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Quote# 63173

Life grows more interesting by the day for officials of the West Bend (Wis.) Community Memorial Library. After four months of grappling with an evolving challenge to young-adult materials deemed sexually explicit by area residents Ginny and Jim Maziarka, library trustees voted 9–0 June 2 to maintain the young-adult collection as is “without removing, relocating, labeling, or otherwise restricting access” to any titles. However, board members were made cognizant that same evening that another material challenge waited in the wings: Milwaukee-area citizen Robert C. Braun of the Christian Civil Liberties Union (CCLU) distributed at the meeting copies of a claim for damages he and three other plaintiffs filed April 28 with the city; the complainants seek the right to publicly burn or destroy by another means the library’s copy of Baby Be-Bop. The claim also demands $120,000 in compensatory damages ($30,000 per plaintiff) for being exposed to the book in a library display, and the resignation of West Bend Mayor Kristine Deiss for “allow[ing] this book to be viewed by the public.”

Robert C. Braun, CCLU, ALA: American Libraries 61 Comments [6/11/2009 7:59:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 67

Quote# 63177

I was just thinking what if the image of the beast is just another word for TV? If John would have seen this in his vision it would have been like a "picture" come alive an image. Now think about this everybody is forced to go digital. How else could everybody be forced to worship the beasts image unless they were all in the same place at the same time? Well with TV this becomes possible. What if with this digital switch they can monitor when your TV is on and what you are watching? If your not infront of your TV with tuned to the beast network at 7pm and "worshipping" his image they come to your house and kill you...

4TheLight , RR 80 Comments [6/11/2009 4:23:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 55

Quote# 63180

This is also why the hate crimes bill is so dangerous. It protects child molesters, AND if your child so much as turns down their own rape- they are guilty of a hate crime. If your child fights a rapist by scratching the face of their attacker- hate crime. Child molesters were qualified under this because their perversion towards childred is seen as sexual orientation. America is toast.
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so” -Ronald Reagan

Seemomgonuts, Rapture Ready 123 Comments [6/10/2009 11:54:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 183
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 63086

Skaloop is partly right.

I don't know if Darwin himself was a racist, but I think Darwin was used of Satan to produce the breakthrough technology (Natural Selection) that allowed this philosophical invention called "evolution" to continue, and culminated in someone else using it to [attempt to] carry out Satan's master plan.

I can't prove it, but I believe the Antichrist will be a scientist (specifically a geobiologist - if there is such a designation) - to further Satan's plan.

AV1611Vet, Christian Forums 70 Comments [6/10/2009 11:40:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 60

Quote# 63085

When I discuss the notion that we should trust God with how many children we should have, I hear the above excuses again and again, plus a multitude more.

I have heard these excuses before — on the doorstep of an abortion mill.

The dreadful truth is that most of the excuses that women give for having their children killed through abortion are the exact same reasons we give for not having children.

At its core, birth control is anti-child. And I am not only speaking about abortifacients such as the pill or I.U.D., but any drug or device that prevents us from having children. When we use birth control we are saying, "No, I do not want children."

Is it any wonder that the church cannot stop child-killing?

Randall Terry, Live Advocate Magazine Archives 71 Comments [6/10/2009 11:39:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 66
Submitted By: Hellboy

Quote# 63130

(Commenting on the LHC)

Risking the earth and all life for the exploitation of the poor by the wealthy...... That's not really a name, but it is accurate. JR Oppenheimer, lead scientist on the Manhattan Project later admitted that many of the scientists working on the first atomic bomb believed that the chain reaction would continue and destroy our planet......... they exploded it anyway! Mad scientists willing to kill our planet, just so they can play with their Hell toys. We must take back our world from these sick, satanically demented demons or we will all pay the ultimate price for our apathy. There is NO energy shortage. Only a glut of greedy devil spawn who maintain the satus quo and regulate our lives in EVERY respect. If there IS a shortage, it is with the brainwashed people of our planet... too stupid to see or think beyond what those in control tell them to think. Their shortage of common sense and willingness to be informed has allowed this risk and many before to occur and continue. 12 Monkeys......or worse. -Frydaddy

Steve, Telegraph 56 Comments [6/9/2009 11:53:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 63103

And Obama lacks the humility to say 'I'm not God or The Messiah. I'm just the President'. But the fact that he refuses to do so, tells me he has some ulterior motive, for refusing to do so.

It is blasphemous to delcare any mortal man is The Messiah... but is it not just as blasphemous for one to denounce such claims?

Why hasn't Obama done so? What message should that be sending?

Trance, RR 92 Comments [6/9/2009 11:48:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 74

Quote# 63087

Not necessarily anti-gay as much as being insulted that Obama would declare a month to be as such. Black History/Pride month has a cause, Indian History/Pride month has a cause, and Obama is inferring that we now have to teach gay lifestyles in schools and respect that for a month? Not happening.

Brandon Weaver, Facebook Group "June - STRAIGHT PRIDE MONTH" 49 Comments [6/9/2009 11:48:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 63118

I have two young sons and I will sue the mf that teaches either of them about homosexuality. They are too young to learn about sex and I should have some rights as a parent.

What do you think about the school in San Francisco that wants to use a book about a gay penguin couple in kindergarten book and does not want to allow parents the right to opt out.

5 year olds learning about homosexuality is obscene. 5 year olds learning about sex period is obscene.

Ya happy? They are both obscene.

St. Denis in Obama's Red America, Townhall.com 62 Comments [6/9/2009 8:10:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 63112

Fable Accepted as Reality - International "Space" Station


2 Timothy 4:3-4: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

The "International Space Station" is an unoriginal hoax. NASA videos and photographs of this station are filmed on the Earth at a studio designed to imitate a station in space.

An earlier form of space station propaganda, the Skylab hoax was perpetrated in 1974. The Viking Mars lander propaganda which began in 1975 and 1976 was accompanied by the Star Wars space propaganda of CIA agent George Lucas which subconsciously focused much of the public's mind away from suspicious thought concerning the reality of these events.

LordByron, The Flat Earth Society 63 Comments [6/9/2009 11:07:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 75

Quote# 63096

If polygamy becomes legal, how long will it be before beastiality becomes legal. A few years back I read a story about a woman in the UK that married a dolphin.

Seriously. When does it end??!?

Oh, right. When Jesus physically comes to reign on earth. And boy o' boy, that can't come quick enough!!!!! Come Lord please!!!

Joyb0218, Rapture Ready 85 Comments [6/9/2009 1:41:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 49
Submitted By: Tiger

Quote# 63070

Why do Darwinists hate science so much?
I mean, they promote science being taken over by people who lie about evidence and falsify the truth. Why would they allow, or even applaud this if they say they love science? Why do they have to force people to believe in evolution if it's such a strong theory?

Kissthepilot, Yahoo! Answers 50 Comments [6/9/2009 1:35:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: smartz

Quote# 63063

I can tell I am growing closer to Christ because this world just makes me sick. I really can't tolerate it anymore.

A thought did cross my mind today though. Since God is Holy and cannot fellowship with us when we sin and Jesus is God, how did he hang out with sinners?

rescuedbychrist, RR 83 Comments [6/8/2009 5:12:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 62997

Hell's Society!

It is almost beyond comprehension how wicked this end time society has become. People do not think at all like they once did. If the thinking and actions of this society of today could suddenly be transferred back to the society of fifty years ago, the people of that time would think they were suddenly living in hell. We have degenerated into an antichrist society through gradualism, and now the earth is ready to receive her king!

Homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals, and so on are a sure sign of the very end of the world. The sodomite movement has become a large and accepted one with full government protection. On April fourth, the state of Iowa legalized "gay marriage," and other states are rapidly planning to do the same. (36) Fire and brimstone fell on Sodom and Gomorrah; why should America escape the wrath of the Almighty?

David J. Meyer, Last Trumpet 69 Comments [6/8/2009 5:10:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: The WHHAAAMMMM Burglar

Quote# 62995

One thing to keep in mind: The Scriptures only record Jesus's dealings with sinners who were repentant, or who were ready to repent, or who if unrepentant in their hearts were at least outwardly righteous in their public actions. There is not one single example of Jesus fellowshipping with or ministering to someone who was living in open, blatant sin, who was proud of it, and who refused to repent of it.

ehbowen, Rapture Ready 46 Comments [6/8/2009 5:08:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Antichrist

Quote# 63093

Never even consider sending your children to private Christian schools, much less the public automaton factory. Whether a classroom is based completely on Christian education or secular is not the issue (although, we would by far prefer the Christian). God didn't make teenage boys and girls to sit together in a classroom every day using their brain while real life passes them by.

Debie Pearl, Train Up A Child 78 Comments [6/8/2009 2:48:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 66

Quote# 63081

[On a painting in an Arkansas museum of the Virgin Mary breastfeeding baby Jesus.]

Hey, I think I'll take a trip down there and add to the wall with my painting of a "Flaming" gay dying with aids and related skin lesions, a painting of a partial birth baby with bloody scissors sticking out of it's neck and mohammed cutting off the heads of women and children. Do you think I would get aweay with it? ? Not on your life. But they can denigrate and and make nasty and unclean and gross anything they want. My GOD, soddom and gomorha exemplified!

Bgatlake, AOL News 92 Comments [6/8/2009 1:31:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 69
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 63057

Crime(sin) has grown over time, and so has the stronger and more powerful the "gay" community gets. I wonder if that is a just a coincidence?

Sol Gallegos, Facebook 63 Comments [6/8/2009 1:29:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 63077

(Regarding the murder of Dr. Tiller)

I do not condone murder of any type but, I think we should thank Scott Roeder for having the immense courage to perform such a violent act. I'm sure Scott thought hard leading up to this murder and knowing the consequences he and his family will have to face. I thank God for giving him the courage.

I think all of us should send a thank you card or monetary value to the Wichita police Dept. on W. Elm St., Wichita, KS 67203. The women who allowed these abortions, unless their was rape or severe medical condition should and most likely will burn in hell.

texgirl, Newsweek 85 Comments [6/8/2009 8:17:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 63
Submitted By: danielle

Quote# 63060

If this president [Obama] is assassinated, Christians will be blamed. Much like they were blamed for the burning of Rome under Nero. This website would be shut down by the government. Christian persecution would take place on a wide scale much like it did under Nero.

Beautiful Feet, Rapture Ready 77 Comments [6/8/2009 8:16:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 40

Quote# 63076

When people constantly take credit for all they have done and for all they have achieved and accomplished, and not give credit to God, is shows how arrogant and filled with pride they are.....

cocopea9052, Rapture Ready 62 Comments [6/8/2009 6:19:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: Carole

Quote# 63066

[Response to a woman who can't conceive save by IVF]

Hi Grace,

Thanks for asking. Yes, I do think it would still be wrong. Let me explain:

1. I do not believe in situational ethics. If IVF is wrong for one person, it is wrong for anyone.

2. The doctor is wrong in saying that your only way to conceive is via IVF. From his perspective, it may seem that the only way for you to get pregnant is with their help, but the Bible tells us that God can do the impossible. Sarah, who was well past her childbearing years and menopause, and at age 90 was "as good as dead", became pregnant - a miracle. In fact, there is not one barren woman in the Bible who did not eventually have children when God gave her conception.

3. When I talk about the children that get killed through IVF I am not just talking about the embryos that get discarded/left on ice indefinitely. I am also talking about the ones who are transferred to their mother's womb, but only have a small chance of survival. It is inevitable that children will die during this unnatural process. You may end up with one or even several children at the end of it all, but you will nonetheless be responsible for the death of many more children in the process.

While miscarriages occur naturally, the rates are not nearly as high, but even if they were, that would be God's doing, and not yours.

Hope this answers your question. If not, please let me know, and I can elaborate.

ZSUZSANNA, Are They All Yours? 60 Comments [6/8/2009 6:19:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 61

Quote# 63065

[About the proposed Colorado amendment defining a fertilized egg as a person]

Nobody said anything about "defining an egg as a person". An egg in and of itself does not begin dividing into more and more cells and become a growing a human being. This measure is aimed at fertilized eggs, which is really not an egg but a newly conceived human being.

My goal is not to make anyone feel bad who has used hormonal birth control in the past. Sadly, many women are ignorant of the medical facts behind it. I myself was guilty of this and took the pill for two months when we first got married, which is probably what caused the loss of my first pregnancy. I guess I should have been researching what I was popping in my mouth every day a little better. Although I discontinued taking the pill before I knew of its true effects (we actually WANTED kids right away, as soon as I was covered by my husband's health insurance), I was still shocked when I did find out how it really worked a few months later.

What gets to me is people who find out about how hormonal birth control works, and then choose to ignore the facts out of convenience. Could all those women please put the emotion aside, take their head out of the sand, and read up on the medical facts behind the pill? Is having babies really that bad that you have to knowingly KILL them? Do you really just need to save all your money for the mall, a new car, a bigger house and fun vacations? Do you care about anyone beside yourself?

The truth won't go away no matter how long you choose to ignore it.

Lydia Sherman, Are They All Yours? 72 Comments [6/8/2009 6:19:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 63030

"I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.

The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).

The first Israeli prime minister who declares that he will follow the Old Testament will finally bring peace to the Middle East. ..."

Chabad rabbi, Manis Friedman, The Telegraph 84 Comments [6/7/2009 12:50:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 78
Submitted By: Papabear

Quote# 63023

The terms “committed relationship” and homosexual are diametrically opposed, too. The AVERAGE homosexual man claims to have had sex with over 500 partners.

Blood of Tyrants, freerepublic.com 115 Comments [6/6/2009 5:48:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 74
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