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Quote# 97994

But FDR privately wanted the United States to enter into World War II to protect Britain against Germany. Britain had been badly weakened by decades of socialism, declining values, and rising atheism along with belief in evolution. Britain, weakened by decades of economic socialism and declining Christianity, was no match for the larger and much stronger Germany, and Britain needed America to save it.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia, American History Lecture Eleven 49 Comments [12/2/2013 3:50:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 97985

[A commenter describes how their mother suffered a painful fight with terminal bladder cancer and wanted to die to end her pain.]

So then you do not believe in miracles? What if your mom could have gotten better, even in the most unlikely circumstances. God can do anything, and doctor-assisted suicide is giving up. If your family member does end up dying in the end, such as your mother, at least you would know that you and the doctors did everything you could to keep them alive, and preserved the sanctity of life.

Christina, Aish.com 41 Comments [12/1/2013 8:46:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 37

Quote# 97983

The Kentucky Baptist Convention is calling for change at a ministry for abused children to make sure it's in line with scripture. The change is directed at the head of Sunrise Children's Services, an agency affiliated with the KBC.

The Convention last week issued a vote of "no confidence" in Sunrise CEO Bill Smithwick after he proposed hiring homosexual at the children's ministry – reportedly in hopes of preserving millions of dollars in state and federal funding. Although the Sunrise Board subsequently voted to keep its ban on the hiring of homosexuals, the KBC voted to replace all members of the board.

Kentucky Baptist Convention, Onenewsnow 21 Comments [12/1/2013 8:45:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 97980

Question The counterfeit in a FAT RED SUIT !
im not here to get a huge discussion going about the Fat man that is in a Red suit
but something dawned on me in the Dept Store the other day
have you noticed how Santa sits on a Throne in as the children cue to get in line to sit on his lap ?

think about it for a minute
Jesus was the one the people would line up with their children to see and He would put them on His lap and kiss them and Heal them .

Jesus said Satan is disguised as a Angel of light right ?
so angels don't have to look ugly to attract the innocent
and Jesus said Satan is a Counterfeit even in the heavens it is recorded Isaiah 14:13 - You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north

well guess who sits on the throne , and gathers the little children around Him and kisses them , and promises them all their wishes to come true and who lives in the North Pole ?
and the world looks to Him as almost a god at this coming holiday
please note i am not here to judge anyone who celebrates this holiday
i still love you all in the LORD
but i just wanted to share this with you
i used to celebrate this holiday most of my life
now i do not
i never noticed the counterfeit acts of Santa Clause till about a few years ago and im almost 50 ! goes to show you that wolves do hide in sheeps clothing
fyi one last thing did you know the Word Kriss Kringle - Means little Christ Child so why would we dare call Santa a little Christ Child ??

i also noticed Santa's last name is Clause ? sounds like CLAWS huh
dont Lions have claws too ?
and Jesus said the devil comes in like a lion to kill steal and destroy

ever notice when a lion is hunting in a pack and the animals flee ?
it chooses the weak , the sick , and the old and vulnerable to attack , it never attacks in the center ring of the stampede that is fleeing
it picks from the out side !

Jesus did warn us about How the devil would disguise himself as a Angel of light

and as Santa hands out candy canes to the little children
Satan also dangles things in front of our eyes things like , sexual sins
and things that whet the pallet ( taste ) like drugs , alcohol ,
i dont know about you but i smell a RAT !
and hes dressed in a BIG FAT RED SUIT passing out candy to our children !!!


Ozzywatchman, Rapture Ready 48 Comments [12/1/2013 8:44:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 41
Submitted By: Cindy

Quote# 97976

Comfort told TheBlaze on Friday that his official Twitter account, which has more than 31,000 followers, ”was seized upon by an atheist.”

The non-believer was able to secure Comfort’s Twitter handle (@RayComfort) after one of his staff members accidentally changed his username. Just moments after the error occurred, someone else registered the @RayComfort, making it impossible for Comfort’s team to get it back.


“The atheist who took my Twitter name, then gave me an ultimatum. He said that he would return it if I made a public statement,” Comfort told TheBlaze. “He tweeted that I must say that I would ‘no longer denigrate, blame and demonize skeptics and nonbelievers, including agnostics and atheists.’”

Comfort said that he told the unnamed individual that he loves non-believers and has never demonized them and that he will be passing on the offer. The evangelist also said he doesn’t know who the person is, but that it could be any number of activists.


“After the release of ‘Evolution vs God’ it energized the hatred that many atheists have for me. In four months there have been over 104,000 comments on YouTube and thousands of the comments are livid,” he told TheBlaze. “This is because Darwinian evolution is a hill upon which atheists and evolution believers are prepared to die. It says that we are primates, that there are no moral absolutes, and there’s no God to whom we must answer.” [Emphasis added]

Ray Comfort, TheBlaze 38 Comments [12/1/2013 8:38:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 97971

["I am doing a persuasive speech on this topic for college, and I am for it. I fell that if you have the right to determine the outome of a pregnancy you should have the right to choose the determination of your future."]

You certainly do NOT have a right to determine the outcome of a pregnancy - abortion has become to prevalent, but what exactly makes it any less murder than the killing of a child outside the womb? In my last pregnancy I was advised to "terminate the pregnancy" due to my having CMV. "Terminate the pregnancy." A cleaner way of saying "kill the baby". All society now needs to do is refer to child murder as "terminating childhood" and that makes it a tad more innocent.. and another step in the direction this world has been taking toward Sedom-like laws. You and I and everyone else have absolutely no right to terminate ANY life - whether in the womb, outside, or on a hospital bed. It is only for God to decide. Terrible stories have been told about terminating seemingly "pointless" lives - every moment of which was in fact offering the victim extra merits in the world to come, now "terminated" by those who supposedly loved him - and the suffering it had brought. Who are we to take the fate of another into our hands????

Chana, Aish.com 22 Comments [12/1/2013 8:37:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 97970

(In reference to a post about the evils of Santa)

Never thought of it that way, but you're right! Also Santa can be rearranged to spell satan. Satan Claws. Hmmm wonder how many little children would want to sit on his lap then? Christmas holiday is rife with pagan references. No wonder God's word says even the elect may be deceived.

Ninicat59, RR 39 Comments [12/1/2013 8:26:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 97966

(Gay marriage discussion)

Not unless I can get the same legal rights between me and my buddy Alex, between me and my mother, between me and my manager (if I ever get employed again), and between me and my dog, Brick.

There is nothing which makes a gay relationship any better than these. In fact, there is less in most cases. A child has a natural right to a mother. A manager and an employer also have a very special relationship.

Marriage proper is how children come about. Children have a right to a mother and a father by the nature of the sexual act, and they have a right for that mother and father to love each other, love the child, and love God (insofar as they are able).

You take away - or worse, trivialise - a part of a man's life story by giving him two mothers or two fathers, and making the kid the child of one of 'em and a sperm donor, or one of 'em and an surrogate, or one of them and a nameless woman who gave her eggs away. A man has the right to be wanted by both parties from the beginning. (Now, there are other reasons why surrogacy, artificial insemination, in vitro and the like are wrong, and I shall not get into those here.)

I agree teen pregnancy is a problem. I agree a child's parents should love each other, as well as the kid. But the answer is not to breed kids and then give them over to people who feel entitled to a child, much less people who feel entitled to marriage (if there's a Ms. Right out there for me, I sure haven't met her!!), or even people who do not know what love is. Sex is not love. It is not the epitome of love. It is not the summit of love. It is not the proof of love. It is a tool to express love, just as a rum-and-coke or paying the bills, or a good massage might be.

It is also something more than that. The very fact that you can read this - or at you exist at all - is proof sex is far more powerful than we give it credit for. You gotta respect sex, because while it is not love and is a tool, it is also how we come into the world. And who doesn't thank their parents for raising them right (or wish their parents had raised em right)? We owe our lives, biologically and socially, to our parents. When they succeed society keeps on chugging. When they fail it is a catastrophe. The answer is NOT to hand children over to a family situation we don't know the consequences of - at best. The answer is to fix the situation we have by reforming our understanding of sexuality and the human person - to have more reverence for the thing, and to have more reverence for the child.

The government has no part in society when it comes to sex. This is an area outside of its jurisdiction. It must come from the grassroots level, just as it did 2000 years ago - and even farther back with the Jews. You cannot legislate morality. It has to be a part of the society first on a cultural level. I have to learn to be chaste, as would my wife (if I ever had one). I would have to teach my children, so they can teach their children. And we would have to teach our fellow Catholics how to be chaste as well once we had learned.

If God is on our side, nothing can stop us if we, the Catholic Church (and her anonymous allies) clean house and make ourselves in God's image insofar as we can, and then take it to the world. If He isn't, or worse doesn't exist, does it really matter? We'll fail, either way. The change has to start within one's own heart, not without. And I guarantee you legalising gay marriage will utterly fail. Just like Prohibition did. Just like legalising slavery in America up to the Civil War. Just like Plessy v. Fergusson. Just like the Comstock laws. People will either learn to respect their bodies - rather than indulging in them, or on the other hand hiding them like Puritans - or they'll continue oscillating between Puritanism and Paganism, so to speak - between indulging in their sexual cravings and hiding them for the well being of society.

Unless people begin living a balanced life. And that more or less, with very few exceptions, can only be found in the Catholic Church today (mind, I am including the Orthodox, who are more or less Catholic).

Distributist Chestertonia, Nationstates 31 Comments [12/1/2013 5:12:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: zyr
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