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Quote# 99108

Why has no one mentioned observational (conventional) science vs. historical science? Observational or empirical science is done in the here and now--the type science that gives us computers, antibiotics and automobiles. Historical science cannot be proven by observation or experiment in a lab as it is in the past and cannot be repeated. One must rely on data and facts (like fossils or historical records). We all have the same facts and come up with different conclusions. This is due to your starting bias or worldview. BOTH the atheist and Christian view of the past can not be absolutely proven. Both rely on faith in their views. Both are what is commonly referred to as RELIGION. Yes, the strongest atheist is just as religious as the staunchest Baptist. Atheism is a religion. For this reason it should not be taught in public schools. Therefore, if you are going to teach atheistic evolution, then creationism should be taught also--that way the student can choose which religion the facts fit the best. Any pro-choice liberal should agree with the right to choose--right?

normusa, wnd 30 Comments [2/3/2014 4:09:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 99107

Nor can evolution explain anything. You cannot even prove that one plus one equals two. It is not provable. You take evolution on faith and faith alone, because if even one of your postulations ever changed, or has ever changed in the past without your knowing it, then your entire evolutionary theory is out the window. Your entire knowledge base hinges upon things having always been the same as they are right this moment. A very narrow view, and very limited.

nampilot68, WND 34 Comments [2/3/2014 4:07:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 99106

I came to a young earth after a long process. That is definitely going against the grain... but when one ruthlessly pursues the truth, that is where you will end up.

It is the only one that fits all the data. I was taught evolution as far back as 4rth grade. I saw all the propaganda from planet of the apes and all the other nonsense that spouts millions and billions of years ago.

But I took a good hard look at all the claims and tested and tested and the claims of age collapse under scrutiny. I ended up with the conclusion that the bible is not some cryptic book but was written for those who honestly open it's pages with no preconceived biases such as evolution and means what is says and says what it means.

GOD is a GOD of order not confusion. The clear reading to any reasonable person would produce a simple explanation as to it's intent. It is the biases that brought to the pages that try to alter and contort to say what it clearly says in plain writing.

TXE end.

stanleyannd, WND 33 Comments [2/3/2014 4:07:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 99105

[Background: Woden's Folk is a racist cult based on an "ancient prophecy" that is actually a piece of dialogue from Robin of Sherwood, a 1980s TV series]

It's funny how the central core of wyrd of our folkish faith is understood by us and never understood by the oh-so moral lefty arses.
Wyrd had me doing a random chain of searches via google and the ensuing linked topics last night.

The linked topic took me to the WF page on theRational Wankie site for the critique of all and sundry that the left don't like.
One thing they got all moist about on Rationalwiki was the usage the Hooded Man prophecy from the 80s Robin Hood.
Well all fair in a world that does not have a Northern Germanic faith that, as mentioned above, has wyrd at its core.

The left may well see nothing wrong with the pope getting revelation from the White Christ and then transmitting it to the faithful, so why is Wulf of WF picked out for seeing a revelation in the works of a person, priest or not, who just happens to write for a program.
As it is said, Wyrd goes where it must and if it needed to find an outlet via the pen of another then so be it.

Let's be honest here, putting diluted animal shite on the field you grow food crops on sounds disgusting if you don't understand the mechanism involved in the crop, so if you don't understand the web of wyrd then how can you judge the harvest of revelation and the field from which it came forth.

Eassex cempa, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 28 Comments [2/3/2014 3:30:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 99100

It was no coincidence that a sweet-sounding, naive 60s pop group with a harmless message of young teenage romance, made up of working-class mainly white boys burning with working-class anger against centuries of exploitation by the elites, should have found a homosexual Jewish manager who, with the aid of the state mind-control organization the Tavistock Institute turned them into a deadly weapon of Frankfort School Lies and deception and used phony concepts of love and peace and later tolerance, equality and diversity to destroy many centuries of white civilization, morality, culture, religion, self-perception and racial identity in one big drug-fuelled party that lasted just over one decade from the 1960s to the 1970s.


One thing is for sure, Jews in whatever shape or form; entertainment business, media, writers, musicians, will ensure through an endless series of celebrations and anniversary events well into the future attended by the still living and rotting corpse of Rabbi Paul Mc Carthney and brain-dead Ringo Starkey, that new generations of white kids are served up the cultural Marxist wrapped-in-sweets poison of the Beatle's white racial corruption and ethnic-suicide disguised as a message of love and peace.

endzog, endzog 53 Comments [2/2/2014 5:33:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99099

Professor Richard Dawkins has no credibility, either as a scientist or as an apologist. As a scientist because science has been unable to help him and as an apologist because the cause he champions and defends has left him in a wheelchair and hopelessly crippled. Whoever his "gods" are, they don't love him, they don't care about him, they have no compassion or mercy for him, and they have abandoned him. My wish for him is that he will find Jesus and find love and forgiveness.

Christian Believer , christianpost.com 45 Comments [2/2/2014 5:32:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 60

Quote# 99094

One thing i will say about the whole flying spaghetti monster analogy:the idea of god is far far more likely then that.

the whole idea that because you cannot prove something exist it must not exist doesn't work either.

After all Can you prove that I'm not a figment of your imagination? not unless we meet in real life.
I can assure you i do in fact exist.

SMASHKING84, GameFAQs. 43 Comments [2/2/2014 4:46:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 99093

[Why does Christianity frown upon magic anyway? Weren't Jesus and Moses basically wizards?]

Because it's invoking his enemies for help. It's a specific form of idolatry.

Jesus and Moses didn't practice ritual magic, they were working under God's initiative.

Sinfullyvannila, GameFAQs. 25 Comments [2/2/2014 4:46:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 99089

A public school in Louisiana allegedly advised a Buddhist family to change their beliefs if they didn’t want their child to face harassment from zealous teachers.

The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Louisiana on Wednesday filed a federal lawsuit against Negreet High School in Sabine Parish on behalf of two parents, Scott and Sharon Lane, and their son, “C.C.” The lawsuit claims the school has “a longstanding custom, policy, and practice of promoting and inculcating Christian beliefs,” including the teaching of creationism.

Sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark has told her students that the universe was created by God about 6,000 years ago, and taught that both the Big Bang theory and evolution are false, according to the lawsuit. She told her students that “if evolution was real, it would still be happening: Apes would be turning into humans today.”

One test she gave to students asked: “ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The correct answer was “Lord,” but C.C. wrote in something else. Roark responded by scolding the boy in front of the entire class.

When informed that C.C. was a Buddhist and therefore didn’t believe in God, Roark allegedly responded, “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.”

On another accusation, she allegedly described both Buddhism and Hinduism as “stupid.”

When the outraged parents confronted Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb about the incidents, she allegedly told them “this is the Bible belt” and that they “shouldn’t be offended” to “see God here.” Ebarb advised that C.C. should either change his faith or be transferred to another District school where “there are more Asians.”

The parents, “hoping to save him from suffering additional psychological harm,” decided to transfer their son to another school, according to the lawsuit. The school is 25 miles away from their home.
The lawsuit claims that other teachers and faculty members also push Christian beliefs on their students. Prayer is often lead by teachers in classrooms and during school events. Religious literature that denounces evolution and homosexuality has been distributed by faculty members to students. The school’s hallways are filled with Christian iconography and electronic marquee in front of the school scrolls Bible verses.

Rita Roark, Negreet High School, Raw Story 39 Comments [2/2/2014 4:45:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 55

Quote# 99030

[In comments on an article that explains how a UKIP Councillor has blamed gay marriage for winter flooding in the UK... yes, thanks America, these fucktards are doing it here now.]

Irreverent mockery (rather like homosexuality) tends to be a young man's game.

Life is short - and the more one progresses along its pathway, the more one's thoughts turn to eternity, and what happens beyond the grave.

Have you ever seen an old person who is terrified to go to sleep at night, lest they die? - fears crowding their minds, old sins returning to haunt them, past deeds full of bitter regret and a future filled with dread?

When I read the inane chirruping of many here - populist views, full of empty vanity and self deceit - I thank God for Jesus, and for His sacrifice on Calvary by which our sins might be forgiven.

I thank Him for the peace that faith bestows, for the calm assurance that, notwithstanding the howling foolishness of the addled mob, He will keep all those who trust Him in perfect peace.

For them, the night has no terrors.

I suspect that the good councillor sleeps peacefully - as do all who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Disgruntled_Englishman, The Independent 33 Comments [2/1/2014 2:47:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Bleep

Quote# 98933

Last week, the New York-based Satanic Temple garnered a lot of free publicity by releasing a drawing of a proposed statue of Satan at the Oklahoma state Capitol to be placed near a Ten Commandments monument.

They probably won’t get to actually install it, since most Oklahomans can still distinguish between good and evil, and wouldn’t put up with such an abomination.

Besides, the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission has a moratorium on requests for additions to the Capitol grounds pending an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawsuit over — what else? — the Ten Commandments. So the Satanic Temple probably has already gotten its maximum mileage out of this stunt.

It’s rare that the devil’s disciples come out of the closet so openly. Usually, they mask their real work of undermining the moral order by slyly distorting societal goods, such as freedom of speech or equal rights under the law. Or they twist Scripture, claiming that Jesus, who saved an adulterous woman from stoning and told her to sin no more, would be indifferent to the latest perversities or even endorse them.

The drawing, by the way, should send shivers down the backs of any unsuspecting parents who happen to view it. A horned, goat-headed figure that goes by the moniker “Baphomet” (is that his Facebook handle, too?) sits beneath a pentagram with two smiling children next to him. His lap functions as a chair “where people of all ages may sit … for inspiration and contemplation,” explains temple spokesman Lucien Greaves. Maybe on a hot day in August, when the weather conforms more closely to Baphomet’s usual haunts.

Somehow, “contemplation” doesn’t seem to fit the Satanists’ professed program of freeing humanity from all moral restraints so people can get on with trading their souls for momentary pleasures.

It’s a far cry from the scene in Mathew 19:14, in which Jesus rebukes his followers for trying to shoo away some youngsters whose parents had brought for Him to lay hands on and pray for them: “‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.”

So, who do you think that parents would rather have bless their children, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, by Whom “all things were made,” or the unspeakably evil goat-man?

The underlying premise behind the Satanic Temple’s request is a false claim of equality. In the name of this vastly abused concept that once fueled the righteous aims of the civil rights movement, America is awash in moral confusion.

Robert Knight, Washington Times 33 Comments [2/1/2014 2:46:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 98815

One of the presidents of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO) was asked on public TV why scientists so quickly accepted Darwin's theory to which he gave this most unscientific sounding answer ; 'Well I suppose it was because the idea of God interferred with our sexual mores."

Siloam Tech, Yahoo Answers 31 Comments [2/1/2014 2:46:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 98459

When [gay people] manifest sexual immorality, there's something inside of them that is manifesting and, on this show, we like to discern the spirits and I would say that's a demonic spirit that is manifesting inside of them and sinning by an act of their consent, of their free will, they're cooperating with the Devil and there is something unhuman in side of them ... There is something nonhuman inside of them and that should be discerned as something not human.

Gordon Klingenschmitt, Right Wing Watch 27 Comments [2/1/2014 2:46:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 99088

Voters in the Republican primary will have two very different candidates to choose from in the 9th Congressional District, as David Earl Williams III and Susanne Atanus vie for the right to face Rep. Jan Schakowsky in the fall.


"I am a conservative Republican and I believe in God first," Atanus said. She said she believes God controls the weather and has put tornadoes and diseases such as autism and dementia on earth as in response to gay rights and legalized abortions.

"God is angry. We are provoking him with abortions and same-sex marriage and civil unions," she said. "Same-sex activity is going to increase AIDS. If it's in our military it will weaken our military. We need to respect God."

Susanne Atanus, Daily Herald 49 Comments [2/1/2014 4:26:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 39
Submitted By: NoncompliAut

Quote# 99083

Yeah, I cannot say whether or not you would have died, just that witnesses are very educated about their options.

A lot of the time though, a doctor will push a blood transfusion to get more money out of the patient, just like they will push drugs patients don't need. You may have been misinformed, or your doctor may have genuinely believed you needed blood. There is really no way to know.

[A user points out why this is not the case.]

It's been my experience that the healthcare system(in general, at least in the USA, doctors included) is extremely corrupt. And yes, it is intentionally disrespectful because I believe those specific doctors have undermined their own honor.

That part about them pushing it onto you is absolutely not representative of my religion, just my personal experience.

Sinfullyvanilla, GameFAQs 16 Comments [2/1/2014 4:23:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 99080

Gamefaqs should like ban church and games (church and state) and this includes atheism because it is as much an organized religion as Christianity , Scientology, Mormonism and Islam.

[Umm, no. Atheism is a rejection of faith, not a faith of rejection...]

How dare you quote your scriptures at me you atheist nun

richard733, GameFAQs 28 Comments [2/1/2014 4:17:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 99075

I'm sick people acting like they think "oh being a christian means you can kill someone and get away with by asking god for forgiveness" If your really a christian you won't want to sin in the first place. The reason why god did this forgiveness thing is people kept treating religion as a ritiual people would follow the laws of god but the didn't actually have a relationship with god.

Even paul said that being a christian doesn't mean you don't do good works.
You get saved so you can do good works by your own damn logic christians who feed the hungry aren't christians. it's simple a case of you trying your best and letting grace cover the rest.
That's how i see it. Imagine if god thought like this "well this guy stole a candy bar when he was 7 now he's doomed to hell for all entirenity"

Hell even jews practice atonment by sacrificing lambs.
nobody is saying because your saved you should go on a killing spree jesus said it himself"you shall not tempt the lord your god" if your truely saved yo make an effort to do better.

As far as the works of an athesist I've met a few of them and they admit to doing things like stealing as recently as the week before. how is that works when you don't even feel remorse for it?
and if you don't know what i'm talking about i mean i have a friend who is an atheist who literally downloaded roms of games he didn't own.

SMASHKING84, GameFAQs 35 Comments [2/1/2014 4:14:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 99071

I am just sick and tired of this government. The whole lot of them belong in Gitmo for life. A few of my friends said that's to easy, hang them. It's true, more people are getting sick easier than ever before. Stress is a huge danger, high blood pressure is another. What gives us that? Our lying government. Minute by minute we never know what's next. He creates a new crisis every minute before the old crisis even gets cool. If Jesus is not on his way we need to fight back. I wanted to be in Gods army. Nobody or nothing can touch or harm them. They come in and slay the dragon and every unclean thing on the earth. To bad for the gays and the scammers. People aren't you all just tired from all this?

IsThisAmerica, WND 27 Comments [2/1/2014 4:09:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 99068

"Atheists are a minority, but are greatly growing in numbers thanks to the efforts of reasonable people!"

And I will exclude you from that group.

"She is biased aginst Atheists and she probably doesn't even know one! "

Neither do you. You cannot know who is an atheist or not. We cannot prove who believes in a god (theist) or not (nontheist). We cannot prove who believes there is no god (atheist) or not (nonatheist). We can't read minds. You can't even prove it to yourself what YOU are or not. If you could prove it to yourself then you could prove it to me. Go ahead. How do you think anyone can read peoples minds? Magic? ESP? Pretending to know what you are talking about is not the same as knowing what you are talking about.

Greg_Holden , Huffington Post 29 Comments [2/1/2014 4:07:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: afs189

Quote# 99066

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says that Democrats are pushing women to believe “they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

The onetime presidential candidate made the comments to the Republican National Committee’s Winter Meeting in Washington D.C.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee talks Thursday in Washington, D.C., at the RNC Winter Meetings.

"If the Democrats want to insult women by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it," he said. "Let us take this discussion all across America because women are far more than the Democrats have played them to be."

“And women across America need to stand up and say ‘Enough of that nonsense,'" he added.

Huckabee dismissed the notion that the GOP is engaged on a "War on Women," as Democratic rivals allege.

"Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That’s not a war on them, it’s a war for them," he said.

Mike Huckabee, NBC Politics 22 Comments [2/1/2014 4:06:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Kevin Klawitter

Quote# 99064

Early Christianity was a hostile, Jewish subversion and overthrow of the dominant Greco-Roman culture of the Roman Empire. Alexandria was a Jewish stronghold like NYC. Philo of Alexandria was like a Karl Marx, and the Essenes/Therapeuts was comparable to the Frankfurt School. Here I will give a brief, general history of what we know today as Christianity.

20 BCE – 50 CE. Alexandria, the Roman Empire

There existed many Jewish monasteries that enjoyed much in funding, connections, and influence. Most notable of these where the Essenes and the Therapeuts, among whom Philo of Alexandria? set to create a philosophy/religion that would deliver Gentiles into a Judaic monotheism. They understood that those who held the keys to a monotheistic god would dominate in religion and culture (Protocol of Zion #14). They set to engineer what was to become the hostile overthrow the long-standing Greco-Roman culture & its gods who were to be replaced by the Jewish tribal god Yahweh?.

The Greek title of “Christos” was lifted to name the god of the new religion, whose story is a composite of previous existing pagan gods. Research “religious parallelism.”

Christian theology materialized at the School of Alexandria. In this city rose the early churches, composed of both Jews and of Greeks. Saint Stephen?, Saul of Tarsus?, and Apollos? were most influential in propagating early Christianity. Early Christians were denying & profaning established traditions, angering Romans and conservative Jews, creating lasting religious tensions.

Many years later, 325 CE, Roman Emperor Constantine I convened the Council of Nicaea to solidify one universal religion to unite the Empire. By 380 CE, Nicene Christianity was declared the official Roman religion by ?-puppet Emperor Theodosius. All Paganism was suppressed and outlawed.

In 391 CE, Coptic Pope Theophilus ordered an attack that destroyed the temples and libraries of the Serapeum massacring the priests. The institutional structure of Egyptian religion, then more than four millennia old, was demolished in less than two decades.

Many Christian churches are built directly overtop pagan sacred sites. Thousands were murdered to secure hegemony of the new religion. Among the values of the religion are that you are to be poor in spirit, meek, and/or merciful in order to be blessed. Read The Beatitudes and understand their subversive nature as intended by the Essenes and Therapeuts. With this philosophy, they have convinced its followers to turn the other cheek, love their enemies, and do good to those who hate them. Who benefits?

Religions of our ancestors were replaced by this slave morality of humility, meekness, and poverty.

That is the story of Christianity: a Jewish hijacking of our spirituality.

Jenkpac Shakur, The Telegraph 27 Comments [2/1/2014 4:05:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
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