Quote# 99454
There's no mistaking biology. Womanly bodies are wonderfully made, and purposefully created with an empty space of a womb carried under her heart.
A woman's womb, her uterus, signals that she is made for something and someone more than herself. This reality touches a woman at her very core - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The womb's
raison d'etre illuminates this gift that welcomes and receives the life of a child, sheltering and nurturing it, until finally, a woman gives birth. We even use the expression - giving birth - denoting the gift that it is. The maternal gift ought to be honored and celebrated.
What's more, a pregnant mother is entrusted with carrying an immortal soul besides her own - a soul that is destined for eternity. That's why a woman really needs to be aware of the dignity of her feminine creation, and the sublime gift of her maternity, so she can confer that dignity on her child, and upon others through her love of life.
The gift of maternity is inherent in all women. They are predisposed to motherhood by their design. Yet, as we know, not all women bear children. Even if a woman never gives birth, a woman's life is still inclined toward mothering. All women are
entrusted with the call to care for the people within their sphere of influence. This broadens our ideas of maternity beyond gestation and lactation.
A woman's relationships with others, even though they may not be fruitful biologically, can be fruitful spiritually. Therefore a woman's life-her feminine genius-is characterized by physical and/or spiritual motherhood.
When the gift of a woman's fertility and maternity are devalued, they are misinterpreted as liabilities or threats to a woman's potential happiness, or earning power, or freedom.
Both women and men are crippled when disrespect for any of the gifts of the other are ignored, stifled, abused, or rejected. But women are demeaned when this precious part of them is reduced to a faculty to be managed, rather than a capability to be treasured.
Our beautiful maternity, and the lives and loves that issue forth from it, is why the church continues to stand in defense of chastity and marriage, along with its opposition to the use of contraception, abortion of the unborn and any other threat to human life.
Pat Gohn,
Faith Street 32 Comments [2/19/2014 4:15:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch