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Quote# 63922

I do belive that a deaf and dumb spirit can cause symproms of autism.
I also think that all that we are talkign about could be keys that im being given to understand the spiritual dynamics behind the sitiation with Ben.
I cant focus on how hard its to dislodge this because that just a faith killer. ... theres a way and Jesus knows what that is and will provide... in this battle. Jesus defeated teh devil... Jesus is the healer of the autiistic and He My Jesus is NOT intimated by this!
I have wondered if serpnets looked like dragons before the fall. I do think thats possible....
Jesus is lord over autism!

Jewels, Ministering Deliverance 49 Comments [7/11/2009 10:44:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 63871

Truth is, evoltion is a theory. It is not the only possible answer to "how did we get here?" We could have been engineered a la 2001: Space Odyssey. We also could have been created? by God. Most Americans already believe the latter. Why not teach all theories about our existence? Let the individual decide which they believe. ONLY allowing evolution seems restricting and unfair to the student. If the student has further questions about the creation theory, ask dad/mom/uncle/pastor etc.

sensesyou, Youtube 46 Comments [7/11/2009 10:30:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 63829

"If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, 'This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.' Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear."

Little children are not "drunkards", and the most important part is "all Israel shall hear, and fear." I wonder how many less disobedient sons they had after ONE was disciplined that way.

Amy2, Atheist central- Ray Comfort's Blog 21 Comments [7/11/2009 10:29:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 63828

I’ve been warning since 2002 that the West really is in a war to
defend civilization against Islamic barbarians, and had better face up
to that fact before the consequences of whitewashing Islam as
a “religion of peace” get worse.

If the elites of the West — academics, journalists,
politicians — persist in that denial in the face of evidence,
our near future will be a descent into hell. Conditions in Sweden are
ripe for the rise of a neo-fascist/racialist movement in reaction to
the Islamic threat. In the 1930s, Hitler rose to power in Germany on
the back of a “Jewish threat” that was wholly fictional; dare we
assume that today’s fascists will fail to exploit an Islamic threat
that is all too chillingly real, and gleefully announced by the
Islamists themselves?

Eric Raymond, Armed and Dangerous 27 Comments [7/11/2009 10:28:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: The WHHAAAMMMM Burglar

Quote# 63979

[In a thread about abortion, immediately after his claim about Obama's supposed lack of U.S. birth certificate is shot down]:

Citizenship, or a valid birth certificate are not the prerequisite for personhood.
Hey, if a woman eagerly awaits the birth of her 9 month "fetus", experiences some kind of distress, loses conciousness, and awakens to find out that there was some kind of horrible mix-up, and her "baby" was accidentally "late-term" aborted-- should the "Doctor" be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide?
The baby was breach, and just before the head cleared the birth canal, the savage with the medical license stabbed a pair of scissors into the back of his/her neck, scrambled the brains of the "fetus", and sucked them out with a vacuum.

The mother wanted "the child", but nonetheless, did the "Doctor" commit any crime?

If so, then what specific crime?
If no, then why not?
Did the Doctor kill a person? There was no birth certificate, and never will be.

alexandermartin, Connecticut Valley Atheists 60 Comments [7/11/2009 5:42:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 63976

As far as I'm concerned, these qurans need to be taken to the nearest landfill. They are a blight on our Christian environment.

CarlaL48 , RR 36 Comments [7/11/2009 5:41:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 63934

I feel exactly the same way. I try not to sin though even though I do. Sometimes I just want to kill myself because I sin so much and I'm constanstly failing God. At times I even cry out to God to kill me. I hate it with a burning passion. Knowing that I'm cheating on my Heavenly Father with sin and finding pleasure in other things is the most shameful, hypocritical, embarassing thing I could ever do.

giest075, RaptureReady 85 Comments [7/11/2009 7:34:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 61

Quote# 63891

(Originally Posted by faith1:
Wonder how many will die from heart failure when the loved one,child are gone and also my be a lot of suicides. Its not going to be pretty.)

I thought the same thing. My spouse is an unbeliever and I wonder what he will do when he finds me and the children gone. Suicide? Possibly. But then again, who knows? There will be total chaos!
I feel sorry for those who KNOW the truth and have tasted of HIS goodness but chose the way of the world. I can see them trying to get to the nearest church in hopes that it's not too late but knowing deep within that it is. That's sad.

HeReigns4Ever, RaptureReady 52 Comments [7/11/2009 7:31:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 63869

(question was: It is okay to be gay?
caus im feeling these weird emotions atm.)

.Son, God says that type of behavior is an abomination to Him. Which means, don't go there. So, to answer your question properly, No, it is NOT okay to be gay. There is scientifically proven NO DNA for gay. But I can tell you what I have learned over the last year, There is an organization in England, that, if the person wants to, can be "cured" of homosexuality.They have been doing so for over 20 years. It has been determined by this group that the there is an actual cause for this behavior, and it's not natural. It is demonic "oppression". This is explained out in a book, titled; Healing through Deliverance, by Peter Horrobin, www.chosenbooks.org., Find a Bible based deliverance ministry, check with your local Bible book store, as they will know where, and who to contact. Hang in there! The devils' job on earth is to "steal, kill, and destroy". Be strong, get into The Word of God, read, study, and pray, DAILY!! Seek help, and be set free!
4 minutes ago

Jeff M , Yahoo Answers 33 Comments [7/11/2009 7:30:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Chester

Quote# 63972

Television screens hawked that his "legacy will be felt forever."

In that case, the more reasoning amongst us should run for cover. Moral degeneracy will reach new "heights" and a dark, moonwalk-type world, laced with occult imagery, will just accelerate.

When the late Michael Jackson changed form into a panther, that was animal metamorphosis - a pagan, occult practice. As media announcers fall all over themselves to praise Jackson (who promoted the dark arts in dance), whose song "Body" has probably inspired many illegitimate births, whose female lead in "Thriller" had no problem appearing in the pornographic magazine "Playboy," no one seems to asks who/what was behind the rise to idol status? Mediumistic-prone spiritism is never mentioned.

Erotic manipulations, lewdness, abdominal-area gyrations along with step-hop rigidity in a self-hypnotized state spell vulgarity - of the worst order. His approach ever-encouraged a primitiveness that makes people more distant to each other. Underlying all was his message to youths: release all inhibitions. The "fruits" of the above are, to repeat, moral degeneracy into all classes.

Carol Woster, Billings Gazette 60 Comments [7/10/2009 10:06:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 50

Quote# 63971

Police in Jerusalem were preparing for fierce clashes tomrrow, as ultra-orthodox Jewish demonstrators threatened to escalate protests over a car park, which they say desecrates the Sabbath.

The religious protesters have hurled rocks, set fire to rubbish bins and denounced the police as "Nazis" who would "burn in hell" during demonstrations over the past few weeks against the city council's decision to provide free municipal parking near Jerusalem's Old City for tourists on Saturdays.


The ultra-orthodox sector – also called "Haredi" or God-fearing – adheres to strict religious codes, of which observing the Sabbath is a central tenet.

They view the decision to open a municipal parking lot as a move that sanctions driving, and indirectly promotes trading on Saturdays – both forbidden according to ultra-orthodox practice – and hence considers it to be a city-wide cancellation of the Sabbath.

"Our struggle is not over a car park, but about the character of Jerusalem," said Shmuel Poppenheim, of the ultra-religious Eda Haredit group, which has organised most of the protests.

"If the mayor decides today that he can open a car park on a Saturday, who knows what he will decide to do tomorrow."

Shmuel Poppenheim, The Guardian 36 Comments [7/10/2009 10:03:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Halkyardo

Quote# 63957

Signs of the time!

This here is another signs of the time! Starbucks, hmm doesn't seem harmless enough does it? Well when you do research you find, its a depiction of the pagan sex goddess Ishtar, Ashteroth, and false god with many names.

But see though in this dark world, you see the Evil One's signs all around us. But something we can always look for is...

The Brazen Serpent, which is often found some where around or on the Paramedics or Firefighters. It means safety, and that is exactly what Jesus did. He was similar to the Brazen Serpent, as too when we look too him we are healed of our wickedness and sins. It's amazing, how when this world seems so of the Devil himself. There are these little signs God shows us throughout the world.

Evangelist16, Rapture Ready 59 Comments [7/10/2009 9:36:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 46

Quote# 63929

It is time for a new Christian revolutionary war. It is time for Christians all over the United States to stand up for our Judeo-Christian heritage. Our nation has slowly turned its back on God. We have forsaken our call as a nation, which is to be a light to all other nations. We have allowed a few in the secular minority to rob our freedoms, which came by the blood of many brave men and women throughout history.
The United States of America is still the greatest country in the world. However, our nation is in a battle of major proportions for its soul. We cannot allow the secular humanists, the religious liberals or the immoral of society speak on behalf of our nation. It is time that the church of Jesus Christ find its revolutionary voice, and proclaim to everyone who will listen, that this nation is and will always be “one nation under God.”

Patrick Vandenburgh, Freeport Journal-Standard 55 Comments [7/10/2009 8:44:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 63945

(Discussing homosexuality)

[Originally Posted by trisection
Lastly, I don't think Christians are as unanimous on this issue as you claim.]

Then they aren't Christians since it isn't open for debate. If someone claims to be a Christian and says homosexuality is OK with God then that person should be put on ignore, banned or whatever else the mods decide should be done. They are only causing a disruption.

Slappi, RaptureReady 55 Comments [7/10/2009 7:08:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 63938

Why Christianity? Because of all of the different religions Christianity stands alone! Remember when I said that I had no facts to back up my “Supreme Being” theory. I also stated that a fact is something that can either be proven, or collaborated by reliable sources. Well Christianity is just that, a fact. It can be proven if you are willing to test it. It also can be collaborate by reliable sources, it you are willing to research. Think for a moment of things that you believe as a FACT. Other than gravity that you can personally put to the test, most things you believe are based on collaborative reliable resources. I say to you that the Bible will surpass most everything you now believe as a fact, when it comes to both proof and collaborative resources.

So why then doesn’t everyone believe in the Bible and Christianity? Because our standards for believing in God, religion, or the Bible are much, much higher than our standards for believing in other things. You may say, “well that’s good”. “This is such a critical and fundamental subject that it should have a higher standard.” I won’t argue with that, but if you put ALL religions to the same factual test, I assure you that you will find that Christianity far surpasses any other religion.

I hope this inspires or motivates the reader to at least do what the Bible states “Seek and you shall find!”. God promises, that ANYONE who truly seeks him without a preconceived notion of who he is, will indeed find him. May God reveal this to your heart!

goodboy, RaptureReady 44 Comments [7/10/2009 7:07:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 63909

Gay marriage is immoral and sinful.

As for not letting someone be happy, well a murderer would be happy killing people, it doesn't mean we should let them just so that they're "happy".

If gay was natural, then they would be able to have sex, but they can't, so gay isn't natural.

Marianne Liz, Yahoo Answers 58 Comments [7/10/2009 6:54:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Chester

Quote# 63890

This is so interesting!!!! I was actually pondering this (and never have before) the same day you were posting this. HMMMMM.

So, I was telling my husband that I wondered what it would be like when we were raptured and how wild for a surgeon/patient relationship. What if a surgery was going on and the surgeon was the Christian? Then, the patient would most likely die if he was already open. Then, how wild if the surgeon was working on the patient and the patient just disappeared. Wild, huh?

There are going to be so many car accidents. I just really can't imagine how bad it will be. So glad I won't have to be here, but so sad for those that will be- especially those that thought they wouldn't be here.

rescuedbyChrist, RaptureReady 51 Comments [7/10/2009 6:48:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 37

Quote# 63919

I have been worried about [Obama] since the first time I laid eyes on him. Something in my heart told me he is bent upon evil. While still campaigning, he went to Europe (Berlin speech "We the people of the world")
Several times he has referred to this being his first term.
I looked into his background. He is only 7% african, 50% caucasion, and 43% arabic.
With all of his self-comparisons to our founding fathers, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and this before he was even in office for 30 days.
There were commemerative plates and coins for sale before the inauguration.
There is a hidden agenda, leading us straight into the grasp of a New World Order.
It is an exciting and fearful time to be alive; these are indeed the last days. It just gets to me when I try to talk to others about these things and I get brushed off or labeled a lunnie.
Anyway, it means that the rapture is near....even at the door.
Yours in Christ,

one4god (a.k.a. Melisa), Rapture Ready 59 Comments [7/10/2009 6:43:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 31
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 63923

(About two pastors' oldest boys committing suicide)

So sad. My heart goes to these dear men of God. We will pray for these families.

I know for a FACT that witches, cults, satanists, pagans of all sorts, under demons powers, target the children of evangelists, pastors, prophets, apostles, and teachers. I know because my children have been targeted so I know very well.

[emphasis original]

Rescuer, Ministering Deliverance 62 Comments [7/10/2009 9:20:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 44

Quote# 63918

[Several Muslim celebrations will coincide with September 11th in the coming years. The NYC Council voted to honor such celebrations.]

What complete utter stupidity. Talk about the a slap in the face to all those who died or lost friends and families on 9/11. If this passes I wonder how the residents of NYC are going to take it? Somehow I see many protests over this. I wonder what Obama, oops I mean Barry thinks about this?

So let's see 12% of the school children practice a Muslim belief in New York school system. But recent polls and statistics show that as much of 70-76% of Americans practice Christianity or have belief in Christ. Not sure the percentage of Christians in NYC, but I'm willing to bet that with the parents beliefs passed to their children it is much greater than 12%.

So explain why they continue to take Christ out of Christmas in schools? Why have school children have been told not to bring Bibles to school? And also the fact that evolution is taught in schools. I remember being taught in kindergarten in the mid 80's that we came from apes, when I told my mother this after school, she was HOT! I wonder if there will be a time in America that they start teaching Islamic doctrine in our public schools? The way things are going I can certainly see that happening in the future.

Interesting that, taking from the Christians and giving to the Muslims. Interesting indeed...

hiplove79, Rapture Ready 84 Comments [7/9/2009 1:58:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 63920

[After being asked for citation regarding the missing Obama birth certificate]

You don't have to quote any sources. It's common knowledge now that Obama hasn't presented his official birth certificate to anyone. In fact, he's already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep it under lock and key. He's obviously hiding something. If he is a citizen of the United States then he should be able to present his birth certificate, which he hasn't done.

ThePenguin, RR 70 Comments [7/9/2009 8:53:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: Leth

Quote# 63904

[Prop 8 supporter]

The other day I was on my way home from work and I saw a couple of “FAGGOTS” holding signs in front of Harvest that said “Hypocrites repent” I turned around and was on my way to confront the “opposing view point” when another like minded individual beat me to it, the next thing I saw was a broken sign flying across the road, and a few “faggots” running like little girls to a slumber party. Sometimes a little violence goes a long way in preventing MORE problems later.

We have been inundated with protests and destruction of property for voting to protect marriage. WE the people are about to face yet another challenge to our will. The “Faggot” community is extremely confident that they will win these law suits, and IF that happens I am prepared to MARCH on Sacramento with ANY organization or movement. This is a watershed moment. NOT for the “FAGGOTS”, but for the people of California and the Nation.

WE THE PEOPLE Voted in favor of traditional marriage, WE THE PEOPLE voted to define marriage as ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN. WE THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA VOTED BY 52.7% to 47.3% to honor traditional marriage ONLY, and to NOT recognize same sex marriage. PERIOD…. AGAIN!

We the people did not vote to remove “Same Sex Partnership” rights.You “faggots” still have the same rights as being married, you are just denied the right to use the term “Marriage” to describe your “lifestyle choice” Cry me a river…

Robert, American and Proud 81 Comments [7/9/2009 8:51:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 70
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 63902

[On a thread entitled "Why did God Allow The Holocaust?]

Would the Jews have been allowed to return to their homeland in modern Israel if the Holocaust hadnt occurred?

Hootmon, Rapture Ready 50 Comments [7/9/2009 8:50:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 40
Submitted By: Democritus

Quote# 63888

there is no evidence for evolution. In fact, every evidence ever taken in has been fraud and proven false a long time ago. btw, if evolution is true, how do we tell right from wrong? What advancement in science do we have thanks to evolution? Does a doctor think about evolution when he preforms heart surgery? Did you know every major branch of science has been founded by Creationists??

elgalloprieto, YouTube 49 Comments [7/9/2009 8:48:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 56
Submitted By: BigD1987

Quote# 63878

We agree upon truth, no disagreements allowed.

Buzzardhut, Rapture Ready 53 Comments [7/9/2009 8:48:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 45
Submitted By: Tiger
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