Quote# 61313
Here are nine reasons why I hate the term "pro-choice":
1. The issue isn't about "choice", it's about abortion. Nobody seems to have a problem with the other choices.
2. If people want to legalize abortion, then why are they so afraid to be labeled with the a-word? Is there something wrong with abortion? If not, then why not proudly wear the name "pro-abortion"?
3. The truly "pro-choice" position is, "I know it's murder, but I still think others should have the right to make that choice." It's utterly indefensible to say that others should have the right to murder.
4. The pro-"choice" crowd has had a history of hiding the facts about abortion. After all, the facts might influënce a woman to choose another option.
5. The pro-"choice" crowd is only for "choice" when it comes to vices. This is the same crowd that opposes "choice", when a conservative option might be given equal time. (i.e., intelligent design, school vouchers).
6. The pro-"choice" crowd doesn't want doctors & nurses to choose not to participate in murder.
7. The pro-"choice" crowd doesn't want pharmaceutical retailers to choose not to sell RU-486.
8. Pro-"choice" means that a WOMAN can make whatever choice she wants. It doesn't mean that a boy can knock up his girlfriend, then threaten to leave her, if she doesn't do what HE wants.
9. "Pro-choice" leaves no choice for the baby.
The Longhorn,
FC 48 Comments [4/10/2009 9:22:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 42