Quote# 105162
That the United States is the revived State of Israel is absolutely clear to anyone who takes the time to study the Holy Bible. Just because Adolf Hitler and the British Empire established a counterfeit or smokescreen state of "Israel" in the Mideast, does not negate the fulfillment of the great prophecies about the establishment of the true Israel.
Newborn Israel was rescued from the old world by a little ship!!
Saint Paul said that all the events in the Old Covenant were divinely foreordained to foreshadow the history of the world and the birth and progress of the New Covenant Israel:
"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world have come" (I Corinthians 10:11).
The Patriarch Noah was born 1056 years from the creation of Adam and Eve. When Noah was 500 years old, JEHOVAH told him to start building the Ark:
And JEHOVAH said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them (Genesis 6:7).
The ark was so massive that it took Noah 100 years to complete. Antediluvian man was a genius compared to the puny brains of today. Imagine a great genius like Nikola Tesla living for 800 years, and you have some idea of the advanced civilization both before and after the Flood.
The flood was universal because the birds of the air could fly to safety if the flood was limited to a certain part of the earth. The Ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. At the time of Moses, a cubit was the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger but people were much taller before the Great Flood.
The ark carried Noah and his family from the corrupt old world to a New World.
Noah knew all about ELECTRICITY because his Ark was lit by floodlights.
Only 8 people survived the Flood of Noah; all the people in the world today are descended–not from apes–but from Noah and his 3 sons.
The earth was filled with war and violence, and every kind of perversion: homosexuality, sex with demons, sex with animals, same-sex marriages, women ruling over men etc., etc.
In 1620, a little ship called the Mayflower carried 102 Christians from the corrupt old world to the New World.
As with Noah and his family, it was to be a new beginning for the human race.
This event is remembered yearly in November at the holiday called Thanksgiving.
After our great JEHOVAH had miraculously preserved his chosen people, more freedom-loving Christians began to arrive from England.
Unfortunately, the same watery highway that bore the Christians from the corrupt old world was also used by the Jesuits to infiltrate the colony.
John Winthrop was the second governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
He envisioned the new colony as a City set on a Hill.
The 1641 Massachusetts Body of Liberties was the Magna Carta of the New World.
Lawyers, slaves, and monopolies were outlawed in the colony.
John Winthrop is famous for his "city upon a hill" sermon. He was also one of the founders of Harvard College, which later became Harvard University.
Papal King Charles I kept a watchful eye on the colony through his numerous spies, so the Christians had to tread very carefully when enacting laws contrary to English common law. England at that time was saturated with greedy lawyers, so Governor Winthrop kept them away from the colony by eliminating the monetary reward for their services:
26. Every man that findeth himselfe unfit to plead his owne cause in any Court shall have Libertie to imploy any man against whom the Court doth not except, to helpe him, Provided he give him noe fee or reward for his paines. This shall not exempt the partie him selfe from Answering such Questions in person as the Court shall thinke meete to demand of him.
Despite all the attempts of the Jesuits to destroy the colony, such as the Salem Witch Trials, the New Israel in the wilderness prospered and the population grew rapidly.
Patrick Scrivener,
Reformation 41 Comments [12/10/2014 4:12:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives