Quote# 70545
Medical professionals emphasize that they do not know what causes mental illness.[8] Accordingly, they cannot rule out that liberal indoctrination is a contributing factor.
Teaching children to accept and believe things that are demonstrably false cannot help mental health. Included in this category are the liberal teachings in school that:
* Lying about the truth, causing belief in falsehoods or encouraging conduct disorders[9]
* There are no real differences between boys and girls.
* Humans are just another type of animal.
* All there is is what you see (with or without special equipment, such as microscopes or telescopes).
* Conversely, that an unproven 'unconscious' excuses evil actions.
* Self-inflicted death (i.e. suicide) can somehow be good.
* Denying self-defense, mentally and physically.
* Denying the ability to control sexual desires (such as homosexuality & lesbianism); promoting lifestyles that lead to mental illness.
* Insisting on an illogical and unjustified "wall of separation of church and state"; When classroom prayer would promote mental stability.
* Encouraging dependence on state welfare services rather than taking responsibility for ones own actions. Dependency is a major cause of depression.
* Socialistic theories based upon materialism encourage nihilism and depresion.
Conservapedia ,
Conservapedia, Mystery: Do Liberal Teachings Cause Mental Illness? 89 Comments [2/17/2010 7:20:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 121
Submitted By: Night Jaguar