Quote# 55384
[from the American History online course; pointers for an essay entitled Liberal Denials About History]
The following truths about history are typically denied by liberal history textbooks:
- That "Yankee ingenuity" (American inventions) far surpassed the rest of the world, and brought great wealth to it
- That military battles are an essential part of history, and of preserving freedom.
- That there were valid reasons for past opposition to immigration which had nothing to do with racism; immigration did not enable the North to beat the South.
- That unions caused great harm, including senseless violence and lost jobs.
- That hard work was the key to the success of many Americans.
- That most great Americans, from Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Edison, were homeschooled.
- That Abraham Lincoln's faith grew while he was President.
- That Benjamin Franklin abandoned the Deism of his youth later in his life.
- That Thomas Jefferson's religious beliefs were not representative of the other Founding Fathers.
- That Rhode Island and Thomas Jefferson, and their view of a "separation of church and state," had no role in the formation of the Constitution.
- That there were conservative Presidents before Ronald Reagan, such as George Washington, James Monroe and Grover Cleveland.
- That "anti-imperialism" movements against the United States were really communist or Muslim movements against Christianity, as in denying the Islamic basis for the Philippine insurgency around 1900.
- American Indians are too different from Asians to have descended directly from them.
- Rhode Island was the only state to separate church and state, and as a result it became the biggest importer of slaves.[1]
- Thomas Jefferson was not as successful or important as liberals claim;[2] he failed personally and as president, and little in the Declaration of Independence is attributable to him.
- Chivalry was customary throughout most of American history.
- The greatest corruption in government during the Grant Administration was by the Democratic-controlled "Tammany Hall."
- The misnamed "Gilded Age" generated tremendous prosperity for the world, thanks to an absence of stifling regulation.
Public school education in its current form is less than 100 years old.
- Atheist materialism lay behind the genocidal crimes of the Nazis
- Martin Luther King was a Republican who preached Conservative values.
- The so-called Dark Ages brought a revolution in science and learning from the spread of Christianity throughout Europe and the establishment of networks of monastic 'universities'.
- Lenin was a ruthless and violent dictator who oppressed the people of the Soviet Union as thoroughly as Stalin.
Nazism, with its insistence on the collective, was a left-wing doctrine.
- The United States Immigration Service ran Ellis Island as a harsh, unwelcoming and discriminatory institution.
Conservapedia 56 Comments [1/3/2009 4:35:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 23