Quote# 80972
Over the last few decades, the semantics of this issue have changed. It has gone from Sodomy to homosexuality to gay or lesbian to sexual orientation. Today’s reference to it as sexual orientation has certainly taken the sting out of the sin.
The focus of the debate has turned from a behavior to an issue, like abortion where the debate has turned from the procedures of abortion to an issue.
If one would focus on the behavior that homosexuals admit to, they would agree with the Scriptures which says they are “abusers of themselves with mankind.” Should any government official condone abuse even between consenting adults?
“Stay out of our bedrooms, stay out of our private lives,” is a defensive posture we hear from pro-homosexuals. There are many different laws that affect each of our private lives. Laws against adultery, fornication, pedophilia, beastiality, incest, torture, rape, even seat belt laws. Most laws in some way legislate morality. Do not kill, do not steal, etc.
Homosexuality is fatal. The average homosexual, whether male or female lives about 45 years. This is 30 years less than the average heterosexual male or female. This is alarming! Only 3% of homosexuals reach their 65th birthday. Each statesman should work to warn the populace of this danger. Some in government have gone to great lengths to discourage cigarette smoking. They have sued the cigarette companies. They have had enough of the deaths that this behavior causes and the dollars spent on treating tobacco related maladies, yet cigarettes takes an average of 6 years off of an adult’s life. Homosexuality takes 30 years off. We should stand against homosexuality even if only for health reasons.
Justification for homosexual behavior is often given from the “look at the great contributions they make to our society” angle. Do our contributions justify our life style? Would this exonerate a child abuser, pedophile, prostitute, incest, beastiality or any crime or criminal? Of course not! There are certain laws I must obey in private and in public that legislate morality that are good safeguards for myself, my wife and family. I can not beat my wife and children with a baseball bat in the privacy of my home. It would endanger them and rightfully so I would be arrested. As we have seen, homosexuality endangers those who are involved with it in private.
It is best for society to believe the Scriptures in its opposition to this abominable lifestyle.
Art Kohl,
Faith Bible Baptist Church 81 Comments [5/2/2011 8:03:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 80