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Quote# 99521

On the Ken Ham/Bill Nye 'Creationism debate':

Evolution has NOTHING to do with critical thinking, applying concepts and formulas or problem solving. NOTHING.

Evolution = theory of origins from a godless perspective

Biblical Creation = God's revelation how it really went down

It's that simple...sign me up to debate the next guy, I'll just give em the Glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus.

jonshaff, Rapture Ready 50 Comments [2/21/2014 4:29:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 51
Submitted By: solomongrundy

The K Makes the Difference

Quote# 99520

I lol at the "intellectual's" who simply write off Magick as being fake when they themselves haven't seen it (authentic magick) being performed or it's 'miraculous' effects on people.
Even many Non-Muslim academics (Princeton & Harvard Professors even) and people involved in the work of paranormal investigations have begun to take an interest in the Jinn. A good majority of them have become convinced that many haunting's aren't the work of "ghost's" or "spirits" but by invisible demonic entities (i.e Jinn).
Though learning magick is Kufr (disbelief in Islam) you can find many cult-sites on the internet filled with testimonials of successful "enchantments" and spells by fairly educated people whom go into detail about their encounters with the Jinn (after summoning them). They see them whilst in a trance like state (induced by meditation) or in their sleep.
I'm warning you all that I'm simply posting this site so that you guys may see online magicians at work, read their testimonials, and maybe reconsider whether you believe it to be fake or not. I'm not posting this so that any of you can learn the material and try it yourselves, as such would take you out of the folds of Islam! The people on this site believe they are encountering with Angels, however in the Islamic tradition it's common knowledge that we only have the capacity of communicating with Jinn's willingly, whom can take different forms on-command. The following is the website: evocationmagic.com

Abbas2, Reddit 38 Comments [2/21/2014 4:29:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 99511

Conservapedia proven right, again: Stephen Hawking admits that black holes do not exist, as Conservapedia suggested back in 2012 in Counterexamples to Relativity. [63] Was Hawking's "biggest blunder" not listening to Conservapedia sooner?

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 49 Comments [2/21/2014 4:21:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 44

Quote# 99509

The strangest episode of [Rand] Paul's time at Baylor occurred one afternoon in 1983 (although memories about all of these events are understandably a bit hazy, so the date might be slightly off), when he and a NoZe brother paid a visit to a female student who was one of Paul's teammates on the Baylor swim team. According to this woman, who requested anonymity because of her current job as a clinical psychologist, "He and Randy came to my house, they knocked on my door, and then they blindfolded me, tied me up, and put me in their car. They took me to their apartment and tried to force me to take bong hits. They'd been smoking pot." After the woman refused to smoke with them, Paul and his friend put her back in their car and drove to the countryside outside of Waco, where they stopped near a creek. "They told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him," the woman recalls. "They blindfolded me and made me bow down to 'Aqua Buddha' in the creek. I had to say, 'I worship you Aqua Buddha, I worship you.' At Baylor, there were people actively going around trying to save you and we had to go to chapel, so worshiping idols was a big no-no."

Nearly 30 years later, the woman is still trying to make sense of that afternoon. "They never hurt me, they never did anything wrong, but the whole thing was kind of sadistic. They were messing with my mind. It was some kind of joke." She hadn't actually realized that Paul wound up leaving Baylor early. "I just know I never saw Randy after that—for understandable reasons, I think."

Rand Paul, GQ 28 Comments [2/21/2014 4:21:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 99508

I do believe that the current ideological starting point of positivism, the scientific method and traditionally male ways of knowing, are harmful to society and prevent us from moving towards a more loving, inclusive, sustainable global community. Increasingly, we live in an intra-connected, technologically advanced global world, with an increase in human movement and migration. By continuing the myth of the scientific method, we close our heads and our hearts to other ways of knowing that are as equally as valid. We deny ourselves the opportunity to share, to learn, to grow.


We have relied on numbers and quantifiable solutions for too long, and clearly, they are not working. A radical value realignment that recognizes the inherent worth in other ways of knowing has the potential to transform a society that currently marginalizes so many. Imagine if in schools, instead of the primary focus being on aptitude testing and national standards, there were empathy and ethical standards? Imagine if we raised children to trust their embodied responses, before language can logically construct a thought, if we created a culture where feeling was as important as thinking? Imagine if we began by teaching our children about how other cultures know and learn and we allowed our children to dictate which knowledge base they felt was best for them at that time? Imagine if we spent more time on nurturing love and compassion for self, instead of spelling bees and route learned times tables? Would the dynamic of our communities begin to shift? Imagine a life, without bell curves, and ranks and standards based on numbers. Imagine a world where everyone was valued, equally, all knowledge bases were legitimate. Wouldn’t it be better, for everyone?

Taeha Condon, Guerrilla Feminism 39 Comments [2/21/2014 4:19:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 99504

Oh the irony! In your worldview, children are merely the inevitable result of chemistry. Why would you care what they are taught… unless of course you secretly believe that children are made in the image of God and therefore have intrinsic value? And yes, you have severely misrepresented the Bible; but what is worse is that you continue to do so even after I have pointed this out and listed the verses that contradict you. Of course, there is no reason for you to behave morally on your worldview, so this isn’t surprising

JasonLisle, Jason Lisle's blog 29 Comments [2/21/2014 4:18:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 99502

Christian School Faulted for Halting Abuse Study:
GREENVILLE, S.C. — For decades, students at Bob Jones University who sought counseling for sexual abuse were told not to report it because turning in an abuser from a fundamentalist Christian community would damage Jesus Christ. Administrators called victims liars and sinners.

All of this happened until recently inside the confines of this insular university, according to former students and staff members who said they had high hopes that the Bob Jones brand of counseling would be exposed and reformed after the university hired a Christian consulting group in 2012 to investigate its handling of sexual assaults, many of which occurred long before the students arrived at the university.

Last week, Bob Jones dealt a blow to those hopes, acknowledging that with the investigation more than a year old and nearing completion, the university had fired the consulting group, Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment, or Grace, without warning or explanation....

Bob Jones is no ordinary university. Unaffiliated with any denomination, it is a leading force in promoting a kind of fundamentalism so strict that the university’s founders assailed evangelists like Mr. Graham, Oral Roberts and Jerry Falwell as too accommodating to the larger world.

On the campus here, students are forbidden to listen to popular music or watch television or movies; the student handbook tells them to avoid clothing brands that “glorify the lustful spirit of our age in their advertising”; they face sharp limits on dating and even leaving campus; and they are told which churches in town — usually run by pastors tied to the university — they may attend. Faculty members and other employees are expected to adhere to the university’s literal interpretation of the Bible and are forbidden to drink alcohol.

Bob Jones University, New York Times 24 Comments [2/21/2014 4:18:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Insult to Rocks

Quote# 99501

My argument is that morality is meaningful (regardless of whether you or anyone else finds this desirable/undesirable), that morality could not be meaningful apart from the biblical God, and therefore God exists

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle blog 40 Comments [2/21/2014 4:18:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 99499

"Marriage is a combat multiplier in that it gives married troops hope and a reason to fight well, defending ones country, of which marriage and families are the foundation. But homosexuality is a combat divider, dividing one's reason to live while taking breaks on the combat field to change diapers all because their treacherous sin causes them to lose control of their bowels.

Gordon Klingenschmitt & John Kauffman, RightWingWatch Blogs 32 Comments [2/21/2014 4:16:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 37
Submitted By: Shockna

Quote# 99494

BROUN: I do go against my leadership all the time because I stand firm on the four questions that I ask about all legislation. The first, is it constitutional according to the original intent? The second, does it fit the Judeo-Christian Biblical principles that our nation is founded upon? Third, do we need it? Fourth, can we afford it? If all four yes, I vote yes, otherwise I vote no.

Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), Think Progress 19 Comments [2/21/2014 4:13:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 99493

The subtler persecution of Christians in America, which began mildly, with the media mocking Jimmy Carter’s “born again” claim, has escalated rapidly in the last five years.

If Christians in a social gathering or on the Piers Morgan show say they believe Jesus is the only Savior and Lord, they will incite the most venomous verbal attack. If Christians speak out against Islamism or the celebration of homosexuality, they will be attacked with labels such as “Islamophobe” or “homophobe”—words manufactured by two groups that would normally hate each other but join forces for the purpose of eliminating the true Christian point of view.

Our nation once rejoiced to send loving Christian missionaries to alleviate suffering and bring the Good News of the gospel to a world filled with darkness and unbelief. Now our leaders refuse to condemn the genocide taking place against Christians around the world while condemning nations for enacting moral laws against the act of homosexuality.

A nation once admired for the peaceful missions of its Peace Corps now exports the most violent and immoral movies—so much so that America is now synonymous with violence, pornography and immorality in general.

America once stood up for the suffering and persecuted. Today, however, if you ask any non-Islamist Egyptian (most of the country), they will tell you that the Obama administration would rather side with terrorists than true freedom-loving citizens.

Dr Michael Youssef, Charisma News 25 Comments [2/21/2014 4:05:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 99488

Where DON'T I leave tracts? LOL, I leave them everywhere. I keep a supply in my car and everytime I get outta the car, I stuff a few in my pockets to leave around.

ANYWHERE is game!! I've put them inside library books...phone booths...benches at the mall...rest rooms...even lay one on top of the gas pump thingie while I'm gassing up. Everytime I grocery shop, I leave a few in carts, LOL, or even on the store shelves.

The possibilities are simply ENDLESS!!!

And you do NOT have to buy them! Go to fellowshiptractleague.com and they will give you tracts for free. There are many to choose from. I always select the one entitled, "The Second Coming" myself.

Good luck!

Waiting4Jesus, Rapture Ready 62 Comments [2/20/2014 4:39:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 99485

[This anonymous message was sent in two parts, which are combined here.]

I had to find out when the clinic was performing abortions so I can be out t her counseling.I had to call to schedule a fake abortion (ill cancel it later.) I had all fake information but valid. They were so rude to me, I can hardly believe it.


women deserve so much better, especially if they're in a crisis (unplanned pregnancy) and this is why I am a midwife and this is why I am pro life. I am pro-woman. I am pro life.

Anonymous, southern-conservatism 31 Comments [2/20/2014 4:37:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99482

(This letter to the editor is in response to a column criticizing the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia's failure to speak out against gun violence in the city.)
The Catholic Church is not a political lobbying organization, nor should it be, lest it lose even more credibility among the populace. One of the church's central tenets is "Thou shalt not kill," and there are already laws in place prohibiting murder. The church, therefore, rightly keeps its focus on overturning laws that permit killing the unborn and terminally ill. Its refusal to advocate for gun laws is a sensible choosing of battles by a rightly apolitical organization.

Ward T. Williams, Philadelphia Inquirer 29 Comments [2/20/2014 4:36:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 99476

This is simple. To believe in evolution without any supernatural power involved you have to believe in everything coming from nothing. And after you have been able to answer that first question which is impossible as EVERYTHING that is actually OBSERVED in this world is made from something. Then you have to ask after life came from nothingness from the matter that came from nothing how it survived a huge explosion making the universe. Not to mention that then randomly 80% or more of the world suddenly has an urge to believe in something they cant see or contact with (according to you that its not there). There should be no urge for that. There should be no wright and wrong. There should be no punishment. There should be no laws. There should be no fear of anything.

JustThinkAboutIt, Amazon.com 38 Comments [2/20/2014 4:26:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99475

[Discussion on buying your sweetheart a gun for Valentine's Day]

left-lib "men" are generally wussies anyway, and so would be afraid of anyone with the means to put them in their place. Any assertive woman would likely give them the willies.

Just think, though... if the conservatives tend to arm and train our women, and the "other guys" tend to fear both the arms and the women who carry them, guess which "class" will increase over time? Particularly as things get "rough" as they seem to be likely to do. What was that business Darwin wrote about? No, not the whacked out one he later recanted, the other one.. somethjing about natural selection?

Tionico, Townhall.com 38 Comments [2/20/2014 4:24:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 99471

Actually on the contrary my faith becomes stronger when reading or listening to arguments and viewpoints from atheists. Why? Because I am determined more than ever to hold onto it.

car12, Yahoo Answers 31 Comments [2/20/2014 4:24:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Tom S. Fox

Quote# 99470

Representative Nick Marshall (R-Parkville) has filed two articles of impeachment. He says Governor Nixon’s executive order instructing the Department of Revenue to accept joint tax returns filed by same-sex couples legally married in other states “is a direct violation” of Missouri’s Constitution. Further, he says Nixon “misstates and misrepresents the meaning and requirements under Missouri’s constitutional and statutory law and thereby misleads the citizens of this state.”

Marshall notes that in 2004, 72 percent of Missouri voters approved Constitutional Amendment 2 to change to the Constitution to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. He asserts in his filing that Nixon’s action “results in a recognition of same-sex marriage by the State of Missouri.”

Nixon, when issuing his executive order in November, said Missouri must accept such joint returns because Missouri’s tax code is tied directly to the federal government, and the state requires married couples who file joint returns to also file state taxes jointly. The office of Attorney General Chris Koster (D) says Nixon’s order appears to comply with Missouri law.

Marshall, in his filing, alleges that Nixon’s assertion was based on “a knowing omission of key statutory language.”

Specifically, in the section of Missouri tax code that defines terms, it reads that terms used shall have the same meaning as when they appear in federal tax code. Marshall seizes on the phrase, “unless a different meaning is clearly required by the provisions of,” Missouri tax code.

Marshall tells Missourinet, “Missouri law says a husband and wife who file a joint federal tax return shall file a combined return here in he state of Missouri. The condition precedent for that is that they are husband and wife, and you have to ask yourself, ‘Well, how do you define husband and wife?’ You may not use the federal definition. That’s not allowed because Missouri’s Constitution does not allow you to recognize same-sex marriage.”

The articles of impeachment have been co-signed by seven Republican members of the House: Ron Schieber, Ken Wilson, Jeff Pogue, Kurt Bahr, Mike Moon, Rick Brattin & T.J. Berry.

Representative Nick Marshall, Missourinet 19 Comments [2/20/2014 4:23:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 99469

We find ourselves at a precipice, wide and gaping, its darkness, seemingly never-ending. We have a choice to make. Do we follow the Truth of the Living God, who’s principles and teachings are the foundation of this country or do we follow the dictates of a depraved society and fall headlong, off the cliff, into the abyss below? For too long the GOP has misinterpreted the big tent idea of Ronald Regan. Raising the flaps higher and higher in an effort to retain power, not realizing by doing so they were destroying the very fabric the tent was created out of.
A tent by its very nature is inclusive and exclusive. There are things the tent owner will allow in and others he will fight to the death to keep out.
The GOP is not the tent owner, it is the tent. Our party, like our boarder states have accepted the slow creep of intrusion until they are confused as to where their boarders truly lies. The voting members of the GOP are the tent owners. It is they who decides what the party stands for and what it stands against or what it lets into its tent and what it keeps out. With this idea in mind, we must ask ourselves, “How do we determine our belief system?”


Looking at our history we see that the party was built around a set of ideas agreed upon by the party members. The tent owners had made the first tent. The fabric of that tent was built on the idea that, “All men are CREATED equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain inalienable rights…”
Where would they ever get a notion that all men are CREATED equal? You will certainly not find that in Darwin’s view of the world, which is being taught to our gullible children. His view gave rise to Hitler’s Third Reich, Mussolini’s Italy and Stalin’s Russia. No, we find this idea in the pages of the Holy Bible. God’s Word teaches that we are a created being, fallen from Grace but not forgotten by a long suffering God. A quick walk around DC will prove without a doubt that our Country was steeped in Christianity and so was the founding principles of the Republican Party.
Our party is suffering the cancerous effects of the Progressive school system. Liberals have long since taken over the once Christian Halls of such schools as Yale and Harvard. Even our local Universities are a breeding ground for perversions and depravities. Our children are indoctrinated by the ever droning lies of Communist Professors. Did we honestly think we could send our kids to these schools and them not be affected? How ridiculous! Today, we are seeing those who learned well the lessons of their left leaning teachers and a society who promotes a me-ist mind set. Our young Republicans want us to put away the old thinking of Marriage and Life. Adopt a more open attitude, accept who they are, stop the hate speech, blah, blah, blah. Yes, they have learned their lessons well. The problem is it was the wrong lesson.


How then can we as Christians stay in a party that adopts Homosexuality into the fabric of the tent. I say we cannot. Homosexuals make up less than one percent of the total population. They must prey on our children to increase their numbers. Why then, would we, as a party, entertain this perversion? We as a party should be purging this perversion and send them to a party with a much bigger tent. When we lose track of foundational principles we lose the very essence of our party. By throwing God under the bus we become nothing more than the poor Democrats who have lost their way and by doing so have lost their party. They are nowhere near the party of Andrew Jackson or John Kennedy. They have opened the tent so wide that it no longer provides them a shelter or a solid base upon which to place their platform. I’m sure you all watched when the DNC voted whether to keep God in their party. Three times they voted Him down and someone who knew they would be raked over the coals by their throwing God to the curb, over road the crazed masses and declared the vote for God. Boos were loudly audible. The Democrats Boo’d God!
Are we there my friends? Are we at the precipice ready to throw away the founding principles of this country? Are we really going to vote against God?
To me there is no choice, I choose Him. As my father’s before me, I believe, without Him and his Laws we are doomed.
If the GOP continues down this trend and stand for perversions and the daily social fad, then I must travel a more suitable road. The GOP will be truly dead and Satan will have had his day.

Mary Helen Sears, Schoolcraft County Republican Party 33 Comments [2/20/2014 4:23:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 99468

American Heritage Girls, an international faith-based character-development program for girls ages five through 18, has created a new Respect Life Patch that reinforces the organization's commitment to honoring life from conception to natural death.

Troops representing more than 30,000 girls in 48 states can earn the patch by participating in an event that brings attention to respecting life or by providing a service project for an organization whose mission/purpose demonstrates a desire to respect life, such as pregnancy resource centers, pro-life groups and hospices.

In January, AHG assisted the Catholic Diocese of Arlington as the largest sponsor of its national prayer gathering and youth rally in Washington, DC, prior to the March for Life event, which marked the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Across the nation, AHG members regularly participate in pro-life events, making the patch symbolic of the high value the organization places on the full continuum of life.

"One of the things that attracts so many girls to AHG is our strong affirmation of the Biblical worldview, which includes respecting all life from conception to natural death," said Patti Garibay, AHG executive director and founder. "Over the years AHG troops have supported life in a variety of ways, and we are pleased to offer them the opportunity to earn this patch and display it on their uniforms," she added.

American Heritage Girls, Christian News Wire 26 Comments [2/20/2014 4:23:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 99466

Ht says ""I've always found creationists, like those at Answers in Genesis, to be very well informed of the scientific facts" - which can only mean that they are deliberately misrepresenting the facts"

Well as you like facts HT and are so sure of Evolution try this. A man walks into the street undresses,naked and reveals all,he is arrested, A large type Monkey/Gorilla goes into the street reveals all may even masturbate and yet is not arrested

One is considered a Human for this purpose and yet you know he is only an animal.The other is an animal and you say "well this monkey/Gorilla is only an animal"

How come you can misrepresent the facts and persecute one animal (by arresting him) and yet you excuse the other ,

animal,with the comment it is an animal. And also why not explain why evolution has made such a COCK UP.

HT get a grip Man was created in the image of God AND YOU are without excuse.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Also you are a mass of contradictions. Some people would say a no brainer

~TW~ , Religion and Ethics 38 Comments [2/19/2014 4:10:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 99464

It Almost Always Happens

Yesterday, I was trying to convince a surveyor from England to put on tefillin. He refused. Over and over again... he refused. Not only did he refuse, but he was strong in his refusal.


"Are you married? Do you have children?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," he answered quickly.

"Is your wife Jewish?" I asked.

"No, she is not."

Instinctively, I took a step back. I just reacted to what he had done by intermarrying and fathering non-Jewish children. "You have pulled yourself away from the Jewish people," I told him.

He quickly took a step forward. He was tough.

"All that matters is that they are good people," he said.

"Why not have them be good people and be Jews, too?" I asked.

"It makes no difference whether they are Jews or not," he said.

"Of course it does. Jews are good for the world. Only one of out 510 people in the world is Jewish, but one out of four Noble Prize winners are Jewish! Jews are a valuable commodity," I explained.

"That doesn't mean anything," he tried to push the statistics away, as if they were meaningless.

I said, "You're an engineer. You're supposed to be logical. But when it comes to seeing the amazing value of Jewish people, you refuse to see it."

I went on, "We see this all the time. When a Jew strongly refuses to put on tefillin, he almost always goes on to think that there is no reason not to intermarry. Now I understand your strong refusal. You don't want to pull away from your non-Jewish family, and you think that if you do anything Jewish you will have to leave them behind."

"As long as the children are good, it doesn't matter if they are Jews or not," he insisted.

"You have done to your family just what all of our enemies for hte past 4,000 years have wanted.... 'No more Jews!'"

He shrugged his shoulders, turned his back to me, and walked away.

Reb Gutman Locks, Mystical Paths 51 Comments [2/19/2014 4:21:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 99463

[A "tinok shenishba," literally meaning "captured infant," refers to a Jew who sins supposedly out of ignorance of their religion or heritage. Its modern usage by Orthodox Jews also includes secular Jews and members of more liberal denominations.]

If you cannot come to the rational conclusion that as a Jew one needs to marry another Jew, then all the Gutman Locks in the world will not be able to help you. Ask yourself: I am in a 3300 year old covenant and counting with the Creator. That is now more than 110 generations. In the 111th generation am I such a brazen person that I can tell the 110 generations that came before me that I, because of how good it makes me feel, know better that the 110 generations that preceded me? Our ancestors died so that you could be here today as a Jew. And because of some feelings you're going to tell the 110 generations that preceded you to stuff it? No, there is no excuse for this arrogance whatsoever. Even a tinok shenishba can figure this out. And even a tinok shenishba could be held accountable for this basic error through ignoring this basic calling.

Dov Bar-Leib, Mystical Paths 20 Comments [2/19/2014 4:21:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 99461

[All emphases his.]

For the purpose of this post, I'm going to assume two premises:

1. Jesus is God. When I say this, I mean that Jesus is 100% God (and 100% man). He is fully God. He is not 1/3 of God. He possesses in Himself all of the fullness of divinity.

2. The orthodox Christian doctrine of the Trinity is true. This means that God exists in three persons, which maintain separate identities, yet remain fully one. Don't ask me how that works, exactly. But we do know that when one Member of the Trinity acts, the other two act in concert. This is the pattern throughout Scripture: we are saved by the power of the Holy Spirit, because of the sacrifice of the Son, and to the glory of God the Father, who gave His only begotten Son (who in turn gave us His Holy Spirit).

Every Christian in the world is still with me (if you're not with me, you're by definition not a Christian). The trouble seems to come in when we actually apply the truths above. We have this idea that Jesus is very, very separate from the Father and the Holy Spirit, and it leads to all sorts of wrong conclusions.

But Jesus is God, and the Trinity means that all three members act in concert with one another. They have the same nature, the same sense of right and wrong, and they assist in and approve of all of each other's actions. Which means:

1. Jesus closed the Red Sea, killing Pharaoh's entire army.
2. Jesus flooded the world and killed everyone except Noah and his family.
3. Jesus ordered the Israelites to slaughter everyone in (certain parts of) Canaan.
4. Jesus killed Ananias and Sapphira for lying
5. Jesus sent bears to kill the youths who mocked Elisha

...and the list goes on. It's amazing what kinds of conclusions automatically follow from the premises that all Christians already accept.

In conclusion, please don't be a Marcionite. Be a Christian. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We don't have to apologize for the "big, bad Old Testament God."

Jesus is the Old Testament God.

Tim Dukeman, Deeper than Sound-Bites 47 Comments [2/19/2014 4:20:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 99458

If atoms are material, then my wall would be a person as my wall is atoms. see how ridiculous materialism gets? we aren't material.

SavedByChrist94, Christian Forums 52 Comments [2/19/2014 4:19:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 62
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