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Quote# 99596

The weather is out of control because we have turn our backs on God. God controls the weather but when troubles come who do you cry out to. You call when were in bad times. God is always waiting for your call. He will never let us down. But you of this world have let God down. You think the weather is bad now? Will brother you have not sciene the real bad things that are coming upon this world. God is in control of everything. God holds your life in his hands. God is very disappointed in this world he created. God is coming back to this world and clean up all our dirty mess that we have done on this world. Do not forget about Noah and the ark. God has told you for years. To listen to his message but you will not listen. So now look to the sky it is coming fast now. There will be no stopping it. It’s name is judgment. The doors are closing will you cry out to God for his forgiveness and repent of your sin’s? Or will you just go back to your games and just fall asleep and let the enemly take over this world and rule????????????????????????????????????????

Atheism Is Fake, Facebook 47 Comments [2/25/2014 3:57:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: What?

Quote# 99594

So, not content with screwing up America, now liberals are trying to screw up Asia, too.

The "patriarchy" worked fine for thousands of years until the West showed up and said, "Ladies! You need to be liberated! Let us take you out of the shackles of the bedroom/kitchen and put you in the shackles of the work force! What's that? Don't want to have kids now? Oh, no problem! We'll just bring in a bunch of immigrants and breed the Korean-ness right out of you!"

Anon, The Unlikely Expat 31 Comments [2/24/2014 4:40:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 99593

Asked for an idea that could “change the world” by FORTUNE’s Adam Lashinsky, billionaire venture capitalist Tom Perkins told an audience at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on Thursday that Americans shouldn’t be able to vote unless they pay taxes and that the wealthy should have more votes.
“The Tom Perkins system is: You don’t get to vote unless you pay a dollar of taxes,” Perkins said. “But what I really think is, it should be like a corporation. You pay a million dollars in taxes, you get a million votes. How’s that?” Watch the full interview here.
The audience laughed at the idea, though CNN Money notes that the billionaire did not indicate that he was joking. Afterwards, he suggested that he was being purposely controversial, “I intended to be outrageous, and it was,” he said, adding that the comments “make you more angry than my letter to the Wall Street Journal.”
Last month, Perkins used a Holocaust analogy to describe his concerns for the safety of the top 1 percent of income earners, writing, “I would call attention to the parallels of Nazi Germany to its war on its ‘one percent,’ namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American one percent, namely the ‘rich.’”

Tom Perkins, Think Progress 46 Comments [2/24/2014 4:40:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 99592

I do not think there is a single child of GOD on earth who could possibly understand just how much the world and the worldly scientists have lied to us. Just about everything the world has taught us and indoctrinated us in our entire lives are lies. From the dinosaurs, to the moon landings. From the topic of how the universe was created to the earth moving and revolving around the sun. From the fake space programs to the fake aliens. From the so called - Drugs wars the US fights to 911....... The so called worldly scientists fake experiments, change data, manipulate scientific findings and are outright deceiving us on purpose. Why? Because there is a satanic agenda here on earth to indoctrinate you in doctrines that contradict GOD and the bible. Even NASA is a lie! Even NASA is a satanic deception. Just about every single modern day war I know of was started with lies. The entire US border patrol to keep out illegal immigrant is a lie. And on and on and on. We are indoctrinated into these lies from the time we are born until the time we die. We can only come out of these lies with the GRACE OF GOD.......... Just about everything the world and the scientists tell us are all lies! I cannot wait for the LORD to keep revealing to me more and more of the real truths of what is really going on here on earth! Praise to GOD........

Garrett Felender, Facebook 45 Comments [2/24/2014 4:38:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: Annelies

Quote# 99590

Let me say this again, the 14th amendment created no new rights. Not for sane sex marriages or otherwise. It was strictly for ex-slaves. The constitution has never given any judge, federal or state the power to create rights of any kind. All issues on morality is in the power of the state and people. No judge has constitutional authority to override the will of the people.9th and 10th amendments. There is no absolutely no right to same sex marriage in the constitution. All moral rights were instituted in the colonial conventions. All state constitutions then banned homosexuality as anti-Christ and Satanic which it is. America was created by Christians to promote Christian values. Now these satanic judges controlled by this real fallen angel is promoting his dark kingdom through these people and judges because he knows when Jesus returns He will destroy them along with him. However, in the mean time the earth is going to attack every state with harden weather Luke it was ordered to do. Next these judges and people who have challenged God will be plagued by more diseases including leprosy.

Allen Smiley, USA Today 40 Comments [2/24/2014 4:37:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 99588

[This is from a guide to "sidewalk counselors" attempting to persuade patients not to have abortions.]

- If she won't stop: Get literature into her hands. Don't ask if she wants it, just offer. Make sure the graphic signs are visible as she walks inside.


- Continue the conversation as long as possible: "Abortion isn't safe", "I'm here because I care about you", "They only want your money", "Please don't kill your baby", "This will haunt you the rest of your life", "Look at how perfect these tiny feet are," or "You can see that this baby is a boy."


- Do not ignore the husband or boyfriend: Often he is the key to turning her around. Include him in the conversation and explain his responsibilities as the man of the family. Make him an ally, if possible. If you can convince him, frequently the woman will gladly follow. Appeal to his pride as a man. Remind him that it is his child too.


- If a woman decides to enter the clinic anyway: Keep talking until the door closes behind her. You never know if those last words will be the ones to prick her heart and cause her to come out. Pray for her once she is inside that God would convict her and help her to change her mind. If undercover work has revealed that women can still hear when inside, continue preaching the truth. Speak to a friend that has brought her and ask that person to go in and bring her out. He or she brought her to the mill and now shares part of the responsibility of trying to change her mind. Use them to help you, if you can.

- You must be aggressive: You are the last line of defense of the unborn child. Do not worry about hurting someone's feelings. You can apologize later. Your popularity is not worth a child's life. Remember that the people entering the abortion mill are on their way to kill their baby. They need to feel bad about that. Be sensitive to the situation, but do all that you can to save the child's life.

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, Sidewalk Counseling Manual 47 Comments [2/24/2014 4:34:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 49

Quote# 99587

[After reading a post where an atheist mentioned he became an atheist after spending two semesters at Bob Jones]

I don't care much for the university myself, but your position is coming from the bias against your dad and Christianity.


Godschild, Atheist Forums 20 Comments [2/24/2014 4:33:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Rev. Rye

Quote# 99584

Blackfx, Where do I begin! First, I don't really know very many big words, and I'm not that great at math, just passing. The only thing I got going for me is the wisdon God blesses me with! People sometimes ask me, "how do you know God is real? Can you prove it? Here's the thing... I don't prove God is real, HE proves He's real to me! And I know because He ( I won't say talks) communicates with me! He does it in a way that I know it's Him! There is no mistaking it, and I promise I'm not delusional. The reason God can hear 5 million prayers at the same time is because there are Millions of dementions. Since God is a Spirit and He is everywhere, He hears every prayer. BTW, satan is only in one demention and he can only be in one place at a time. But he has fallen angels (demons) by the thousands doing his evil works for him. All that to say this... Millions of dementions are not empty places. There is plenty going on we can't comprehend. God is on such a higher plane than us. As much as we try, We can not expect what makes sense to us to apply to God. In other words, We can not bring Him down to our level! We try to prove things on our level. There are things that are on such a higher level that our level of thinking is like us trying to tell cavemen about jet airplanes or computers, they just can't comprehend any of it. Blackfx, there are scientists who also teach bible prophesy who also study the stars, universe. One of these scientists told me, "God created the whole vast universe 'just to sustain the earth'". That means in our universe, life only exists on earth! Now perhaps (I'm guessing) in another demention, there is other universes where God created life on another planet! I don't know if Jesus had to die for other peoples' sins on other worlds in other dimentions! But I do know this.. Jesus would do it a thousands of times to please the Father! God says in the bible, "Jesus would have come to the earth and die that same death on the cross if YOU were the only person on this planet. HE would have came to die JUST FOR YOU!" wow, so YES, I believe Jesus would die a thousand times for all worlds, if be needed. continued.....

bcats, MIT Technology Review 30 Comments [2/24/2014 4:33:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 99583

@doubleslit We have no idea what the whole creation is all about. Out of a 100% universe, we know probably 1/2 of 1% what's going on. I believe there are other civilizations out there but we will never see them because God made a great void between us for a reason. I also believe that if we want to find other inteligent life, we have to explore the spiritual realm. There we will find the answers we want. Spirits are in another dimention. If you want proff of spirits, you have to become spiritual. If you want proff of scientific matters you become scientific. Spirits are atainable. We occupy the same space. Jesus told us to communicate with God, we have to become spiritual. I am spiritual minded and I know when God is speaking to me. The reason people don't believe God exists is because they are not spiritual, they are wanting proof scientifically but GoD is a spirit. God can be the proof people want if they would only become spiritual. Proof of God will never be found scientifically, He is in the Spiritual dimention.

bcats, MIT Technology Review 21 Comments [2/24/2014 4:33:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 99581

(Commenting on a news story about random mob attacks against Ugandan gays)

Beatdowns occur every week in America (knockout game or just random hate crimes on white people) and the NYet Times cannot be bothered to report on it. “Local crime stories” they say.

Pink Journalists are killing the newsworthiness of the media.

a fool in paradise, Free Republic 12 Comments [2/24/2014 4:24:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 99577

Homosexuals have strong gaydar (like jedi knights and the Force). They can sense other homosexuals, even children, and help them discover their "true selves". < /Obama Schools Czar >

a fool in paradise, Free Republic 25 Comments [2/24/2014 4:20:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 99576

I watched the men’s short figure skating competition yesterday, and boy was it fabulous. One after the other, obvious homosexuals skated out onto the rink to twirl, jump and gracefully glide in all their glory. Surely this can’t be happening in Russia, I thought to myself. I expected that at any moment, spetznaz commandos would storm the arena to arrest these men, enforcing Russia’s strict, homophobic laws.


I was astounded. Maybe, I thought, just maybe, the Russians aren’t such totalitarian fanatics as our news outlets make them out to be. Maybe they don’t really harbor violent hatred toward gays, but rather just want some respect for the traditional values they hold dear.

What a novel thought… A people who value tradition who are neither violent nor hateful, but instead pretty much decent human beings.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 40 Comments [2/24/2014 4:16:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 99575

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has decided to sign a law imposing up to a lifetime jail sentence for homosexuality, announced government spokesman Ofwono Opondo via Twitter on Friday. NRM caucus spokeswoman Evelyn Anite confirmed Opondo’s announcement to BuzzFeed.

Museveni made his announcement during a retreat with members of his party, the National Resistance Movement, which has primarily focused on the party’s leadership as it prepares for elections in 2016. Museveni had been facing stiff pressure from his colleagues to accept the bill.

The deciding factor may have been that a panel of party members with medical backgrounds Museveni convened to study the cause of homosexuality presented a report concluding homosexuality is not an in-born trait. Museveni had told lawmakers he would sign the bill if “I have got confirmation from scientists that this condition is not genetic.”

The committee chairman told BuzzFeed on Thursday, “Speaking as a medical doctor … homosexuality is just deviant behavior. It can be learned, and it can be unlearned.” - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/uganda-president-reportedly-sign-anti-homosexuality-bill#sthash.ci2C29JG.dpuf

Yoweri Museveni, Right Wing Watch 17 Comments [2/24/2014 4:16:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 99574

[Regarding the recent lesbian couple on Good Luck Charlie]

This post is more of a public service announcement than anything, since I know many Christian parents who allow their kids to watch hours and hours of the Disney Channel. It seems to be harmless. Perhaps, in the past, it was harmless.

That is no longer the case. The Disney Channel is no longer safe for your children.


If you know any Christian parents (or non-Christian parents who don't want their kids to be indoctrinated into thinking that homosexuality is morally acceptable), pass this post along to them. Get the word out.

The Disney Channel is not safe for your children. Please, protect them from Satan's lies.

Tim Dukeman, Deeper than Sound-Bites 21 Comments [2/24/2014 4:16:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 99568

What is the homosexual agenda?

The homosexual agenda is the political and cultural movement to normalize homosexuality in every aspect of society, by systematically lying about its etiology and consequences, and to criminalize any questioning, differing viewpoints, objections of said homosexual agenda.

The homosexual agenda (ridiculously called “gay rights movement” and other such euphemistic terms) is part of a larger liberal agenda regarding sexuality and personal behaviors (including the endorsement of promiscuity, hook-ups, perverse and perverted attitudes and behaviors related to sex, porn, adultery, abortion, destruction of traditional marriage, STD epidemics, etc.).

The homosexual agenda is largely responsible for irresponsible and
corrupt research and academic production regarding homosexuality.

Do not confuse the term “(homo)sexuality” with “(homo) sexual orientation. They are not the same.

Homosexuality is about sexual attitudes, values, attractions, repulsions, concepts and interpretations about sexuality, power and domination or subjection dynamics relating to the sexual other, affection or objectification of the sexual other, admiration or disrespect related to the sexual object,conscious and unconscious feelings related to self or other which shapes or deforms relation and sexual feelings towards other, obsessions and distortions, projections, fantasies, dysfunctions, traumas, impacts from social conditioning, problems with masculinity or femininity,
problems with personal history and fundamental caretakers, etc. that will result in the sexualization of someone of the same sex and a hindering of the normal sexualization of someone of the opposite sex.

Society needs to be concerned about homosexuality, not homosexual orientation. Homosexual attraction or desire is only a mere product of a myriad configurations of these aforementioned dysfunctional
psycho-social dynamics.

On using the words “a homosexual”

The problem I see with using “a homosexual” is that it has an essentialist, inborn, or biological determination connotation to it that is the opposite of reality.

This is why I often prefer using “individual with a homosexual problem,” since no one is born with a homosexual problem.
This means in “liberalspeak” that no one is born a homosexual, no one is born gay, no one “is gay” in the biologically determined sense, and homosexuality or gayness or homosexual sexual orientation are not inborn.

Homosexuals are not “being themselves.” They are being themselves with a homosexual problem. Resolve the problem and they are heterosexuals being who they are.

Alessandra, Reflections by Alessandra 22 Comments [2/24/2014 4:14:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 99562

There is, of course and immense difference between being beset by the disordered inclinations of homosexuality and engagement in immensely destructive homosexual activity. Homosexual activists, such as this author, would have you believe that being as they say, "gay" must include both the inclinations and the activity, and that to expect a homosexual individual to constrain these unnatural desires is neither reasonable nor possible. An assertion if made that the right to engage in such conduct is some sort of fabricated civil right. This is all ,of course, nonsense. If this brave individual was discharged merely for his disordered inclinations, shame on our government. If he was discharged for his disordered homosexual ACTIVITY, which is always damaging to others and always predatory, his discharge was unfortunate but absolutely necessary for the continued well being of his comrades and his mission. Regrettably, he may have made his choice, and if so, will need to live with the result of his actions or conduct himself in another manner. All that aside, our nation owes him a debt of gratitude and he deserves respect commensurate with his brave service.

TerryT, Yahoo 11 Comments [2/24/2014 4:11:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 99557

[The OP had had lots of bizare threads about evolution before but now he thinks he has figured it out.]

Hi there,

This is really simple. I've discovered that Evolution is basically a psychotic mask, that enables people to deny their personal growth in favour of licentious godless behaviour. So I thought I'd break the mould by introducing the concept of preference, from which I can break down why you think what you actually cannot physically give up on is relevant to yourself in an Evolutionary way. What I think you will discover is that there is absolutely no Evolutionary connection perceived with what you actually think is really important and is obviously important according to theory (with which you have no real connection).

So answer this: what is your preferred selection pressure?

The next question is: what are you doing about it? But we can keep from moving too fast, if you want.

[And the options on the poll?]

The Devil

Gottservant, Christianforums 23 Comments [2/24/2014 4:10:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 99555

[Discussing the age of dinosaur bones]

Well, tell you what. When mankind finds a set of bones that have a tag, with a DATE on it, I'll start paying attention to those man-made dates.

MessengerOtruth, Black planet 20 Comments [2/24/2014 4:09:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Spectre11

Quote# 99547

i) From a secular standpoint, Tony needs to explain why owning slaves is morally wrong:

a) To begin with, many secular thinkers admit that atheism leads to moral relativism or moral nihilism.

b) In addition, secularism has a very reductionist view of humans. We're just animals. Temporary, fortuitous organizations of matter. So even if an atheist could get over the first hurdle (are there objective moral norms?), why is it wrong to enslave a human animal?

ii) The fact that Biblical law regulates slavery doesn't necessarily mean the Bible condones slavery. Law codes aren't ethical ideals. They simply set a floor for social mores. A minimal standard for what's socially intolerable. The law is not a substitute for moral and spiritual renewal.

iii) There were basically two reasons for "slavery" in the OT. One was for captured enemy combatants. Well, what's the alternative? If you defeat the enemy on the battlefield today, but let the defeated soldiers go home, you have to keep fighting the same battle. So that leaves you with two practical alternatives: (a) execute them or (b) subjugate them.

iv) The other reason was insolvency. Indentured service is no fun, but it's preferable to starvation.

v) As Richard Bauckham discusses in The Climax of Prophecy, Rev 18 is a searing indictment of an economy based on forced labor.

steve, Traidblog 32 Comments [2/23/2014 6:05:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 29

Quote# 99546

[In this video] Rabbi Yosef Mizrahi says non-Orthodox Jews are supposed to suffer, Orthodox women who were murdered in the Holocaust honored God while non-Orthodox women murdered in the Holocaust did not, and claims that the Holocaust was "five years of punishment to many wicked people that Hashem [God] give [sic]." He also extols Yemen because its inhabitants, including the Jews, are "primitive" and claims no Yemenite Jew ever broke Shabbat until Yemenite Jews fled Yemen for modern Israel.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrahi, Failed Messiah 27 Comments [2/23/2014 6:05:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 99545

[Responding to a news article stating that homosexuality is genetically determined]

This article is absolute bull and not scientific. I can prove it in a lab setting.

First, the physical body is a manifestation of the soul or spirit, not vice versa. Consciousness is the driving influence.

There are two aspects of the soul that need to merge in order to become “whole.” The experience of being “whole” is the driving influence of the feeling of “love” which merges two souls in order to allow them to feel whole by using another soul as a crutch. It’s the reason that Paul said what he did about being single and two becoming one in the eyes of God. The two aspects of the soul are the masculine and feminine.

I can identify the specific event in a person’s life when they switched their gender identity. Attraction is based upon the masculine and feminine aspects of the soul merging, not gender. Although, stereo-typically the gender tends to align with the dominant aspect of consciousness in the soul.

Dominant controlling women have a masculine aspect of consciousness stronger than their feminine. When they get into a codependent relationship with their son’s, the son’s consciousness develops into the compliment of the mother to balance the codependent relationship. Thus controlling mothers tend to have feminine sons. There are other influencing factors, but the mother influence is the strongest.

Stem cells are not masculine nor feminine, nor are they heart muscle or bone cells. It is the consciousness of the soul around the cell that gives it life and guides it through development. The soul is the source of life, or rather “Is the Life.”

I’ve done a lot of work with gays and lesbians in the last twenty+ years of my work. What I say here I also say to groups of them when I am lecturing. Then I demonstrate and prove it. I do not judge them as they are already judging themselves beyond what others impose upon them.

Even gay relationships have one dominant masculine and one dominant feminine. The choice to be gay or not is totally an intellectual decision. If a feminine man does not believe it is acceptable to be with a man in a relationship, they will find a masculine female to balance them out. The attraction is not generated by gender, but by dominant consciousness flow pattern being attracted toward its compliment to balance it.

I have also noticed the various illness manifestations resulting from the consciousness flow patterns in the soul. Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome is dominant masculine consciousness. MS is a dominant feminine aspect of consciousness. I’ve now tested fourteen people with MS and in every one the event that shifted their consciousness happened at age four. I’ve noticed that suppression of the feminine aspect also manifests as cysts on the ovaries or PCOS.

Intelligent design is scientific as the intelligence is in the soul as consciousness. Jesus healed the body by healing the soul. If you just raise the operational frequency of your consciousness through prayer and meditation focused upon God, other people’s souls and the thoughts and memories contained in them become physical and tangible to your senses. It’s how Jesus knew the thoughts and memories of all people around Him.

tired&retired , Free Republic 44 Comments [2/23/2014 6:04:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 99538

The World’s Most Oppressed Religious Group

Taking the word oppressed to actually mean “oppressed,” rather than “favored by our liberal rulers,” who do you suppose are the most oppressed religious group in the world? It isn’t Muslims, who along with commies do most of the oppressing. It is Christians:

Restrictions, harassment, and intimidation towards people who practice their religion increased in every major region of the world in 2012 except the Americas, with Christians the major target, says a new report by the Pew Research Center.

Here I was thinking that America was rife with “Islamophobia” like they say on TV.

A recent report by the Christian group Open Doors noted that “North Korea remains the world’s most restrictive nation in which to practice Christianity,” followed by Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen.

As for phony blather about the enlightenment of the Arab Spring,

Obama expressed hope that the “Arab Spring” would give rise to greater religious freedom in North Africa and the Middle East, which has had the world’s highest level of hostility towards religion in every year since 2007, when Pew first began measuring it. However, the study finds that these regions actually experienced the largest increase in religious hostilities in 2012.

That is largely due to the activities of Obama’s revolutionary Islamic allies in Egypt, where they burn churches, and in Syria, where they behead Christians and feed them to dogs. Obama and his lackey McCain tried to drag us into a war on behalf of these maniacs, but public opposition made them back off.

Dave Blount, Moonbattery 28 Comments [2/22/2014 5:52:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 99536

This is disgusting. Let's see the first gay NFL team to draft [Michael Sam]. Will he be showering with the other men and try to not get an erection? Will the other team members in the shower pick up the soap an support his condition?

Steve, Washington Times 36 Comments [2/22/2014 5:50:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 99532

•Evolution is contrary to natural laws (without exception) whereas creation is consistent with natural laws—for example, creation is consistent with the laws of thermodynamics and law of biogenesis.
•There are no known biological processes for evolution to higher levels of organization and complexity—mutations are overwhelmingly degenerative and none are “uphill” (that is, unequivocally beneficial) in the sense of adding new genetic information to the gene pool.
•Geologic landforms and sedimentary features are completely consistent with a worldwide flood as described in the Book of Genesis.
•Enormous limestone formations, huge coal and oil formations, and immense underground salt layers are indicative of a worldwide flood—not slow and gradual processes over billions of years. Such features are satisfactorily explained by a worldwide flood and known geophysical and geochemical processes.
•A worldwide flood as described in Genesis 6–8 is within the boundaries of known geophysics—see phase diagram in chapter 4 and Pangaea Flood Video at CreationScienceToday.com.
•There is no credible technique for establishing the age of sedimentary rock—fossil dating used to establish the age of sedimentary rock suffers from circular reasoning and guesswork, all based on the assumption of evolution.
•The standard geologic column with transitional creatures evolving toward more complex forms, as depicted in most science textbooks, is utterly fictitious and misleading, and does not represent the real world. In reality, it perfectly represents the aftermath of a worldwide flood.
•There are no transitional fossils or living forms—there is not one single example of evolution! Evolutionists look for “the” missing link—ironically, they are in desperate search for just one! But there should be billions of examples of transitional forms with transitional structures if evolution were true, but there are none. The bottom line, evolution has never been observed within fossils or living populations.
•Contrary to popular belief, evidence indicates that early man was intelligent and highly skilled with an advanced social structure. There is also evidence suggesting their belief in the existence of an afterlife.
•Soft tissues and traces of blood cells have been found in dinosaur fossils supposedly 70 to 250 million years old. (Soft tissues and red blood cells have relatively short life spans.)
•Carbon-14 has been found in coal and diamonds supposedly hundreds of millions of years old. (C-14 has a relatively short life-span.)
•Radioisotope dating suffers from multiple unprovable assumptions—the technique is “fatally flawed”—yet scientists contend as fact what they cannot prove.
•Abundant daughter isotopes are indicative of accelerated nuclear decay associated with creation (expansion, stretching out, or acceleration of the universe from an extremely hot, dense phase when matter and energy were concentrated) and a worldwide flood with massive restructuring of the earth’s lithosphere, not slow and gradual processes over billions of years.
•Evidences of accelerated nuclear decay in igneous rocks found worldwide are helium in zircon crystals, radiohalos and fission tracks, and rapid magnetic field reversals and decay.
•Over a hundred geochronometers indicate a young earth and universe.

anyathesword's Avatar anyathesword, Christianforums 43 Comments [2/22/2014 5:45:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 99531


Before buying Girl Scout cookies, consider the following facts:

Where Does the Cookie Money Go?

• A girl's troop keeps an average of just 10 to 20 percent of the money she collects from selling cookies.
• The local council receives an average of 65 to 75 percent of the money collected by all local troops.
•Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) collects a royalty payment based upon their licensed trademark on every box of cookies produced. With approximately 200 million boxes of cookies sold annually, and the cookie licensing payments accounting for 5 to 7 percent of GSUSA's budget, this amounts to millions of dollars of funding for GSUSA every year.

What's the Concern About Funding Girl Scout Councils and GSUSA?

• GSUSA, with over 2 million girl members, maintains relationships with many pro-abortion advocacy groups.
• Girl Scouts’ curriculum for girls, sold and promoted by every local Girl Scout council, recommends pro-abortion role models/organizations such as Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Geraldine Ferraro, Hillary Clinton, Amnesty Intl., Population Council, ACLU and National Organization For Women (NOW).
• GSUSA and local Girl Scout councils connect girls to resources promoting abortion rights and inappropriate sexual content via official Girl Scout social media accounts.
• Across the country, local Girl Scout councils honor and promote abortion rights advocates and pro-abortion politicians; suggest girls work with organizations that fight for abortion on demand; and invite girls to attend events related to abortion rights advocacy and other controversial issues.
• GSUSA is the largest member organization of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), making up one-third of its 10 million members worldwide and paying approximately 1.5 million dollars annually to WAGGGS based on the number of registered GSUSA members.
• WAGGGS, which states that "anyone who is a Girl Guide or Girl Scout is automatically a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts," aggressively promotes youth reproductive/abortion and sexual rights, specifically on behalf of its 10 million members.


mygirlscoutcouncil.com, mygirlscoutcouncil.com 41 Comments [2/22/2014 5:44:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
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