Quote# 78584
The average American woman does not hate men, she does not hate marriage, she does not think that all sex is rape, she does not walk around feeling like a consummate victim, she does not glorify abortion and she isn’t inherently liberal. But this is what modern feminism has become. It’s a movement that is filled with women who are extreme leftists, who have a deep-seated hatred for men, and who wallow in victimhood as if it’s some kind of prize to relish. The hijacking of feminism has caused it to be shallow and superficial. Women have been told that in order to be a proper feminist, they have to adhere to a certain set of radical beliefs, they must support abortion, and they must abandon traditional values that Americans have held for centuries.
And yet, they can’t understand why women want nothing to do with feminism anymore.
Sarah Palin represents American women much better than these modern feminists do. She has a certain set of conservative values and she is a feminist. She does not, however, say that you must agree with her in order to be a feminist. She does not demand you agree with her on every last issue in order to like her, either. She could be a huge asset to feminism if they’d get over their stubborn snobbery.
Women like Sarah Palin because they see themselves in her, even if they disagree politically. She’s a working mom with a loving husband and a great family. She got into politics by getting involved with the PTA, for crying out loud. She didn’t set out to make history or change the world. She’s got a common-sense, take-charge, no-nonsense attitude that women can relate to. She sees herself as a self-made woman, rather than constantly catarwauling about how she’s a victim. Women like her for all of these reasons. She’s an everywoman, and she is easier to relate to than extremist role models like Amanda Marcotte or Jessica Valenti.
Cassy Fiano,
NewsRealBlog 106 Comments [1/6/2011 4:54:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Honky McCracker