Quote# 66537
Right now I am having propaganda being shoved down my throat by a supposedly-reputable "NEWS"cast. This propaganda is advocating the freakish, abominable act of Satanism known as Test Tube Babies, or IVF.
Man is not God. Man should not pretend to be God. Test Tube Babies is going wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far.
All Test Tube Babies as well as anyone who in any way participates in any procedures that relate to the creation of such Abominations or laws that allow it - should be executed without trial.
Test Tube Babies are Unholy Abominations and just plain ol' Freaks of Nature.
For Men who see fit to play God, it's time for them to be executed without delay and go have some "Quality Time" with the one and only REAL God; whereupon they will receive just recompense for their participation in the evil, ungodly Test Tube Baby Satanic Rituals.
[What about people who cant have children but can if they put them in a test tube?]
then they weren't meant to have children! so they should stop OBSESSING over something they weren't meant to have!!!
i'd like to make $20 Million a year as a Professional Athlete, what about me?HuhHuh!!!!!!!!!! I can't do it, but I really really really want to!!!! So why doesn't someone invent a barbaric, demonic procedure to help ME out with what *I* want?
the reason: because I am not obsessed with trying to have what I was not meant to have! but with Test Tube Babies, there are tons of mentally-deranged sickos whose illness causes them to do perverted things like obsess over things they have no need to obsess over; and these obsessions cause them to partake in demonic acts such as making Test Tube Babies
FED2k 50 Comments [10/23/2009 4:27:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 66