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Quote# 95132

Men who join the military are responding to widespread, innate male urges—the urge to break things and kill people, for example. Women who join the military are, by contrast, outliers in their sex. They are eccentric and prone to behave eccentrically. As a designated victim group, they are especially susceptible to the associated pathologies, e.g., victim hoaxes for attention, spite, or cash reward.

John Derbyshire, Taki's Magazine 29 Comments [6/22/2013 5:24:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 95131

[In response to someone saying they are "highly pro-choice"]
Tell us wiscodemo; what exact qualities and standards define you as "HIGHLY" pro-infanticide?
For instance, would Kermit Gossnell be shocked, interested or dismissive of your stand on murdering innocent helpless children without due process?
Would King Herod the Great find your enthusiasm for crushing babies skulls thrilling, appropriate, or lackluster?
Would Joseph Mengele find your fervor for exterminating children offensive, reasonable or puny?
When you stand before the Judgment Seat, how will you rationalize being "highly pro-infanticied?"
Just wondering...

Gods_Watchman, MSNBC 17 Comments [6/22/2013 5:22:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: iamfantastikate

Quote# 95130

Pat Robertson, leader of the 700 Club and horse enthusiast, is enraged at the current exercise craze, Prancercise. The exercise regimen was developed by Joanna Rohrback, and requires the practitioner to prance about like a horse. In her book, Prancercise, The Art of Physical and Spiritual Excellence , the author describes the routine "A springy,rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse's gait and is ideally induced by elation."

Pat Robertson has been quite public about the demonic roots of this seemingly benign pony-like movement.

Here is his written statement.

Look here, people are God's children, and meant to walk about like Jesus did. Jesus never pranced. He rose people from the dead. He turned water into wine. But the Bible never states that Jesus trotted about in a pony or in a horse like manner. In fact, the Bible does say that Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. He definitely did not canter into the capital of God's earthly kingdom.

Pat Robertson, Laughing in Purgatory 47 Comments [6/22/2013 5:21:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Frostythesnowman

Quote# 95128

Atheists and Christians:

If a new science is correct it should be able to go to places that current science can’t…and explain phenomenon previously inexplicable. That is what I will touch on now.

I have chosen four topics of mystery, which, if looked at down the microscope of my science, cease to be so mysterious. They are all elements of the same mystery and are stepping stones, one to the other…and ultimately, stepping stones to evolution, and, to Almighty God.

These are…Poltergeist; Time Warps; The Bermuda Triangle; UFOs.

Whenever these mysteries are reported they are always linked to strange, electrical aberrations. There is a reason for this…as we will see.

Gravity is the stuff that holds things together…but its strength isn’t fixed. That strength can fluctuate.

Wherever these aberrations are found, gravity is being disturbed, and another set of rules come into play. You see, unbeknownst to us, we are all traveling at the speed of the expanding universe…which is pretty fast…and any break, or reduction in the gravitational strength around us, can send us into another dimension, a static dimension, divorced from the speed of the expanding universe and, the conflicts this engages, gives off these amazing effects people sometimes witness.

Further proof we are all living in a strange, electrical universe.

NicholasMarks , Religion and Ethics 17 Comments [6/22/2013 5:18:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 95101

@AnnCoulter Colette & I agree FEMALES TOO GULLIBLE to have RIGHT TO VOTE! We'd also deny FAGS (only care about THEMSELVES--not greater good)

Dimitri The Lover, Twitter 51 Comments [6/21/2013 3:07:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 50
Submitted By: Alice

Quote# 95098

[on the passage in Revelation about blood up to the horses' bridles]

(Thunder Overhead) Funny how a prophecy supposedly about modern times assumes that people will be riding horses for transportation.

(Tommiecat)It's funny that thunder up there doesn't understand that gas and diesel will be in great shortage at that time and horses will once again be used in Armageddon. Why do people thinks things like gas will always be around. That is why the Germans lost WWII is because they ran out of gas and walked home.

Tommiecat, Y! answers 75 Comments [6/21/2013 3:05:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 38

Quote# 95074

Frankly, I am tired of their lies, their threats, their propagandizing, them falsely depicting themselves as victims when it is they who are predators (mostly against little boys, but we have seem them violently attack senior citizens, church ladies and Christians... physically).

You are probably a better Christian than I.

For me, I am just sick and tired of their deviancy and diseases.

Mjolnir Hammerschlag, Mediaite 38 Comments [6/20/2013 3:49:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 95073

Sure we have. You're just in denial.

For starters, millions have died due to that disease which was once called GAY RELATED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY or GRID), because only Gays got it.

But homosexual activists screamed about 'stigma' and it was changed. Plus, it became clear that homosexuals were also infecting the Normal community through the vectors of them donating blood, sharing infected needles and not telling hetero females that you were also taking it up the poop chute too.

And then there are the thousands of little boys raped by homosexual pederasts. The rate of child sexual assault for homosexuals is far above that of hetero perverts (the ones assaulting underage little girls).

Homosexuals make up 2 percent of the population, yet commit between 25 to 40 percent of all the kiddie-raping. Researchers think that the rate must be even higher, since it is a very under-reported crime.

Look for how long molesting had been taking place in the Church, Boy Scout and Sandusky scandals before they came to light.

There are MILLIONS of reasons why homosexuality is wrong. It is deviant, diseased, deadly and especially dangerous to children.

... you just don't want to admit it.

Mjolnir Hammerschlag , Mediaite 143 Comments [6/20/2013 3:49:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 40

Quote# 95056

A woman typically has more freedoms than she exercises in her marriage, however it is adultery if a woman has a carnal relationship with a man other than her husband and it is fornication if she even associates with another man without the permission of her husband not to mention that the man who permits his wife to have friendships with other men is a fool. A man is head of the woman and this should not be taken lightly.

For many men it is not a choice of whether to take another wife. It is a matter of physical and spiritual necessity. To be clear, it is not a sin to take an additional wife to "satisfy" ones own needs. Marriage was invented by God in order to satisfy the needs of man. For Adam there was found no suitable helpmeet, so God created woman. Now, in order to avoid immorality it is important that no preacher deny a man this right to have his own God given desires satisfied in a way that is appropriate before God. This means that in order to avoid immorality a man should not be discouraged from taking an additional wife that lives with him or even a wife who does not live with him.

Pastor Don Milton, Christian Marriage 39 Comments [6/20/2013 3:46:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 47
Submitted By: Skyknight

Quote# 95044

Why dont atheists use the 'it is not a choice' argument to defend murderers like they do homosexuaIs?
Murderers have warrior genes and higher levels of testosterone making them much more violent. They didn't make that choice, though.

Fasfea, Yahoo Answers 53 Comments [6/20/2013 3:36:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 37

Quote# 95034

In your worldview, pain and suffering are simply chemical reactions taking place in a bag of chemicals. Why would that be wrong? When baking soda reacts with vinegar do you get upset? Do you say that it is morally wrong? Your view of morality does not comport with your view on origins. In my worldview, people have intrinsic and objective value, since they are made in the image of God. It is because the Bible is true that we can call pain and suffering "bad." In the evolutionary view, they can never be more than chemistry.

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle's Blog 59 Comments [6/19/2013 3:04:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 38

Quote# 95033

The very thing that many people and I know CWA was a part of this, saying, this is why the legalization of same-sex marriage is going to be a much bigger issue than just saying we let people love whoever they want to love, that’s not the issue. Will it force businesses — of course everyone will say, oh no people still have their rights, but they don’t. And every fear that people had has in fact come true, that this is being forced in textbooks on how marriage is depicted, we’re now even seeing television commercials portraying same-sex couples, that’s something I guess I didn’t expect to see anytime soon.

Mike Huckabee, Salon 38 Comments [6/19/2013 3:03:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 95031

Atheists don't believe the bible and yet they continue to use the 7 day week created by god in the beginning.

Why don't they make a 10 day week...or an 8 day week ? The answer is....they can't. It's been tried before. Man using any other system will screw up his internal clock. It must be 7 days as god said. And it is.

No Name, Y! answers 91 Comments [6/18/2013 3:38:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 69

Quote# 95030

God's Truth about ERVs
Dear Readers, Barry is trying to show that ERVs of a common ancestor are in today's humans and chimps. So what? We inherited the DNA of Mitochondrial Eve who was descended from Apes. We probably also inherited genetic things found in snails, but that doesn't make us snails.

Humans were made long BEFORE any Ape. We were made BEFORE the Stars of the 4th day. Gen. 2:4-7 Our bodies also contain elements which were forged in the interior of the first Stars. Who cares if we have genetic traces of any creature in our body? That does NOT make us those creatures. Does it?

When Noah brought this highest form of intelligence to this planet of evolved Apes, prehistoric mankind evolved Adam's human intelligence, but the humans stayed the same.

IOW, God's Truth about ERVs is that it doesn't matter what we used to be, for Now, we have inherited Adam's and God's superior intelligence. Now our destiny is clear. We will have dominion or rule over every other living creature, for we are a Special Creation, and not just another animal.

Aman777, Christianforums 41 Comments [6/18/2013 3:38:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 95026

[This is a post that has been flying in many Spanish-language forums. Emphasis added]


Brothers, it is true that there are things that the devil has created to catch young and brainwashed minds, things that deviate from the path of salvation. Sex, drugs, TV, ... and especially music. I want to talk about a very poor music genre, the "rock-heavy" music that corrupts the soul as soon as it is heard. That is the reason why the "rockers" are despicable beings, beings who enjoy dirt and vital hedonism, uneducated demonic monsters that barely show emotion. It may seem that they are living things, but from my point of view, they are not human. They have our appearance, but evil covers their souls. They are not ours. They are scum who do not deserve any sympathy. It's that rotten apple that corrupts the rest of the basket. A cancer to be exterminated. Therefore, our immediate requirement is to rid of our civilized society such individuals through discrimination and violence. But remain calm, the use of evil to fight evil is a service, it is not something that we should repent. It is no sin. Is it wrong to kill a murderer? ... Not at all! Rather, it is a service to the Community.

[the post then describes many "examples" of rock bands doing disgusting things (e.g. Judas Priest driving teens to suicide, Gene Simmons drinking blood, etc.). Afterwards he speaks of his personal experience with his son]

I had a dream. My son Daniel was listening to rock music. From the stereo emerged flames and fire. Then a rock musician with horns and tail appeared. It was Satan. My son knelt before him and undressed. Then the demon began to violently sodomize him, and the worst of all is that my son enjoyed it. Gestures and groans of pleasure were issued by my poor son. It was hell. I awoke between sweat and tears. I began to reflect on this horrible vision, until I came to the conclusion that this was a warning of my Father Jehovah.

Intrigued, I went to my son's room and woke him up. I unconsciously looked under his bed, and there it was again the demon: an old walkman, several rock-heavy tape cassettes, and several magazines of that nauseating music. I could not contain myself. I gave him such a beating I doubt he will remain more willing to listen to that music. I had been betrayed; the demon was back inside him. I had no choice but to punish him physically.

Do not see me as a villain, I did what any good parent would do in my place. Do you think it is easy to poke your own child with a mop stick for half an hour? Do you think it's easy for a decent parent like me to chain your firstborn in a dark room for a month? Thus was the way I expelled evil from my house, and all the parents that are in my old situation I recommend to do so very much.

Fernando Pérez Mercado, Last.fm blog (post in Spanish) 82 Comments [6/18/2013 3:34:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 111
Submitted By: Fawful

Quote# 95023

[Re: Belgian Parliament May Approve Child Euthanasia Law]

There was another article on a news site that I wasn't sure was an approved source so I'm not posting it, but it claims this law is really being considered because of a high number of children born with autism and other disabilities that are a "burden" on society and this is a way to eliminate the so-called problem. It also stated that children as young as 5 would be allowed to decide if they want to be euthanized - the politically correct word for murdered. We truly are living in the last days.

We are seeing God's Word come to pass right in front of our faces:

"Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold." ~ Matthew 24:12

"1But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power;...." ~ 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Of course the next step is euthanizing people without their or their family's permission. The United States is already ahead of the game in that area via Obamacare's death panels which gives the power to some government pencil-pushing, numbers crunching bureaucrat to decide whether or not you get any healthcare at all.

TimeWarpWife, Rapture Ready 35 Comments [6/18/2013 3:32:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Frank

Quote# 95022

In a speech recently posted online, prolific conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi claims that the gay rights movement will ultimately lead to the legalization of pedophilia, bestiality and “snuff films” in which you “kill a few people because it’s sexually exciting.” “If sex becomes disassociated from a biblical purpose, than all the abuses we saw in paganism are about to return,” Corsi warns, adding that if the country “proceeds down this path…there will no longer be any basis for freedom in the United States.”

Jerome Corsi, Right Wing Watch 38 Comments [6/18/2013 3:31:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 95021

in response to "Then to be more like God, we should all drown our children when they misbehave."

God didn’t drown His children, Noah and his family were spared.

Statler Waldorf, Atheist Forums 33 Comments [6/18/2013 3:30:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 95016

[On Dominique Venner, French man who shot himself in a Cathedral after the country legalized gay marriage]

Venner chose an effective, if questionable way to sacrifice his life for a greater cause: the awakening of the French electorate. What were his other weapons? He wrote books all his life. They had, it seems, no impact outside a small circle of conservative historians who read them.

"Did he consider the damage he was doing to his family?"

He did, he mentioned it in his note. Again, agree or disagree on the wisdom of it, his was a heroic act, intended as one and executed as one. Anyone who chooses heroism is bringing heartache to his family, in the same way, I think.

annalex, FreeRepublic 38 Comments [6/18/2013 3:29:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 95014

[why do Christians fight against gay marriage but ignore divorce?]

Sorry, but that is the most stupid question I have read so far on here. Why do Christians get a divorce? Seriously? No one goes into marriage knowing that they will get a divorce. They are just like anyone else! In love.

But people change, and life is hard. My parents are divorced, and idiots like you don't help with situations like that. My mom is the most Christian woman I have ever met and she has turned to God even more after their divorce. It doesn't make you less christian, I've only seen her become stronger.

So shut up, and think before you ask.

This has nothing to do with gay marriage. Those are the more hard core, older religion churches that believe in those rules. And it's not even the individuals themselves, but the CHURCH. Like the church of catholic, or Muslim. Not just an individual person or congregation.

Divorce and gay marriage are not to be compared. One is something that should never happen, and the other is one that should be allowed. Don't just give all Christian's a bad rap because they are human beings and have personal lives that include divorce.

Rebecca, Y! answers 37 Comments [6/18/2013 3:22:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 95010

["Is every religion a misinterpreted their gods to be aliens !?"]

I think rather that devils and demons have taken on the appearance of "aliens" in order to fool western society into delusion. If you ever read the Lives of the Saints in the Eastern Orthodox Church, you will see that many Saints and monks experienced demonic temptations and visions very similar in nature to the modern UFO/Alien occurrence. Fr. Seraphim Rose discusses this in depth in his book "Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future." For starters, I don't think that it is a coincidence that nearly every alien/UFO experience involved the "aliens" promising to share a "new truth" or "spiritual revelation" to the human "abductee" that is always clearly anti-religious in nature. Then you have the fact that many of these people ultimately end up committing suicide or going insane. This is very similar to the accounts of demons in the Lives of the Saints. Only difference now is that the demons are aware of how scientifically minded the western world has become, so they've changed their appearance to seem "natural" so that they could more easily fool a scientific population that doesn't believe in supernaturalism anymore.

James, Yahoo Answers 46 Comments [6/17/2013 3:24:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 95007

Scientists claim that they prove gravity exists by revealing evidence of the effects it has on objects..

Therefore gravity is not found or proved really, all we have is an effect, a force of nature brought on by the weight and non weight of objects and the size of and distance of and so forth..

Evolution is claimed to be proved in similar fashion by revealing differences in the fossils scientists find and claim to be related..

Therefore even evolution is not really found either, all we have is a claim because no other alternative for our origins are accepted by the academic world of science..

Now if we look at the two theories listed above you'll see that "anything" can be claimed in that fashion, therefore why cant a "Creator" be claimed to exist by its effects claimed to exist on the physical world..

If we refuse to accept Creation because we need physical proof of God then we must also need physical proof of evolution and gravity in order to accept that they are real too.. [Emphasis added]

Frizby, Yahoo Answers 48 Comments [6/17/2013 3:23:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 95006

Hindus worship monkeys. Not only monkeys, elephant, tiger, pig, mouse & etc. (check with google or yahoo search).
Followings are for your good knowledge:
Evolution or Creation? Evolution is not correct. Some years before US Scientists and Doctors tried to transplant a monkey's heart to a Child. It didn't support. Because, the monkey's heart has 3 rooms. But the human's heart has 4 rooms. Also they tried to transfer monkey's blood to humans. Also didn't fit.
The Creation Science is Said in Holy Quran, has been proofed by scientists.

GemIrfan, Yahoo Answers 31 Comments [6/17/2013 3:22:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 46

Quote# 94995

DOMA should stand for the “Defense of Mankind Act”. The only way for Marriage to occur is to have a Mankind, (people) One can’t have Marriage with no People. Mankind comes first. Mankind only has two Genders to work with, a Male and Female. One of each is for perfect Equality. This pairing makes all of Mankind and Mankind makes everything Manmade. Oddly enough, it also makes, aberrantly, Homosexuals. An Orientation different from their Mother and Father and the Formula of Mankind. It is inconceivable that another Equal Formula can be gotten from only two Genders. If inequality is what one wants, then that is what homosexuality is, inequality. It selects one Gender and shuns and excludes the other Gender. They cannot further Mankind and can’t even further their kind. It is all done by the Male and Female Formula. It is a dead end Orientation. It depends entirely on the M/F Formula. If that Formula makes no Homosexuals, they have NOTHING. Homosexuals will say that they were born that way (from M/F) but can anyone pick them out in a crowd? No. Can a Coroner find it in their Body? No. Ever wonder then, how can they get so much all the while not known? That the Govt. give benefits to the unknown? That the Govt. recognizes the unknown and can’t recognize Religion? That unless they come “out” they are completely unknown even from their Parents? Their Fiancé’, their Twin, and teammates? And so it will take 9 intelligent Man and Woman Judges a hard time to decide if an Unknown, an unequal Formula, not a contributor to Mankind, a dead end Formula, is EQUAL to the formula that made you, me and all of Mankind. Are they up to the task? Pity.

Kenny Claing, Silicon Valley Mercury News 32 Comments [6/17/2013 3:22:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: Missouri1988

Quote# 94993

[re: Stark Trek: Into Darkness]

Swanson: Do I really want to take my kids to watch a movie that implicates the good guy in the film as mating with the wrong species- but not just one, but two.

Beuhner: Well you know I could understand that Christians would get upset if it was a male of a different species. No actually, I’m not sure that the bestiality and the homosexuality are really all that different. [Emphasis added]

Swanson: So uh Dave I said to myself we’re not gonna go see that movie. So, you know, you gotta draw the line somewhere don’t ya? I mean, ay yay yay. And how many Christians asked that question? I actually did a survey, I mean I went on to Google and kind of goggled, you know, Christian sites, I mean I try not to put the wrong kind of wording into the Google search, cause if you do that, you can be in a heap of trouble. So I did a little search, turns out there was a Catholic site, had a little forum discussion on the issue. And nobody brought up Leviticus 18 Dave, and of course the whole premise of this is that within an evolutionary construct there is no real problem with speciation and cross-species mating, there’s no problem with that at all, in fact that’s how you evolve, that’s how you get evolution, and so the end result of course is that evolution has no basic problem with bestiality or cross-species mating. Okay? Now some of you are saying that I can’t believe these guys are saying this on this radio program. I can’t believe I’m saying this either. They are going places where no man has gone before. Or should.

Kevin Swanson & Dave Beuhner, Right Wing Watch 43 Comments [6/17/2013 3:21:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Night Jaguar
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