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Quote# 94790

Scottish historian Niall Ferguson put a public apology on his website yesterday after suggesting that the spend-your-way-out-of-recession approach of economist John Maynard Keynes was inspired by his homosexuality. (Read the BBC report, ‘Niall Ferguson apology over Keynes remarks.’)


Despite his retraction, Christian Voice believes Dr. Ferguson was right the first time. We have reported on the British economist John Maynard Keynes before, showing how his rejection of the Biblical “sowing and reaping principle” in favour of immediate gratification formed the basis both of his deviant sexual lifestyle and his economic theories. Recognizing the obvious connection between Keynes’ personal life and his economic theory is not a matter of sexual prejudice, but of history.
A paedophile who governed his life by the principle that “in the long run we are all dead”, Keynes was himself the first to suggest that his approach to economic policy was inspired by his immoral life. Keynes wrote, “When the accumulation of wealth is no longer of high social importance, there will be great changes in the code of morals. We shall be able to rid ourselves of many pseudo-moral principles which have hag-ridden us for two hundred years….”
As this quotation suggests, it is simply not possible to disengage Keynes’ economic theories from his worldview – a worldview deeply rooted in the deviance of his personal life. That is why we believe that Niall Ferguson was right the first time.

Robin, Christian Voice 26 Comments [6/10/2013 3:00:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Bleep

Quote# 94789

So these are the only two examples you can find of Christian ‘extremism’. But the Westboro Baptist People are not bombing public transport or murdering infidels. Witchcraft is a big problem in Africa. And so is the corruption of young people by western sex tourists.

It is pandering to the evil of sodomy which results and will result in misery. Opposing it and delivering people from same-sex attraction is a good thing.

The only ‘hilarious’ thing about our post on Michael Gove forbidding teaching of Creation or Intelligent Design was how all the evolutionists promised ‘mountains of evidence’ for evolution and when pressed, didn’t have any at all.

Atheism is even more superstitious than the worst non-Christian religious belief. Despite the evidence, atheists retain a blind faith in the goodness of man. Atheists also put themselves above other human beings as a supposedly more ‘highly-evolved’ or more intelligent class of people, who alone have the right to boss the rest of us around.

As for you, yes, you are a sinner in need of repentance and a new life in Jesus Christ. But you clearly believe in the power of prayer. That’s a start.

Stephen Green, Christian Voice 31 Comments [6/10/2013 3:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Bleep

Quote# 94784

One of the best ways to deal with anything that distracts us from a right walk with the Lord is to attack the problem through Scripture and get so involved with the fantastic insights while we study that we are at least given some moments away from the distractions. We cannot allow ourselves to step over the line into obsession with a problem so that our obsession with the problem becomes greater than the problem itself. I have witnessed some whose frequent desire to repent keeps their mind so obsessed with a problem that they're crippled to walk away from the problem.

So we'll seek an answer to your situation while distracting you from your situation as a demonstration of what works for many others. I apologize in advance if any of what I'm saying here is too elementary but it's often the most simple explanations that make difficult problems easy to understand.

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8

When it comes to women, do the same. Dwell on those that are worthy of your attention. Seek those that fit the above description. In most cases this means traveling to other countries to find them since America is a nation of harlots. It is the rare exception where marrying a harlot is prudent. A harlot is any woman who has had more men than she has had husbands. Repentant harlots in the Bible are not proud like those who fill America's churches. In America harlots often bear a title, "Single Mother" as a badge of honor as if their harlotry makes them better! Somehow they think that by not murdering their baby they are worthy of praise! I go through every day of my life not murdering my children! Killing a child by abortion or otherwise is worthy of condemnation but not killing, in other words, normal behavior, is not something unusual that we should praise, ah, except in America. Yes, in America, normal behavior has become so rare that we must praise it!

So to begin with, it's important to get a pure woman under your authority. This nation claims to call that marriage.

The Bible has no such word in the Hebrew nor does the blessed man woman relationship described in the Bible have anything to do with what the West calls "marriage." So it's clear that where it is used in the Greek (New Testament) that the Greek word "gameo" which is then translated in our Bibles to the English word "marriage" is not an exact translation of the Hebrew or Aramaic words originally used by the speaker. I'll repeat because for many this is a shock, the Hebrew language simply did not have the word marriage! It uses a number of other words and phrases that are translated to the English word marriage to describe the acceptable relationship between a man and a woman, but never a single word that could possibly be translated "marriage, marrying, married, marries, etc." In fact, the English word marriage is used only two times in the entire Old Testament and cannot be accurately translated to the English word marriage, not by any means!

Pastor Don Milton, Christian Marriage 42 Comments [6/10/2013 2:59:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 94782

I think young people want to get beyond the nonsense of scientists: There was nothing and then nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs. Go home Science, you’re drunk. It is no wonder the Bible calls atheists fools.

Triston Dyer , Theoblogy 54 Comments [6/10/2013 2:58:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 94781

I noticed a false dichotomy in this article and wanted to challenge it. I don't think you can just dismiss this debate on when so many choose to embrace atheism on the grounds of origins. Creationism is not just the playground for "recalcitrant" fundamentals; but truly something being studied at the physical and cosmological level of Einstein, Hawking, and Sandage. Your article just passes it by as if 7 day creation, 6000 year old earth, etc. etc is all of Creationism. I know you are trying to move on from this debate; but you mislead in your caricature of Creationism. Did God cause beings to appear or did he just deistically set in motion our evolution from soup and microorganisms is a better question to argue over, not at the level you are suggesting where one side are stubborn baffoons and the other side are cool headed intellectuals...much more nuanced and sophisticated than that. Read anything about Michael Behe or Stephen Meyer to get some info on design and origin of life if interested.

Rob, Theoblogy 31 Comments [6/10/2013 2:58:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 94770

Obama is quite literally "Evil Incarnate." He is a spawn of Satan himself. These are in fact the End Days and Obama is Satanic! He is protected by Satan and he will succeed in Destroying the United States. Our Country has turned its face away from Jesus Christ and ignored His warnings. Our Government is Satanic, Our Schools are Satanic, Our News Media is Satanic, Our Military leadership has been decimated and replaced with Evil leaders, Our Space program is gone, Our leadership in the World is gone, Our Dollar is no longer respected, Obama has stopped domestic drilling for Oil and Coal, Our Credit rating was downgraded for the first time in history, Black Mobs are assaulting and Killing innocent White people for fun, Obama is flooding our Country with Muslims and Mexicans, Obama is purposely Bankrupting our Nation and advertizing Free Welfare and Food Stamps in Mexico. ... SOON, Obama's welfare minions will be hunting down and killing Conservatives and Christians, THESE ARE THE END DAYS! Make yourself right with Jesus Christ Now while you still can.

OBAMAISATRAITOR , WND 67 Comments [6/9/2013 4:05:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 55

Quote# 94764

NASA should be ended. It should have never been started. No one should be forced to pay for someone else's space travel. If private enterprise can't pay for it, then just forget it. NASA is socialism.

As far as Obama being a sock puppet; yes, that part is true. And people are brain dead; yes, that is true. If people weren't brain dead, they wouldn't pay the taxes to support NASA. If people weren't brain dead, they would have never fallen for that moon landing hoax that NASA pulled.

leucocyte, Stormfront 85 Comments [6/8/2013 5:16:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 56

Quote# 94761

MaryAnn H. says:
Yes, there is a woman (unless she has already died) waiting in a hospital to die with her unborn, badly malformed fetus who can not have a legal abortion. The doctors all concur that the fetus can not survive but they are prohibited from aborting it to save her life. So all these fine religious folks will stand around proclaiming "god's will" and watch her die.
They said the same thing about Helen Keller who has enriched the lives of so many--ever hear of her? Nah. You probably emigrated from Nazi Europe & thought she was euthenasized. Also, that lady can take a short ambulance ride to another meat market where they'll make dog food out of the baby.

Doctor Michael J Olivieri, Amazon Atheist Forum 77 Comments [6/8/2013 5:07:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 54

Quote# 94753

"God gifted me with a personal walk through homosexuality to the other side."

This is a sick statement. God doesn't gift people sin and rebellion to himself. Since the entire rest of his article is about homoism being a rebellion to God, which is correct. This shows to me why the ex-gay movement has failed. They believe that their homoism was a gift. Listen to the gay activist they say the same thing, that their homoism it is a gift from God. That "God made me this way." This is indicative of what causes homoism to begin with. Psychological isolation which causes the sexual inversion. The isolation is broken when they begin to have homo relations and find others with the same psychological perspective of society. They decided to ban together and force society to change, which is why we have Political Correctness in our culture.
So it is hard if not impossible for the ex-gays to say the homoism should be a crime, since they still have an emotional connection to them.

Which is why he never mentions that it is also a CRIME. Just like murder and stealing and kidnaping, adultery.

tcarey, WND 58 Comments [6/8/2013 4:09:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94752

If at the point where they have embraced some of the absolute worst abominations found in the word of God, friends I would think people would wake up and say, ‘you know what I just don’t want my children growing up with the idea that we accept this kind of behavior as righteous behavior.’ Friends, this is the disintegration of society and morality as we know it, this is where it happens, right here. Unless parents wake up and get their kids out of the Boy Scouts and out of the Girl Scouts, I personally think you’re going to lose your kids, you’re going to lose your kids to these worldly ideas, you’re going to lose your kids to these civilization-destroying things like homosexuality. My encouragement right now is all good people, any parent who loves his kid should get their kids out of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts because they are endorsing some of this unrighteous behavior. This is the kind of stuff that is destroying our nation and our civilizations.

Kevin Swanson, Right Wing Watch 31 Comments [6/8/2013 4:09:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94751

The Second Amendment isn't about hunting four-legged ungulates, but two-legged men.

The Second Amendment, as the rest of the Bill of Rights, is an acknowledgement of our natural born rights, not a granting. The entire Bill of Rights is about keeping the governments in their place. The Second Amendment is about the common person's right to own weapons of war so that we can keep the governments in their place by keeping the 'monopoly on force' in the hands of the people where it belongs, as in 'We the people.' Remember that? It will not be infringed any further and the 'gun laws' in existence will be repealed. End of discussion.

It's time to repeal all of the gun laws including GCA 68 and the NFA and any and all prohibition on concealed or open carry, everywhere; Shut down the evil BATF Nazis and try them for treason, and murder where appropriate and distribute their retirement funds among their victims; Then enforce the Bill of Rights on places such as Commiefornia and New Yawk and Chigawgo and if necessary bring the troops home and have them restore Liberty here and remove Amerika???s natural born traitors in the process.

Guns don't kill, governments do. Gun free zones are the problem, they allow armed criminals to kill. Arm the teachers, the administrators and the parents. Don't allow the "Liberal"(commie) trash who control the so-called educational system to teach mindless pacifism that is ensconced in their arrogance of false civility.

waypasthadenough, Denver Post Comments 54 Comments [6/8/2013 4:08:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: ScrappyB

Quote# 94750

Please present the evidence that inorganic molecules chemically evolved into DNA - oh and include evidence of where the information within DNA came from and what journal article you have that demonstrates evidentially how "nature" does the selection and sequencing entropy word to get from base pairs to DNA with the information intact.

goblue, Amazon Atheist Forum 46 Comments [6/8/2013 4:08:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 94748

Precisely. Every one of our quotodian existence comes with its angst. Any belief or disbelief should address the ways and means of doing that. Theism, however flawed, does it. Atheism is a big ZERO in this.

Amar, Amazon Atheist Forum 31 Comments [6/8/2013 4:07:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 94482

Obama IS PROTECTING the TERROIRSTS!!! He IS giving them AID and COMFORT!!! That IS TREASON and Obama and others MUST be impeached, prosecuted and EXECUTED!!! EXECUTED!!! for their CRIMES!!!
Fast and Furious…Gun Control…Benghazi…IRS…1st Amendment…2nd Amendment…4th Amendment…??????

Fast and Furious (CRIMINALLY supplying GUNS by the DOJ, Eric Holder, to the DRUG CARTELS in Mexico which were and ARE being used to MURDER 100’s of people including an American Border Patrol Officer)

Gun Control (Gun Confiscation, Infringement of the 2nd Amendment)

Benghazi (MURDER of 4 Americans, Protection of the MURDERERS BY Obama and those in his administration, the Media and others)

IRS (CRIMINAL acts by the IRS DIRECTED by Obama and HIS administration)

AP (CRIMINAL acts by the DOJ and Eric Holder DIRECTED by Obama and HIS administration)

EPA (CRIMINAL acts by the EPA DIRECTED by Obama and those in his administration)


ALL Liberals, Progressives (which are Socialists, Marxists, COMMUNISTS) and ALL those in Obama's administration

MUST be Impeached, prosecuted and EXECUTED for TREASON, SEDITION, MURDER and MANY other CRIMES they have and ARE COMMITTING!!!

Obama and those in his administration along with those that have been covering up for him (giving Obama and the TRAITORS in his Administration AID and COMFORT) in the Senate, Congress and other Government Offices ARE giving AID and COMFORT to the ENEMY that ATTACK America (the Consulate in Benghazi) and MURDERED 4 Americans!!! They allowed them to carry out the attack without resistance and to get away without resistance. They ALSO prevented the FBI from doing an normal investigation of the MURDERS. That IS TREASON and MURDER!!!

They ALL MUST be impeached, prosecuted and EXECUTED for their CRIMES!!!!

The BEST day in America’s history will be the day Obama is DRAGGED out of the White House and HANGED by the NECK from a TREE on the White House Lawn!!!

[The post also demands the execution of Fox News, the NYT, George Soros, a judge, all the networks and Dan Rather. Twice.]

Gary Calhoun, Political Outcast 106 Comments [6/7/2013 3:02:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 64
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 93962

The alter ego of every reprobate Jew is a horrible psychopath of one sort or another

Sure, the Jews put on a mask of self-righteous religious hypocrisy in the name of so-called Judaism, which is, of course, merely a jacked-up version of the now defunct religion of Moses, and used as a front and foil for a school where Jews learn to eradicate Christianity and dominate the goyim, by their corrupt and vindictive business practices. But did you know that many Jews, like Satanists and other reprobate sinners of other races and nations, have also become vindictive, vengeful, and anti-humanitarian, just simply because they know they’ve forfeited the redemption God had for them in the gospel, and will be damned in hell anyway for their crimes after death and Judgement Day?

Understandably the Jews who killed Christ would want to completely eliminate anything to do with Christ or Christianity, just simply to quiet their guilty conscience, if for no other reason. But did you know that the Jews also want to also dominate and largely eliminate the Gentiles in their ideal world under Israel’s antichrist? The idea being that only a few goy slaves will be left to do the hard labor and despised menial work that’s necessary for the Jews to enjoy endless bliss in a tranquil domain, under their vengeful Talmudic Unitarian idol, and where the very mention of the name of the Trinitarian God of Israel’s patriarchs and the Bible is outlawed entirely.

Simon Gibson, The Conspiracy of King Arthur 39 Comments [6/7/2013 3:01:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 93802

Only an ex-Jew can understand the Jewish mentality!

Brother Nathanael and I come from that background. We freed ourselves from the shackles of Judaism by turning our lives and our eternal salvation over to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Every thought that runs through the Jew’s head is saturated with hatred of Jesus Christ and His Church.

When a Jew is asleep, he’s subconsciously thinking of ways to cheat Christians.

And when he’s awake, he gets to act out his fantasies of swindling Christians out of their hard-earned wages.

The Jew gets pleasure out of cheating Christians. And when he can do it on a Christian holiday, like Christmas or Easter, that doubles, even triples, his enjoyment.

In private, when they’re by themselves and among friends, Jews laugh about the stupid Goyim, and how easy it is to cheat them.


Jews are two-faced. They love to degrade white neighborhoods by renting homes to blacks, bringing crime and filth and disease into our neighborhoods, while cleaning up financially.

Meanwhile, Jews live in segregated, gated communities with fancy mansions and beautiful parks, keeping out the black riff-raff.

Through their control of the news media and movies, the Jew-parasites control what Gentiles see and believe.

Gentiles are indoctrinated to believe that Jews are the Chosen People of God, instead of the demonic spawn of Satan that they really are.


Pornography is another weapon of the Jew against Christian decency.

Glory B., Real Jew News 56 Comments [6/7/2013 3:01:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 93795

The gay agenda swarmed around me like a shark that smelled blood. I received emails that purposed to intimidate me. I was sought out on Facebook and repulsive messages were posted on my wall. I was told I would rot in hell. I’ve been labeled a bully who wields “clobber verses” despite the fact that my op-ed didn’t offer a single Scripture. I’ve been compared to white slave owners, deemed stubbornly close-minded, and, of course, there’s the tired old homophobe line. One email simply said, “f**k you.” I’ll stop there because to further expound on the evil that the gay agenda unleashed against me is not edifying.

What was my crime? Telling the truth. God’s truth is love, and it doesn’t always feel good or sound pretty. But the response from the gay agenda to God’s truth is often hate. Still, despite the persecution, I stand in prayer for those the enemy has captured. Like God's heart, my heart breaks for their lost souls. I am contending for light to flood in, deception to break and repentance to come.

It may be working. And that may be why I got so much backlash. There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that yells is the one that got hit.” Could it be possible that God’s truth is pricking the hearts of those yelling loudest? Could it be possible that conviction is trying to settle in on the hearts of the ones who make the loudest threats? I pray that’s the case because the alternative is that they are flowing in a reprobate mind.

I imagine this column will drive more hateful comments against me. But God’s love in me will not bow down to the threats and name-calling. There is a gay agenda and it’s working overtime to send millions to hell. I will not remain silent. I stand in hope that God will use my words to prick the hearts of some who may find freedom in Christ and work to help set others free. Amen.

Jennifer Leclaire, Charisma News 57 Comments [6/7/2013 3:01:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 94736

I believe the American Revolution was completely justified. England was forcing people to be Catholic, that is a violation of God's Law.

Sandra17012, Rapture Ready 176 Comments [6/6/2013 3:35:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 80
Submitted By: Cindy

Quote# 94733

Any woman who has a man ask her to perform anal sex should be cautious because only homosexuals take pleasure in such filth. That means she is with either a bi-sexual man or a closet homosexual.

DevoutBeliever, CARM 61 Comments [6/6/2013 3:34:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 58

Quote# 94730

Evolution has nothing to do with human life. A tadpole evolving into a frog is evolution. A caterpillar evolving into a butterfly is also evolution. Its not rocker science.

Asa, Y! answers 103 Comments [6/5/2013 3:07:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 79

Quote# 94728

Intelligent design isn't a Science.

Oh really. So it is not important to find out what spirits are? It is not important to understand what life really is? It is not important to find out who created DNA? Things that can't be explained should not be researched?

Gaylen, Amazon Atheist Forum 50 Comments [6/5/2013 3:06:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 94726

I'm 51, and maybe 20 to 30 lbs overweight and I quit smoking a little over 6 months ago. I have no health insurance because I'm out of work. I do not plan on getting health insurance. If I get sick, I will rely on God to get me through it (or not). It's Jesus living in me and if he says it's time then it's time. I will not participate in this insanity that is government run health care!

"For me to die is gain"

tscopemkr, Rapture Ready 69 Comments [6/5/2013 3:05:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: Agrippina

Quote# 94725

[A girl writes in saying she is homeschooled, oppressed and isolated by her parents, and has begun cutting herself from anger and depression.]

What a bunch of #$%$!!!! This is obviously a contrived story. I smell NEA all over this! I know HUNDREDS of homeschool kids (including mine), and they are ALL more self-assured, better educated, and effective at critical thinking than their counterparts. They win academic scholorships at a RIDICULOUS rate compared to children "educated" in the failed public school system.

I think we should send this "poor girl" to a public school where she can learn to text in class, take drugs, drink like a fish, and live a sexually exploratory life by the time she is 14 years old (sorry, probably a little late here). Then she can graduate as a functionally illiterate, emotionally used up 18 year-old and spend the next 30 years "searching for herself" like all her peers!

If this is a real story, I would be shocked. Nice try.

Mike Carson, Dear Abby 53 Comments [6/5/2013 3:04:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 69

Quote# 94724

I choked on word “prehistoric.”

“Prehistoric” means before we had written records.

Nothing pre-dates Genesis 1:1.

Someone Else, Yahoo Answers 43 Comments [6/5/2013 3:03:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 65

Quote# 94708

The father of a Cub Scout sat his son on his lap late last week and told him news that tore up both their hearts: The family was leaving the Boy Scouts.

Aaron Butler, the leader of his 8-year-old son Evan’s Cub Scout Wolf den in Roseau, Minn., said he didn't explain to his eldest son exactly why they were walking away from an organization they loved so much, but he told NBC News that it was because of last week's controversial decision by the Boy Scouts of America to allow gay youth to participate.

“It was a big disappointment. He cried for about 10 minutes because I told him that Boy Scouts were not honoring their own law," Butler said, referring to the BSA oath that he interpreted as barring gay people. "They say it -- 'On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep [myself] physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight,'” he said.

“If the BSA cannot honor its own law, then how can I stay with an organization that just does not care anymore?” he said.

Mike A. Miller, a union electrician in Mount Holly, N.C., ...said he was pulling his 9-year-old son, Cody, out of the Cub Scouts and would step down as assistant den leader of Pack 45. Monday will be his son's advancement ceremony to Webelos – as far as he will go with the organization.

Miller said he and other families that would leave were talking about continuing some kind of program for the boys. He said he was going to look into an alternative faith-based group being put together by On My Honor — an organization started by a Florida dad and Scout volunteer, and composed of families and outside groups that oppose allowing gay youths and adults in the Boy Scouts.

Aaron Butler & Mike Miller, NBC News 106 Comments [6/4/2013 2:59:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 45
Submitted By: Aspergus
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