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Quote# 61622

Another Proof of Why God Exists.
Spiritually Attacks are very real and we are all witnesses to it.
The Unbelievers don't suffer from attacks because Satan already has a hold of them. Their rebellion to God or "Denial" of him is where Satan wants them.
Ever since I became Closer to God the Attacks became Tremendous to my heart and mind, we know this truly is Satans work. They are doing everything they Can to take us Down. But I told God that I would keep my promise to him until the End of Time. Be strong my Brothers & Sisters!

WarriorOfTheFather , RaptureReady 64 Comments [4/23/2009 10:52:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 61671

(Discussion on an article featuring "The Purity Myth", by Jessica Valenti asking the question, does virginity liberate or confine women?)

This article is ridiculous! Sounds to me like the author got called names in high school and just has an axe to grind because of it.

The answer is not to change our ethical standards. That's a symptom. The answer is to fix the problem. The young women in our culture wouldn't have the problem with this 'virgin/whore' dichotomy if they weren't bombarded by media that encourages them toward the 'whore' side. 100 years ago when the majority of women in this country were still following the moral teachings of the Bible, there weren't these problems. Teaching women to be abstinent till marriage is something that God commanded and mankind has twisted and fallen so far astray from. It's a shame that our culture's answer to ethical troubles like these are to run further and further from God. If we would just turn back toward His teachings, and follow the rules that He set, we would all see that He really has our best interests in mind.

allconsumingfire209, Newsvine  55 Comments [4/23/2009 8:50:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 61644

For that matter, it is vegetarianism that has always been associated with cruelty and evil. Cain arrogantly refused to herd animals, and by restricting himself to agriculture of vegetables, imbued himself with a crude materialism that eventually induced him to murder his shepherd brother (explained in the Midrash Agadah and Bereishis Rabba). The ancient Egyptians hated the early Jews because the Jews were eating meat, especially of the animals worshipped by the Eygptians (Onkelos on Bereishis 43:32). And modern Hindus and Buddhists, likewise, practice partial or total vegetarianism as a result of their idolatry and materialistic crudeness. These are precisely the anti-Semitic and anti-G-d attitudes the evil nation of Amalek wishes to incite in people today, using vegetarianism as one important tool in promoting occult practices.

Baruch Ellison - Editor, JAHG-USA: Newsletter of Judaic Theocracy 94 Comments [4/23/2009 2:54:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 99
Submitted By: Lesley

Quote# 61678

That's the beauty of Heaven... we can leave our brains behind.

Lainy68, Rapture Ready 275 Comments [4/23/2009 1:30:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 380
Submitted By: Gebusi

Quote# 61614

I did some minor witnessing this morning before it got really hot outside lol. I passed a few tracks out most of which I saw go right into the garbage by the people I gave them too. One guy (literally) threw his track back at me and said extremely rudly as he was leaving "I'm a math teacher...I dont believe in pixie fairies".

I took the tracks from the garbage and went to the library and stuffed them in some of the new books they just put out including re-placing a few in the atheist books that had the old ones I placed taken out when people rented the books.

My view is it's their choice and their lose. I wrote in another thread how times have changed in the last twenty years. I recall back in the late 1980s being a Christian was a normal thing...and people whom weren't a Christian still respected your choice to be one, and willing to listen to your views to some point. Today it seems being a Christian is like being a weirdo or something, and people don’t want to hear anything about God (or work in hostility upon removing God from the picture).

Anthony, RR 89 Comments [4/23/2009 1:08:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 61645

Paradigm: Where does it say in the Bible that Adam and Even didn't need food to survive?

LOL! Think about it, Paradigm! Their bodies were originally made to live forever. And they would have, too, if they hadn't sinned; death came about as a result of the Fall. When you have a body that's made to live forever, you don't need food and liquids to survive. To need it for survival means that you will die without it. Well, if you have a body that's meant to live eternally, you're not going to die if you don't eat or drink. You'll eat it and drink it simply because you enjoy doing so. It was probably the same way for the animals at that point.

And that's what Adam and Eve did, until the Fall. After the Fall, they had to eat and drink, or die of starvation and/or dehydration. And when that happened, the animals faced the same necessity.

kgreen20, RR 51 Comments [4/23/2009 12:16:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 61640

If you are an atheist consider the following paradox.

If you do not believe that God exists, then you dismiss the biblical stories (angels appearing from heaven etc) from 2000 years ago as 'fairy tales'.

OK, so lets take that as an established fact.

Now go back another 1500 years in history and look at the pyramids in Egypt. Built in the Bronze Age they contain 50 tonne granite roof slabs and 5 tonne blocks of limestone all over the constructions. Do you believe that they were built by bronze age man ? (Wikipedia bronze age man if you are unsure of his capabilities).

OK, so now we have 2 possible combinations.

1) You think the stories about what happened 2000 years ago are fantasy but believe those about what happened 3500 years ago
2) You think the stories about what happened 2000 years ago are fanstasy and those about what happened 3500 years ago are also fantasy.

Combination 1 means that you are applying your thought patterns selectively and therefore your Atheism has no intelectually sound basis and can safely be ignored.

Combination 2 means that the pyramids were not built by mankind, eluding strongly to the existance of God (as defined as an unknown quantity from outside the planet).

Can anyone solve the paradox ?

StephenBrabin, RDF 107 Comments [4/23/2009 9:58:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 75
Submitted By: ixolite

Quote# 61611

The first age, dinosaurs were totally destroyed.
The 2nd age, cavedwellers were totally destroyed.
The 3rd age, garden of eden was totally destroyed.
The 4th age, Noah was allowed to live since that time the dominate species has never been destroyed.

Species adapt to their environment, they do not evolve. In each age some non-dominant species die out completely and are replaced by new a totally new speice.

Servant A, Y! answers 66 Comments [4/23/2009 6:54:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 40

Quote# 61592

The war of one man
We see that all kind of evilness is allowed to rife in the world. God is very long-suffering. He really gives good to the evil and allows the unrighteous to rule his creation up to its pollution. He waits that as many as possible would agree to the peace with him by receiving Jesus. But one must not misunderstand his patience.

Those, who did not accept the peace with God, will face the wrath of God when his great battle day will come. It will be the holy war of God and he will get the victory. In that battle there is only one man in the side of God against the troops of UN.

Who is worthy to kill the great army of the all nations? Only Jesus, the Lamb of God is worthy to execute rebellious and unrighteous nations. He will be the only war hero on that day. Then all evil will receive its just reward. This is the future of the evil mankind: "Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron sceptre. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty." Rev.19:11-21


Erkki Kuisma, Jesus Christ and War 59 Comments [4/23/2009 6:53:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 61604

[Is Satan omnipresent?]

Satan is not ominipresent, but he does have millions, maybee even billions of demonic spirits who do his bidding all over the world....In my opinion they are assigned to do different roles all over the world, some rule over nations, while some rule over towns, or cities, while others go forth to temp, and break up homes, and marriages, etc, etc.. They are here to do what their master does, to kill, steal, and destroy....Also it appears they are heavily involved in politics (just look at the democrat party), if the direction that party is going is not a sure sign of demonic involvement then I don't know what is....Also the bible says we have ministring spirits assigned to us, so it could be that Satan has hindering spirits assigned to believers as well to hinder them to do what God has called them to do.

Glory in print, RR 65 Comments [4/22/2009 9:01:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 42

Quote# 61607

Default War On Athiesm!!!
I think we should all work together and Bring out the true Flaws of their False Religion. Atheists Believe in Nothing more than flawed scientific theories.

I thought of a couple questions that should need explaining on from their Opinion/Side of the Conflict.

1) If the Big Bang did occur form a single point of energy or heat, exploded like a Supernova does. Why didn't it implode and just turned into a Giant Black Hole? Distorted Space?

2) What explains why we are more Logical, Understanding, and Reasonble than any other Creature on Earth or it's history, if we Developed during the same time frame? After this supposed Meteor crash and made the planet desolate.
Did Dinosaurs own shops and drive cars?

3) What explains Genders? Why do we only have two? Why would energy
create a species that requires Birth? Why is it unscientific that Cats and Dogs cannot mate? They still forms of Life.

See where this is going...

WarriorOfTheFather, RR 81 Comments [4/22/2009 7:02:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 87

Quote# 61603

(on the show "Spongebob")

I've only seen the show a couple of times with the kids, but it most definitely is not very clean....I could clearly pick up on the undertones...
I remember hearing (either on television or from a friend) that the creator of the show have written sponge Bob and his pink friend to be homosexual lovers....while I cannot be sure if this is true or not, it wouldnot surprise me in the least....the liberals will stop at nothing to promote their views in our children's television....its despicable...

KarenWaits4Him, Rapture-Ready 87 Comments [4/22/2009 4:00:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 62

Quote# 61593

Here's the really cool thing, 4.5 billion yrs ago the suns diameter would have been about the size of our solar system. Can't figure out the planet part, but that's just me I suppose. Can't figure out the, first there was nothing, then it exploded and here we are part … order from chaos. (Evolution, what an amazing religion)

Mad?, Damn Interesting 65 Comments [4/22/2009 3:58:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 49

Quote# 61600

(re: the end is near)

Like I said, I believe that our time on this earth is very quickly ending, and I have left my Bible and a book on Prophecies, as well as documents from the main page of Rapture Ready (I actually used an entire cartridge of ink), and placed them in a hidden place in my apartment, with instructions on where they are (I don't want these to fall into the wrong hands)

Trance, Rapture Ready 74 Comments [4/21/2009 8:13:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 55

Quote# 61591

That's a very deep question, when you say our, are you saying mankind as a whole? I have to disagree if that's the stance, for God though loves mankind, hates sin. Man by his nature is sinful, thus God hates mankind. God will destroy the world and all those in it.

TechnoGeek, Jyte 62 Comments [4/21/2009 7:52:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 40

Quote# 61589

First, the left side of the political world would have us believe that because 30% of Americans approve of gay marriage, that we absolutely need it. Then there those few churches and denominations that approve of gay marriage. But what about the majority of Americans and American Christians who disapprove of gay marriage. The last time I checked, this was still (at least for a few more months) a Democratic Republic. And that would mean that anyone who has a basic High School education that the majority rules. We should be following what God tells us and deny gay marriage nationally.

The government and the scientific community have been sleeping together for decades. Why else would Congress do the silly things they do and say the stupid things they say? Because they receive their information from so-called credible sources when in fact they are questionable sources. When the scientific community says that gay people were born that way, there are those in Congress who grab that statement and attempt to force gay marriage laws on the entire American population, even though there are many scientists who disagree with that analysis. The audacity of government and science!

Jake Jones, the "Evangelical Examiner", The audacity of government and science 62 Comments [4/21/2009 7:03:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 45

Quote# 61576

Rock music is the Satanic music because it inspires the youth to go out and desecrate the name of the Lord. It is dangerous for a Christian society. Bands like Creed and Switchfoot are only further allowing for Satan to penetrate and rape the Church. That is gay as hell.

Antaeus, Furrs Fur Christ 112 Comments [4/21/2009 6:53:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 81

Quote# 61588

Almost every issue Hitler was for Hussein is also for.
Hitler was all in favor of human experiments. Obama loves to support murdering babies and human embroyos.

Hitler believe in evolution. Claimed to be a Christian. Was for gun control. Started the brown shirts. Believe in labeling anyone who disagree with him as potential danger to the father land. Hitler's picture was everywehere . Obama picture is everywhere. Hitler was immoral goddless and a meglamaniac. Obama is far more evil and ego is only surpassed by Satan .


Nazi Germany under Hitler commited unspeakable crimes against humanity.

Obama commits unspeakable crimes against the innocent babies so don't tell me that Hitler licensed murdering and Obama doesn't!!!!

Obama upcoming forced volunteer force will be larger than the US military according to Obama nazi squad.

Norrin Radd, Rapture Ready 92 Comments [4/21/2009 5:45:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 97
Submitted By: Tiger

Quote# 61577

Not so many years ago, I felt sexually assaulted by every sensually dressed woman I saw. I wasn’t particularly defeated by it but it was a continual, wearying battle. There is sure to have been a natural element to this. It is God’s intention that women flout their bodies solely within the confines of holy matrimony. If only more Christian women would let God remove carnality from their lives!

Grantley Morris, Spiritual Warfare - Turning Spiritual Attack into Victory 88 Comments [4/21/2009 4:19:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 70
Submitted By: pbagosy

Quote# 61572

I want Christians to be added to the list of groups federally protected from hate crimes. But that will never happen. The homosexuals will be allowed to publicly bash us all they want while we have to keep our mouths shut. It's amazing...when a homosexual speaks out against us, it's called an opinion. If we speak out against their lifestyle, it's called "hate speech".

zookeeper, RR 80 Comments [4/20/2009 9:26:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 61575

I know what you are talking about.....I remember a day and age when filthy disease ridden queers like this were beat up in the playground. What the hell happened? When did we stop beating them up? When we did they started asking for their “rights” and stopped acting like men. SHEESE!

Morgana, Free Republic 64 Comments [4/20/2009 8:05:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 91

Quote# 61557

(On advocates of Global Warming)

What these people are advocating is not taking care of God's creation. They believe that the earth's population needs to be brought down to about 500 million so they can control this. These people are about having control over other people. It's all about power and has nothing to do with being good stewards. Alot of the proponents of this stuff are in fact wiccans and witches of some sort who actually do worship "Mother Earth".

josh1313, Rapture Ready 45 Comments [4/20/2009 8:01:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 61570

*The U.S. House Judiciary Committee will vote on a controversial legislation next week that seeks to add homosexual and transgender people to the list of classes federally protected from hate crimes.*

Here it comes. Official govt sponsored persecution.

MrMannn, RR 66 Comments [4/20/2009 5:17:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 71

Quote# 61560

You're the typical gay who judges others based on your own misguided way of thinking. You deny what the Bible says about homosexuals because you're homosexual. You judge Christians as ignorant when you are the ignorant one. No one who reads the Bible seriously can deny it judges homosexuality as sin.

You condemn Logan as a bad mother because she refuses to accept homosexuality in her son. She is right to feel that way. She is doing what a mother should do; her son is in the wrong. If I were her, I'd disown the son as long as he remained gay. I wouldn't be as kind as she is. He has brought sorrow and shame on his mother, who anyone but a dolt can see loves him dearly.

You insist her son was born gay but you're full of it. The events that happened to him at a young age caused him to have homosexual tendencies. Your being gay impairs your ability to see the truth.

You criticized the Christian poster by telling him he is immoral and unChristian, and needs to examine his faith. That's arrogant of you. Who are you to say those things to him?

AmericanPioneer, Topix 63 Comments [4/20/2009 12:57:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 67

Quote# 61544

What kind of megalomanic is this guy (Obama)?? He wants the hall all to himself. He doesn't want to look around the room, and be reminded during his speech that many people have other gods besides him. Will Georgetown obey Obama's first Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"?

At the very least, the guy is for suppression of religion. Unless you happen to be thoroughly beholden to him, that is.

Ragtime, WrongPlanet 49 Comments [4/20/2009 9:19:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 47
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