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Quote# 93409

(For reference, this is from a response to a fellow Calvinist who felt agonized by his wife's barrenness, the thriving of the ungodly, etc., and the to-him-fact that God had directly decreed all this. To the point that his prayer frequency had lessened. The tone of the letter suggested he was imploring Cheung for a way to divine good out of all this so the agony would stop. If you somehow want to read the whole thing, start from p. 100.)

The question that Paul says we should not ask [in Romans 9] is precisely the one that you are asking: "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" If you are a reprobate, then the matter is simple. This passage says that God has made someone like you so that someone like me can learn about his wrath, his power, and his patience – that he would tolerate someone like you for so long – and in contrast, about his riches and mercy toward me. So if you are a reprobate, this would be a satisfying conclusion to my response.

However, our working assumption is that you are a Christian. Even so, the passage is relevant. Notice that God reveals himself to the elect not only through the objects of wrath, whom he has prepared for destruction, but those who are saved are objects of his mercy – they themselves have been sinners, only that God has decided to sovereignly show them mercy. "Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden" (Romans 9:18).

Vincent Cheung, Invincible Faith 40 Comments [3/28/2013 3:40:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Skyknight

Quote# 93404

If homosexuality is made state sanctioned behavior the consequence is a state-led war against the Gospel. It's true in every other country that has legalized gay marriage that the Gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be truthfully preached against homosexuality. This is what awaits the US if Christians do not stay strong against homosexuals and their perceived rights. I think we can agree many "privileges" should be afforded homosexuals...that are afforded to heterosexuals...that makes no sense to deny. But, to legitimate homosexuality via marriage will only lead to the persecution of Christ's body and church.

ReadTheBible, New York Times 42 Comments [3/28/2013 3:38:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: AM

Quote# 93400

you that are posting just wont be happy until the entire system collapses or its all handed to you on a silver platter....get a job for less than you think your worth, stop spending other than the absolute necessary, remember every time you say the word racist, you are being racist yourself, every time you say poor, even the rich think prices are to high and feel poor, its all perspective, rather than tearing down, build up, for instance, did I see any of you put who you think has a better plan to run this country....and prepare for the toughest times of your life...my hope is in greater hands than a possible presidential candidate, I cant think of any reason someone would even want to head this country, the only fix for it, is going to be so radical that no one is going to like it, the country is in big trouble, better start praying.

Garry Wolske, Think Progress 23 Comments [3/28/2013 3:37:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 92850

Atheists and so-called "non-religious" people residing in christian countries are always very vocal and very keen to destroy the foundations of that society, I have noticed.

Despite the liberties granted to them magnanimously by Christian society, they nevertheless refuse to reciprocate this kindness and instead seek laws and conventions designed to limit the rights of believers to practice their faith freely.

Atheism produces nothing but demands everything, a comparatively TINY minority of Atheists think it right that a majority christian nation conforms entirely to an Atheistic way of doing things, all the while refusing to acknowledge that all of the freedoms they enjoy and abuse stem from the faith they hate so much.

An Atheistic society is an authoritarian horror and a police state, and yet this is what the Atheist movement would have us emulate. This MUST NOT be allowed to happen.

Atheism Exposed, FSTDT forums 53 Comments [3/27/2013 5:33:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 63

Quote# 93398

*Regarding a gay teenager who was set alight and murdered at a party*

God is alive and well! Some like to think that God is a progressive and all this faggotry is ok because the jewish run media says it is okay. Well it isn't and God will punish those who flaunt their rainbow coloered faggotry in his face. The guy who set this flaming fag on fire got 3.5 years. He should have been given an award.
And screw you liberal progressive trolls that have a bleeding heart for this sick bastard that got what he deserved.

AwakeAndServing, Stormfront 93 Comments [3/27/2013 3:31:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 139
Submitted By: Danathema

Quote# 93387

Faith comes only as God's sovereign gift, and God has immutably decided to withhold
this gift from the non-elect, but rather to actively harden them; therefore, to sincerely
offer salvation to the non-elect as if God desires them to be saved and as if it is possible for them to be saved would be to lie to them in God's name. There is no real or sincere offer of salvation to the non-elect, but only a real and serious command that they can never obey, and one that God will enforce against them with hellfire.

Again, this does not prevent us from indiscriminately preaching the gospel to all men, since it is neither our right nor duty to pick out the elect and preach only to them, or to pick out the non-elect and exclude them. The point is that we must not present the gospel as a sincere offer to all, as if God's "desire" can differ from his decree, as if God could or would decree against his "desire," and as if it is possible for even the non-elect to be saved. Rather, we must present the gospel as a serious command to all, as if it is required of all to believe (Acts 17:30), and as if God intends to summon the elect and harden the non-elect by the same preaching of the gospel (2 Corinthians 2:15-16).

In other words, the content and the preaching of the gospel could be and should be
completely consistent with the doctrines of election and reprobation, as well as all other
related doctrines. For many people, to affirm the "sincere offer" is merely an excuse to
believe like a Calvinist, but preach like an Arminian.

It follows that, when preaching the gospel (when we are dealing with the grace that
saves), we should not tell our hearers that God loves all of them, but we should boldly
declare that God loves only the elect and desires (and thus has decreed) their salvation,
and that he hates the reprobates and desires (and thus has decreed) their damnation
(Romans 9:13).

Vincent Cheung, Author of Sin 38 Comments [3/27/2013 3:27:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 39
Submitted By: Skyknight

Quote# 93379

Please wake up and see the reality. Set aside fear of racism and compare. Obama speaks eloquintly and lies thru his teeth. (not even slightly debatable) Every action is intended to destroy this great country. Fundamentaly transform. (not one act has resulted in a positive change for America) Everything appears to be upside down. ( look at what Chuck Hagel has recently announced) His popularity is based on the greed of the have nots and the government free bees. What better vessel for the anti-christ to arrive in than a black man, if you disagree with him you are a racist and instantly labeled and then marginalized if not demonized. Satan is very clever and his ultimate success has been to convince the world that God does not exist, therefore neither does Satan for one cannot exist without the other, and all of what I have revealed above becomes inconsequential. Think about it, logically examine reality.

Jeff, Patriot Post 43 Comments [3/27/2013 3:25:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 39
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 93364

Ed Taylor, of Maryland, recently learned that his ex-wife has befriended a gay man. Outraged, he is filing for sole custody of their 2 sons. The following is a letter to the ex-wife from his lawyer, Paul Sullivan. Names have been redacted.

Dear Mrs. XXXXXX

I have been retained by Mr. XXX again to address parenting issues related to your two (2) sons. As you know, there has been considerable difficulty recently related to your refusal to support and encourage the children's Roman Catholic faith and certain biblical precepts related to lifestyle choices. It appears as if you are encouraging a homosexual lifestyle for the children and allowing your eldest, XXXX at age 13 to be placed in an environment where he could, and likely would, be exposed to a child predator.

As you know this case was previously assigned to Judge Kenneth long who is currently the administrative judge for the Washington County Circuit Court in Hagerstown. In the event you continue the destructive parenting that encourages XXXX' exploration of decadent choices in behavior, we will have no alternative but to file to obtain sole legal custody and sole physical custody of both children. We have been in communication with Sheriff XXXX, the vice principal of XXXX Middle School, the guidance counselor at XXXX Middle School and the president of the XXXX County Commissioners, seeking their assistance and support in helping XXXX change the path which you seem to be encouraging.

It may be necessary for us to file a CINA petition, because the actions taken at his school related to detention do not seem to be having any corrective effect. This child appears to be out of control because of your refusal to co-parent with Mr. XXXX on Saturday, March 16th at 8:30 PM as ordered by the court. It is our understanding that you allowed XXXX to stay overnight at the home of a known homosexual whose probable intentions related to XXXX are suspect. Further investigation may lead to the request for criminal charges against that individual due to XXXX minority.

We're attempting to obtain additional assistance to help XXXX abate the current course you have encouraged him to travel. You seem not to understand the eventual adverse consequences that may occur for XXXX and which could adversely affect him for a lifetime.

If, however, you would be taking the position in court that you are not encouraging XXXX in the way it is believed you are, and are in fact unable to adequately discipline XXXX or institute and enforce parental boundaries that are needed, you certainly have the option to enter into a consent decree allowing Mr. XXXX to have sole legal and sole physical custody of the children so that he will have the authority, within the bounds of law, to take the corrective action needed to safeguard the best interests of the children.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions concerning this matter. If you are agreeable to the entry of a consent order as suggested above, please call me at your earliest convenience and I will prepare it for your review and signature.

Thank you and kindest regards,

Very truly yours,

Paul C. Sullivan

Ed Taylor, via attourney Paul Sullivan, Huffington Post 54 Comments [3/26/2013 3:45:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 108
Submitted By: emau99

Quote# 93362

Denver Post Rams Homosexuality Down Readers’ Throats

Don’t like having to explain to your six-year-old why two men are kissing across the front page of the newspaper? That’s just too bad, according to the Denver Post, which recently ran a picture of Colorado House Speaker Mark Ferrandino smooching sex partner Greg Wertsch to celebrate the passage of yet another bill promoting homosexuality[...]

Sexual deviancy is the “truth,” according to the depraved ideology of our ruling class.

Unsurprisingly, the accompanying story aggressively promoted the homosexual agenda[...]

Only a year ago, not even Barack Hussein or Shrillary Rotten supported the disgusting and blasphemous travesty of homosexual “marriage.” Now it seems likely to soon become the law of the land. Propaganda blitzes work.

Liberals can be counted on to continue using their control of the media to push the envelope as far as they can, even after America has been fundamentally transformed into a degenerate culture that would make any decent person sick.

[A photo of the Denver Post picture is shown with the kissing being censored by a red block.]

Unlike the Denver Post, this is a family-friendly news source.

Dave Blount, Moonbattery 57 Comments [3/26/2013 3:45:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 93361

[The Denver Post ran a picture of two gay men kissing one another.]

Okay so now how does this work for muslims?

Shouldn’t they be throwing a riot about now over at the Denver Post?

I mean, muslims get all their support in this country from liberals, RINOs and other muslims.

Something’s gotta give here.

Either liberals have to acknowledge that one of their favorite groups wants to kill their other favorite group, while acknowledging that the other favorite group wants to bugger their first favorite group.

Or else muslims have to finally own up to being gay in order to continue receiving liberal support which means that they also have to acknowledge being buggered.

That’s going to make them madder than bacon ice-cream.

It’ll also be interesting to see RINOs falling all over themselves while confirming BO’s gay muslim nominee for the supreme court.

Liberals can certainly get themselves into a bind.

Fiberal, Moonbattery 40 Comments [3/26/2013 3:44:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 93351

[Scott Lively is being sued for crimes against humanity due to his connection with Uganda's "Kill the Gays" Bill.]

This week marks the anniversary of the adoption of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations. December 10th is International Human Rights Day. Unfortunately, this is a day celebrated mostly by leftists, who have hijacked “human rights” in recent times to serve their own misguided agenda. However, true human rights as they have been understood through the centuries spring from and epitomize the biblical world view.


Moreover, this "right to sodomy" actually undermines true human rights, as exemplified by the collapse of the Magna Charta in the United Kingdom. The first principle of that venerable human rights document declares that "The English Church shall be free." This principle, established in the bedrock of British jurisprudence in 1215, stood unshakable for nearly 800 years until the rise of the "gay" movement which has in just the past decade achieved the power to redefine religious liberty as "homophobia" and to crush it under the heels of its pink jackboots.


In less than a month, on January 7th, 2013 I will appear in federal court here in Springfield, Massachusetts with my attorney from Liberty Counsel. There, he will present our oral argument in support of our Motion to Dismiss the case against me for “Crimes Against Humanity.” (http://www.scottlively.net/2012/06/26/motion-to-dismiss-smug-lawsuit/) I am being sued by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) for preaching against homosexuality in that country. At issue is the strength of the First Amendment to protect my right to preach the Gospel in a foreign country.

In essence, the Plaintiffs contend that the same European embrace of homosexual “human rights” that empowered the SORs of the UK and took down the Magna Charta represents a new international legal norm that must be enforced across the globe. Thus, even though preaching against homosexuality is protected speech both in Uganda and the United States, I should be held liable for it based on SMUG’s interpretation of “international law.” Granted, it seems ridiculous, but so did the idea of the SORs before they became law in the UK.


My friends, understand the gravity of what I am saying. If the First Amendment falls to the “gays” like the Magna Charta did, true human rights will be finished in America (and by extension the rest of the western world). There is no fall-back position. The First Amendment is the last bastion of freedom for Christians. If it fails, serious persecution of all who dare to speak the truth of the Bible will follow close behind. Pray fervently that it will stand!

Scott Lively, Defend the Family 72 Comments [3/25/2013 3:31:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 63

Quote# 93347

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Thursday insisted that it was her “duty as a believer in Christ” repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform law before “it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens.”

In a speech on the House floor, the Minnesota Republican thanked Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) for continuing the fight to undo Obamacare.

“The American people, especially vulnerable women, vulnerable children, vulnerable senior citizens, now get to pay more and get less,” Bachmann opined. “That’s why we’re here because we’re saying let’s repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens!”

“Let’s not do that!” she exclaimed. “Let’s love people, let’s care about people. Let’s repeal it now while we can.”

Bachmann explained that she was fighting Obamacare because she was a “born again believer in Jesus Christ.”

“And I believe, as part of my duty as a believer in Christ and what he has done for me, that we should do for the least of those who are in our midst,” she said. “That’s my personal belief and my personal conviction. And that’s why I want our government to create the space so that we can help people, because I’ll guarantee you one thing, Mr. Speaker, this doesn’t help people.”

Michele Bachmann, The Raw Story 56 Comments [3/25/2013 3:30:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 55

Quote# 93342

Citing a story in The Telegraph, Limbaugh claimed that, rather than extolling women's independence in her song, Beyoncé is encouraging women to be subservient to their spouses.

"Bow Down," according to Limbaugh, advises women to "put up with it."

"She married the rich guy," Limbaugh continued. "She now understands it's worth it to bow down to men."

"She's going to call herself Mrs. Carter on the Bow Down B------s tour," Limbaugh added.

Rush Limbaugh, NY Daily News 32 Comments [3/25/2013 3:29:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Mystik Spiral

Quote# 93338

Darwinism is a religious belief that cannot be proved scientifically. [Richard] Dawkins thinks that because human fetuses look kind of like pig fetuses, that proves that humans are related to pigs. It’s a primitive and fanatical belief system which does not tolerate any criticism of its dogma.

Tailgunner Joe, Free Republic 39 Comments [3/25/2013 3:26:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 57

Quote# 93336

The Enlightenment is essientially a worldly movement (along with much of the supposed Renaissance which was just the Enlightenment searching for an identity apart from Scripture or Christian customs). The Enlightenment can be summed up in one thought: the quest for godlessness. It is the OPPOSITE of the Reformation, almost its reciprocal. It moves in the shadow of the Reformation (constantly claiming the benefits of the Reformation, trying to externally mimic the Reformation without its crucial ingredients: Bible and God). The Enlightenment is a group of FOLLOWERS, who think of themselves as leaders, but they are always coming AFTER the Reformation breakthroughs.

1) Reformation came first, creating freedom from Papal control. Then the Enlightenment came, enjoying the possibilities that were already created by daring Biblical Christian believers (more biblical than the Papacy at least!!!).

2) Christian culture created the American thought-revolution. The French Enlightenment said “hey, we like what they have. Let’s do it! Except lets leave “God” and the Bible out!” So they did the French Revolution. Bloodbath and dictatorship.

3) Christians in Britain and America liberated the black slaves caught by the slave-trade. The Enlightenment said “see, that was our idea!” ….really?

4) Azusa Street (pentecostalism) occurred: which was just one example of RADICAL multiculturalism. Asian, hispanic, men, women, black, white, middle-class, poor… all converged in one location over the course of a few years. Shouting, singing, praying, “speaking in tongues” and celebrating the Bible together in radical unity – unseen IN THE FLESH until about that time. …50 to 60 years later, the American Civil Rights movement comes along which involved progressives and communists (Enlightenment). But the church was first, the church paved the way. The Enlightenment was only USING the cultural mores ALREADY CREATED by fervent belief in the Bible and in Jesus!

5) pentecostalism/charismatic movement is now working in every denomination, making inroads into every country and culture… melding with those cultures without strict top-down (geographically consolidated) authoritarianism. Sure, it may sometimes be a theological mess: but pentecostals and charismatics tend to place a very HIGH VALUE on the Bible and on the Spirit of the Lord: thus ushering in the two foundations of True Civilization! We can hope that (sooner than later) China and the middle east fall: not to a sword made with hands – but to a Sword made without hands! THEN, when the world is made socially safe and with more respect for God’s Ways, we truly begin the ‘work’ of molding our swords (religious and political/military heirarchies) into plowshares.

You can name almost every major movement in the so-called “Enlightenment” and find that the Reformation preceded it! Those areas where the Enlightenment departs from the Reformation (abortion, homosexuality, etc) it remains unsupported by most of the Reformation and is doomed to failure. Period. You can only build where you have a consistent, unified, whole (holy) foundation. Or your house will be washed away. God is called the Holy One of Israel. I believe Jesus is this One.

E Harris, American Vision 26 Comments [3/25/2013 3:26:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 93325

Colorado’s become probably the worst state in the union right now and I happen to be broadcasting from the state of Colorado. The front page of the Denver Post yesterday morning gave us a picture of our leaders that is the House Majority Leader in Colorado who is celebrating and dancing on the gravestone of the old Christian order of the last 2,000 years because they have won and God is dead as far as they are concerned. We have the House Majority Leader, and by the way 10 percent of the House and Senate in Colorado are homosexuals, and Dave they are performing a homosexual act on the front page of the Denver Post, meaning that the Denver government as far as I’m concerned is probably the most immoral government, flagrantly thwarting the government of God in Heaven, and they are doing it far worse than anybody in Communist China government has ever done, probably worse than the North Korean government as well.

Kevin Swanson, Right Wing Watch 53 Comments [3/24/2013 4:57:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 56
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 93322

Now here’s my take on it: I believe Mark Burnett and his wife and the History Channel. I don’t believe they intentionally portrayed the Lucifer character to look like Mr. Obama. I think God guided the hand of the makeup artist and blinded the eyes of everybody on the movie set while it was being recorded, and the spiritual blinders were removed Sunday night when the program was broadcast nationally on the History Channel. How many clues do we need from Heaven to understand that the man in the White House is a devil from Hell?

Rick Wiles, Right Wing Watch 51 Comments [3/24/2013 4:50:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 62
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 93321

Are there no longer any moral standards? If Senator Rob Portman’s son wants to live and love another man, no one’s stopping him. But to overthrow the moral order of the universe by having the State sanction homosexuality is a grave evil.

No one is denied love. I love all kinds of people, but it’s a moral evil to believe that love necessitates sexual relations. Once you go down this road, there’s no way to stop.

Would Senator Rob Portman throw his support behind pedophilia if he had learned that his son was a pedophile? There are young pedophiles out there. Would he support adultery if his son was an adulterer? Would he support slavery if he found out that one of his relatives was a slave owner and argued persuasively that owning slaves was legitimate? Would the Senator Rob Portman support his son if he learned that he was selling drugs to children? Would he support contract killing if he learned that his son was a contract killer for the mob?

Gary DeMar, Political Outcast 48 Comments [3/24/2013 4:50:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 37
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 93317

[A pro-life Christian supposedly tried to "investigate" botched abortions at a Planned Parenthood facility.]

She’s lucky. She was among avowed murderers who are extremely proud of the merciless killing they do, and she lived to tell about it. What’s ‘grandma’ to Lucifer’s army?

She’s also dumb. She believes anyone at the baby-grinding facility gives a flying back-flip about human life? She could have been murdered.

Jimbo, Moonbattery 29 Comments [3/24/2013 4:44:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 93310

God did not make man gay, nor did he make him a rapist, a child molester, a thief, a murderer, a heroin addict, a liar…..

Man makes choices.

No man woke up one day and decided to go shoot heroine. He instead started down a path, of doing wrong. He dropped out of school, he experimented with marijuana, he got addicted to pills…. then one day he was a full blown heroine addict.

Homosexuality is a series of choices, and a continuation of going down the wrong road.

Currently in America, the fastest growing group of homosexuals is among African American men. Got tell a brother that he is genetically more likely to become gay, and see if he does not knock the snot out of you.

Black males are getting affected because the most common introduction to homosexuality is behind bars in both jail and prison. Seven of ten black babies are being born into families with no father. Welfare has broken down the family system and when the family and morality break down, homosexuality follows.

HIV is not so much of a punishment for being gay, as much as homosexuality is a punishment for being ungodly. When nations turn away from God, and morality, homosexuality then flourishes.

rangerskippy, The Blaze 36 Comments [3/24/2013 4:16:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 93304

[Blount pushes a hoax video alleging that a Muslim cleric sanctioned sodomy if it was done for jihad.]

Psycho Sodomites Are Approved by Allah

Apparently noisy Islamic denunciations of homosexuality are not such a strain on the Muslim–moonbat alliance as some might think. A London-based cleric says sodomy is okay per a Wahhabi fatwa so long as the purpose is to widen the anus for jihad. Lib trolls might want to fetch some hand lotion before reading the words of Abdallah Al-Khilaf[...]

With Muslims as with moonbats, if it is permissible, there is a good chance it is mandatory[...]

Homosexuality is fine if you link it to murdering the innocent. Like liberals, Muslims are unrestricted by any absolute moral principles. The alliance is secure.

Sorry trolls. No picture with this one.

Dave Blount, Moonbattery 37 Comments [3/24/2013 4:14:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 45

Quote# 93299

If we take into account the electric/nervous behaviour of evolution we find that change is occurring all the time.

If a heathen becomes a Christian there is significant change. If a lady of good repute becomes a harlot there is significant change and their futures can be seen to evolve in an almost predictable way.

Their off-spring will also be changed via this mechanism and this, in turn, impacts upon our genetics.

Almighty God and his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, know all this and guide us to a new genetic change...one that takes into account all electric/nervous laws, all stem-cell mechanics, all levels of poverty and unfairness, all vicious and spiteful behaviour inflicted upon us, all oppression that we are subjected to.

It cannot fail because it harbours the science of resurrection and through this science a new order of loving, caring, repairing, protecting and goodwill can be fostered for those who are written into Almighty God's inheritance...the criteria being...righteousness and its meekness.

You don't want it...that is fine...but the alternative doesn't sound great.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 46 Comments [3/23/2013 6:10:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 61
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 93294

The Democrats are anti-everything. They're anti-men, anti-freedom, anti-religion, anti-capitalism, anti-family values, anti-heterosexuality.

Their base distroys property through their occupy movement.

They're hyper-idealists (a zealotous religion of their own) with Atheism, Science, and Social Scientific ideas making modern incusition of anyone that dissagrees. That's a even a perversion of Atheism and Science which were meant be the seed of skepticism, but instead we have sort of scientific priesthood (which are paid to produce a certain result in some cases) that cannot be questioned.

They're pro-genocide, pushing for Isreal to be distroyed. While praising themselves for being so loving and accepting and tolerent, they openly mock Christians, Palin for having too many clothes or something she didn't even say, Tea Partiers for being racist (which they're not but fun fact: the kkk is a dem group).

While the Dems are all for the trees, being from WA, I've seen Dems ALWAYS cut down a small forest on their property to sell for lumber and to utilize their land. Gotta love how they force their beliefs on others harder than the door to door bible guys but when it comes to practicing it themselves, they'll only do it till it gets hard.


I've seen and lived in their ideal society. Others have too and quite frankely I don't want anything to do with them. All we Republicans ask for is that Dems and the Government stay out of our lives so that we can exercise our God given rights. It seems like they won't give us that until we're as miserable as they are.

Schnefferpepper, Breitbart.com 63 Comments [3/22/2013 3:46:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 58

Quote# 93277

There are an estimated 100,000 or more Satanic cults in America. Those numbers sadly are out-dated and from the 1980's. The numbers are much higher now of course. But it's not a priority of the F.B.I. to track anymore. Police are NOT allowed to call a ritual murder done to someone as so. There are certain codes for these type Satanic murders. This is a fact, ask any police officer. The F.B.I. Learned long ago when they mention "Satanic cult" in the news people go ape @#!*% over it.

So most cases are hidden as just murders by crazy people. But they never mention the Satanic cult involved or the actual ritual. When kids come up missing, investigate case workers, day-care workers even teachers as well. Guaranteed someone close to the child knows something..it's just who exactly. The child was scoped out for ceremonies I bet. I know this is hard if you lost a child. But chances are these people had something to do with arranging it, not some drunken pirate as the media will spin it.

Dig into some of these people that work with children, and you may find other cases of missing children they knew. Then figure the odds of it. The reason they do not find most missing people is they don't consider other options as potential leads. Or they don't want to find them and are covering up for these groups. After all Satanic cults tell you what they do and what believe in so why not beat on their doors first when people come up missing prior to the ceremony dates? Not that hard to do and create a profile on these @#!*% is it?

Remember Satanists have rights to practice their religion under Federal Laws protecting freedom of religion. Most nations now have the same laws put in place since the early 1980's. Uniformity and Globalism are great huh?

Each Satanic/Wicca cult has 13 people. You do the math with the chart on this link as to how many people they each kill yearly. This is not an "option" for them, this IS their religion keep this in mind. The 100,000 mentioned are just Satanic cults. Those numbers does not include Luciferians, Nazi death cults, JRS Jewish ritual sacrifice (Talmudic Jews only) Mexican Santeria, Voo Doo, gang initiations or serial killers.

Thou Satanist dabble with spells and conjure demons during ceremonies, they often can't control demons nor send them back. Remember if they were not getting what they want out of these ceremonies they would quit in time. So this means it is real and they are getting things they desire. Luciferians actually control demons and consider Satanist as very dangerous to them. Luciferians are ancient bloodlines. Satanists are like grunt soldiers for Luciferians. Either way they all kill people and serve the same master. You can watch "Eyes Wide Shut" for an idea of who Luciferians are.

Henry Makow Ph.D, henrymakow.com 70 Comments [3/22/2013 3:45:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 71

Quote# 93276

Satanic cults are everywhere if you know what to look for. There is one in Roy [42 mi s. of Seattle] that is a known compound guarded by men armed with AR-15 Rifles. They use Federal Laws on religion and the 2nd amendment on guns to guard their compounds. I know of three just like this in Florida and if you even touch their fence, they will shoot. No games with these people. These places always have lodging in bunkers underground.

All Satanic cults build large underground bunkers and tunnels. The topside is kept clean, underground is where they keep people and do deeds. No one, even Police dare to raid these compounds. Most often these people meet at different locations depending on the ceremony. Often it may be one head members home.

Depending on income of the group determines if they meet in the woods or have a bunker type compound. Not all live in a compound of course. Many members are Freemasons and we know how they are about secrets. Many Satanic cults support themselves by making things to sell to the public. Things like jewelry, especially crosses that you find in Christian stores. With a nice Christian sounding name, they have front companies.

The main reason they do this is deception, as they attach demonic spirits on each piece of jewelry they make during ceremonies. That's why they sell crosses to Christians. I think all of us have seen those fantasy Dungeons and Dragons castles with orbs, druids and dragons often made of pewter right? Now you know who makes most of them. Many are sold in places like Disney World, also in stores in the malls that sell weird things and such. So we see they have lot's of money.

Henry Makow Ph.D, henrymakow.com 36 Comments [3/22/2013 3:45:19 AM]
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