The Project for the New American Century
Pretty much run by idiots like this guy
Quote# 77386
[Re. President Obama's trip to India.]
Yes, W, and all Presidents have and did visit many countries, and who really has the numbers for the cost of Ronald Reagan standing at the WALL, and challenging communism with the RIGHTEOUS words that he said?
Anyone want to guess what RIGHTEOUS words the current holder of the office of Americas President will say?
America isn't about the cost of us belonging to the rest of the world. The rest of the world needs to understand what it means to be American, and follow our lead.
Until every person is an American, there will be no peace on earth.
Destroying America to make it like every other shit-hole on earth will not make anything better, it will just destroy America.
America is not the great satan, everything else is!
Moonbattery 138 Comments [11/11/2010 4:46:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 171
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain