Quote# 57776
I'm a christian also. I find that the words in the bible are bable to most woman. They don't comprehend it like men. No one is perfect but most women just don't really care about anything unless it's been taught to them by a parent from their youth.
I work for some churches and the women their complain incessantly like children. They make up things to complain about.
The same applies for women everywhere, they still need someone to tell them to shut up regularly.
The Passage that says "Women are to remain silent in the church" means nothing. They have semi-femi groups pushing for more jobs, more power, higher postions, more say so, more pay, more stories told about women in the bible. The same games, same entitlement types go to church. How about Shutting up and NO!
If church women were any better than the divorce rates in church would not be the same as non-church members, but it is.
Few women have any integrity, period.
MenAreBetterThanWomen.com 95 Comments [2/1/2009 1:40:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: sooze