Quote# 65070
Well let's see, here's what I know that atheists don't:
1) That God created the universe and all living things
2) that God created the earth out of water and why He created it out of water
3) How long it took God to create the earth and why it took Him that amount of time
4) What sin is
5) Why we need a redeemer
6) Who our ancestors are
7) Knowledge of Jewish history
8) what happens after we die
9) Who goes to heaven and why
10) Who goes to hell and why
11) Who Jesus is
12) Why Jesus walked on earth
13) That all humans sin
14) What right and wrong is
15) The difference between good and evil
16) Why animals (especially imaginary animals) can't turn into people or breed human descendants
17) Why the 10 Commandments are the best way to live
18) What the old covenant and new covenant are
19) Why Christianity is waning in the world
20) Why the Arabs and Jews will always fight each other
21) Why atheists can't believe the bible
22) Why scientists aren't trustworthy
That's just the tip of the iceberg of what I know that atheists don't know. So when you find something I don't know, I'm sure that makes you happy.
A Christian and an Atheist 74 Comments [8/28/2009 3:15:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 49