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Quote# 66679

Women absolutely should not be on subs for these and other reasons not stated here. Sad that some people think it is okay to put a child at risk because they want "equality in the workplace". There are some jobs that women should not be doing and the same with men. Get over yourselves and your "I want what I want" stuff. Be a woman - quit trying to be men.

Anonymous Commenter, OneNewsNow 63 Comments [10/19/2009 1:55:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 52

Quote# 66671

i believe that everything is made of the 4 elements(fire,water,earth,wind), including all the 92 "elements" (molecules), protons, neutrons, quarks, everything is made of the? 4 elements/states-of-matter.

you can't say that the world is made of 92 elements because, then what are those 92 elements made of? they must be made of something too (sub-atoms).

watergaia, youtube 77 Comments [10/19/2009 1:55:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 63

Quote# 66661

yeah, it's strange that? the moon doesn't fall on earth if the current theory of gravity was true.

the earth is not the center of the solar system, but it could be the center of the universe.

watergaia, Youtube 61 Comments [10/19/2009 1:54:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 69

Quote# 66646

(re: the Blasphemy Day campaign)

And yet this is protected speech, while proclaiming the Word of God is a hate crime?

Wally, Rapture Ready 44 Comments [10/19/2009 1:53:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 66638

[iParis] Did you know that hallelujah sounds and means the same thing in every language?
0dd huh? It means praise God if you didn't know.

[witnessofjesus] yep,
it clearly means that language has a common source, in God

iParis, witnessofjesus, Y! answers 53 Comments [10/19/2009 1:52:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 51

Quote# 66631

Darwin and Lyell had zero degrees in evolution. Since PHDs are needed. Maybe you should consider the source, which is also the example. Less you be considered bias and stuck up.

1% dna difference = 3,000,000 differences. Now why use 1% and omit the actual number? It's because evolution is so weak, it has to be sold? through omitting evidence that makes it look bad or calls it into question.

There are so many unobservable processes that animation is used in the place of what cannot be observed. Which makes evolution only provable in a virtual world, not the real world. So just because you can animate something does not make it so.

Darwin and Lyell zero degrees in science, LOL. How ironic.

ikester7579, Youtube 45 Comments [10/19/2009 1:51:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 51

Quote# 66628

Atheists are so stupid. You work really hard to discredit Mr. Comfort, but in turn prove his point.

Go ask individual atheists on their morals. Oh really? What would we ask of Stalin? or of Mao? Or how about Pol Pot?

Ask any Christian of where the laws and morals come from? If they aren't an idiot they all will say from God.

Ask atheists, who knows what their answer will be. So many of them will say society or from their own locigal conclusions.

What if like stalin or mao decide they need to eliminate thier political rivals.

And to pronounce that you are better or more moral then God is just down right disgusting.

You lie, cheat, steal, covet, commit homosexual crimes (YES CRIMES!), you are adulterers and fornicaters. You also take pleasure in your sins. You justify your sins. Then you accuse God of being immoral.

You disgust me. (SPIT)

Starbuck, Atheist Central 56 Comments [10/19/2009 1:51:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 68

Quote# 66624

[Why do young women today dress and look so provocative?]

My answer to this is that they are trying desperately to fill a hole in which only Christ can fill.

Cherished, RR 110 Comments [10/19/2009 1:50:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 90
Submitted By: Grigori Yefimovich

Quote# 66623

Why is it so hard for some to see what is clearly visible. Humans are not homosexual. There is no such thing as a human homosexual. There is no "right" to being married to a same sex person.

Anonymous Commenter, OneNewsNow 46 Comments [10/19/2009 1:50:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 66610

Most of us Christians do not condone Fred Phelps's pickets at soldiers funerals and other human deaths that got nothing to do with those filthy faggots.Here WBC gone too far,we agree.But mostly what Fred Phelps does as picketing funerals of dead faggots like this pervert Matthew Shepard,picketing at GLBT related events and casting truth that homosexuality is a ticket to Hell makes Fred Phelps and his led WBC as true heroes of our times.

Killer Hawk, Argue With Everyone 57 Comments [10/19/2009 1:50:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 60

Quote# 66495

Another dangerous source is books. Especially such works as Harry Potter. Do you know that the names and spells in those stories are real? I started reading one of those books, I knew it was wrong and tried to rationalize the content by saying "it's just a struggle between good an evil". Eventually I gave up and treated the book for what it really was, witchcraft. (Ex. 22:18, 1 Sam. 15:23)

crusadercat, let the children come to jesus!!! 62 Comments [10/19/2009 10:35:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 62

Quote# 66680

Think girls can excel in math as well as boys can? Liberals teach they can, which is teaching a falsehood

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 109 Comments [10/19/2009 10:04:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 115
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 66669

[On teaching kids about environmentalism.]

Our church teamed up with the local public schools to run a day camp this summer. They ran the curriculum and supplied the teachers and funding. We supplied the facilities and administration. What we ended up with with an environmental cook's dream. My boys came home and started packratting capri sun juice box garbage to make one of those stupid "upcycle" bags.

It took me 3 weeks to deprogram them from all that. The result, our church will not be working with the school system again. Lesson learned.

Paul H, Moonbattery 39 Comments [10/19/2009 10:00:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 71
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 66622

But we also need to pray for America because every time our state department puts its nose into Israel's business, we have the most horrendous weather in America. Remember back, when President Bush Sr was trying to build a road to peace and force Israel to share the land with the Palestinians. A giant wave hit the President's home and destroyed it. It was as if God was saying to President Bush, you mess with my house, I'll mess with yours.

Cricket, Rapture Ready 42 Comments [10/19/2009 9:39:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 53

Quote# 66602

I remember when I first got saved, I pretty much drove my friends away because they couldn't stand to be around me. I think it brought a conviction upon them they felt uncomfortable with. But I was not about to change just to keep my friends. To those that are perishing we are like the stench of death.


I wish I had some advice for you. I'm not in the exact situation, but even though my husband is a believer and we used to be on the same page, he gets annoyed with the extent of my faith I think. It's hard to feel like you are facing persecution for following Christ from the one person you are supposed to be closest to. Just stand strong, and continue doing the things to grow in your faith. It's the only way you are going to be able to be a witness to him. If you stop going to bible study and being a part of the body of Christ, how will you be able to win him over?

TotallySoldOut, Rapture Ready 47 Comments [10/19/2009 9:30:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 66596

One Christian creationist on YouTube who goes by the name VenomFangx has had nothing but headaches since starting his YouTube creation ministry. He is one of those people that you rarely meet that actually has talent for doing videos. He is not boring to watch. And he is very good at making his points. But because of this, and him becoming very popular among Christian YouTubers. He also became a bulls-eye for the Anticreationist group on YouTube. They did not like his ability to refute evolution claims. After several fights, false accusations, threats, and suspended accounts. VenomFangx decided to leave after receiving death threats (Update: video was removed so I suspect the person whom put it up was getting harassed). Death threats that were sent to his parents house naming his parents. And claiming to be from an Islamic group. Which is believed to be a cover for who it really was.

VenomFangx decided that this had gone far enough, so he closed his account and left YouTube. Now the reason this is used as a what not to do. VenomFangx tried to confront every anticreationist on YouTube instead of just ignoring them. This provoked a lot of what happened. You can just type in his name and get over 6,000 hits from the YouTube search engine. Over 95% of the responses are from the anticreationists who hate him. This is why the Christian YouTuber just needs to ignore them and block them. It's really not worth the trouble.

CreationWiki, CreationWiki 38 Comments [10/19/2009 9:23:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 49

Quote# 66531

[An attempt to disprove environmental adaptation]

Ever needed an extra hand to do something? Like if you were fixing something and you needed and extra hand and arm to hold the light so you could see. Grow an extra arm then. Sounds funny don't it? But several times a year we are reminded that if we had an extra arm in some cases it would help. But through all these years we have not grown one. But if evolution, adaptation, and natural selection were the norm. Each person on this earth would be different in this manner to adapting to their environment. But we are not. We all have 2 legs and arms, one head and one brain, ten toes and ten fingers, etc... And we all live in different environments but we are all basically the same. The human race is the perfect example of non-adaptation. We live in different environments, but we are basically the same.

Issac, Y.E.C. Headquarters 49 Comments [10/19/2009 7:27:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 66490

Atheists love islamofascists because they also believe Jews descended from apes and pigs.

ari-freedom , freerepublic 35 Comments [10/19/2009 7:25:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 50

Quote# 66489

[In response to a rather well worded and very polite post by a 'committed athiest']

Sometimes Atheists say the darnest things ['stupid' smiley)
Since you don't believe in God and you don't believe in Satan,then you must not believe in good and evil. [Thinking smilie] Well there is plenty of good and evil in the world.How do we know this?Watch the news,read a paper or just look around.
Where does this good and evil come from?Did it evolve out of the sea?Maybe good and evil is still evolving at a high rate.I wonder though,where is this good coming from?Where is the evil coming from? [thinking smiley]
If you came here to poke fun at the ['stupid' smiley]Christians then you will not find a purpose here.In fact the conversations that are carried on between the Christians is going to be at a higher level of understanding that a self professed Atheist is not going to understand.
If you come here to learn of Jesus then first you must humble yourself as a little child,or you will not find the Father(GOD)
So this decision is entirely your own [hat tipping smiley]
Just curious,if you don't believe in nothing,why are you focused on the unpardonable sin?Well my friend that would be unbelief.When you die and leave this world and you remain an Atheist,that is the unpardonable sin.You have denied the Father(GOD)denied the son(JESUS) and grieved the Holy Spirit(God's Spirit) then that my friend is the unpardonable sin!
Now that you have your answer to that question,then you can continue on as you are,having been told the truth or you can die in your unpardoned sin and then you will know the truth.Something to think on,either here or in eternity.Take your pick.However this time here is short,better to think about it now instead of then because your wrong in saying there is no God and you will find that out friend.

Lucinda, Rapture Ready 35 Comments [10/19/2009 7:25:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: Tiberius Thyben

Quote# 66483

When you look at it purely from a secular viewpoint, the fact of the matter is that (1) homosexuals are, as a whole, much more sexually promiscuous than heterosexuals; (2) homosexuals are more likely to engage in sexual acts with unknown partners than heterosexuals; (3) homosexuals are generally not monogamous in their relationships to the same extent as heterosexuals; (4) sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including AIDS and genital herpes, are much more prevalent in the homosexual population than the heterosexual population; (5) homosexuals with AIDS are now knowingly engaging in unprotected sex with partners trying to bestow upon them what is known as “the gift” a/k/a AIDS; (6) that homosexuality is a very lonely lifestyle due to the fact that older homosexuals are generally shunned by the younger homosexual population; and, (7) that life expectancy amongst members of the homosexual population is shorter than the population at large. In short, the homosexual lifestyle is not healthy and it can, and will most probably, result in sickness and death.

John Funk, Rapture Ready 50 Comments [10/19/2009 7:21:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 66472

(arguing over whether Mormons are Christian or a cult)

‘Mormons Are Christian’ - As I replied to Joseph (not Smith!) There is only one Christian church but it is made up of the body of believers in Christ.

For any church or person to claim sole authenticity is a scandal and against what the Bible says.

Stewart Cowan, Real Street 43 Comments [10/18/2009 10:36:32 PM]
Fundie Index: -56
Submitted By: Cheb Ghobbi

Quote# 66468

okay you dont have to be taught from a young age to believe in god, you know that he exists because of the world you see around you, how else would this world come to be? the "big bang"? a tiny atom? please.. get real, obvously someone had to make it.. and where did the bible come from? that talks about how the world was made and heaven and hell and all that stuff, alot of the things that have beeen said in the bible were found on earth, think? about it

mika01013, Youtube Comments 50 Comments [10/18/2009 10:31:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Dark Bowser

Quote# 66461

[another FSTDT CTSTDT RSTDT trifecta]

Muslin Eschatology is quite fascinating. I haven't fully grasped it yet, but from what I've read a great war (armageddon?) must happen before the 12 Imam can come, who will have Jesus Christ as his "lieutenant" and who will proclaim that the Christians had everything wrong, He isn't the Son of God.

A persecution will ensue on Christians and Jews where they will either accept this new god or be beheaded.

The Iranian President has talked a lot about his belief that he will usher in the 12 Imam and that is why he talks as he does about wiping Israel off the face of the map. He believes he must start/provoke this great war, even if it is to sacrifice his whole country, so that the 12th Imam can come to rule.

Recently, the Iranian President has spoken about the fact that he is currently speaking to the 12th Imam and the time is coming soon.

We all should remember when Big Mouth Nana said Obama would win the 2008 presidential election and that she believes he is the anti-christ. I believed as she did in 2004 and also believe that he either is or is connected to the anti-christ.

President Obama has strong Muslin ties, which he was raised as. While I am drawing quite a stretch here, it still makes me wonder, if perhaps, the Iranian President has been talking to President Obama, believing he is the 12 Imam.

I'm obviously speculating and drawing a bit of a conspiracy theory here, but it still is an interesting one, to me at least.

Critias, Christian Forums 37 Comments [10/18/2009 10:28:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: EnemyPartyII

Quote# 66587

First Example - Liberal Falsehood

The earliest, most authentic manuscripts lack this verse set forth at Luke 23:34:[7]
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

Is this a liberal corruption of the original? This does not appear in any other Gospel, and the simple fact is that some of the persecutors of Jesus did know what they were doing. This quotation is a favorite of liberals but should not appear in a conservative Bible.

Conservapedia, The Conservapedia Bible Project 62 Comments [10/18/2009 4:54:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 55
Submitted By: the_ignored

Quote# 66530

Science says we have different skin colors because that was our skin adapting to our environment. Africans are dark because they lived in a hot sunny climate. Sounds feasible. But Eskimos are dark skinned also. And they live in a cold climate. So adaptation does not explain this. So does the Bible explain this? Yes it does.

When God separated the people at the tower of Babel for their ignorance of wanting to challenge him. I believe he separated them according to kind (color or race). We all had one language, so he separated them by mixing up their language. So the different kinds went and lived in different places because they could not communicate with one another (each race) anymore. We all may have different accents to our languages. But when it comes to races, we have all different languages. Some may have to go back where they come from to find this. But it all traces back to the tower of Babel. So it has nothing to do with adaptation for the reason that different races live in different places around the world and have different skin colors.

When we understand how God did things, it makes us better understand the reason for why things are the way they are. And when we accept God's word for what it is, it all becomes clear.

Issac, Y.E.C. Headquarters 53 Comments [10/18/2009 3:59:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 46
Submitted By: M.M.
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