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Quote# 101199

Basic to the calling of every child is to be a member of a family. Virtually all children will some day become husbands and wives, and fathers or mothers. The State school is destructive of this calling. It attempts to meet the need are essentially external and mechanical, i.e., home economics courses, sex education, and the like. But the essential training for family life is family life! It means scriptural education, discipline, and training in godly responsibility.

The State school, moreover, basically trains women to be men; it is not surprising that so many women are unhappy at being women. Nor are men any the happier, in that dominion in modern education is transferred from man to the State, and man is progressively emasculated. The major casualty of modern education is the male student. Since dominion is by God's creative purpose a basic aspect of man, any education which diminishes man's calling to exercise dominion also diminishes man to the same degree.

Phillip, Y answers 15 Comments [5/26/2014 7:36:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 101190

I was re-reading a message from someone who said he would never let his children read my books because he was afraid it would expose them to my value system, which he finds abhorrent. I hope I have made it clear, all along, that my “value system” (I don’t really like that term) is Christianity.

What this reader most objects to is my insistence that homosexual behavior is a grave sin because the Bible says so. But it has occurred to me that, if this person is old enough to be raising children–and taking them along with him to hang out with a “gay couple” who are his friends–then probably the value system he espouses didn’t even exist when he was born. My Christian standard, with its foundation upon Judaism, has been in place, unchanged, for thousands of years. His moral standard was created, as it were, in the blink of an eye.

Nevertheless, this very new notion that all sexual behavior is permitted, and that homosexuality and transgenderism (or whatever you want to call it) are especially worthy of esteem–this perverse and evil code has swept the Western world and carried off its ruling class, its pseudointelligentsia, its culture-shapers, and all those people willing to be shaped by culture.

This has happened with terrifying speed. The world has seen nothing like it since the rise of Islam–and we all know what a great blessing that turned out to be.

Will we be stuck with this for the next 1,500 years? Or will it wither up and blow away as suddenly as it descended on us? God grant the latter.

In the meantime, what I have come to call “Gaydeology” has all the earmarks of a new false religion, as fierce and intolerant as Islam; and we have not yet seen the worst of it.

But the word of the Living God shall stand, and Christ shall reign. May God give us strength.

Lee Duigon, BarbWire.com 35 Comments [5/26/2014 6:27:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Persephone 66

Quote# 101189

KEVIN: I agree! there may NOT be a 2016 election. I HOPR GOD calls his faithful HOME, very soon. ( before we CHRISTIANS have too much more suffering

KAREN: what have you suffered? When you are eight months pregnant and being sentenced to die or when you are beaten in the streets and imprisoned just for being a Christian then you will have suffered.Until then shut up and try acting like a christian.Romans 13: 1;3 says everyone must submit to governing authorities for all authorities come from God.So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against God and will be punished by God.

KEVIN: suffering the UNKOWN!, not knowing WHEN FEMA will be knocking on your door and taking you to a detetion camp for being a CHRISTIAN and refusing to TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST. That unknowing is the suffering that I speak about.

Kevin Perkins, Tell Me Now 45 Comments [5/26/2014 6:27:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 101181

The difference in hormones (testosterone vs. estrogen) the difference in physical strength and simple logistics made it that way. Submission complements dominance perfectly. With women being more suited to submitting to the stronger male who is more suited to dominance and protecting, you have what nature, >mother< nature intended. It's logical, logistical and practical in every way. The only reason people are able to deviate from it is because of modern laws and technology. I guarantee that if there were ever some sort of post-apocalyptic scenario, women would once again gladly submit to men who could protect them in exchange for submission.
Submissiveness in women is not a social contract. Role reversal is.

EDIT: Submission is cooperation. I do what I'm good at as does he. I'm just not going to fight, struggle, battle and compete to stay on par with someone who's too different to be equal to. Someone has to have final say so and if we ever disagree on something, a compromise isn't always possible with every single thing and that's why someone's way always has to prevail. But remember that the person who got their way is responsible for the outcome/consequences of at decision, be it good or bad. I don't know why you're always so threatened by my views. It's not like you're somehow going to be forced to do what I like. So why feel threatened and defensive instead of just realizing that people are different?

Chaos, Yahoo Answers 24 Comments [5/26/2014 4:11:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 101180

There is something in a liberal pervert's DNA the leads them to flaunt their perversion. Just like a muslin terrorist gets his jollies by throwing a bomb into a group of innocent people, a liberal pervert gets his jollies by throwing a perversion bomb into a group of innocent people. They are very similar people.

The only solution would be a spiritual renewal of the country. My reading of Scripture seems to indicate that that is not going to happen. So the only thing to do is to protect our own and have courage and take Jesus at His word that He will be coming back.

LarryBo, WND 43 Comments [5/26/2014 4:11:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 101177

The dietary laws of the Old Testament carefully prescribed what creatures could be eaten by the Israelite nation. Leviticus 11:13-19 gives a list of various birds and bats. Bats are not classified as “fowl” in the modern delineation but were for the Hebrews. Then we have a special command in verse 20: ”All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you.” What are these unclean fowl that go on all fours? Some commentators point out that the Hebrew word here for “fowl” [`owph] simply means “flying things” and they suggest that this verse references insects. But the six-legged insects are dealt with in their own section in verses 21-23. Could the fowl on all fours be penguins? Penguins use their wings to fly through the water and to get up on land, but then they walk on just two feet.

Joe Taylor suggests another group of animals that fit the bill nicely: pterosaurs (Taylor, Joe, Giants Against Evolution, 2012, p. 113.). Today’s scientists classify the pterosaurs among the reptiles rather than the birds. But the Pterodactyloid pterosaurs, with their headcrests and short tails, would likely have been lumped in with the fowl by the ancient Hebrews. (It seems that a species of long-tailed Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs was known as a flying serpent to the Hebrews.) We know from fossil trackways that many of these Pterodactyloid pterosaurs scurried around on all fours. Obviously it is just a possible theory, but there may well have been living pterosaurs still thriving in the region of the Middle East during the times of the Exodus.

unknown, Genesis Park 36 Comments [5/25/2014 3:46:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 41
Submitted By: Randomosaur

Quote# 101175

To the right is a picture of a dinosaur fighting a mammoth from the book Buried Alive by Dr. Jack Cuozzo (click to enlarge). It was taken by the author in Bernifal Cave, one of the caverns in France that is renowned for Neanderthal artifacts. The cave was subsequently closed to the public. Science News was given the opportunity to publish the remarkable photo, but declined. It seems that evidence against the prevailing paradigm of naturalistic origin is selected against. It is buried alive by the scientific establishment. As Cuozzo says, this is natural selection in the most literal sense!

unknown, Genesis Park 23 Comments [5/25/2014 3:45:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Randomosaur

Quote# 101174

In rape, the victim is lowered to that of a mere object to be used to achieve the rapists own ends. That use of someone as an object is pure hatred.

When one masterbates, they are most often using an image of another to satisfy their own sexual desires. In the same token, they are using the other to achieve their own ends. That is still hatred.

Thus I see no difference.

bogeyjlg, Catholic Answer Forums 48 Comments [5/25/2014 3:45:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 56

Quote# 101172

An Arizona rancher and Republican congressional candidate said during a primary debate Saturday that the vast majority of mass shootings in the United States are committed by Democrats.

"If you look at all the fiascos that have occurred, 99 percent of them have been by Democrats pulling their guns out and shooting people"

Gary Kiehne, Yahoo News 36 Comments [5/25/2014 3:45:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 101170

There is an abundance of evidence that suggests that America is indeed under attack and that Muslim terrorists have declared war on the U.S. Charles Jacobs, named by the Forward as one of America’s top 50 leaders, notes that "These are extraordinary times. We face daunting challenges for which there are no known answers. Chief among them are Islamic anti-Semitism and the global jihad that pose enormous, unanticipated threats to Jews around the world."

There are too few among us who are willing to connect the dots of these events and honestly acknowledge the gravity of our situation. Now is the time to band together and educate ourselves and our communities – before it is too late.

The methods of dealing with this threat must be elevated to a priority national debate. But in order to do so, the first step is that we must all -- in the words of renowned historian Bernard Lewis in the must-see documentary film on this issue, The Third Jihad -- “Wake up!”

Lori Averick, Aish.com 14 Comments [5/25/2014 3:44:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 101168

As Christians, we know that God would never bore someone to be homosexual anymore than he would bore someone to be a murderer, a rapists, a pedophile, a beastilty lover, a prostitute, a thief, an idolator, an alcoholics, or drug addicts, etc.

dlo_3us2001, Real Abortion Debate 20 Comments [5/25/2014 3:44:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 101166

And then fourthly, Chaz must not be aware of some of the more "anti-intellectual" comments coming from his side of the aisle. The way he carries on, you would think scientists are these humble individuals who honestly follow the evidence where ever it leads. Because the hard, scientific "evidence" supposedly points away from any idea of God and always disproves the Bible, there is no choice on the part of the serious minded intellectual but to separate religion from science; to place them into two compartments where never they shall interact. Hence, in order to be intellectual, you have to lay aside a belief in the Bible or your scientific endeavors will be ruined. Is that how these so-called intellectual really think? Consider some of my more favorite candid quotes from atheistic "scientists:"

Professor D.M.S. Watson, once a leading biologists and writer:

"Evolution is a theory universally accepted not because it can be proven by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible."

Science writer Boyce Rensberger,

"At this point, it is necessary to reveal a little inside information about how scientists work, something the textbooks don't usually tell you. The fact is that scientists are not really as objective and dispassionate in their work as they would like you to think. Most scientists first get their ideas about how the world works not through rigorously logical processes but through hunches and wild guesses. As individuals, they often come to believe something to be true long before they assemble the hard evidence that will convince somebody else that it is. Motivated by faith in his own ideas and a desire for acceptance by his peers, a scientist will labor for years knowing in his heart that his theory is correct but devising experiment after experiment whose results he hopes will support his position." [Rensberger, How the World Works, p. 17-18]

Then an all time favorite, Richard Lewontin, a fellow Marxist anarchist like Chaz, wrote in a 1997 The New York Review article,

"We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so-stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door."

Does it sound as though these scientists are being intellectual? Intellectual implies using the rational faculties of the mind. Is it rational to believe in something utterly absurd like non-living inanimate material gave rise to complex biological life just because the only option is to recognize a creator? Sure, the Church has had its share of superstitious beliefs over the years, to which those purveyors of superstition should be faulted and rebuked, but Marxist, anarchist atheists also have their superstitions that are equally anti-intellectual.

Fred Butler, FredsBibleTalk.com 28 Comments [5/25/2014 3:43:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 101164

In short, the agenda is the sum total of homosexuals' sociopolitical aspirations including, but not limited to, such things as:
-- The decriminalization of poppers and other drugs used in homosexual orgies.
-- The insistence that homosexuality be ACCEPTED by all humanity, not just TOLERATED by Western Europe and America.
-- The ostracizing of influential citizens (Hollywood actors, media celebrities, professional athletes, politicians, beauty contestants, corporate CEOs and their corporations, etc.) who oppose the homosexual agenda for political, or social, or moral, or common sense reasons. The homosexual mafia then runs point in a concerted effort to destroy the life, reputation and livelihood of the target.
-- The redefining of #$%$" to mean "normal" and vice-versa.
-- The redefining of the word "disgust" to mean "homophobia", even though they are NOT synonymous.

quince, Yahoo 24 Comments [5/24/2014 1:05:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 101162

How Eve Will Destroy the USA

If your significant other, your cuddle-buddy, your orgasm provider is a female, you don't want to take a chance she'll find out you read this article because if she finds out, you might not get laid tonight, or this week, or this year, or maybe never again. That's because this article proves how the unfettered will to power of American women will destroy the United States of America unless they are put in their place immediately if not sooner. If you even give a hint that such blasphemous information as this article contains has accosted your neural synapses, you might as well become a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven's sake because you will be effectively castrati by the overwhelming legions of American women, regardless of the flavor of religion they prefer. In summary, all you have to do to avoid that feeling of lightness below your peeder is flee these words like they are a powerful IED you've just discovered on the side of the road. Or conversely, if your mind simply cannot tolerate the idea that you're a wuss who will ignore information germane to the survival of the USA, read the article, but never, ever, I mean never ever, tell Eve you read it: your orgasm jones depends on it.

[There is a badly-drawn picture titled "Christian Men USA Today," depicting a naked woman leading a man around by a ring around his penis.]

Neal Horsley, The Christian Gallery News Service 36 Comments [5/24/2014 1:04:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 101161

[A father and US Air Force vet complains to Neal Horsley for leaving around gory "dead fetus" pamphlets that his young children eventually saw in a public bathroom.]

You know as well as I do that if your son is old enough to ask you about abortion, he is beginning to do what you say he is not capable of doing, namely, "comprehend life or death."

What you are really angry about is you having to explain to your six year old child why he lives in a nation where his daddy lets people get away with murder. What you call anger is really shame that you feel for yourself because you are having to try to find words that will allow your son to avoid having to figure out that his daddy is a man who allows little babies even younger than your son to be legally murdered every day around you. The anger you feel toward me is the spirit of murder you are collaborating with every day of the week because you do nothing with the power to arrest the legalized murder you consent to. The real tragedy is when you figure out how to explain things to your son you will end up teaching him that it's all right for him to be the kind of man who collaborates with people who make a living killing defenseless little babies.

Unless you want your son to have to grow up to be the kind of man you are now, you need to change and join us in arresting legalized abortion.

Neal Horsley, The Christian Gallery News Service 31 Comments [5/24/2014 1:04:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 101160

Here's The Strategy Explained:

1. For the time being, you stay where you are, doing what you're presently doing, except you immediately begin to prayerfully consider making a solemn and sacred commitment to take a Delayed Enlistment in the Army of God. You will use this web site as the point of communication between yourself and all the other members of the Army of God, USA (AOGUSA). Email will be our initial means of communication.

2. The solemn and sacred commitment consists of a pledge to move to a specific State when the Army of God has accumulated enough solemn and sacred Delayed Enlistments from enough people to take over that State when we all move there at the same time.


3. Using this web side, and other means available through mass media, the AOGUSA will accumulate the solemn and sacred commitments of American citizens who are willing to abolish legalized abortion or die trying.

4. When we have reached the number of solemn commitments that create the critical mass required to take over the target State (yet to be decided), the AOGUSA will notify the people around the nation who have taken a Delayed Enlistment. The validity of the notification will be proven by the fact that it comes from the email addresss cited above.

5. After we've reached critical mass, we move to the target State, taking over the power structure of the State using the democratic process, outlaw abortion and sodomy in that State, and prepare to nullify any federal laws to the contrary.

6. Having established a State that enforces the law of God against murder and sodomy, we prepare to fight the federal government to the death using all means necessary to make our Right to outlaw murder and sodomy in our State stand as the operative political reality in our State.

7. We either nullify abortion and sodomy in God's State, or we die trying.

Neal Horsley, Delayed Enlistment In The NEW Army of God (AOGUSA) 38 Comments [5/24/2014 1:04:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 101159

There is a third reason many do not accept faith in Jesus. This group may very well be the largest group, but I have not studied the question carefully. This is the group who are well aware, or at least sufficiently well aware of who Jesus is and the evidence for the Bible and for the deity of Christ, but who are unwilling to accept the implications. If Jesus is Lord and master, then I am his servant. If what Jesus said is true, then I am in trouble over my sin and need to repent of that sin. For a great number of people, the requirement of Jesus that we repent of our sins and turn our life over to him is sufficient reason to not be a Christian. What a great number of people do about this fact is that they choose not to believe. To believe is to necessitate change. We rationalize our unbelief. The way Paul puts it in Romans 1:18,19 many, because of their unrighteousness, “suppress the truth, since what can be known about God is evident…” The way Jesus put it, “This, then, is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.” The people in Jesus’ day had plenty of reason to believe in Jesus. The resurrection of Lazarus spoke for itself. Yet, many refuse to come into the light. What these people end up doing is they find a way to rationalize away belief in Jesus. They manufacture logical arguments, twist or ignore data to justify not believing in Jesus. I have read a great number of books by skeptics and critics of Christianity. Most of their arguments are so obviously false as to be silly, yet these writers are convinced of their arguments. It is my experience that what people believe has more to do with emotion than evidence. When belief in something challenges our security, our pride, our desire to seek pleasure, we are more than willing to conveniently ignore the evidence and to construct a belief in something that is not true. I believe that if you think about it, you will be able to think of many personal situations of people you know who blatantly ignore obvious truth because they cannot handle the implications.

So, there are a variety of reasons people do not believe. One thing for sure, it is not for lack of evidence or due to lack of time for the evidence to have gotten around. Our job as believers is to try to help all three groups of non-believers to come into the light through our personal example and careful instruction.

The reason you do not see the evidence for Christ on TV or in the media in general is that Satan and non-believers in general have control of the media. The reason information about DNA has spread whereas the gospel has not is that people, in general, do not have an emotional reason to reject belief in DNA.

John Oakes, Evidence for Christianity 32 Comments [5/24/2014 12:29:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 101156

Campaign Platform

1. Separation of Church and State will be changed to the Union of Church and State. God will be asked to be an integral part of the government of the U.S.
•The national religion of The United States of America will be the Christian religion . Those belonging to other religions, such as Islam, will be free to live and worship here as now, with their own religion; however, the Christian religion will be the one chosen to form the basic moral principles of our nation, to give it a strong moral foundation, and a right relationship with God.

2. Public Schools – all schools supported by the U.S. Federal and State tax systems:
•The Bible will be a standard required subject in all public schools and universities, for all grades , the same as English and Math.
•Each day of school will begin with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
•The salary and total compensation package of school teachers will be increased.
•The total budget for our school system will be increased.
•The school day will include one period of physical education that includes 30 minutes of exercise four days per week.

3. Homosexuality will not be recognized legally, or in any other manner, by the United States government or any state, city, or county government.


6. The legal drinking age will be increased to 25 for any alcoholic beverage.
•Alcohol will not be allowed on university campuses.

7. Marriage and the family will be protected by the following :
•Marriage will be defined as the union of one woman with one man.
•The legal age for marriage will be 22.
•A couple wishing to get married must first attend Christian marriage counseling classes.
•Divorce will only be allowed in cases of abuse, infidelity, or incarceration.
•The penalties for abuse and infidelity will include large fines and jail time.
•Married couples who become pregnant must attend Christian parenting classes.

Darrell Trigg, Darrell Trigg For President 65 Comments [5/24/2014 7:24:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 49

Quote# 101154

freedom of speech still regardless of your comments, should allow other people to state, I don't want to see that. The truth is I don't care what you or anyone else does or which hole you prefer on a regular basis. However the point that needs to be made her with is getting overrun by the GAY agenda is that I am trying to watch a SPORTS related event. Last time I checked the NFL Draft wasn't interrupted by the Vaseline 500. That being said I have 3 kids ages 9,8, and 3 which perhaps I don't feel like explaining to them why anyone is making out with anyone. Does this logic ever get to any of you ever, or are you so hard pressed to be politically correct that you just can't take I get it for an answer, but how about what I want too. So if I want to watch men make out there is a time and place for that, just like there is a time and place for watching men and woman make out. The NFL draft is not a place for either. So if people get offended because that is not what they want their kids watching because they didn't know it was coming you shouldn't condemn them for being upset about it. We have parental controls on TV so that we as individuals can allow what programming we want our kids to have access too. When ESPN did this they made a choice for everyone period, to turn around and go all gay bashy against parents after the fact is just ignorant. That's the equivalent of porn breaking in during sesame street and then saying something stupid like, well it's no different than the puppets humping on screen. Well the puppets weren't humping on screen !! Get it Yet ?

Paul Chapman, Occupy Democrats 28 Comments [5/24/2014 5:12:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 101147

[A 17-year-old girl was thrown out of a prom for making chaperoning fathers look at her lustfully.]

I don't see how the men looking at her dressed like a sleize bag makes them the bad ones and poor little girl acting like a whore is so pure

Bonita Crawford, Christiannews.net 45 Comments [5/24/2014 4:09:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 29

Quote# 101146

One more example of how wrong is portrayed as right and right is made to be wrong. It is a young ladies responsibility to dress in such a manner that will NOT cause young men --or older ones-- to "look twice".....for the wrong reasons, I might add.

Sandra Kerr Mills, Christiannews.net 35 Comments [5/24/2014 4:09:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 101143

“I will never accept this. All those in this country who are OK with this can rot in hell.”

You are not alone. Three hundred million Christian Americans stand with you against this infection taking over America and the NFL.

A few of the Sam jerseys being sold today may be being bought by the gay, but I bet most are being bought by those who will protest Michael Sam and will burn the Sam jerseys in protest.

Along with those protests will be a massive boycott of the NFL and we will see empty stadiums from Opening Day to the Super Bowl.

Oliviaforever, Free Republic 36 Comments [5/24/2014 4:09:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 101142

“Barefoot and pregnant” simply refers to a woman who is walking around at home, happily preparing for the baby in the most comfortable manner. Keeping your wife barefoot and pregnant means you’re doing what’s expected of a traditional husband, which is allowing her to stay home and be relatively carefree while carrying a baby to term.

That it became an attack on men is merely evidence that feminists are a spiteful, envious lot. How many of the early lesbian feminists of the 60s and 70s could say they had pregnant wives who were contentedly walking around without shoes? How many could say so today?

It’s all just sour grapes, as it always has been. A barefoot and pregnant wife is almost always happier than a trussed up working wife, so when keeping her “barefoot and pregnant” men are doing their wives a favor.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 50 Comments [5/23/2014 2:42:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 101141

America was founded on Christian values and that is why we prospered. We will always be a Christian nation. I don't do religions or denominations but study the Bible for myself. Churches have changed I give you that and will not make a stand for they could have their tax status taken away. God is the only way.

satwell53, Washington Times  39 Comments [5/23/2014 2:35:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 101140

When any society does not live disciplined Christian lives we will have a third world country. So it is okay for us to sit back and let obama destroy the richest country in the history of the world to even the perceived score of our ancestors. How long do you think we can support this multicultural society of different languages and lifestyles before you live on dirt floors. Their will be fighting in the streets and muslims can not coexist with any other people. All infidels must die or convert. They must take over and that is why places like Japan will not even allow them in their country. One with your attitude have no love in you for other Americans. Your sweet little free let's all live together in harmony is an illusion. Idiots who think it can't happen here are seriously immature or young and have always had it all.

satwell53, Washington Times Comments 34 Comments [5/23/2014 2:35:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: zipperback
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