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Quote# 99239

Since atheists believe evolution which basically is "survival of the fittest" then why do they bring their kids to the hospital if they get seriously ill? Why not do as all other living species do...let them die? Wouldn't that help eradicate some of our diseases that are in the gene pool?

Also, if life spontaneously came into existence, why is there death? Why will a person die even if they receive the best of care, best of nutritious food, and diligently do everything possible to live as healthy as possible?

dajoga, Where Liberty Dwells 44 Comments [2/8/2014 4:11:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99237

Here's how evowackos "debate".

• They use "science", "scientist" and/or "scientific" ar least five times in every grammatically incompetent sentence;
• They claim to be scientists/professors of science in prestigious institutions such as MIT, but their abysmal ignorance of science exposes them as teen trolls within a few posts;
• They are without exception pompous, arrogant, ignorant, contentious, insulting, brazen, shameless, and clueless;
• They are with few exceptions the first in an ev thread to raise the issue of faith and religion;
• They attack my Christianity and the Bible even though I have NEVER cited either in my incisive demolitions of their junk science;
• They accuse creationinists/ID advocates of being religious, but they worship Darwin and cite/quote TalkOrigins as their godless bible;
• They utterly refuse to address any scientifically sound rebuttal of their mythology;
• They universally insist that natural selection renders math and probabilities irrelevant and makes the impossible inevitable;
• They invariably cite consensus as their proof of evolutionism;
• They load their Plan-9-level bullshit with subjunctive-mode words/phrases such as "might have", "may have", "could have", "it is assumed", "it is thought", "it is supposed", "let us imagine", etcetera, and they have the balls to call that science;
• And on and on and on ad nauseam.

It would be refreshing to encounter one of the zit-popping little snot-eaters who actually attempted to debate rather than reciting their tedious mantras that we've all heard/read at least a hundred times.

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 34 Comments [2/8/2014 4:09:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99236

What pissed me off is that I was disappointed when South Park used Garrison's schtick in '06 to break down evolution aka retards humping each other BECAUSE I wrote it first, almost word for word, before him years before using Retard Design on my own blog. Maybe the Way Back has it somewhere.

The opposite of Intelligent Design is Fkkd Up Design and it is accomplished through a series of retards nailing other retards. And finding out that the mutant is the hottest chick at the party.

Funny that. Why is it that you want to hump the freak as a matter of course as the first principle of evolution? I haven't found an explanation yet from the Dumbass Designers.

I remember watching that South Park years later going, DAMN, somebody pay me a royalty please!

Wyatt Junker, Where Liberty Dwells 21 Comments [2/8/2014 4:08:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99235

Until the mid-1800s, there was no such thing as a dinosaur...they were called "dragons" and are quite possibly upon which the Knights of the Round table legends are based.

Timberwolf, Where Liberty Dwells 28 Comments [2/8/2014 4:07:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99234

Look for you non believers let us start at the beginning. First billions of qwantrillions years ago before time was discovered there was... Nothing. Got it, nothing existed. Now this nothing sat inside another big nothing and inside both nothings there was nothing. Then one day (I'm not sure which day since there was no days back then, just nothing) the nothing blew up and became something. Now the nothing was something and it spread all over the nothing that was now something. Within this something's nothingness dust grew into a flowing orb and spewed forth the Earth, upon which over time two nothing something came together and formed an ape. The ape being an animal and not knowing any better leaped from the trees and in midflight discarded its apeness and walked upright and called its self man. There does this explain everything to you, no God involved, just nothing. Hay this is what they believe and they say we are nuts for believing in God.

Xantrawler, Where Liberty Dwells 35 Comments [2/8/2014 4:07:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99230

What happens when the average red-blooded man comes in contact with an obviously able, intellectual, and competent woman, manifestly independent of any help a man can give, and capable of meeting him or defeating him on his own ground? He simply doesn’t feel like a man any longer. In the presence of such strength and ability in a mere woman he feels like a futile, ineffectual imitation of a man. It is one of the most uncomfortable and humiliating sensations a man can experience, so that the woman who arouses it becomes repugnant to him.

When a man is in the presence of a tender, trustful, dependent woman, he immediately feels a sublime expansion of his power to protect and shelter this frail and delicate creature. In the presence of such weakness, he feels stronger, more competent, bigger, manlier than ever. This feeling of strength and power is one of the most enjoyable he can experience. The apparent need of the woman for care and protection, instead of arousing contempt for her lack of ability, appeals to the very noblest feelings within him.


Don’t compete with men for advancement on a job, higher pay, or greater honors. Don’t compete with them for scholastic honors in men’s subjects. It may be all right to win over a man in English or social studies, but you’re in trouble if you compete with men in math, chemistry, or science. Don’t appear to know more than a man does in world events, the space program, science, or industry.

Helen Andelin, Defeating the Dragons 75 Comments [2/7/2014 10:57:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 99227

The success of the homosexual lobby has been so enormous that, literally overnight, it has transformed what was considered to be deviant and depraved conduct into a moral desideratum. Those who find homosexuality sinful are on the defensive. In the America that is looming, the two previous sentences can easily be construed as hate speech to be reviled if not also prosecuted. We are left to beg for some measure of acceptance for our views, knowing how out of the mainstream they are.


The thought police, the speech police, and the approved religious belief police - all self-appointed, and all then anointed by the media as moral watchdogs safeguarding the purity of American social life (as they see it) - are totalitarians. Worse (in their language), they are bullies, and the repugnance of their conduct is proportionate to the shrillness of their demands on the rest of us.


We are living through the consequences of the forced removal of G-d from the public domain, especially schools. More than two generations of children have been raised without knowledge of - without even any access to - any sense of objective morality. There is no longer any sense of absolute right and wrong to guide young people's moral choices, only what makes one feel good or bad, happy or sad, and in the short term.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Rabbi Pruzansky's Blog 30 Comments [2/7/2014 10:36:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 99226

Rebbe Nachman of Breslev cried and screamed against secular education. He warned us that it would bring calamity on our people. Non-Jewish ideas lead to non-Jewish wives, and non-Jewish wives bear non-Jewish children. Hitler killed bodies, but assimilation and intermarriage kill Jewish souls; the latter is a much greater tragedy. The soul of a martyr can return in a different body, but the souls lost to assimilation die an eternal death; nothing could be more tragic.


Historically, Jewish cultural assimilation has always invoked physical annihilation. When we don't stop the assimilation holocaust by returning to Hashem with all our hearts, then a tyrant rises to do the job for us, G-d forbid. Each of us must be an ambassador of Outreach to do what he or she can to stop the catastrophe of assimilation.

We must strengthen the home, for the slightest deviation in a minor Jewish custom today can lead to intermarriage tomorrow [...] the Torah warns us not to deviate the slightest - neither to the right or to the left - from what our sages tell us to do.


The best way to stop assimilation, to save Jewish souls, and to raise upright, strong, and G-d-fearing Jews is to give your children a Torah education and to remove all Amalekite influence from your home.

In America alone, we are losing some 100 Jewish souls every day! The Yetzer in the United States of Amalek is outperforming the torture chambers of the Spanish Inquisition without firing a shot.


The Melitzer Rebbe shlit'a told me this morning that the only way to stop assimilation is to develop a zealous desire for kedusha and to uncompromisingly observe the ways of our forefathers. There's no other way for a Jew to remain alive.

Rabbi Lazer Brody, Lazer Beams 21 Comments [2/7/2014 10:36:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 99218

Are we shocked or appalled that straight couples happily exchanged marriage vows alongside homosexuals and lesbians on national television? Haven’t we seen the signs all along? For decades, homosexual advancement has encroached upon Christians and conservatives. Everything from rainbows to school curriculum to parades have been hijacked by progressives, tossed to politicians and handed down to liberal activists working alongside comrades in the entertainment industry. Macklemore was not ONE voice with a few stage props who sang for ONE night. He adequately represents a culmination of years of erosion of Christian and conservative values through liberal ideology and implementation.

So what should Christians and conservatives do? Complain to CBS? Sign petitions? Blog about how awful this behavior is for society? Those are sound starting places.

I propose this: Be yourself and don’t be so defensive. I’m myself no matter the situation or people. Sometimes I deliberately go through the checkout line of the lesbian clerk to drop a few words of Jesus’ love in her ear and then compliment her haircut. Or I encourage the star-struck 17-year-old to become informed on political issues that will affect her life, then discuss those big hoop earrings she’s sporting. No defense, no arguments, no worries. I remain offensive. I’m me.

Remind yourself that conservative values are still a major element in society, and Christianity is the only answer for cultural depravity. The Grammy folks want us to believe otherwise. They took a blatant shot at us through deplorable lyrics and godless imagery and tried to frame the narrative to say that homosexuality is widely accepted as the norm. They’re wrong. Society at large does not accept that narrative. They hope we’ll throw our hands up and surrender. Don’t do it. Order my book for a “how to” approach to dealing with godless liberalism within society.

Selena Owens, WND 44 Comments [2/7/2014 4:26:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 99217

Nearly everyone who is unemployed votes “Democrat.” Nearly every immigrant, at least in the first generation, votes “Democrat.” Nearly every non-white American votes “Democrat.” The GOP know that so intellectually and financially bankrupt an administration should never have been re-elected – indeed, given the scale of electoral fraud practiced by the “Democrats,” he may not actually have been re-elected (always supposing that he had the constitutional right to hold the office of president in the first place).

Houston, we have a problem. America as we knew her and admired her is going down, sinking financially and politically under the tide of takers. For takers are also voters, and that is the problem. The taxpayees can vote themselves more and more and more of the taxpayers’ money.

Yet so little attention has been given to the death of democracy via the growing cost and reach of federal welfare programs that the word “taxpayees” has not existed until this moment. Google it and the search engine will assume you have made a spelling mistake. It will give you thousands of references to “taxpayers.”

The GOP can no longer ignore the state of disunion that exists because taxpayees now so greatly outnumber taxpayers. It will need a short-term strategy and a long-term strategy.

The short-term strategy is to confront the American people with the scale and intractability of the problem, and to recommend solutions with the aim of reducing the number and influence of taxpayees.

The takers need to be confronted, boldly but politely, more in sorrow than in anger, with the fact that the unbridled expansion of federal welfare cannot continue because the money has run out. Therefore, unless urgent steps are taken to cut the handouts substantially Uncle Sam will find himself in the bankruptcy court, and when that happens those taxpayees who would otherwise get something will very suddenly end up getting nothing.

First, the federal authorities need to know who is getting welfare benefits – everything from food stamps to Medicaid and Medicare. In the future, if you want a handout from Uncle Sam, you will need to prove to him who you are. If you are an illegal immigrant, sorry, but no more handouts. If you are a lawful immigrant, sorry, but no handouts in your first five years in the United States. Period. If you don’t like that, don’t come.

Very important: If you are claiming any handout, you are not entitled to vote. Taxpayers will have the right to vote, but taxpayees will not. That way, no one can vote himself a handout.

Lord Christopher Monckton, WND 33 Comments [2/7/2014 4:25:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 99212

A group calling itself "Americans United for Separation of Church and State" claims that James Dobson of Focus on the Family "SEEKS A FUNDAMENTALIST THEOCRACY." Doesn't that sound frightening? In fact, all Dr. Dobson wants is what America's Founding Fathers wanted: children in public schools should be taught that the Declaration of Independence is really true, and what it teaches is really true:
•God exists.
•Our rights are the product of Intelligent Design.
•We ought to obey "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God."
•Our intentions and motives will be judged by "the Supreme Judge of the world."
•We should have the faith to trust in Divine Providence.

If the teaching of these ideas creates a "fundamentalist theocracy," then America is clearly a "fundamentalist theocracy," because the foundational charters of this nation endorse and promote those ideas.

Kevin Craig, Craig for Congress 33 Comments [2/7/2014 4:24:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: dionysus

Quote# 99211

If you went to a secular school run by the government, then everything you know about the word "Theocracy" is wrong.

My campaign slogan is "Liberty Under God." Most other politicians are not willing to bring God into politics as consistently and explicitly as I am. They know that if they do they will be criticized by a shrill minority for advocating "theocracy."

I advocate "Theocracy."

America was once a Theocracy.

The Declaration of Independence is a Theocratic document.

The 20th century will be known as the century that repudiated the idea of "theocracy" and became the most violent century in the history of the human race. And in America, the secular federal government now prohibits teachers in its schools from teaching students that the Declaration of Independence is really true.

Because I oppose the violence and the illiteracy of secularism, I support "theocracy." Specifically, I believe we should move in the direction of a pure Christian Theocracy.

Kevin Craig, Craig for Congress 38 Comments [2/7/2014 4:23:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: dionysus

Quote# 99210

"Christians" apparently don't care what happens here. They are afraid of standing up for what is moral and right and will never stand up for their supposed beliefs when and if they are put to the test. The muslims see this and that is why they are getting so brazen in the push of their religion. Take a good look at our country... God has been removed from everything and the mention of His (Jesus Christ) name is publicly forbidden, and, the "Christians" in this country have allowed it to happen. Must make God real proud of the good old US of A.

** Civilian Target ** , WND 23 Comments [2/7/2014 4:19:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 99209

Texas is calling.

All Christians come home to God, mom, and apple pie. We Texans will fight for God and Jesus. We'll fight for you too. There are over 30 million of us. Come home Christians to God's country. Come home to Texas!

Atheists, Communists or Muslims? Screw you. You are of no consequence here in Texas. Me and 30 million more Texans carry just in case of you godless *** get out of line. ***

Come on home Christians!

Scott Robbins, WND 48 Comments [2/7/2014 4:19:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 99205

You are all trying to lure me into a religious campaign when I am firmly developing a scientific thread. It is science that warned you of the climatic changes and it is the newspapers...presumably from scientific data, that is warning of of the distresses that are looming. I am simply pointing out that it is all in the Holy Bible and in particular the Gospels...a time when the whole world goes crazy...a time when Almighty God will act on behalf of the faithful...The not so faithful need not apply.

I have given a good account on the mechanics of gravity...even the most disbelieving who have a scientific insight must see that if we are living in a gravitational field we need resistance to its full force else a number of compressing forces will play havoc with our health...and if we look the world over there is middle age catastrophe for many, many people.

It all fits together if we say that the lead principle behind universal existence is a superabundant material that is the birth-force behind everything. The natural conclusion behind that understanding is that it is all owned by Almighty God...an ownership he stamped upon us when we crucified his son...and who would know better about its workings above Almighty God and his son...Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 40:26 NWT

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 19 Comments [2/7/2014 4:17:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 99204

Itinerant preacher and founder of HeartCry Missionary Society, Paul Washer, says Christian women who wear clothes that outline the shape of their body are "sensual" and "wrong" about how they are exhorted to dress in the Bible.

Preaching from 1 Timothy 2, Washer explained in a YouTube clip Paul's exhortation to women to dress modestly.

"He says, 'I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing.' That tells me that there is clothing that's improper for a Christian woman. Alright? I mean, that's just logic. There is clothing that is improper for a Christian woman."

"My wife has a really good thing that she says: 'If your clothing is a frame for your face, from which the glory of God is to shine, it's proper, if it draws attention to your face. If your clothing draws attention to your body, to outline it, to make it noticed, then it's sensual.' What you're doing is wrong," he warned Christian women


"Women, you need to understand something. Men are not as dumb as you think they are. My wife and I have a friend in Illinois and she is a very pretty lady, very pretty. And if she walked in that door right now every man in this room, if he turned and saw her, this is what they would say, 'Well that's a very pretty lady. That's a very elegant lady. That's a beautiful lady.' And that's what they would think," he explained.

"But ladies, there are also women that aren't half as attractive as that lady I described to you, either in their face or in their body, and they could walk in that door and the moment every man heard the door open and he looked over there, if he was a godly man he would have to go like this (turns head way). Because it's not beauty. It's sensuality. And even though you can't exactly write down the rules and put it all on paper, when you see it, you know it," said Washer.

Paul Washer, Christian Post 34 Comments [2/7/2014 4:15:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 99197

[The instant someone actually disproves evolution with solid proof, scientists will abandon it.]

Bullshit. Evolutionism isn't a science. It's a cultic, naturalistic religion that is zealously and mindlessly adhered to by people who are utterly terrified by the implications of the only alternative. They cannot disavow it because that would be an admission that they were wrong, and they will seek to destroy any "infidel" who strays from the fold of the pseudoscientific religion of Darwinism.

Ask any scientist about the dire professional and social consequences of daring to express doubt about the doctrines of the cult of evolutionism.

Evolutionism's "science" consists of drawing the curve and then plotting the points. It starts with the desired outcome and bends, warps, twists, tears and shreds the evidence to make it conform to their religion's dogmata. They ignore, suppress and censor any evidence that is not in lockstep with their cultic doctrines. They enforce exclusivity in academia by the power of the legislatures and the courts.

One would think that if the jackasses are so confident of their braying, they would relish the opportunity to confront creationists in a neutral venue so that they can once and for all dispense with those "Bible thumpers". Howeveer, they resolutely oppose any public debates with competent, informed creationists. Why? A: because each and every time they have tried it, they have lost the debate, usually decisively. ETBs are accustomed to controlling the setting, and when faced with a worthy opponent who is not cowed by their bullying tactics, they fold.

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 54 Comments [2/6/2014 4:25:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 37
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99193

Tea Party leader, retired Army general and former Fox News contributor Paul Vallely in a recently published video told a Tea Party group that, if given the troops, he would lead a coup against the U.S. government.

Vallely has called made his comments in a discussion with an Arizona-based Tea Party group last December, a recording of which the website Right Wing Watch recently acquired. “I had a call this afternoon from Idaho, the gentleman said, ‘If I give you 250,000 Marines to go to Washington, will you lead them?’” Vallely, who was Fox News’ senior military analyst during the Iraq War, told the group. “I said, ‘Yes, I will, I’ll surround the White House and I’ll surround the Capitol building, but it’s going to take physical presence to do things.”

Vallely suggested that a new George Washington be discovered amid the ranks of retired military personnel to take a stand against the “tyranny of a corrupt government.” Only they, in Vallely’s view, have the right education, background, and experience to combat current politicians who only have “legislation experience, not leadership experience.” He also suggested that action against the current government was necessary as not even the upcoming midterm congressional elections will be able to solve the problems posed as a result of President Obama’s presence in the White House.

“I don’t want to be criticized for starting a revolution,” Vallely assured the group, “but I’d certainly head it if we had to. We all love a good fight if it’s worth it, right?”

Paul Vallely, Think Progress 44 Comments [2/6/2014 4:22:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Kevin Klawitter

Quote# 99192

If you aren’t paying attention to Texas politics right now, join the crowd. But the Democrat running for governor is just so awful you have to pay attention. Wendy Davis rose to the top of everyone’s minds because her story was so compelling. This CNN headline summed it up:

CNN: Wendy Davis: From Teen Mom to Harvard Law to Famous Filibuster

Turns out, she lied about much of her “pulling herself up by her own bootstraps” story. Actually, she found a man to marry her, pay her way through college, and then through Harvard Law School. The day after he paid the last bill, she left him. By the way, she left her kids too. She said, “it’s not a good time for me right now” to be a parent.

Is everyone paying attention? This woman is the hero of the Left? A woman whose ambition and ego were so big she couldn’t have both a career and kids at the same time.

Gosh, children are sooo inconvenient, huh? I’m glad my mother didn’t put motherhood on the shelf when she was elected to City Council, then became our mayor, then Governor. Oh sorry – I mentioned my mother… Have you liberals gone into a tail spin of hate already? Did I lose you?

I know you would rather think about Wendy Davis, so let’s get back to her. She’s more your type of woman. She left her kid, husband, made it into a false “made-for-tv-movie-type-tale” and then demanded that Texans have the right to kill babies. That’s the woman you libs can really get behind!

Let me be clear. I think it’d be so nice to have a husband take care of me, and my son, so I could attend school. (Any school — let alone, Harvard!)

But the way Wendy Davis did it – by getting married and leaving him as soon as the ink dried on his last check – is downright pathetic.

Plus, it perfectly shows that – no matter what they say – feminism is a farce. If you truly believe in strong, independent women, you’d be a conservative.

Bristol Palin, Patheos 35 Comments [2/6/2014 4:20:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: UHM

Quote# 99190

Come on man, that theory is ridiculous. Just to deny the existence of god, that amature biologist made up that story. Remember, he discovered the variation of species, not the evolution of them.

The evolutionists actually claim that the source of every living thing on earth is one cell.. So all these fruits are just on earth by chance, and by "chance" they got carbs, that "by chance" are essential for the human beings.

Plus, by chance of course, the sun is heating the earth, and its exactly on the right distance from the earth, that the earth dont get too hot to live for people..

Im asking u, stand up and get in front of the mirror and take a look at your face. Im serious do it. Look at the design of your face, your nose, your mouth, your eyes, your chin... look at the superior design, and please tell me from the bottom of your hart, do u really think this could be a product of "chance".

Capricio, bodybuilding.com 47 Comments [2/6/2014 4:19:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99184

I have always maintained that John Rocker got a raw deal.I never had a problem with what he said in that SI interview.He spoke the truth.Orwell had it half right,"In times of universal deceit,speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act". Problem is,John Rocker is not part of any revolution.He is part of the counter revolution.The Stalinist coup d' etat of the USA has been ongoing since the 60's,accelerated in the 90's and culminating NOW.The counter revolution is the Tea Party.Look around,did you see the multiple satanic rituals in the Grammys last night?...was that family entertainment?..all is part of the Stalinist putsch.

ISawTomorrow, WND 15 Comments [2/6/2014 4:15:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 99183

[On the death of Pete Seeger]

I have had a lifelong pit-of-my-stomach hatred of this clown, including his stupid commie face, his stupid commie voice and his stupid commie stardom. That he was enriched by a central tenet of the society he hoped would fall and be trampled on disgusts me. There’s a gasbag gang of his acolytes that has taken over our State Capital building - who every day invade and sing these gasbag songs over and over and over, it’s Pete Seeeeeeg-er, click!, Pete Seeeeeg-er, click!, Pete Seeeeeeg-er!, click! Sung in in a taunting, pompously sonorous tone by his little commie friends - on and on and on. If I worked there I’d be daydreaming of sending a detachment of Praetorian guards with very sharp swords to collect a few heads. Puke!

februus, Free Republic 19 Comments [2/6/2014 4:15:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 99181

The "reverse blacklist" against conservatives and believing Christians is far stronger than the 1950s era blacklist against Communists and their sympathizers. The only media venues where conservatives and believing Christians dominate are in talk radio and country music. Leftist led boycotts invariably fail when they go against persons whose market is supported by conservatives, most notably the boycotts against Rush Limbaugh, Chick-Fil-a, and Duck Dynasty. Conversely, ask the Dixie Chicks how well their careers went after they denounced George W. Bush in England.

Wallace T., Free Republic 23 Comments [2/6/2014 4:14:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 99180

One major implication of this disastrous suicide on the part of the larger American Jewish community is that that community is likely to no longer be able to provide political support for Israel.

By opting out of the Jewish people through intermarriage one contributes to the potential weakening of the Jewish story, and a possible, God forbid, future disaster. I know almost all of those who intermarry will not care much about this. But the abandoning of the people is an act of moral failure of the first degree.

Shalom Freedman, Mosaic 16 Comments [2/6/2014 4:07:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 99179

More often than not, a Jewish community's response has been to take immediate survival steps even at a catastrophic cost to future generations. So too is it playing out now with intermarriage. Why not take a tough-love approach and announce that those who want out can stay out until they choose teshuvah, with a converted spouse. That's where I've been with my children and grandchildren, and it's worked perfectly so far.

Madel, Mosaic 10 Comments [2/6/2014 4:07:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
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