Quote# 46582

[In response to this about Jesus:"I'm not sure on the defense issue but He did say that we should turn the other cheek and that the peace-makers would be blessed. Building up our military to attack other countries seems so antithetical to the Gospel."]

Peace through strength. You assume that our military is built up to attack other countries. Our military is strong to avert war. Ever consider that?

The "turn the other cheek" defense. Perhaps you can realistically apply that to Iraq....to Afghanistan for us???? Examples, please. So you believe that after 9/11 we should have done nothing?

Have you ever been caught for speeding? Have you asked the police man to turn the other cheek?

Tio-Peregrino, RR 56 Comments [9/3/2008 11:36:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 46401

All people are not equal.

American Citizens > Illegal immigrants.

and liberals will try to pull the constitution on me, and say that "all men are created equal".

Which if you want to follow that one, you would also have to claim that the state is directly connected to the religion of Christianity.

Do you guys remember the line "... that they are endowed by their Creator..."

Slaayer, WoW offtopic 46 Comments [9/3/2008 11:35:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Worldsend

Quote# 46473

Religion assumes to be true based on the thousands of writings supporting it. Evolution assumes to be true based on the thousands of writings supporting it.

- Religion offers a liberty, freedom from evil and its damnation. Evolution offers a liberty, freedom from "GOD" and the "holiness" "HE" requires.

- Religion assumes the ultimate wisdom, and that all opposition lack wisdom. Evolution assumes the ultimate knowledge, and that all opposition contends knowledge.

- Religion offers enlightenment. Claiming all opposition is in ignorance and/or denial. Evolution offers enlightenment. Claiming all opposition is in ignorance and/or denial.

Is not Evolution just another religion/faith?

man_id_unknown, Yahoo! Answers 39 Comments [9/3/2008 8:33:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: PeterGriffin

Quote# 46566

It has been asked "why does God let us suffer from diseases". Why is it that you want to use God as YOUR scapegoat. Man is responsible for some of the deadliest diseases known. "Scientists", which you are so worshipful of, work tirelessly to develop diseases with the capablilties to wipe us all out. When even the slightest drop escapes and suddenly there is an outbreak of all kinds of sufferings, it is then that people either hurl insults blaming God asking why He is doing this to them or you mock Him as you have to gall to ask "how could a loving God allow this to happen"? Nuclear bombs are being tested beneath the surface of the Earth, damn near blowing it apart and you want to cuss God because of earthquakes, tsunamis, sicknesses, hurricanes, and ignorant people who can't figure out how to build a city above sea level. Rockets and space shuttles burn enormous holes in our ozone layer and push the Earth a little more off its axis and closer to the Sun and you want to wine about global warming and lay it all on God!? You ask why God doesn't hurry up, come running, and fix miraculously what has been done by man. Why should He? So it can continue to happen over and over again. Do you honestly think God would allow you to make a fool of Him like that? I say to you all: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. God will destroy those who destroy the Earth.

livewhatibelieve, Yahoo Morons! 46 Comments [9/3/2008 8:30:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Doug B

Quote# 46559

If God is love, then isn't it logical to say since atheist do not believe in God?
they also do not believe in love?

Answer :
Yes this is true, it is very obvious that the love they have is actually Lust, lust of the eyes, lust of the heart, lust of the mind and body. Without God, the human spirit cannot in no way experience True Love.

Have ever noticed that almost all atheist do not allow email? Therefore they do not allow the truth to be seen by their eyes.
Interesting group of humans.

ernest77h Follow The Word, Yahoo Answers 49 Comments [9/3/2008 8:23:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 46710

Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.

Sarah Palin, Time Article 48 Comments [9/3/2008 8:07:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Geezuhs

Quote# 46713

Is there a God?

There certainly is. The Bible's very first words are "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). God doesn't attempt to prove His existence, He merely states it as an established fact.

Rick Jones, chick.com 45 Comments [9/3/2008 7:56:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Tom S. Fox

Quote# 46799

[Advice to someone who has supposedly seen a ghost at a haunted house]

Until you figure out what it is thats drawing you to this event you probably wont get peace, but I would be careful with this one, if its the ghost attached to you, remember you have a young daughter she(the spirit) may seek safety with you because I feel you being drawn to her probably means your sensitive to spirits. They know when someone can pick up their vibrations, you should not let her attach to you, you are alive with home and family she is dead and needs to move on. You can bring things home with you and put your baby at risk.

Aanica, Unexplained Mysteries 25 Comments [9/3/2008 7:54:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 46638

I had a really weird day yesterday. I was going to lunch and I saw a big military plane fly by. I work near an airport but in the 2 1/2 years of working here, I have never seen a big cargo military plan fly over. On my way back to work from lunch (not an hour later) I saw ANOTHER one. I thought "what is going on???" thinking maybe they heard something. Then when I was getting out of my car I thought "I need to say goodbye to my friends" like I was never going to come back. My friend at work are Christians so I really don't think I was thinking Rapture type of thing. THEN about 2 hours later, I had the same thought. AND THEN I saw another cargo military plane fly by. I was really unnerved. Well, of course the rapture didn't happen. I am not sure what it was though.

JenGC, RaptureReady 66 Comments [9/3/2008 7:53:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 46528

Atheists - I've heard it said no one is an Atheist on their "death bed" Do you think that may be true ? Thanks

Answer : If its that eas to get an atheist saved, then maybe we ought to all be praying they get fatally ill.

Hmm, not a bad idea.

If I get over 5 thumbs down its only because the God haters love me show much.

Rev. Albert Einstein, Yahoo Answers 41 Comments [9/3/2008 6:59:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 46518

[this guy is a 'christian deist' LOL!]

You like playing the bullshit love card, haha. You’re so predictable ^.^. Okay so people of the same sex who LOVE each other. Yeah so Dad loves his son sooo much he wants to have anal sex with him. They get married and it’s super cool because of your awesome morals. Wow liek, this means that if a dog rears its butt up to me and starts showing his penis that since he’s horney he wants sex so I let my wife and my dog have it out and they both get off every time and the dog keeps coming back. It’s consensual and there’s a relationship there as well. Seriously, are you really going to try and make such a ridiculous argument that something as intangible as "LOVE" is all you’ve got? Come on. Set aside some of your estrogen to make way for some reason.

Pedophilia would require a minor to be involved. Father and son doesn’t mean they have to be minors. Dad is 65 and Son is 35. They’re definitely old enough to CONSENT. Watcha gonna do now Mrs Relativity? Deny them because you don’t like it? C’mon, it’s all about LOOOOVE. lmao

Mitch, MySpace Deists 45 Comments [9/3/2008 6:57:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46488

And maybe chicken little and owlgore were right- the sky is falling after the ice melts- oh drat this is what it does in the summer!

Remember lets all wring our hand, snivel and whine. If you are worried so much about the Arctic ice then contribute a few trays from your freezer up north.

Global warming is a farce and plain BS from liberal whack jobs!

LFF, Topix 39 Comments [9/3/2008 6:03:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: PeterGriffin

Quote# 46553

[i am very much frightened of ghost. i even dont go in darkness. can i decrease the fear of ghost by watching ghost in movies? should i watch ghost pics and videos or such kind of stuff?]

No..just create a protective shield around yourself composed of White light and activate it through the power of the Holy spirit whenever you have to go into a situation where you fear. It is very powerful.

Layla, Yahoo Answers 65 Comments [9/3/2008 6:01:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: green_meklar

Quote# 46523


So a few priests fall from the way. The vast majority successfully remain celibate. The reason there are so many scandals is because pedophiles who realize they were born with unclean urges and that it is not right to act on them try to be priests so they have to suppress the urges. For most of them it works, just like anybody can choose to be celibate but a small number succumb to temptation. It's just that that's more scandalous and newsworthy than a priest who breaks his vow of celibacy with an adult.

Of course one of the big reasons for the fall is of course afterall, it is just Christianity. It's not as pure as Judaism. If only they required rabbis to be celibate. But they worship the same God and it's still a great way to promote celibacy for those of my kids that do choose the Catholic path of my husband. But those of my kids that choose to emulate me and choose the right religion, Judaism then I'm sure they are influenced by me and will believe in celibacy until marriage and that marriage is a union between man and woman. Since all Christian religions are a distortion, making it difficult but not impossible for them to go to heaven I will encourage any child of mine who decides to be a Christian to enter the priesthood, since they are strict when it comes to sin. That will give them the best chance of entering heaven even while worshipping the Jesus idol.

JellyJuice, FSTDT 43 Comments [9/3/2008 5:05:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 46590

Yup. But I would like to think that God's plan is a Republican win, now that we have Palin. Time will tell.

His Bride, Rapture Ready 45 Comments [9/3/2008 5:01:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 46408

Does anyone pay attention to the last name of democratic candidates :
"Obama Biden" is very close to:
"Osama bin Ladin"
if change "b" to "s" and drop few words.

Tom, WashingtonPost.com 74 Comments [9/3/2008 4:15:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46486

{responses to earlier question by I Love Jesus! about an atheist child}

ellinka:buy him a Bible for his birthday. have a talk with him and a real one! convince to go to church just one time! and this time he cant make any excuses. pray for him, wow you're a good christian to be concerned about others and to try to help them out.

Jesus is lord! : pray for him. maybe try talking to him about Jesus. non-believers are our responsibility.

now involving everyone else who is answering, whats your problem?! you treat us Christians as though we're scum! we are trying to teach people the truth, not "brainwash" them!

steadfast : keep praying, be a good witness.

Numerous, Yahoo Answers 45 Comments [9/3/2008 4:09:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 46639

*In responce to the first cause argument being debunked*

God exists outside of spacetime. He doesn't need a cause because he IS the cause. Read some physics... and not that prejudiced, liberal physics. Try some good, unbiased conservative scholars, like VenomFangX.

180prayers, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-rKiGJrcNw 70 Comments [9/3/2008 4:03:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: K87jury

Quote# 46621

Fact:#1 The truth is belif in Jesus...I believe it ergo it's true
#2 Those who don't believe it are wrong. That makes you wrong.
#3 Any reaction to my expressions of belief that are negative are considered an attack (by Satan and he's using you)
#4 I have no desire to listen to any "contradictory evidence of Christianity" that you have to present because (refer back to statement #2)
#5 Whether you like it or not...to quote you, youeself "These are public forums, if you don't want your belief questioned, talk somewhere else" So intend to express #1-4 with any attitude I please and if you interpret the attitude as rudeness then you probably are correct and that's really too bad. Did I feed your poor damaged psyche

Jeffery Crisp, Topix 42 Comments [9/3/2008 3:38:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 46573

I'm sure atheists would rather trust in God than government or themselves.

AquinasD, Christian Teen Forums 59 Comments [9/3/2008 2:06:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Lithp

Quote# 46580

[In a thread about signs of the "end times" ...]

We were in our local closeout store today, here we have Big Lots.

OK, it was 94 degrees outside, and this was all on display in the store - swimming pool accessories, garden tools, Halloween decorations, and Christmas decorations! All at once!

Never saw this one before, not on the last day of August!

There's something in Scripture about not knowing one season from another, or not knowing winter from summer.

Daniel1210, RR 56 Comments [9/3/2008 1:43:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46493

To clarify, the christian perspective is not about disproving evolution. I'm sure you have read this.

GEN 1: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth

It is quite the opposite, evolution is about disproving creation and therefore disproving the existence of God.

markinro, BibleForums 33 Comments [9/3/2008 1:32:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: PeterGriffin

Quote# 46564

Q: Should we declare independence from the Atheists?

Details: I am preparing a speech where I propose that the holy American nation should extricate itself from the web of evil in our midst.

"Verily I say unto you: There comes a moment in a nation's history where, for the good and welfare of the people, and the sanctity of its values and institutions, one must act to preserve its integrity and its divine destiny.

We maintain these truths to be self-evident. All men are created by the Almighty and are endowed with unalienable rights: namely, that o life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Atheist Tyrant, being in denial of the author of these rights, has rejected the principles and the ideals by which are nation was founded.
It is, therefore, imperative that we act to severe any link to the Atheist and his perverse ways.

Let us , my friends and fellow patriots, declare our independence from the Atheist Mafia!"

What do you think?

Pastor Winthrop III, Yahoo! Answers 69 Comments [9/3/2008 12:25:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Bumble Bear

Quote# 46542

Dems hate independent thinking women. Just like they hate "upity" black folks like Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, and Michael Steele.

Dems call blacks who run away from the plantation "Uncle Toms" and "Race traitors"..... I wonder what they will call Sarah Palin???

scapegoat, RaptureReady 68 Comments [9/3/2008 12:22:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Smith

Quote# 46612

Quote from: TimeLady on Today at 05:19:33 AM
"1. If Hitler were a Roman Catholic that would mean that he wasn't a pagan because - guess what? - Catholicism is still Christianity. Fail.


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!
On his shell he holds the EARTH.
If you want to come and play,
run along the BEAM today.""

Some who have been educated by the Roman Catholic Jesuits are defensive. The Jesuits themselves admit they teach paganism.

1) Roman Catholicism is not only Pagan, but Satanic. Literally Satans Church. Besides the Roman Catholic Church having banned the Bible, they have changed the commandments for their members. They use a completely different Bible, a Pagan Gnostic version.

The First commandment says "Have no other God before Me". Does the Catholic Church have other Gods?

The Rockefeller family are Roman Catholic Pilgrim Society Knights of Malta. In front of Rock plaza is a statue of Lucifer.

George Bush belongs to this Satanic Church.

Claiming this Church/state is Christian is the same as saying the Vatican led NWO is Christian when nothing could be further from the truth, it is antichrist.

2) People will fall for all kinds of dangerous theories, they still are.

Amishism, PrisonPlanet 42 Comments [9/3/2008 11:58:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: ozznova