Quote# 55503

Is Bill Maher’s film Religious the atheist equivalent of Ben Stein’s Expelled?

Answer :
They can't be equivalent, because Maher uses "gotcha" journalism and subversive tactics to prey on innocent people and make them look like fools. He's ignorant of what he talks about and uses a straw man type of attack - using the fringe to make the whole outlet look crazy. He misleads the audience into drawing his conclusions out of what little video they see, and he appeals to irrational and cooky theories of science and religion that are unproven. He's almost like a conspiracy nut in the religious world...

Ben Stein is just honest and presents facts as they are...leaving conclusions up to the viewer. He might lead them a little bit, but I think he uses solid examples and presents things clearly. He lets the people in his film tell the story, like a real documentary should.

Who would even think to compare the 2? Maher is clueless...and has always proved so on his show.

Apologetic Avenger, Yahoo Answers 35 Comments [1/3/2009 5:22:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 55437


How can they seriously say they are for free thought and then are actively trying to get rid of religion...what hypocrites.

Swayde, Fulfilled Prophecy 32 Comments [1/3/2009 5:22:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Janta

Quote# 55244

(12 astonishing facts about AIDS in America)

2. Almost half of HIV cases (just under 500,000) are known to involve male homosexual behavior.(b) This is a highly conservative figure. Male- to- male sex is a contributing factor in other transmission categories as the Centers for Disease Control defines them. A more realistic actual figure is around 60-70%.

Linda Harvey, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality 29 Comments [1/3/2009 3:49:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katsuro

Quote# 55237

Christmas with the REAL Cranks

The entire family, most of both sides, came to our house this year (it rotates). Many of my relatives share in the Holy Spirit, but many also don't. Right now, I have in my house.

A sixteen-year old cousin-in-law who claims to be both Wiccan and Christian. Her boyfriend bought her an ouija board for Christmas. I made her leave it in the car.

Two nephews (twelve and ten) whose dad thinks are funny and cute when they swear and act angry.

A mother-in-law who, for whatever reason, thinks that everyone, everywhere, is automatically saved, but that we still should "be good." For who? Santa?

A six year old niece who repeatedly says she's excited about "Santa Claus day" and doesn't seem to know anything about Christmas.

I know I should be trying to evangelize, but I feel so weak, like a bird that God just hatched that is still getting stronger. I read some of the kids a picture book on the Nativity last night, though, and they liked it.

Sarah Wilson, Rapture Ready 65 Comments [1/3/2009 12:38:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 55355

Due to the changing of the times, America is slowly experiencing a moral decline with in the society. The Christian belief system is looked upon as mythical and out of date and there is a leaning to foreign belief systems that don't have any truth to extract from, but there is a moral vacuum in this nation and between the atheists and the eastern polytheist religions from abroad, American will be sucked into a backward immoral shell of itself unless it stand on the foundation which it was founded on duriong the eighteenth century.

Gr8tgary38, The Christian Post article comments 31 Comments [1/3/2009 12:38:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 55452

The Campbell's Soup Company purchased a pair of two-page advertisement spreads in one of the nation's leading pro-homosexual magazines, including an ad highlighting a lesbian couple and their son, reports the American Family Association.

The advertisement for Campbell's product Swanson's broth, the AFA reports, appears in both the December 2008 and January 2009 issues of The Advocate, a magazine that touts itself with the line, "For 40 years, setting the standard in LGBT journalism."

The AFA, however, objects to the ad, particularly the frame that depicts the lesbian couple and their son, claiming that the soup company is contributing to homosexual advocacy.

"Not only did the ads cost Campbell's a chunk of money," writes AFA Chairman Donald Wildmon in an email alert, "but they also sent a message that homosexual parents constitute a family and are worthy of support."

Drew Zahn, Donald Wildmon, World Net Daily 53 Comments [1/3/2009 12:35:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: G Zimmer

Quote# 55459

If atheists are real, why are they still trying to convince themselves that they're right and getting personal with Christians when they ask questions? Is being an atheist the trendy thing to now for angry people?

lokbum, Answer Bag 33 Comments [1/3/2009 12:32:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 55451

Destroying traditional morality...


Boy meets girl and they marry and have children. They both teach their children gender roles and how to live a good Godly healthy life.

Hollywood and even society seem to be attacking this model of traditional Christian life. The last movie I saw where this was the rule was Fireproof, and even there no children were involved. Is attacking this staple really good for society?

I understand the gay agenda, the gangster agenda, and the do what feels good agenda. I also understand none of those lead to children who grow to be well adjusted adults. It seems like this sort of hedonism leads to abdication of the agenda of future generations. What are the throw away children of this generation supposed to think, do, or work toward? There are many, and they are as confused about it as I am.

Autumnleaf, Christian Forums 39 Comments [1/3/2009 12:32:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Kimby

Quote# 55212

there is no evidence for it. there are no transitional forms. and dont answer that with the theory of spontaneous generation. anything dubbed the "hopeful monster" theory obviously has flaws. fossils are dated by rocks and the rocks are dated by fossils. thats circular reasoning: unacceptable in true science. not to mention the fact that evolution goes directly against the theories of thermodynamics: theories formed and AGREED on by ANY respected scientist.

creationism makes perfect sense though. everything just falls into place.

ghost_man_7, IMDB 37 Comments [1/3/2009 12:27:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: wautd

Quote# 55529

The big sign they are all signing in D.C. for Obama incorpates the Peace sign into the slogan. The peace sign is an upside down cross with broken arms. The "peace" one gets when breaking the arms of an upside down cross is peace of mind to practice withcraft as an initiate. It meant that hundreds of years before it meant simply "peace" in general.

Utter Bibliophile, Rapture Ready 26 Comments [1/3/2009 12:05:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: buddtee

Quote# 55430

Evolution takes billions of times more faith than Christianity. Few Evolutionists agree with one another on many of the basics of Evolution.

Many of Darwin's initial key theories have been totally debunked, bu tall that has led to is more and more strung out theories that over time continue to get debunked.

Evolution is no less of a Religion than any other. The whole premise to keep the lie going is to deny God ultimately. Countless scientists have admitted as much. They have admitted due to the findings over the last half of a century that Evolution as commonly taught is impossible, but the only other possible alternative is something they could never agree. That is there is a God they have to answer to. I have watched many of these scientists admit they knew evolution was not true, but no way were they going to submit or believe in any God that created them. That is the real issue my friends. It has nothing to do with science, but rather it all has to do with Lordship. The Evolutionists have propped this false theory up so that they can remove guilt, and in the process can make themselves their own little gods of their own world.

TB777, Scout Forums 34 Comments [1/3/2009 11:46:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Billywhitesh0es

Quote# 55420

Zombies or no, I've got a bad feeling we'll be seeing some apocalyptic stuff under Obama's regime sooner or later.

muddboyreborn, IMDB: World War Z 44 Comments [1/3/2009 4:37:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Chamale

Quote# 55384

[from the American History online course; pointers for an essay entitled Liberal Denials About History]


The following truths about history are typically denied by liberal history textbooks:

- That "Yankee ingenuity" (American inventions) far surpassed the rest of the world, and brought great wealth to it
- That military battles are an essential part of history, and of preserving freedom.
- That there were valid reasons for past opposition to immigration which had nothing to do with racism; immigration did not enable the North to beat the South.
- That unions caused great harm, including senseless violence and lost jobs.
- That hard work was the key to the success of many Americans.
- That most great Americans, from Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Edison, were homeschooled.
- That Abraham Lincoln's faith grew while he was President.
- That Benjamin Franklin abandoned the Deism of his youth later in his life.
- That Thomas Jefferson's religious beliefs were not representative of the other Founding Fathers.
- That Rhode Island and Thomas Jefferson, and their view of a "separation of church and state," had no role in the formation of the Constitution.
- That there were conservative Presidents before Ronald Reagan, such as George Washington, James Monroe and Grover Cleveland.
- That "anti-imperialism" movements against the United States were really communist or Muslim movements against Christianity, as in denying the Islamic basis for the Philippine insurgency around 1900.



- American Indians are too different from Asians to have descended directly from them.
- Rhode Island was the only state to separate church and state, and as a result it became the biggest importer of slaves.[1]
- Thomas Jefferson was not as successful or important as liberals claim;[2] he failed personally and as president, and little in the Declaration of Independence is attributable to him.
- Chivalry was customary throughout most of American history.
- The greatest corruption in government during the Grant Administration was by the Democratic-controlled "Tammany Hall."
- The misnamed "Gilded Age" generated tremendous prosperity for the world, thanks to an absence of stifling regulation.
Public school education in its current form is less than 100 years old.
- Atheist materialism lay behind the genocidal crimes of the Nazis
- Martin Luther King was a Republican who preached Conservative values.
- The so-called Dark Ages brought a revolution in science and learning from the spread of Christianity throughout Europe and the establishment of networks of monastic 'universities'.
- Lenin was a ruthless and violent dictator who oppressed the people of the Soviet Union as thoroughly as Stalin.
Nazism, with its insistence on the collective, was a left-wing doctrine.
- The United States Immigration Service ran Ellis Island as a harsh, unwelcoming and discriminatory institution.

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 56 Comments [1/3/2009 4:35:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 55380

That's the link to the article describing how Kenneth Star will be defending gay marriage before the state's Supreme Court. Never mind the fact that the majority of Californians said heck no. What puzzles me here is.....this is the same guy who was so gung-ho in revealing every little dirty sexual secret of Bill Clinton, which almost got the man impeached, so perhaps I was mistaken in seeing this man as someone who had morals.....but this does surprises me...

WhisperWisdom, RR 23 Comments [1/3/2009 4:34:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 55387

I'd seriously rethink your decision if I were you. God isn't so bad after all when you're spending eternity dwelling in your misery. Hell is not a place anyone should want to go, and I think people who say they wish to go there don't know enough about it to make an informed decision. As for God telling people to worship Him or go to hell... that's not exactly what he's aiming for. I like to put it this way: you make something. A drawing, a painting, a virtual avatar. Whatever it is, you make it. Then one day, it decides that it doesn't like you so much. Forget that you're responsible for it's existence, it doesn't like your rules. It wants to forget anyone created it or give the credit to someone else. Tell me you wouldn't tear it into pieces without a second chance. God at least gives us a choice. We can give him His credit where His credit is due, or we can be torn into pieces.

weirdthatway, Subeta Religion Forums 44 Comments [1/3/2009 4:23:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Cybercat

Quote# 55558

But gravity has no substance. It cannot be directly measured or observed. It can only be detected through its influence on objects within its field.

If that’s the case, why isn’t that categorized as the supernatural? It is no more detectable than God is and in no other way than God would be.

metmom, FreeRepublic 50 Comments [1/3/2009 4:09:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 55304

What do you do when your teacher is an evolutionist?

Before making a classroom presentation or paper, become as well-informed as possible about Creationism and the problems involved with Evolutionism. Books such as The Illustrated ORIGINS Answer Book are specially organized to make this study quick and effective.

In many public schools, there is a strong sensitivity against the expression of Christian religious beliefs in the classroom. Students have more latitude than teachers on this point. However, in the classroom, students are usually wise to strictly limit their comments to scientific facts, rather than dealing with biblical information or religious beliefs.

Lend the teacher a good book on the subject, especially one which maintains scientific objectivity. Also of interest are various books critical of Evolutionism written by Evolutionists. Use of these avoids making the issue look like a religious battle.

Organizations that offer advice or legal help to students or teachers facing discrimination due to their belief in Creation:
Christian Legal Society - 4208 Evergreen Lane, #222, Annandale, VA 22003, (703) 642-1070
Citizens for Excellence in Education (CEE) - P.O. Box 3200, Costa Mesa, CA 92628, (714) 546-5931
Rutherford Institute - P.O. Box 7482, Charlottesville, VA 22906, (804) 978-3888
Western Center for Law & Religious Freedom - 3855 E. La Palma, Suite 124, Anaheim, CA 92621

[If this information has been helpful, please prayerfully consider a donation to help pay the expenses for making this faith-building service available to you and your family! Donations are tax-deductible.]

Paul S. Taylor, ChristianAnswers.net 38 Comments [1/3/2009 4:07:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 55543

But that's ok. we have to be "politically correct" afterall. Meanwhile, It's the Christians who are being silenced. The churches will soon need security guards or have to move underground.

Faith&Hope, RR 37 Comments [1/3/2009 4:03:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 54979

Demonocracy sucks. Someday the elite must takes power.

Zealous Zeth, Christian forums 53 Comments [1/3/2009 4:01:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By:

Quote# 54986

[Question: If God alone has the right to kill, does that make him a murderer, we are 'his children' and yet he kills us. If a person kills their child that they created that is murder, why is this not the same for God?]


Blessed is the death of one of his saints in the eyes of the Lord. God giveth and God taketh away. The Creator has a right to do whatever he damn well pleases. But this dosen't make him a murdered. It is our punishment and blessing that we MUST die

[WTF? Do these people actually believe that crock of shit?]

Kristafr, Answer Bag 23 Comments [1/3/2009 3:58:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 55250

Why would Michelle Obama go on ellen degeneres show and dance with her ?

I swear she keeps pushing me farther away from voting for obama Ellen is a queer plain and simple.Bound for hell unless she repents.Is this Michelle letting us know she supports gay marriage.

solomae, Yahoo Answers 26 Comments [1/3/2009 3:58:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 55434

God did not concoct evolution to confuse everyone, Satan has pushed that lie from the beginning so people would not follow God. God does not want dimwits, He does want you to "study to show thyself approved unto God". Your problem is you want to be able to explain everything, and that my friend is impossible. Our minds cannot comprehend fully who He is and what He has made.

NorthPoleBuckeye, Scout Forums 30 Comments [1/3/2009 3:54:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Billywhitesh0es

Quote# 55538

{"Why aren't all the crazies (msm) speaking out about these young children armed with guns??????? I just don't understand...."}

Because they hate GOD . I stopped reading the paper years ago because they are one sided and against things that us Christians believe in and are for everything we are against, they wonder why newspapers are folding up. After this election and seeing how they were with OBAMA 100% that was the last straw for me.

ron4jesus, Rapture Ready 28 Comments [1/3/2009 2:44:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wisp

Quote# 54957

Catholism-By stealth

In last week's Weekly News, in the article "Cathedrals to join up", it stated that teh clergy of Chelmsford and Brentwood cathedrals are to sign a covenant of agreement to work together.

Nowhere in the article does it say that the Brentwood cathedral is Catholic and the reader is given the impression that the two diocese are of the same denomination.

I would ask is this a plan by the Anglican Church t ogive over the Essex diocese t oRome by stealth? Has their congregation been consulted on this? What if anyone objects, are they forced to leave the cathedral?

If it is happening here, is it going to happen all over Britain, and the Reformation and the blood of the martyrs count for nothing?

Will the Anglican Church meekly submit to the dominance of Popery again and the perversion fo Christianity that is catholicism without a whimper, and the vatican regain its iron grip on Britain, which it has wanted since the 16th century, or will Protestants rise up and oppose this gross betrayal of their faith?

R Nelson, Chelmsford Weekly News 27 Comments [1/3/2009 2:44:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By:

Quote# 55166

All science is doing, or has ever done, is explore the mysteries of Creation. Some things they understand and others they don't.
The world at large does not believe tToE, as it stands, and the inclusion of evolution theory in the curricula of religious schools along with the believers in theistic evolution in general, will only serve to hasten the day when science will have no other recourse but to include a supernatural force as the explantion for many of their incomplete theories.
Just as your atheistic beliefs came into prominence in this century so they will be swept into the dustbin of history. Your end is near.

once_more, Topix 28 Comments [1/3/2009 2:43:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Fek'lhr
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