Quote# 81042
Darwin applied in his "science " what already existed in spiritualist cults and Eastern voodooists?
Spiritism is evolutionary because it supports the idea that man gets better for many, many reincarnations and goes to the most advanced worlds...
Although just in only 100 years, Kardec Spiritism copied much of what already existed in Eastern religions, among them the reincarnation to pay for the mistakes and evolve.
The concept of evolution was not born with Darwin, but the occult, spiritualism and voodooists diabolic cults existing in the East.
Darwin just copied a lie called reincarnation and disguised as pseudo-science called evolution, he was a charlatan just like Kardec which also copied of the eastern voodoo the concept of evolution and called it karma, reincarnation, and other nonsense from the doctrines of demons.
Darwin only used itlike pseudoscientific theory, Evolutionism has never been scientifically proven until now. Separate specimens do not indicate that there was an escalation of evolution.
Reflect before believing blindly in the first nonsense that is disguised as philosophy, science or religion, spiritualism, evolution, voodoo, Gravity, seicho no ie, voodoo, Buddhism (Japanese voodoo), spiritualism (voodoo on the French, of chic and intellectual busybodies ...). It is all the doctrine of the devil, diabolism, pure work of deception of the father of lies!
Karla Maria 777,
Y! answers 80 Comments [5/6/2011 3:26:39 AM]
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