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Quote# 102091

[The other fundies have been talking about boycotting Burger King because of their "Proud Whopper".]

I agree with your boycotting Burger King. There should be a price to pay if they choose to promote the homosexual propaganda.

As a side note, the word "whopper" has a secondary definition of "an extravagant or monstrous lie", which I would say gives a very appropriate meaning to their "proud whopper" program.

Clouds, Rapture Ready 32 Comments [7/14/2014 3:19:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 102085

Realityland to liberal: race is NOT equal to or even remotely similar to sexual "orientation". For one thing, an interracial marriage is a HETEROSEXUAL union, which you leftist losers conveniently fail to mention. For another, only a liberal interlekshal can equate absolutely normal but instantly recognizable biological traits with an abnormal sexual preference that is totally undetectable unless the queer is a flaming fairy.

When strolling down the sidewalk, one not need to be Sherlock Holmes to detect a black person. However, deducing that a person is homosexual is impossible unless the queer is making a blatant public display of it. If queers are "persecuted" (e.g., told by a baker that he will not do a cake for a queer 'wedding'), it is because the queers have freely chosen to reveal their homosexuality.

Thought food time: homosexuals who feel that they must publicly "out" themselves are not brave or courageous or daring. They are immature, insecure brats who crave attention and require public approbation for their "orientation". The concepts of self-respect, self-confidence and self-control are alien to them. Their behavior is akin to children shouting, "Mommy, lookit me. Lookit me! MOMMY!" It matters not a whit to them what people think of their antics and behavior, as long as they are noticed.

There is always an almost irresistible urge to open a 55-gallon drum of whupass on them.

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 40 Comments [7/14/2014 3:16:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 102082

Yes we are all the same.

Homosexuality is directly linked to pedophilia at a rate that makes black crime compared to White crime tame. This issue should be the main argument against homosexuality. So insane considering this tactic would work.
I rarely eat at burger king but now it will be never.

It appears corporations are picking sides at an increased rate. The govts next step must be to openly get rid of anti-leftists companies. Not even ANTI-leftists just the companies that aren't PRO-leftist

SilentPride, Stormfront.com 27 Comments [7/14/2014 3:13:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102080

What we learn from the Bible is that borders are God’s idea, and that such borders are to be respected. They are not to be crossed without permission. -

Our southern border is there by God’s design. To disregard it, to treat it as if were not there, to regard it as something not worth respecting and defending, is an insult to the God who put it there for our benefit.

Bryan Fischer, Right Wing Watch 48 Comments [7/14/2014 3:13:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 102072

It's just that if a child finds she likes and trusts a particular adult, and the adult likes and feels love for that child - why shouldn't part of their closeness have a sensual element - the adult can teach the child about hygiene, biology, physical development, interpersonal relationships, mutuality, love and respect, as well as how to safely experience and give pleasure - so many things which another child wouldn't be able to.

Whilst such a relationship would risk being harmful to the child in the context of modern, consumer society because of the intense stigma the child will eventually become aware of, I don't think that such a nurturing, consensual, child-led relationship would be intrinsically any more harmful than children playing at sex with other children.

papercut 100, Spiked 54 Comments [7/14/2014 3:05:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 76

Quote# 102071

If family's are so closed off,ain't that a good case for incest? providing it's
consensual and loving,again just a taboo,I'm not talking penetration here,until past puberty,how much of it goes on anyway,farther daughter,daughter bro,bro younger bro etc?

As far as a non family member is concerned,the owner of the property,can legally eject anyone out their house at any time,regardless of the age of consent,but hay some parents don't give a fuck about their kids,falling into the arms of a benign pedo,could be just what they need.also don't forget
kids who have no parents,due to accident etc.

george, Spiked 31 Comments [7/14/2014 3:04:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 102069

Couldn't have made the case better myself. The only thing I'd add is that ages of consent across the world used to be about 12 at the most with some places (e.g. Delaware, USA) being 7. So really the idea of legalising 'paedophilia' being excessively liberal is ridiculous - it is in reality our society now that is excessively puritanical.

The body of evidence in favour of the legalisation of 'paedophilia' is so enormous that there really is no reason not to. The only reason why the arguments are not heard is because governments have clamped down on and arrested those who try to speak the truth, such as the members of PIE, the members of the Dutch organisation Martijn and so forth.

The war on paedophiles really is a war on freedom of speech.

holocaust21, Spiked 23 Comments [7/14/2014 3:01:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 102068

Alternatives to 'raping a child':

1sublimating the sexual urge in good works and sporting activities
2 consensual sensual activities with an adult
3 consensual sex with an adult
4 consensual sex with several adults
5 masturbation
6 auto-erotic activities
7 celibacy
8 consensual sexual or sensual activities with a non-human animal.
9 sex with a prostitute
10 consensual sensual activities with a child
11 consensual non-penetrative sexual activities with a child (i.e; not legal in the UK but definitely not 'Rape'.)

There, that's 11 alternatives you can contemplate next time you haven't had sex for a long time and are thinking that your only option is to go and 'rape' someone.

papercut 100, Spiked 30 Comments [7/14/2014 3:01:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 102067

...God does not support vaccines, and it is objectionable to our faith.


If you’re a Christian, you might be surprised to know that more than 23 vaccines contain cells, cellular debris, protein, and DNA from aborted babies...


Human safety studies on the effects of aborted fetal DNA, cells, and proteins? Zero. But there is research that shows that the mixing of DNA in the vaccine and DNA in your child could be one of the many ways vaccines contribute to cancer and autism. (See how I did that? Implicated vaccines as a contributing factor in autism without even mentioning mercury?)


?It’s true…most Christians don’t question vaccinations and haven’t thought about God’s take on the issue. I used to be one of them. Regardless of your denomination, we all serve the same God, and God does not support vaccines. So, we should stop pretending that He does. I for one will fight for the religious exemption. You should too.

Megan, Living Whole 41 Comments [7/14/2014 3:01:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Dewey Cheatham

Quote# 102066

There's no way that the state of California can deny a marriage license to four spouses now. Eight spouses, or I would say three human spouses and the canine they absolutely love because if love is the foundation of marriage, they can love their dog, too.

Keith Ablow, Fox & Friends 32 Comments [7/14/2014 3:00:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 102062

Once again God is mocking this DOOMED nation which is full of time, and money wasters. Today there is a report of two dozen people being stranded for about two hours on the Ninja Roller Coaster in Southern California: http://news.yahoo.com/two-dozen-rescued-being-stranded-california-roller-coaster-061219304.html


@WBCSays has told you time and again that when you take the resources that God has given you and squirrel them away, when you should be using them to serve HIM, you are in big trouble.

Westboro Baptist Church, WBC Blogs 56 Comments [7/13/2014 6:21:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 102059

I've commented in the past about the insanity of any society that prioritizes the education of its women over preparing them to be wives and mothers. After all, the one and only thing any society actually NEEDS from its women, the one and only thing humanity actually needs from its female members, is for them to propagate the citizenry and the species. Powerpoint presentations and prospective cancer cures are all very nice, but they are, strictly speaking, unnecessary luxuries without which the species has survived since before the dawn of recorded human history.

Societies without children, on the other hand, tend to terminate within a single generation.

Since we know intelligence is heritable, it has long been obvious that educating women to the point that they decline to breed was bound to have long-term implications, especially if the women least likely to have children tended to be the most intelligent women. The hypergamous nature of women being what it is, it logically follows that unless the most intelligent women can be supplied with a selection of prospective mates who are more intelligent and more educated than they are, they will increasingly refuse to breed. This has observably been the case, and now the negative effect of encouraging equality in education has been quantified:

This study estimates the effect of dysgenic trends in Taiwan by exploring the relationships among intelligence, education and fertility. Based on a representative adult sample, education and intelligence were negatively correlated with the number of children born. These correlations were stronger for females. The decline of genotypic intelligence was estimated as 0.82 to 1.33 IQ points per generation for the Taiwanese population.

What feminists consider progress is literal intellectual regression. Feminism is not only the most evil and incoherent ideology in human history, its natural consequence is the literal enstupidification of any society that permits it to take root.

The connection between the theory of Game and the continuation of civilization should now be readily apparent to even the most dubious skeptic. There is no conceptual model that better describes and predicts what has been observed taking place over the last fifty years in the West.

Vox Day, Alpha Game 42 Comments [7/13/2014 6:21:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 102058

[About the election of Kathleen Wynne as Premier of Ontario]

What Do Ontario in 2014 and New Orleans in 2004 Have in Common?

Both of them are putting their faith in a dyke.

Indications are that both will end about as successfully.

[The links to press articles are from the original version]

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child , The Third Edge of the Sword 25 Comments [7/13/2014 6:20:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 102057

President Vladimir Putin,

I have long admired your strength and skill in cleansing Russia of International Jewry’s Oligarchs. The salvation of Christian Russia from the clutches of these ghoulish gangsters reminds me so much of my own triumph during the 1930’s.

The parallels between us are indeed striking, both for our respective accomplishments and also, I fear, our mistakes. I write this letter as a historical warning from one honorable patriot to another. Do not repeat my mistake of believing that one can ever deal rationally with the sworn agents of Satan's henchmen.

In underestimating the depths of the undiluted evil that Germany was up against, I gave the enemy the time he needed to recover, regroup, form alliances, and ultimately destroy Germany.

It was the Spring of 1940. All sincere efforts to avoid war in the West had been exhausted. Our preventative "Blitz" through Holland and Belgium drove the British and French forces all the way back to the beaches of Dunkirk. As a show of good faith, I, in the naïve belief that Rothschild’s Britain could be reasoned with, allowed the entire British force of more than 250,000 men to escape unmolested across the English Channel.

Rather than accept my generous action and ensuing peace offer, the drunken warmonger Churchill, emboldened by the Jewish puppet Roosevelt, spit in my face and twisted Dunkirk into a British victory. Though there certainly were sincere and honorable peacemakers in Britian, such as Lord Halifax, their influence was never a match for the powers of International Jewry and its henchmen.

Instead of having 250,000 British prisoners as leverage, Germany would later have to fight these men in North Africa, France, Italy etc.

Instead of the British people demanding an end to the war, ridiculous gas masks were handed out to the British public.

Compounding my folly, I then wasted an entire year being strung along by a phony “peace movement” in Britain. We should have just invaded England and brought the war to a swift end in the West. By the time my Deputy Rudolf Hess was cunningly lured to Britain and then taken prisoner in May of 1941, I was already faced with a massive Soviet buildup on my Eastern border, and an America that was only months away from entering a conflict that I should have already won.

Dear Vladimir!

Do not delude yourself, as I did, into believing that you can somehow reason with Western democrats as if they were as honorable as you or I are. These are not normal people. By now, I’m sure you are well aware of what base wickedness Messrs. Obama, Kerry and their puppet crypto Jew Poroshenko are capable of. But your evident trust in that vile wench Angela Merkel and other self-proclaimed “peace makers” of the European Union is misguided.

Like my “pacifist friends” in Britain, the role of your “pacifist friends” in Europe serves only one purpose; to buy time for Ukraine, Poland, and the US to build up its Eastern European armies, armaments and missile bases.

Every day that you waste the enemy grows stronger. As the provocations increase, Russia will lose the critical element of surprise, if there is even any left at this time!

Your time to act should have been when that weakling Yanukovich was chased out of Kiev by the West’s “neo Nazis”. They were already calling you “the new Hitler” anyway, (I'm flattered), so what should you care about invading and reinstalling Yanukovich?

This is not about Ukraine. It is about Russia. Your enemies, Merkel included, wish to see you every bit as as dead as Hussein or Qaddafi. Russia is to be conquered, divided, multi-culturalized, globalized, and homosexualized.

Your humane desire to avoid the bloodshed of your Ukrainian brothers is admirable. But your delusion that this crisis can yet be resolved by playing chess is getting dangerous. One way or another, whether you want it or not, the bloodshed is coming, Herr Putin. Best to initiate the conflict by striking first, and striking hard - very hard; so hard that NATO itself may blink. This is the only language that these demons understand, and respect.

Take it from me. Take it from Benjamin Franklin:

“Experience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn in no other.”

In my defense, I at least had no precedent to learn from. You do.

With admiration,

Adolf Hitler

Mike King (as Adolf Hitler), Tomato Bubble 35 Comments [7/13/2014 6:20:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 102054

[Note: Sigurd is a figure in Germanic mythology]

It is my opinion that this reborn Sigurd was none other than Adolf Hitler. Like Sigurd he was stabbed in the back but faithfully fulfilled his mission as the Norns decreed. He had many dragons, many enemies who sought to slay him and his Volk. Indeed German war time propaganda did use the image of the slaying of the dragon as symbolic of National Socialism's war of attrition against bolshevism. He knew he had to slay for failure to do so would have resulted in the destruction of the Aryo-Germanic peoples.

Likewise Thunor at Ragnarok will go forth to slay the serepent at the end time although He Himself will be slain by its venom. Neverthless He will continue to live through His sons Magni and Modi.

Wotans Krieger, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 31 Comments [7/13/2014 6:19:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 102051

How Is A 'Wet Willy' So Different From Rape?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, a 'wet willy' is a procedure typically performed by children whereby the perpetrator sneaks up behind the victim, moistens his or her pinky fingers by licking them, then proceeds to shove them into the victim's ears.

So here we have a procedure that involves the use of an appendage to perform forcible penetration of up to 2 orifices, accompanied by a transference of bodily fluids-- exactly what you would have with rape.

But even though these 2 concepts are essentially identical, our society has a vastly different perception of them. One thing is viewed as the worst thing you can possibly do to a person short of killing them, while the other is viewed a harmless joke that school children play on one another.

I know some of you will try to argue that rape is inherently different because it carries the risk of pregnancy. But would these people contend that a woman who is post-menopausal who gets raped is getting no more than a wet willy? I doubt it. Besides, the pregnancy risk can be eliminated by taking emergency contraceptive within 72 hours of the event.

Others would argue that rape is much worse because of the disease potential. But would these people say that the rape is no big deal if a condom was used, or if the victim didn't get any diseases?

So exactly what is the logic behind the vast difference in our society's perceptions of the criminality and victimization level between a rape and a wet willy? Which level of response would be appropriate in order to be consistent-- should we treat wet willy victims like we do rape victims, or should we treat rape victims like we do wet willy victims??

Surreal, The Straight Dope 57 Comments [7/12/2014 5:17:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 53
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 102048

I was listening to the news one day, and was saddened by what I heard. A young teenage mother got angry at her mother, so angry that she threw her own baby out of a second-story window which led to the babies death. Oh that foolish mother, who LED her own daughter, to commit such a horrible crime. I'm not justifying the daughter's act of murder; BUT, that mother is the culprit. Do you think God is blind to such influences? Do you think God will not hold the lazy and careless wife accountable, who drives her husband to sin? I'm not condoning domestic violence, I'm just saying that some foolish women CAUSE it, by LEADING their husbands to the point of blowing up. God will judge every man who is abusive to his wife; BUT, he will hold a lazy, careless, and disobedient wife even more responsible.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 35 Comments [7/12/2014 5:16:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 102047

Priest Alexander Shumsky, a columnist for Russian People's Line, says the bright-colored shoes that football players wear are too flashy.

He writes that because the players wear pink and blue shoes, they "might as well wear women's panties or a bra." He also slams some of the "unthinkable" hairstyles as the players in the tournament, according to the Moscow Times.

"The liberal ideology of globalism clearly wants to oppose Christianity with football. I'm sure of it," Shumsky wrote. "Therefore I am glad that the Russian players have failed and, by the grace of God, no longer participate in this homosexual abomination."

Alexander Shumsky, Advocate.com 33 Comments [7/12/2014 5:15:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 102044


Remember, the birth of Prince George last year was on 22/7 (day/month in the UK standard time).

22 / 7 = 3.14 = PI

This year 2014, we have again 22/7 = 3.14.




Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 50 Comments [7/12/2014 5:13:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 102043

I don't mean to pick on Alex Jones, but he boasts of influencing 3,000,000 people every single day worldwide through his radio and internet show. I must speak up as a Christian!

Alex says that he has no problem with homosexuals. Well I do have a serious problem with homosexuals (improperly called “gays” by the sodomites themselves), because the Bible condemns such wickedness, as does nature (Romans 1:24-32). It's sickening, perverted and offensive to picture two men sodomizing each other in the anus. Homosexuality is LUST, not love. Christ-honoring, God-fearing, people-loving, sin-hating, faithful, Bible-believing Christians are sinfully being labeled by unsaved evil people as “EXTREMISTS” and “RADICAL FUNDAMENTALISTS.” Pastor Rick Warren has even public said that CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISM is the biggest threat of the 21st century (because we're the only ones Scriptural exposing his ecumenical bandwagon to Hell).

Alex openly supports Heavy-Metal Rock Music, which is very sexually immoral by very nature, and then he says he has no problem with homosexuals. At the same time Alex openly professes to be a Christian who loves God, saying that he is “spiritual” but not part of any organized religion (such as Baptist). As a born-again Christian and Independent Fundamental Baptist Preacher, I have to speak out against Alex's wrong attitude toward homosexuals. Alex openly admits that he is not perfect, and neither am I. I'm glad that Alex teaches forgiveness and loving one another, but he ought to speak out against homosexuality as a sin, which is what the holy Bible teaches. Being gay (homosexual) is a sin, a CHOICE, that God abhors. Alex says in one breath that his show is secular and not religious; but then in the next breath he teaches all sorts of spiritual views, many unbiblical, and that he has no problem with homosexuals (to the beat of Blue Oyster Cult, Van Halen, ACDC, Lenny Kravitz and Megadeth). Confused? Alex seems to be!

Let no professed Christian ever say that he or she has “NO PROBLEM” with homosexuals or homosexuality. We ought to have a problem with BOTH. We cannot be right with God and accept homosexuals.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 34 Comments [7/12/2014 5:13:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 102042

Amy [Grant] had to discover her own sexuality? That's code language for figuring out whether she was a homosexual or straight, or bisexual, or a transgendered, et cetera. NO ONE who is normally healthy has to discover their sexuality. You were either born a female or a male, or something is medically wrong with you and you are deformed (which is an extremely rare oddity).

Notice also in the preceding quote that Amy says if others had a different sexual discovery, that is, determined that they are HOMOSEXUAL, she said she doesn't “categorize” them. Well, the Bible DOES categorize homosexuals as “sodomites” (1st Kings 14:24), and as having “vile affections” (Romans 1:26), and committing “abomination” (Leviticus 20:13) and “going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7).

Romans 1:24-32 plainly exposes homosexuality as gross immorality in God's sight, which brings severe punishment and consequences (Romans 1:32; Jude 1:7). If you are living in homosexuality you should feel bad about yourself, just as you should if you were an adulterer, thief, liar, pervert or murderer. Do you think it is mere coincidence that America's economy is failing to the same degree that our nation is embracing sinful living? No way! God will not bless a wicked nation.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 21 Comments [7/12/2014 5:13:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 102040

Again, you blithering, uneducated idiot, the Big Bang is theory devoid of evidence and absolutely nothing to do with the point I made. The Big Bang does not claim matter came into existence from noting BECAUSE THE VIOLATES THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS.

The matter in the universe had to be created because matter can't create itself.

The only other alternative is that universe always existed. But, that premise contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics and law entropy. If the universe had always been here, all available energy would have been used up and everything would have died.

You're mindless jackass that doesn't even understand what is being discussed. Nor does your boyfriend Ted. You two are the most willingly blind morons I've ever encountered. Members that disagree with me that FAR smarter than you two have at least understood and tried to address my points.

You two are going to hell unless you repent and then, for eternity, you can remember I told you so.

kirkz2006, Realabortiondebate 20 Comments [7/12/2014 5:13:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 102039

Only an bigoted, irrational MORON would claim Christians are more intolerant that Muslims.

If there must be another Muslim terrorist attack in your nation, I sincerely hope it injures you or one of your family members. That is the only way any kind of rationality will seep through your think skull.

kirkz2006, Realabortiondebate 26 Comments [7/12/2014 5:11:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 102038

In response to the statement:

"'intelligent design' includes bad design. If a Creator existed then it would be a flawed creator."

Bad design? Like the belief the eye was wired backward that Richard Dawkins claimed in his book, The Blind Watchmaker? But, science eventually caught up with God and determined the eye had to be wired that way for sight to occur.

Gee, ya think mankind might not have learned all there is learn about biology?

Again, life forms demonstrate superior design and complexity than man can create and only someone completely devoid of any rationality would argue that could be a result of random chance rather than a being or beings with superior intelligence

You deserve to be hell for being stupid.

kirkz2006, Realabortiondebate 23 Comments [7/12/2014 5:11:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 102037

just take a look at this baby while living INSIDE his mother's womb and tell me he is not a human being!!

his name is Tommy Malroney .Tommy was conceived on March 10th, 2007. When Tommy was in his last trimester his mother murdered him with the help of a abortion doctor. this is a real pic of Tommy taken right before he was murdered while still living INSIDE his mothers womb (3rd trimester).

A countless number of babies like Tommy are murdered by abortion doctors every day by people who do not love and care about them enough. This needs to be STOPPED!

Urge your lawmakers to stop this murder IMMEDIATELY.

PLEASE REPOST THIS with the subject title "ABORTION IS MURDER" if you believe in a RIGHT TO LIFE!!

God bless all Gods babies.

realm_of_libby7, Livejournal 27 Comments [7/12/2014 5:10:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Juicifur
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