Quote# 58617

Why do atheist have a problem with the talking snake in the Garden of eden ?
They believe in evolution don't they . Who says that a snake did not evolve into a creature of higher intelligence than man at one time .

I will believe in evolution when , a monkey or any animal can build a fire , until then forget it .

david f, Yahoo! Answers 54 Comments [2/14/2009 3:32:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 58680

When all these so-called science types ask me about alien life, I slam my Bible down in front of them, and ask them to show me in the Word of God, where it mentions aliens. I usually get this shocked look, and they retreat back to their shells. Listen, if it's not in God's Word, it is not truth. I think if there were aliens, God would have taken the time to at least make a note of it! However, people are being conditioned to accept aliens as real. Why? I believe that Satan will use this deception to fool the world into believing that these aliens are responsible for our disappearance. Then, one of these so-called aliens will usher in the Anti-christ.
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LookUp24/7, RR 70 Comments [2/14/2009 2:50:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 58748

I've seen this commercial every now and then on National Geographic channel, that says birds evolved from dinosaurs and that whales were once land mammals. Yeah....for some crazy reason, one of the creatures, just out of the blue, decided to jump the water and magically turn its legs into fins. The rest saw this, thought it was way cool and jumped in too! Of course some didn't like it, but found that if they went back to land, their legs didn't come back so they were stuck with fins forever.

FrankBeMe, Rapture Ready 32 Comments [2/14/2009 2:49:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Mandy

Quote# 58641

We need to destroy the Dome of the Rock and rebuild the Temple
It is about time that we kick the trespassing Arabs out of the holy land.

They need to be removed far south of the Ancient Jewish city of Medina, which some crazy Islamics think is a Moslem Holy City.

It is Holy only to the memory all of the Jews who were slaughtered there by Mohammed when he wanted the Jewish men Killed so Mohammed and his followers could rape the younger Jewish widows and sell their children into slavery.

Once the Arabs have been removed from Greater Israel (As specified in the most Holy Bible as extending from the Litani River to Damascus and on to the Euphrates River and then south to the Indian Ocean and then east to the River of Egypt and then north towhere it enters the Mediterranean Sea.) we can progress with the destruction of the illegal and disgusting Dome of the Rock on the Jewish Temple Mount.

After a period of ritual cleansing, the Mount will be declared as suitable for the building of a Third Temple to YHWH.

We certainly have waited long enough for this temple to be built. The Bible says it will happen in the Later Days (The time immediately prior to the arrival of the long promised Jewish Messiah who will be the "All Conquering Lion of Judah" and not the meek "Lamb Of God" Messiah that Jesus represented when he was in the Holy Land.

This "All Conquering Lion of Judah" is going to be more angry than Jesus was when he attacked and beat the money changers on the Temple grounds. His official title will be, "The Word of God." and he is going to eliminate all the satanic worshipping people all over the world. Amen!

Let's get 'er done!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all children here below.
Praise Him above you heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Neubarth, USmessageboard 54 Comments [2/14/2009 1:12:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 58646

“Science” that contradicts Scripture is of Satan, as is those who push it.

ToGodBeTheGlory, Free Republic 42 Comments [2/14/2009 12:44:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Ivy Mike

Quote# 58616

The Bible says that whoever puts mother or father or children BEFORE Christ is not worthy of Christ!!!

Jesus is supposed to come FIRST in our lives, even before family!

Waiting4Jesus, Rapture Readyy 49 Comments [2/13/2009 11:41:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 58676

I agree 100%. My ex boyfriend was an atheist, and for 5 years I tried to witness to him. He said I either choose God or him? Not even a choice I had to struggle over.... He is a very highly intelligent person, but I view him as a fool because he has said in his heart, "there is no God".

And I really don't care if they are called atheist, non-believes, agnostics, whatever. If they have religion, rites or rituals....science or magic dust. If they do not believe in the one and only God, then I consider them Godless. If there is any movement at play it is the movement of Godless people believing and doing whatever they want.

It will be interesting to hear their arguments on judgment day....

cocopea9052, RaptureReady 70 Comments [2/13/2009 11:36:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 58466

[What else needs to happen before the Rapture?]

Our Pastor comforted us last night by telling us the only thing that has to happen before the rapture is the blowing the trumpet. I pray it is soon.

I agree. I stop at least several times a day and listen for the trumpet.

Betty and Caligal, Rapture Ready 57 Comments [2/13/2009 11:33:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Blago's Hair

Quote# 58526

You have put on the blinders of Atheism and do not realize that the previous societies all died out before the arrival of Abraham and his lineage that allowed the Ten Commandments to come into existence. A Godless society never lasts for long.

Unknown, unreasonable faith 22 Comments [2/13/2009 11:33:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 58655

[ Amanda Palmer (of the Dresden Dolls) has a music video clip (and lyrics) that involve abortion and anti-abortion activists ]

For all of you lemmings who think this is funny, maybe Ms. Palmer should do a satire on the holocaust next. She could act like a Nazi officer and forget to gas a couple of the undesirables before throwing them in the oven for a good laugh. Now I know it wouldn't be as funny because abortions kill 40 million human beings a year compared to Hitler's measly 6 million total. But hey it couldn't hurt? right?

bkmalone86, YouTube 45 Comments [2/13/2009 11:19:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Imroy

Quote# 58580

As for myself, I believe that science has proved that there has to be a creator (The best mathematicians, physicists, biologists, astronomers,etc all admit they cannot explain how the DNA data gets into each cell/gene and can only be put there by intelligent design. But a campaign of disinformation from the atheist scientific communtity was exposed on British TV (I have the documentary), that proves that even the atheists admitted in secret scientific unpublished journals that all organic life in the universe had to come from a designer creator, and cannot appear randomly. The documentary exposed these findings and carried the atheist scientists through to their final statement and conclusion (which was pretty weak) that all artificial intelligence can appear randomly, but they admit that all organic life has to have a creator. THAT WAS THE COVER UP! THIS WAS EXPOSED AND THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY WERE INFILTRATED BY OCCULT SECRET SOCIETIES AND PAID TO NOT PUBLISH THEIR FINDINGS. (MOSTLY HIGH RANKING FREEMASONS, ROSICRUCIANS, ORDER TEMPLAR ORIENTALIS,ETC). tHE DOCUMENTARY PART 2 STATES THAT 90% OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY DO NOT BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION BUT AGREE WITH CHRISTIANS SCIENTISTS THAT NATURAL SELECTION IS A CORRECT THESIS, BUT THEY CANNOT ADMIT THIS, BECAUSE THEIR FUNDS WILL BE STOPPED BY POWERFUL INSTITUTES CONTROLLED BY THESE OCCULT FREEMASONS/BUSINESSMEN WHO OWN MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS

wayofthegoldenlion, Daylight Atheism 61 Comments [2/13/2009 11:17:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ebonmuse

Quote# 58469

Thanks God mine are hem schooled by the wife as libs would like nothing more than to have public indoctrination centers, and thats why so many kids go to private school or are home schooled.

baddadd47, huffingtonpost 43 Comments [2/13/2009 11:13:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By:

Quote# 58545

People in the ancient word didn't have the same words we have today. they didn't know what lava was except that it was different than ash. In fact, it contains sulphur and it solidifies objects and people as it did in Pompeii.

Carico, CARM 39 Comments [2/13/2009 11:07:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By:

Quote# 58542

[I wonder if the apes in the zoo can tell the difference between stars and planets?
They can't read so I suppose they have an excuse but any literate human has NO excuse for being equally ignorant.]

Since you have no valid arguments to any of the discussions, all you can do is try to find something that you can criticize me for. And you've zeroed in on dinosaurs, planets and stars because you believe everything scientists say just like a robot. So I guess you'll have to find out when you die that the difference between planets and stars is so inconsequential and minute, it's not even worth arguing about.

Carico, CARM 35 Comments [2/13/2009 11:03:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By:

Quote# 58480

The ToE is the creation account of the atheist and secular humanist. It’s all they have to explain origins.

metmom, Freeper Idiots 27 Comments [2/13/2009 10:54:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 58491

Are you sure the church was wrong in their geocentric view?

As I understand it without dark energy the Copernican model is falsified.

That would leave the earth as the center of the universe as the simplest explanation for the practical and mathematical understanding of the universe.

ICANT, EvC Forum 37 Comments [2/13/2009 10:54:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Darwin's Bullfrog

Quote# 58582

MAPUTO, Sept 26 (Reuters) - The head of the Catholic church in Mozambique said on Wednesday he believed some European-made condoms were deliberately tainted with the HIV/AIDS virus to kill African people.

"I know of two countries in Europe who are making condoms with (the) virus on purpose, they want to finish with African people as part of their programme to colonise the continent," Archbishop Francisco Chimoio told Reuters.

"If we are not careful we will finish in one century.

"I also know some companies who are manufacturing anti-retroviral drugs already infected with the virus, also in order to finish quickly the African people", Chimoio said.

He declined to name the European countries in question or the source of his allegations.

Catholic Church, Reuters 29 Comments [2/13/2009 6:48:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Les wood

Quote# 58854

Darwin was not a scientist, nor did he practice the scientific method. He was a med-school dropout turned amateur naturalist who attempted to reinterpret the entire history of biology on nothing more than a few minor variations between finches.

GodGunsGuts, Free Republic 53 Comments [2/13/2009 5:02:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Ivy Mike

Quote# 58750

[submitted question]

Atheist do you know if the moon was a centimeter closer to Earth we would have tidal waves?

How can you not see someone put it there for a purpose?

Even athiest can understand an engineering pincipal?

Hugo, Yahoo! Answers 65 Comments [2/13/2009 4:58:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: badaspie

Quote# 58587

Polls repeatedly show that Evangelical Christians are the happiest. Atheists are way down the happiness list, as exemplified by their bitter behaviour on HYS and other internet forums.

David Thomas, BBC News | Have Your Say 59 Comments [2/13/2009 4:28:17 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 58648

[re: fstdt]

I pray that all the people operating fundies will soon come to know who Jesus Christ is and then they will know why he is to be respected and honored. It's all coming to a head and we will see who is standing somehow I don't think they will be laughing. I believe the bible says crying and gnashing of teeth. The Lord is our defender of the faith and his word will stand forever. I do not believe there are actually aetheists they know deep down inside God is real they are just rebellious attention seekers.They can't see air but yet they trust it to substain them where do the crazy's think air comes ? molecules made by God .Their doctrine is so messed up thank God we have the Bible to substain us.

Hey fundies people I am Praying for You

queengina66, RR 30 Comments [2/13/2009 2:32:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 58505

99.9% of all preachers in any country on any continent have no business speaking or teaching in the church. My 10-year-old daughter is more qualified than these are. She knows from where our white race came, that our lord and Savior was a Judahite not a Khazar Jew, that race mixing is wrong, abortion is murder, and homosexuality is an abomination. She knows that men are to be good daddies and providers and women to be mommies and teachers of our children; the U.N. wants to destroy and control white nations, non-white immigration is ruining our people, and the right to own and bear arms should never be given up as its our gift from God - if we can keep it and that above all we must focus our energy on love for our people. Do your children know these things? If not why? If you are a parent, it's your job. And if they don't know these things, forgive me if I hurt your feelings, but you have failed as a parent and should immediately begin to correct the situation.

Mrs. Rachel Pendergraft, KKK 75 Comments [2/13/2009 2:32:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Any

Quote# 58786

[Q: What proof do you have that Heaven and Hell exist?]

Jesus is not in His tomb. What proof do you have that it does not?

GodWinsInTheEnd, Yahoo! Answers 66 Comments [2/13/2009 1:55:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: badaspie

Quote# 58656

The problem I face is weariness with science-based dialogue partners like Richard Dawkins. It surprises me he is not chided for his innate scientific conservatism and metaphysical complacency. He won't take his depiction of Darwinism to logical conclusions. A dedicated Darwinian would welcome imperialism, genocide, mass deportation, ethnic cleansing, eugenics, euthanasia, forced sterilisations and infanticide. Publicly, he advocates none of them.

Tom Frame, The Sydney Morning Herald 68 Comments [2/13/2009 12:34:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 58586

(referring to global warming)

It's all about controlling the masses. The big lie, and lie enough, and lie often, and they will believe it. I don't buy it at all!!!!!!!!

ron4jesus, RR 69 Comments [2/13/2009 9:22:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Lex