Quote# 65871
Hi all,
I'll begin this little tale by saying that my daughter is interested in learning sign language. So....I went online and found out that a University on the other side of our state has a "chimposium", where the chimps actually communicate through signing. Brilliant! I scheduled an appointment time and in the weeee hours a couple of days later we jumped in the car and headed off on our 5 hour journey to chimpville.
This is where it all begins. Our group consisted of about 25 people and we were led into a classroom for about 25 minutes of "education" about the chimps. We were told how we, as humans, branched off from the chimps approx. 7 million years ago. Oh boy, I thought....what have I done? Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, we were then told that before we could go into the viewing room, we would need to hunch over and stick out our lower jaw to make the chimps feel more at ease. Oh golly, this was not looking good. But in the name of amusement, we laughed to ourselves and went forward into the land of Uncle Bob. And let me tell ya, they were not happy to see us (senile I think).
The chimps only knew certain words to sign. One of them kept signing the word "black" which we were told was his way of saying "cool". What? Again I'll say it, what? These poor little guys were angry and expressed it quite well. Apparently, they weren't happy to see their long lost relatives and the progress we've made. "But Uncle Bob, it's me!" I kept muttering under my breath. Nothing. Not a single ounce of recognition. No signing "I love you" or "I've missed you, where have you been?". Wow! That's all I can say, too much time had passed.
On a more serious note, my heart ached for the young college kids involved in this program who are being brainwashed into thinking this garbage. Help me to lift them up in prayer, that their eyes, hearts, minds and spirits will be open to the truth!
RR 55 Comments [9/22/2009 1:29:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 72