Quote# 46244
["Secret" was the name used to submit this. It was an 'answer' to a question already on this site, regarding why bugs (insects, etc.) and germs are supposedly not evolving]
Yep they should be, and they are not. According to evolutionists, bugs have been around for "millions and millions of years" so they should also be really big so no one steps on them and other animals can't eat them. Because they evolve adapt to their problems, and getting stepped on is a problem.
And uh, haven't you evolutionists heard of the couple who had a freshwater fish and for a week they added little bits of salt to the water. When they put the fish back into freshwater, the fish died immediatly. There you have evolution -- freshwater fish to saltwater fish, and it only took a week. Not millions of years.
I do believe in that kind of evolution. But I don't think I came from an ape who came from an exploding rock. (and they think Christians have a far fetched theory! because I mean, exploding rocks evolving into everything there is today makes so much more sense. *sarcasm*)
Also, if everything is supposed to be getting better, why is there proof all around us that everything is getting worse? The sun isn't gaining power or staying the same or becoming the perfect temperature. it's slowly burning out. Stars are burning out, not getting brighter. And it seems people are getting stupider not smarter, because they believe all the evolution crap.
Yahoo! Answers? 32 Comments [9/1/2008 9:10:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 4