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Quote# 98634

Note that Johnson correctly calls homosexuality a “great moral evil” – something I think even many committed Christians – neutered by political correctness and decades of “gay” propaganda – today would have a hard time admitting (to their shame). Johnson, writing in 1996, had not yet experienced the attachment of this moral evil to the noble institution of marriage itself (as is now legal in the U.K and in 16 American states). Sin’s advance – like an insatiable, devouring monster — destroys people and cultures, and displaces virtue with man-centered notions of wrong as right (Isaiah 5:20).

Of course, we in America have our own arrogant and vengeful “gay” (LGBT) “monster in our midst” — and I warned the Jamaicans that they, too, will have one if they give in to Western powers by opening up the Pandora’s box of homosexual “rights” in their country. The smart and resolute Jamaican leaders and pastors whom I encountered understand the tragic lesson from Britain and the United States: all attempts to appease this self-justifying Sin Movement are doomed to fail, as each concession leads only to further, and more radical, demands.

Peter LaBarbera, Right Wing Watch 17 Comments [1/7/2014 4:04:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 98631

(Note: The link for describing Anarcho-Calvinism doesn't work. Then again, the page was written back in 1999...)

Independence Day
An Anarcho-Calvinist Perspective

Vine & Fig Tree is a non-profit charitable religious organization dedicated to overthrowing the Empire of the Secular Humanist "New World Order" and replacing it with a decentralized Christian culture.
On "Independence Day," July 4th, the Empire honors those who volunteered to kill other human beings in order to avoid paying taxes. Were the deaths worth it?
• Our taxes are ten times what they were under Britain;
• Our rulers are ten times more corrupt than the British.
This web page examines the presuppositions behind America's decision to kill Christians from Britain

Date: July 4, 1999

Thus far, the last decade of 20th century America has been characterized by the senseless destruction of a country (Yugoslavia) and over one million of its inhabitants (Iraq), and the outrageous murder of human beings and destruction of nearly a billion dollars' worth of property by racists in Los Angeles. This is keeping with the rest of the century - the most atheistic and the most violent in human history.

In contrast, the first decades of America[1] were characterized by the drafting of legal penal codes which were taken verbatim from the Bible, such as the Body of Liberties adopted in 1641 by the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which explicitly provided that no law was to be prescribed contrary to the Word of God, and was annotated with appropriate Scripture references by John Cotton. Crime was low; the country prospered.

Sandwiched between these two contrasting decades is the Revolutionary War against Great Britain, which resulted in the formation of the United States of America as a rival "power." Our nation celebrates this event every Fourth of July.

The Declaration of Independence (published July 4, 1776) and the new Constitution (written a few years later) were part of America's repudiation of Biblical authority. The Declaration, which never mentions Jesus Christ, focuses on "Independence" and "rights," and by losing sight of the Suffering Servant, helped change the official character of the nation from the evangelical to the materialistic, and thus helped create the selfish, violent nation in which we now live.[2]

In our day taxes are ten times as great as they were in 1776, illiteracy is also about ten times as great (compare an 8th grade final exam from 1776 with an exam from today's public schools), and the State is incomparably more unGodly. Can anyone seriously maintain that America under George XI (or whoever the king might have been had we remained British) could have been any worse than America under Clinton I?

Clearly, what matters most is the virtue of the people. The system of government really doesn't matter at all. A two percent tax rate and an abstract political theory certainly didn't justify the killing that took place in the war that began July 4, 1776.

Many Christians are very patriotic, and support the Declaration of Independence and America's Revolutionary War for Independence.

How can this be?
The War for Independence was so plainly unBiblical.

Analyzing America's Declaration of Independence from a Biblical standpoint is an easy task. The following passages should be consulted:

Romans 12-13 / 1 Peter 2:13ff / Matthew 5:38ff / Luke 17:7-10 / Jude 8-10 / 2 Peter 2:10-12

Please click those links above. The entire text of the passage from the NIANWOV is supplied for your convenience (New International Anti-NewWorldOrder Version).

Then we can look at the Declaration of Independence and ask some probing questions.

(#1: It's fascinating the way our recent "bicentennial" erased nearly two centuries of prior Christian society. The Puritans were explicitly dedicated to making America a "city upon a hill," by concretely putting God's Law into effect. By saying America is only 200+ years old, instead of more like 400, Christian Theocratic history is sent down the "Orwellian Memory Hole.")

(#2: America covenanted with God to be a "light to the world." America has instead shown a light of secularism and violence over the globe. A substantial proportion of the 200 million government-inflicted deaths in this century were capitalized by American financial and technological interests, with the approval of America's politicians. America's exports of weapons are substantially greater than her exports of Bibles. America has been a missionary for the wrong side.)

Vine & Fig Tree, MOURN on the 4th of July! 24 Comments [1/7/2014 4:04:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Skyknight

Quote# 98627

But, the Founding Fathers did not dream of us becoming a less moralistic nation. One nation under God. The day the word "God" has been removed, America loses its morals.

Rjmaster, Nationstates 41 Comments [1/6/2014 4:07:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 98626

[Answering a question about whether teaching children about Heaven and Hell is child abuse]

No, It is Child abuse Not to and your opinions have less value than the fecal matter I flush down the toilet.
I will raise (and have raised) my childrn in any way I see fit, and you or anybody else will stop me, any atempt to do so will result in a revolution.
no go ahead, Try and stop me.

Redeemed by The Blood of The Lamb, Yahoo Answers 44 Comments [1/6/2014 4:07:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: Randomosaur

Quote# 98623

You know "the word of god" is made up of 66 books written by different people all around the "inhabited earth" at the time, and they all wrote about the same thing right? It would be like some one in NY writing about a specific person and at the same time some one in California writes two sequels of that very story without even knowing he did and then 2 more people in india decide to write about that same person and make 2 prequels... that has never happened before except for the writing of the bible.

isaac, Yahoo Answers 47 Comments [1/6/2014 4:00:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 40

Quote# 98622

Where does the Bible 'insist that all animal species were near Turkey'?

[In another post right below, defending Noah's flood]

How do you "know that the human population 4000 years ago was not Noah and his family"? You speak as if you were there ...

J. O. Polanco, Raw Story 35 Comments [1/6/2014 3:59:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 98619

To be a christian requires a direct interaction with God, and a sealing by the Spirit upon trust -so unless the "used to be a christian" crowd is willing to say they were once mentally ill, they either never met God, or they are a liar who know Him and reject Him anyway because they don't like His way vs their own.

One can deny they met someone, but they cannot make it a reality. They either met them or they didn't.

Angel4Truth, TheologyOnline 41 Comments [1/5/2014 5:06:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Persephone 66

Quote# 98618

[answer to a post from a Christian stating that there are some mistakes in the Bible, including confusion over the year of Jesus' birth]

The Jews used a calendar based on the lunar phases; nothing like ours. Every few years they had to add a month, like we add a day every four. It's been proven by using their calendar, Jesus was born year zero.

If you profess to be a disciple of Christ why aren't you asking HIM for understanding? He's happy to give it. I've had a thousand questions, and he's answered them all - in detail.

Disciples have relationship; we are free to speak and ask and knock and seek. You make it sound like you're reading just any old book.... There's nothing wrong with the Holy Scripture. Herod died in 4 AD not BC.

ALL HAIL JESUS!, Y! answers 39 Comments [1/5/2014 5:06:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 98616

I spent time this Christmas explaining to my close family the relevance of God's headship and our need to fully subordinate ourselves below and to Him. I asked: "What was satans sin?" and thankfully received the immediate answer: "To be on the level of God Himself." ... and it was easy to amplify with "... and ensure we don't do that."

It was beautiful to watch the "duckmen" line up behind Phil this month. When they issued the statement: "We cannot see ourselves going forward without our Patriarch at the helm." Patriarch, I had not heard that word in a long time. Those "boys" honored their Dad. They said, if it costs us, so be it. We stand behind our "Patriarch, our Dad." Their unity was an honor to watch unfold in the face of potential great loss.

Explaining to my girls the need to submit to the headship of their husbands and all of us to submit to God's headship. That God desired that we "do what He said to do" as in "obey Him." God did not say that we needed to fully understand the "whys" behind our obedience. Just trust in Him. That what He wants for us IS the best.
As we go forward, we should continue to "sow to the Spirit" and you know what? ... it WILL all work out! ... just as He said, just as He promised! ... we WILL reap eternal life with Him in a place so beautiful "no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor mind conceived what awaits those that love Him..."

BigMoose, Rapture Ready 38 Comments [1/5/2014 4:57:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 98614

[Fundies have been reacting to a news article that the 2014 Rose Bowl Parade will feature a live same-sex wedding. BarbT has noticed in the news artice says that organizers are hoping that the event will show the role that same-sex marriage can have in helping to prevent the spread of HIV in gay men.]

But the sexual acts that are being celebrated & promoted on the float produce HIV. Talk about convoluted logic.

BarbT, Rapture Ready 26 Comments [1/5/2014 4:57:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 98613

[Fundies are reacting to the news of same-sex marriages being allowed in Utah.]

I wonder if this mysterious death of 12 Bald Eagles in Utah has anything to do with that judges ruling?

Remember, It says in the Bible, "That not a sparrow will fall to the earth unless God gives His nod First". I think that might be the case here.

ByFaithIFly, Rapture Ready 52 Comments [1/5/2014 4:57:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 98612

Hitler entered office with great promises to the people; offering “change they could count on” for things that really didn’t need “changed”.

Today there are striking similarities between modern America and nazi Germany. Are you aware that one of the first things hitler did in his rise to complete control over Germany was to subdue the Christian Church? It was. Before the rise of hitler the Christian Church in Germany was strong. And there were some dear, beloved, courageous saints who did stand up against hitler and his faction; but it was too few too late.

Here are some examples of the “change” that hitler and his government implemented early on to pave the way for the dismantling of Germany, the murder and maiming of millions of innocent people and the dismemberment of the German Christian Church. By the way, most of the churches didn’t disappear; they simply changed their ideology from Christian to state sponsorship. Pastors were told to either comply with statism, step down or be penalized which could and did include hanging.

Just like in America, in Germany these changes were made incrementally. Note how history is indeed repeating itself.

-While prayer in school had been obligatory the people allowed hitler to make it optional. Prayer was removed from America’s public schools in 1962.

-Festivals that had previously been identified as Christian holidays were reclassified with secular names. This has been accomplished all over America.

-They took very aggressive steps to control and intimidate “Pastors” to incorporate and encourage various seemingly harmless pagan worship while discouraging churches from preaching the true Gospel message. Most American churches have already voluntarily surrendered many of their rights by unnecessarily embracing 501 C3 registration and some “churches” in America today incorporate “Christian” yoga, “chrislam” and other pagan religious activities into their programs.

-They took control of public radio not allowing views contrary to theirs to be broad-casted. In America there is movement to restrict Biblical views as “hate speech” as they now do in Canada and some have tried to do in America.

-They supported and promoted Darwinian Evolution to justify the purging of the species. In many schools and universities in America Creation is not even allowed to be introduced as an option.

-In some cases the Christian cross symbol was outlawed and replaced with the German swastika (the swastika didn’t originate with hitler; it had previously been used as a religious symbol for thousands of years). Today many of the largest main stream churches that call themselves “Christian” are practicing and promoting the removal of the cross symbol so as not to offend anyone.

Parson Rayphe, Christian Persecution in America 42 Comments [1/5/2014 4:56:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: dionysus

Quote# 98610

Homosexual movement’s goal is to outlaw Christianity

For years now, many of us have been warning America that freedoms of religion, speech, conscience and association and homosexual “rights” cannot coexist; they are by nature mutually exclusive. This is becoming clearer by the minute, as the radical homosexual movement has taken super flight under the ever-darkening reign of the pro-homosexual Barack Obama (or whatever his name is).

The homosexual movement is part of a larger push toward tyranny that has its roots in the spirit realm.

Gina Miller, Christian Persecution in America 22 Comments [1/5/2014 4:56:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: dionysus

Quote# 98609

[Italics mine]

Communism and Christian Persecution

I often hear the question “Why are Christians persecuted”. There are a number of reasons but here is one of the most prevalent; people want to be a God unto themselves. Many who subscribe to this worldview will stop at nothing to removes all hurdles standing in their way.

America was created to exalt Yahweh, the God of the Bible. Communism was created to make man as “God. Accordingly, Christians are a threat to the government machine.

Understanding these principles helps us to understand the communist that chooses to call the things of Yahweh God foolish. Understanding these principles also helps us to understand why those who choose to subscribe to communism sometimes choose to target Christians.

Is it extreme to refer to “the (political) left” as communists? Absolutely not.

Parson Rayphe, Christian Persecution in America 25 Comments [1/5/2014 4:55:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: dionysus

Quote# 98605

Christmas is the Day of Jesus. These days people should feel love for Family and our Lord. American people most of them, are sick and tired listening all this shameful topic again and again. Back in the old days of Biblical America if someone committed the sin of homosexuality he was aware of his abdominal sin, his family was ashamed, nobody talked it was really terrible even to talk about sexual abomination. But after the sixties people became totally shameless. Feminists have no respect for male authority, they have become male-hating lesbians and feminazis, hippies in drugs and crime, all those third world people came to turn the Christian family into a gay-state led by a Kenyan (as Mr Trump suggests) immigrant who has not even an American name. He turned the country into a feminist, gay, socialist, liberal Nazi Democrat state where women hate men, gays take over the government, socialist Obamacare destroys the best healthcare system in the world and the most powerful economy sinks into the chaos. Everything started in the sixties when communists took over the government under the pretense of "Democrats" But I have a question: why the most evil Anti-Christian politicians are always Democrats? why American people cannot see that Democrats are instruments of Nazi-led Europe and devil in order to attack Christian America? Now gay-led Democrats try to take over America. Americans we must be prepared for the new Nero era. Obama is the new Nero who wants to take our boys and turn them to Democratic gays. Amen. Lets, pray for the innocents. We need to vote for a Biblical American like Mr. Huckabee, Mr Perry or Mrs. Bachmann if we want to make America again the land of the free. Amen.

BIBLE_is the only way, Yahoo! News 43 Comments [1/5/2014 4:47:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 98601

You are bound to get a lot of anomolies when you try and explain evidence by such a dumb hypothesis like evolution. Try creationism and the flood of Noah and all that unexplained stuff goes away.

Annie Linux, Mail Online 21 Comments [1/5/2014 4:42:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 98599

If the Devil makes people homosexual, he makes people heterosexual too.

I sure as fuck wasn't born heterosexual. If I was, then why is it that I get a boner from thinking about guys and not girls? If all people are naturally heterosexual, then why is it that I have no natural attraction to people of the opposite sex? Answer me that.

For the umpteenth time, you've just succumbed to sin and temptation. I have succumbed to temptation for men multiple times, and I really wish I could just go spend the rest of my life with another guy, but the fact is that I can't. I can't because my God says so, and I obey him.

Marquette of Pacific, Nationstates 48 Comments [1/4/2014 8:17:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 98597

PHOENIX - Some might call it the December Debate -- do you greet people with “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays"?

A Valley woman, who’s also a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, says she was assaulted for choosing the wrong one.

Kristina Vindiola says a woman hit her outside the Wal-Mart on 91st Avenue and Thomas Road after she said "Happy Holidays."

"The lady looked at me,” said Vindiola. “I thought she was going to put money in the kettle. She came up to me and said, 'Do you believe in God?' And she says, ‘You're supposed to say Merry Christmas,' and that's when she hit me."

Vindiola says the woman hit her in the arm and then went inside the store. She told a manager who then called police. Shoppers we spoke with understand how some people can get offended.

Anonymous Shopper, ABC15 Phoenix 43 Comments [1/4/2014 6:20:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 98596

A short list of things that consistent egalitarians believe:

For the first 1970 years of Christianity, every Christian everywhere got the issue of women's ordination wrong.
Since the husband/wife relationship parallels God and His people, God submits to us.
Somewhere around 1970, we finally figured out what Paul and Peter really meant about gender roles.
Logistics dictate that the buck must stop and someone must submit. Egalitarians exclude male headship, making them closet Matriarchs.
If you read Greek, you'd know that the Bible really means the opposite of what it says. Except Galatians 3:28.
20th Century scholars know how to translate Koine Greek better than 1st Century Christians.
Paul is a hypocrite who forbids Timothy/Titus to have female elders but tells the Romans that Junia is an elder.
One heavily disputed verse in Romans 16 repealed all of the Old Testament precedent of male leadership.
Sarah called Abraham "Lord" (I Peter 3) to signify the mutual submission in their relationship.
Paul forbids a woman even to pray in church unless her head is covered. He really wants women to be in charge.
Jesus picked 12 people to lead His Church, and Zero of them were women. We should not be like Jesus.

If it sounds like heresy, that's because it is.

Tim Dukeman, Deeper than Sound-Bites 31 Comments [1/4/2014 6:19:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 98595

At least somebody is fighting to keep the few remaining Christians alive.

If 20 years ago, you would have told me Russia was protecting Christians, and the US was killing them on every Continent, I would have laughed.

But, here we are.

ason Priestley, wnd 36 Comments [1/4/2014 5:45:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 29

Quote# 98594

In fact, one of the reasons given for the destruction of Sodom was the fact that the inhabitants practiced homosexuality – hence the word sodomy. It is clear that, contrary to what the GLAAD spokeswoman said, true Christians believe homosexuality to be a grave sin, and this is all that Mr. Robertson was noting. He did not call for homosexuality to be outlawed or for violence or discrimination against gays. He simply pointed out that it is neither logical (and it isn’t, even from an evolutionary point of view; homosexual behavior would have to be just about the most selected-against trait imaginable) nor moral according to Christian (and most other religious) doctrine.

But there are no bullies like queer bullies. It isn’t enough to live-and-let-live. Now you must be an enthusiastic advocate and supporter of sodomy and willing to preach the moral goodness of homosexuality or face intimidation, threats of violence, censorship, and loss of your livelihood.

Sunshine Mary, Sunshine Mary and the Dragon 45 Comments [1/4/2014 5:45:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 98590

You are incorrect regarding how you come to your conclusions. No one can dictate the rights of others but certainly others can point out the sin of homosexual behaviors. Interracial bans were wrong for it was sinful-that simple. But gay marriages are wrong for it is encouraging sin. Gay sex is a sin and is no different than adultery, fornication, stealing, etc. The courts are sanctioning sinful behavior. Being legal does not make it sinless or moral.

"Sin" is a completely artificial construct, invented by various belief systems and which varies widely according to which particular delusion you subscribe to. However, according to the Xian book, it is no greater a "sin" than eating shellfish or wearing 2 kinds of fabrics. The "holy" people in that book were famous for fornicating and adultery and many of them were allegedly ordered by your make believe god to commit mass murder and genocide. So take your judgmental nonsense and shove it up where your communion cookie came out.

Sin is for real and has eternal consequences. Too bad you are full of hate. If you see someone doing something harmful, you are pointing out the errors of their ways. That is a type of judgment, not condemnation, Homosexual behaviors are sinful. It is that simple.

Full of hate??? Look, idiot child, I am not the one trying to limit the rights of others. You are either horribly ignorant or a very bad troll.

See you must resort to name calling. Your arguments are weak. You do not want to accept the fact that sin exists and that we sin because we are sinners. The Lord Jesus is there for all of us and He will cancel your sins if you are truly repentant. He does not reject anyone but many will reject Him. Please stop your hateful attacks.

sunnytruth, Newsmax 22 Comments [1/4/2014 5:39:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Goomy pls

Quote# 98589

Francis together with the precepts of The Second Vatican Council has turned Christianity inside-out. Today, Rome [and the pope] is Catholic in name only. At best they are Protestant…But more precisely…they have become products of a Masonic-Marxist-Modernist church leading the world into the One World Religion of the New World Order. These concepts vehemently condemned by St. Pius X are today the poison of modern man. Today the Pope leads the world toward convergence and not conversion calling all religions equal before God. THIS IS EGREGIOUS ERROR-!!!

KingKen, Newsmax 22 Comments [1/4/2014 5:38:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Goomy pls

Quote# 98587

Yet Jesus said it would be easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than get into heaven. Jesus must have more affinity for the impoverished than the rich . Who had him crucified.

The impoverished? The so called poor in this Nation regularly eat meat. With all the money we spend on the poor any child hungry here is most times paying for a drug or alcohol inhibited parent. Christ wanted us to help the poor, but I doubt very seriously if his intention was to promote sloth and thievery. The Lord helps those that help themselves apply to far to many people in this Nation. So much so we are preparing to make citizens of 11 or 12 million illegal Democrats. Someone has got to want to work...

Tripflair, Newsmax 23 Comments [1/4/2014 5:38:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Goomy pls

Quote# 98583

You have hit the nail on the head. The left/gays do not want the issue of anal sex to be discussed because they know that most normal people find it repulsive or at least consider it abnormal. Academia, MSM, Hollywood, all present gays as intelligent, stylish, cool, sophisticated people, but the thing that actually defines gays : anal sex, is never to be mentioned. And as we have seen with A&E, anyone who does mention it will face their wrath. If society would openly discuss what they actually do, then the coolness of homosexuality will disappear.

Gozza, American Thinker 35 Comments [1/4/2014 5:36:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 31
Submitted By: Chris
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