Quote# 87027
Is it not apparent that the Bible Scriptures advocate discrimination, intolerance and the DEATH PENALTY concerning homosexuality? Then is not the Title of this writing true? If the very title made you angry, then this author must ask you the same question the Apostle Paul once asked: "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16 (KJV).
For those who hate the truth, anyone who proclaims it they will also hate and will consider such a one an enemy. They will accuse their enemy of HATE and INTOLERANCE when in fact, it is they who hate and cannot tolerate the truth. For such people no amount of reason, patience or love will make the truth palatable to them unless they first repent.
There are others who may not hate truth but are so far removed or confused concerning it, that when it's heard, it sounds RADICAL and EXTREME. Many in America's Judeo-Christian church world fall in this category. Because such people have been taught that being a radical or extremist is evil, they tend to reject any truth that, to them and their surroundings, seems radical or extreme.
Once this author spoke to a political science class at a University and was billed as a right wing extremist. So the question was asked of the students,
"How many Christians are there in the audience?" About half the hands went up. Next it was asked,
"How many radicals, extremists or intolerant people are in the audience?" and not one hand was raised. What a contradiction.
All the people who claimed to be followers of Jesus Christ also claimed not to be what He was. Frankly, He was willing to withstand public scorn and ridicule for truth (Matthew 27:40,41), offend people if necessary (Matthew 15:12) and even die for what He believed in. As for tolerance, he would not tolerate such people as the money changers and actually confronted them physically. (John 2:14,15) Obviously, He was a radical and an extremist to the virtuous, so-called Christian in the Jude-Christian churches, it all seems to unchristian.
The truth of the matter is, in one respect, homosexuals are far more virtuous than are the lukewarm, cowardly, goody two shoes, praise the Lord Judeo-Christians. Homosexuals are willing to:
* Promote their life style
* Endorse public scorn and rejection if necessary
* Rally to the aid of another homosexual
* Fight any who oppose their life style and
* As we shall see in this writing,
are willing to prescribe the death penalty to those who oppose them.
Unlike the modern day, lukewarm Judeo-Christian, they are radicals and extremists. To Jesus they are far more acceptable than the lukewarm Judeo-Christian. "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." Revelation 3:15,16 (NASV)
This writing will be opposed as much by those who call themselves Christians as by homosexuals. They will try to reason or explain away these Bible verses that discriminate against and prescribe the death penalty for homosexuals. So in this writing, their futile objections and explanations will be answered.
Pastor Peter J. Peters,
LaPorte Church of Christ 50 Comments [4/22/2012 9:15:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 66