Quote# 64028
There is a simple nonviolent solution to the Palestinian terrorism problem. Consider the following question: Can terrorists or potential terrorists be fit parents? Think about it. Think about all the ramifications of the obvious NO answer.
So here is what should be done.
1) Every year, all noncitizen residents of Israel, including those on the controlled territories, undergo a psychotest. This is nothing new, many Israelis do that routinely when applying for a job. Only this psychotest will test for one's propensity to commit terrorist acts.
2) Naturally, any person found to have a propensity to commit terrorist acts cannot be a fit parent. So the only humane step the Israeli government can take is to save the children of (potential) terrorists and remove them families that teach them to become suicide bombers.
3) The saved children should then be raised as loyal Israeli citizens. Of course, they will be a heavy financial burden on the Israeli society, but isn't a lasting peace and security worth a little bit of expense and effort?
4) My Israeli friends tell me that there is a special subject in their schools called "Moledet", which means "Homeland". That is the subject the saved children will need to learn first and foremost and excel in it.
The only losers here are terrorist child abusers. Everybody else wins. No amount of pressure, however strong, should stop the Israeli government from saving the children of the (potential) terrorists, because it is on the highest moral ground here. This strategy must be implemented urgently. You may have seen a recent news story about a Palestinian family violently hanging their own child on a mere suspicion of helping Israelis. Thou shalt not kill. We must save Palestinian children from terrorist upbringing before they, too, become suicide bombers and cause more death and destruction.
What do you think? Respond if you support it.
RR 58 Comments [7/16/2009 10:55:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 50
Submitted By: Jadehawk