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Quote# 94702

[He's an ex-gay therapist]

The good news is, at least with the people that I’ve seen, not a lot of people, when the healing takes place those areas of the brain that were showing the homosexuality show heterosexuality. I have had several people who when I looked at them I couldn’t tell the difference between a heterosexual who never was homosexual and them, which means the brain is able to go back and fire the way it is supposed to be, which is an argument against the whole idea of someone was born that way.

Dr. Jerry Mungadze, Right Wing Watch 40 Comments [6/4/2013 2:55:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 51
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 94701

Being owned, and being treated like his possession, isn’t horrible, it’s wonderful. It bears repeating that this makes a woman feel safe, loved, and hot as a cat in heat for her man.

Sunshine Mary, Sunshine Mary and the Dragon 63 Comments [6/4/2013 2:55:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 61

Quote# 94698

Well atheists use logic, but when you ask how do you know logic won't change, why will we always use it or why use it. They say something like I just use do. Or in other words, the reason I use logic is I use Logic. This is called a circular argument.

If you tell an atheist the reason God exists is because the Bible (which is the word of God) says so. The atheist will say that is circular reasoning and has no meaning it is not good logic or something like that.
God is because God is.

The Christian has God who is unchanging never contradicts Himself and logic is the way or reflects the way God thinks.

So we can say we know this with certainty because God makes us certain of it. But they have nothing.
IF they give the reason to always trust logic is because they trust just trust logic.
We can trust God because we trust God is AND without Him there is no reason to trust logic.

Jesus.Christ, IAMjc.freeforumds.org 96 Comments [6/4/2013 2:47:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 94696

I'm a born-again Christian and I've always said that God wants us to play Dungeons & Dragons (and other roleplaying games).

Furthermore, those who claim that "unicorn" is a mistranslation of "rhinoceros," or that "dragon" is a mistranslation of "crocodile," are as mistaken as those who claim that "day" in Genesis is a mistranslation of "time period." Obviously we need to take the King James Version literally (in the simplest and most obvious sense); if Shakespearean English was good enough for Christ Himself to speak, then it is good enough for the rest of us.

John Fast, The Atlantic Wire 82 Comments [6/3/2013 2:11:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: Frostythesnowman

Quote# 94692

Police and Government are no better as they would murder a peaceful person minding their business just driving a bicycle without a helmet but what can you expect from fascist scum of the earth!, They make it "legal" to Murder a baby but tell you to be careful and wear a helmet

Anonymous, Charles Leblanc's Other Blog 74 Comments [6/3/2013 3:18:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 94676

Fox Business personalities had a collective freak out on Wednesday night after learning that mothers were now the primary source of income in 40 percent of U.S. households.


Fox News contributor Erick Erickson went one step further, saying nature itself commanded that women be subservient to men.

“I’m so used to liberals telling conservatives that they’re anti-science,” Erickson explained. “But liberals who defend this and say it is not a bad thing are very anti-science. When you look at biology, when you look at the natural world, the roles of a male and a female in society and in other animals, the male typically is the dominant role. The female, it’s not antithesis, or it’s not competing, it’s a complimentary role.”

“We as people in a smart society have lost the ability to have complimentary relationships in nuclear families, and it is tearing us apart,” he continued, adding that “reality showed” it was harmful for women to be the primary source of income in a family.

Erick Erickson, The Raw Story 69 Comments [6/2/2013 8:45:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 61
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94675

*...You didn't look at a single one [of my long list of sources in support of evolution], did you?
Because sources that support creationism and sources that support evolution are pretty damn different in terms of objective credibility, source for source.*

Well, whenever I post creationist sources, people either don't look at them or do for about 5 seconds and then say they're biased. So why should I look at your sources?

Also, creationist and evolutionist sources are equally biased, it's just that people naturally don't think that what they believe as "fact" is biased.

The North Polish Union, Nationstates 31 Comments [6/2/2013 7:11:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 94669

Why don't you come forward and let us know what the typical day in the life of a proud and unrepentant homosexual is Uncle Al?

As I wrote in another post in part 1, I imagine it would go something like this:

Wakeup and fix yourself an AIDS cocktail (shaken not stirred).

Sit outside elementary school in car watching 6 year old boys play at recess.

Have lunch in McDonald's Playland, watching 5 year old boys play.

Watch Andy Cooper 360 for inspiration, knowing that if a fag like Andy can make the big time, you can too.

Cruise some public restroom's looking for love (in all the right places).

Go home and spend the rest of the evening alone, knowing that your lifestyle is broken and without hope....


You repent and ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior.

aCultureWarrior, TheologyOnline 57 Comments [6/2/2013 7:09:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 72
Submitted By: Persephone66

Quote# 94664

In fact, there are no fossil ancestors at all for complex invertebrates or fish. That alone is fatal to the theory of evolution. The fossil record shows that evolution never happened.

John Michael Fischer, http://www.newgeology.us 37 Comments [6/2/2013 5:34:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 45
Submitted By: The Mocking Bard

Quote# 94661

Atheists, why does Venus spin in the opposite direction to all the other planets ?
If the Big Bang actually happened, then all the planets should be spinning in the same direction, that's the law of motion if this singularity was spinning until it exploded.

??a????, Y Answers 39 Comments [6/2/2013 5:33:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: Tolpuddle Martyr

Quote# 94659

Do you know why "young people" (Liberal ones,anyway) support homosexual marriage and homosexual "rights"? Because thanks to Liberals' total lack or principles,morals and family values,God has been cast out of Schools,the Government,the Military,and the FAMILY. Do some research,notice that all these ungodly things became prevalent just about the time Democrats,and the ACLU,began protesting everything related to God,forcing politicians to create unconstitutional laws against people's right to publicly acknowledge the FACT that a younger America's success for over 200 years has been,in large part,because of God's influence. But Liberals have systematically taken God away from Society and created an America that can't possibly succeed. Thanks for killing the United States of America. God help America!

Truckman, Townhall.com 46 Comments [6/2/2013 5:32:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94651

Gay marriage opens the door to a plethora of new definitions of how "marriage" is defined, a door which the majority of people,especially in the UK, would like to see shut. Consenting adults in a loving relationship is NOT a good enough reason to re-define marriage.

ideologue08, Atheist Forums 33 Comments [6/2/2013 3:45:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 37
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 94649

After quoting from a column by Brian Camenker from MassResistance on the supposedly detrimental effects of marriage equality in Massachusetts, Trewhella said gay marriage “totally changes the entire culture” but that most Americans “don’t care anyway.”

“Your children would be getting perverted in their minds by these filthy people,” Trewhella claimed, before turning his venom to straight people who don’t condemn gays and lesbians: “I have no respect for people who are parents, who actually have children, and have no problem with homosexuality or homosexual marriage. They are the most base people on the planet to have totally abandoned every God-given vestige to protect your child from the filth of homosexuality, to blatantly go along with it is disgusting.”

Matt Trewhella, Right Wing Watch 33 Comments [6/2/2013 3:45:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 94648

Dr. Ken Ham, president and founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum, invites former visitors to make a return visit to see the world-class exhibit "Dragon Legends" that will, among other topics, answer the question: "Were dinosaurs dragons?"

"There are lots of dragon legends because they were real creatures," Ham tells OneNewsNow. "We believe many of the dinosaurs would fit some of the descriptions of dragons - the land dragons at least. I've never seen an exhibit like this anywhere else."

Ken Ham, InstantAnalysis 67 Comments [6/2/2013 3:44:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 94645

I’m horrified. EDL [English Defence League] are beautiful, caring HUMAN RIGHTS activists who are viciously persecuted by UK ruling elites because they hold street demos protesting Islamification and Islamic sharia law. Most of all, the EDL are persecuted by ruling elites because EDL hold street demos protesting the violent gang-rapes by EVIL, demonic Muslim monsters and the forced prostitution of Britain’s children by cruel Muslims.

Paul Weston of Liberty GB declared: “I am convinced the media broke their silence over the Muslim rape and grooming cases ONLY because of pressure the EDL successfully brought to bear via street protests.”


Linda Rivera, Bare Naked Islam 64 Comments [6/2/2013 3:40:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 94644

[W]hen I was working on my Masters Degree, I did an internship at a program for Perpetrators of violent crimes. I learned a great deal about the early childhood years and the effect it has/had on them as children.

Some of the stories I heard were heartbreaking; but ONLY a very small amount of people actually scared me. These people (the vile Muslims)…let me re-phrase that. These “things” have long ago lost their mortal souls. They are walking around in skin with blood flowing through their veins; but they are NOT human beings with a soul like we think of that is redeemable. They have gone too far towards evil and now manifest it to the entire world…as we have all seen.

Out all the stores heard while in the group sessions, there was only one man that actually scared the other men. He was kin to a rabid animal just like this population is.

I’ve never been big on talking about my spiritual beliefs on sites…it causes problems. I do know this…there IS such a thing as evil. There ARE things walking around that eat, sleep and take oxygen into their lungs… that are no longer human. We are seeing them, reading about them; listening to their rants and shrieks daily online and/or in Video(s).

upaces88, Bare Naked Islam 26 Comments [6/2/2013 3:39:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 42

Quote# 94643

The English people are a bunch of stupid Retards, the Moslems are killing there people and they are worried about some bacon thrown at a mosque, the people should be destroying every mosque in the U.K and shipping every Moslem out of U.K so wake up you Retards and smell Islam who wants to rule over U.K

Islam Hater, Bare Naked Islam 49 Comments [6/2/2013 3:39:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 94641

Is Justin Bieber gay? Jesus said that a person who hates is a murderer. Jesus said that a person who lusts is an adulterer. Thus, anyone who looks gay, talks gays and acts gay is a homosexual in their heart. Of course Bieber is gay!

David J. Stewart, Jesus Is Savior 90 Comments [6/1/2013 1:33:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 67
Submitted By: Robert

Quote# 94640

Many pundits are weighing in on the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to allow open homosexuality into the organization. I, for one, am not surprised. It is not generally known, but the youth hiking and camping movement we know today in America as the Boy Scouts, has its roots in pederasty. Pederasty, also known as Man/Boy Sex, is the overlapping common core of the now open male homosexual and still hidden male pedophile communities. It involves primarily sexual relationships between adult men of any age and boys roughly from age 7 to 17. It is the most common form of homosexual relationship in history and the means by which a great many young men are recruited into a life-long homosexual identity.

Scott Lively, Joe. My. God. 39 Comments [6/1/2013 1:33:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: Aspergus

Quote# 94639

Everyone is NOT an atheist. There is only one, true God. All others are fake, delusions. Not believing in something that does not exist is not atheism.

I am the LORD your God, and I only shalt thou serve.

Anthony L. , Amazon Atheist Forum 58 Comments [6/1/2013 5:48:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
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