Quote# 64797
(Waiting4Jesus bought a "Jesus Freak" T-shirt)
Okay, then I went into a McDonald's and that's when it dawned on me just how SUPERB an "evangelizing tool" this t-shirt is, particularly for the faint-of-heart, shy crowd. As I was walking out the door after my meal, some woman sitting in a booth said. "Ooooh, so you're a Jesus Freak, huh?" I grinned broadly and said, "Yes."
Then I guess the Holy Spirit took hold of my tongue because COMPLETELY w/o warning, didn't even KNOW I was gonna say it beforehand, I just said, "Do you know that Jesus is coming back very soon?"
And we struck up a brief conversation. It was brief because I was "preaching to the choir," she said she already KNEW Jesus is coming soon.
I was soooooooo encouraged by this!!! It was just as easy as pie! The t-shirt "speaks" FOR you, so that others will approach YOU instead of YOU approaching them.
For all you shy folks, I urge you to get one!!!!!!!! It's amazing! The time is short and we need to spread the word!! I got mine at Books-a-Million but I am sure there are many places online where you could get one, if interested.
I came home feeling totally exhilarated that I had the guts to tell someone He is coming (instead of just plastering SIGNS everywhere & on my car, LOL). It felt incredibly good, intoxicating even, for speaking out to be THAT EASY & NATURAL.
RaptureReady 66 Comments [8/13/2009 1:36:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 34