominated by a man and be blessed with a home in his castle and to live within the sphere of his mind. Being dominated mind and body by a man is as close to having an authentic 'mind' as a woman can possibly get.

kramw, Return of Kings 44 Comments [9/1/2014 3:27:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives
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