Quote# 100563
1. Truth: All men are men.
2. Truth: All men are criminals (rapists, impregnators, thieves, other)
3. Truth: No man has any sense of justice, ethics or morality whatsoever. Everything men do is unjust and at the expense of women, girls, animals and the earth. Men invented the laws to protect their crimes.
4. Truth: Men have no understanding of what spirituality is. They function only through control and sadism. The devil is the true face of men.
5. Truth: All male systems are totalitarian regimes, and all men individually and collectively exercice totalitarian control over women and girls.
6. Lie: Some men are truly committed to peace in the world and will risk everything to save and protect the earth / protect women and children against evil invaders who want to destroy the world.
Truth: all men are the evil, alien, living-dead, zombie, robotic, automated, formatted invaders and colonisers who want to and do destroy all life on earth. The truth is that WE need to get ALL MEN out as soon as possible if we want to save the earth.
7. Truth: All men capitalise on women’s slave labour, forced impregnation, women’s captivity to them and the use and exchange of women as goods for PIV / rape: this is the basis of capitalism. Capitalism is not a system separate from men. Men made it and all men are part of it, it for them, as men. It IS the male system.
8. Truth: All men are cops and oppressors to women, and survey women 24/7, in private and in public, in thoughts, mind and body. All men are agents of repression and oppression to us. The truth is that each and every man monopolises the legitimate use of violence and repression, not just the state, military, cops, etc.
9. Truth: There is no evidence at all that men can stop being violent against women, raping women, feeding off women’s work, energy and attention. Pro-feminist men prove to be time and again the same violent rapist fucktards as any other men. I do not know of a SINGLE exception.
Well, I could go on and on like this but you got the picture.
radical wind 76 Comments [4/16/2014 3:17:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 82
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