Quote# 46698

Homesexuality remains to be a bombination before God, and if this Country allows same-sex marriages in the future then our Country is going to fall. Homesexuals+Marriage=Adopting children. Mostly all homosexuals aren't Christians due to non-acceptance, and their 'ways, children at young ages(more likely to be adopted) would feel that their homosexual guardians 'ways' are acceptable, and they would obviously become homosexual themselves. Our homosexual population is increasing in America and if same-sex marriages are legalized in all states, the next generation of children would be damned.

Cron-Z, Gametrailers 55 Comments [9/5/2008 12:46:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Lautsi

Quote# 46671

When my children were in elementary school, evolution was taught in the science classroom. I didn't like it, but was unable to homeschool them. We have taught them the bible truth from birth, so I wasn't really too worried about it. I just told them to learn enough to pass the tests and then throw it away, because it is a lie from satan.

But then, when my daughter was in 10th grade (2003), in her World History classroom, she was given an assignment which included several different choices she could make. All of them were based on evolutionary beliefs (ex. Pretend you are living 30 billion years ago and write a letter to a friend living today. This was actually one of the least preposterous ones!). As stated, this was a history class! To me, this says that the schools are not only teaching it as a theory in science, but as an historical fact.

BBB, Rapture Ready (sigh) 49 Comments [9/5/2008 12:46:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: sooze

Quote# 46679

A triangle pointing up or down is a sign of the unholy trinity to satanists, and is revered as a holy symbol. A triangle in a circle is a really high holy symbol of satanism.

Notice how many things on the market today are shaped like triangles. Clocks, radios, buildings, the list goes on. Pyramids are triangles.

You will find many satanic symbols used on the patches of the boy scouts, girl scouts, and NASA Space program.

Crystals are the rage today. They are demonic. You get your very own demon in every piece. It is part of the New Age movement.

How about unicorns? They are so cute! There are statutes and pictures and stuffed animals and blankets and jewelry of unicorns. Yep! You guessed it! Unicorns are symbols for satanism. Occultism looks at it as a symbol of their god. I've read of testimonies where just having a unicorn what-not in the house caused financial, sexual and physical problems.

Been sick a lot in your life? Can't sleep at night? If you look around your house, you may find pictures and the like of frogs and owls. Oh No! Not my ceramic frogs and owls? YES! The Bible says that owls and frogs are abominable things.

People laughed at Jesus too for what He taught and did. The people that won were the ones that listened and acted upon His words.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak, Demonbuster 78 Comments [9/5/2008 12:44:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 46676

[Another one]

Atheists, Jesus loved you so much He spent 3 days in hell. Why can't you....?

just say a pray and confess for Him. He will keep you from an eternity of flames and torment. How can you turn your back on the hell he went through for you. Once you are saved you are always saved. Go back to sinning if you wish. You will have been saved from the flames of hell. Please, please, just ask Jesus into your life and escape the flames forever. How can you not understand this logic. What will it hurt. My heart is burning with desire for you to pray now. PLEASE.

I am not a troll. Trust me, trust a pastor.

Eternal Hell is Love, Yahoo Answers 50 Comments [9/5/2008 12:44:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: SouthAfrican

Quote# 46721

[On billboards for atheism in Phoenix, Arizona]

"Imagine No Religion". I did that. I saw a world full of sexual perversion, debauchery, anarchy, murder, etc, etc....
Made me shudder. Thank God for Christianity that is the last deterent from such a world.

Prophet, Comment for Christian Post article, "Atheist Billboard Campaign Hits Phoenix" 41 Comments [9/5/2008 12:44:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 46664

That it has been the best-selling book for 2,000 years and subjected to far more intense scrutiny than any other book and has come out without a scratch suggests that trusting it isn’t baseless. I don’t believe it’s arrogant to think that the Bible is right and other holy books aren’t. There is probably some truth in them, indeed, but wrong is wrong and arrogance has nothing to do with it.

Daniel Hoffman, Friendly Atheist 34 Comments [9/5/2008 12:43:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 46688

I did some battle last night with my demons. I was unable to cast them out, but only spent about 20 minutes on it. I just don't want them to be comfortable dwelling in me.

Anyway, last night, they retaliated for a few hours of heavy oppression. They tried to seduce me into worshipping them. I refused, but I couldn't understand how they were able to tempt me the way that they did. They have been wearing down my ability to focus on the Lord the way that I want to. One revealed it's self to me. It had the face of an owl. I asked the Lord to rebuke it and it didn't like that. I also asked the Lord to torment them with hellfire which they also didn't like. I have been struggling lately with be consistent in my bible reading. I am wondering if my spirit is weaker as a result and left open to attack.

Will I ever be free of this?

xfrodobagginsx, Ministering Deliverance 42 Comments [9/5/2008 12:42:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 46608

lets talk about natural selection then, since that is something more easy to discuss. You cannot prove that natural selection has EVER happened. To say that evolution is true, you have to be able to assume that say a bird started to grow gills and fins and became able to swim.

Watertarg, WoW 46 Comments [9/5/2008 6:37:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 46669

[consider this guy is a evangelical preacher in Guatemala]

The JWs are a pain in the rear! In Germany they are not allowed to talk to you on the streets unless you approach them. I like that! They are very persistant and prey on the weak who don't know the Word of God.

[The last sentance just reeks of pot, kettle and black]

Jeff, Ourchristianplace forums 24 Comments [9/5/2008 6:24:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Mycernius

Quote# 46683

[A thread discussing the immanency of the rapture]

Oh yea!!! Let me put it this way... I just lost a filling in a tooth, but I won't schedule an appointment until after the Fall feasts have come and gone... That's what I think of as imminent!!

somekindofzombie, Rapture Ready 54 Comments [9/5/2008 6:16:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 46593

I am afraid that if we had Obama at the helm, Iran may get their wish.
Death to America.

Camelknees33, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [9/5/2008 6:15:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 46620

Thanks to all of you atheists who seem to target Christianity! Personally, I can't understand why you are drawn to post anything at all in a Christian discussion but suffice it to say you strengthen each Christian as you do. It only proves that we Christians are followers of truth. Satan uses everything he can in his attempt to destroy Christianity including clueless atheists that are easily called by him to spew forth all kinds of garbage. So from the bottom of my heart...Thanks for strengthening my belief in Christ!

Jeffery Crisp, Topix 25 Comments [9/5/2008 6:12:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 46732

, okay i say this crazy bumper sticker yesterday, they had the obama sticker on their car & they had a bumper sticker saying "god is not a republican", i was shocked so i guess it was implied that god is a democrat & for everything democrats are for, that bumper sticker was just crazy & i could not believe it

Jacksmom, Rapture Ready 39 Comments [9/5/2008 5:52:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 46583

Surely you can't mean Iraq, being that we are only attacking those who rape, murder, and torture Iraqis....

Scapegoat, RR 34 Comments [9/5/2008 5:30:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 46571

Lol if Evolution is real explain why monkeys are still around. You know in your soul that you are lying to yourself.

Kyri, WoW offtopic 44 Comments [9/5/2008 5:27:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: worldsend

Quote# 46743

Question: How do we go about getting mandatory prayer time implemented into all the public school curriculums?


Having a designated time during the school day (preferably an hour or two, though maybe a little longer) during which kids are required to pray to the one true God is the only way to solve all the problems that are troubling our schools. We must get this put into the school day as soon as possible. How do we do this?

And please don't say there's not enough time during the school day. There is plenty of time. If the current curriculums do not allow enough time for this, then we can cut back on time spent on certain subjects to allow for prayer time. For example, we could cut back on time spent on math and science and use that time for required prayer. God can serve the kids much better than a bunch of algorithms and crap about nature and water and all that jazz.

Soldier for Salvation, Yahoo! Answers 68 Comments [9/5/2008 1:59:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 46890

(On one of LW's creepy drawings)

[Nice adultery art. You better go read the bible again, and this time, ACTUALLY READ IT.]


[Smarter than you, and I'm not even a Christian.]


[No, I love everyone, even the ignorant ones like you. Stop being so bothersome and keep your religion and HATE to yourself.]

Did Jesus keep Christianity to him? I'm not bothersome. You hate Christians.
Everybody does.

Christianity are these:

World are these:

[You're a sad and deluded person.]

You're a sad soul and deluded person by this evil world.
You are the deluded person with all your brothers, Sisters of the world.
I feel sorry for your soul.

LoneWolf1984, deviantART 52 Comments [9/5/2008 1:17:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 46602

This is a movie based on a true story and this really happened and it can happen to you. Demons are real just like ghost.

ttheman91, "The Exorcist" message boards 40 Comments [9/4/2008 11:26:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 46632

You're the one that can't grasp the idea that sometimes people annoy other people with silly behavior, and we don't have a constitutional right to act like a goofball.

If you think you're being mistreated because you talk with a lisp, use certain catch-phrases, and dress a certain way...it might be true. That's a fact of life. Sexual preference has nothing to do with it whatsoever--it shouldn't even come into play in a job interview. If you're being discriminated against over your sexual preference, it's your own fault. If you want to be successful in life and accomplish certain goals, just don't do it.

Having said that, there are plenty of job choices that would seem to benefit that sort of behavior. Should I sue because I can't get a job as a fashion designer because they suspect me as liking women?

Spiderman, Carm 37 Comments [9/4/2008 11:22:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Rebellious Scot

Quote# 46552

Communist as atheists persecuted religions.
Atheism has as many form as you want.

You always consider bad things done by religious people (ppl who claims so) encouraged by religion. Louis The Sun King did not persecute protestants because f catholicism...it was perfectly good for him to back up protestant enemies of Habsburgs.

Just as atheism is not to blame for Stalin's action, religion is not to blame for people's actions who do what they want. If you judge with double standars you will be judged with double standards.

Odovacar, Total War Center ( Hitler, Stalin & the Rest: "Atheist Genocide" Promoters? ) 28 Comments [9/4/2008 10:00:37 PM]
Fundie Index: -2

Quote# 46709

(On why God won't heal amputees)

The process of regrowing a severed limb would be much too painful for
the human mind. The amputee would suffer major shock and trauma during this process, and would probably die or suffer a massive heart-attack. This is why God won't heal amputees. Does God hate amputees, does he single them out, or is it a cruel test of faith? Certainly not, he is avoiding a great deal of pain and suffering by not healing them. When we hear of God curing cancer and many other illnesses, we know he is healing the pain and suffering, not causing it.

Now you may ask, "Why an omnipotent God can't heal an amputee without pain and suffering?" Good question, and here's my answer; God is not going to prove his existence by healing amputees without the pain and suffering it would take to regrow a severed limb. The process would take months, maybe years! Many years of agonizing pain and suffering.. It wouldn't be worth it! You would scream in pain for the process to stop!

> God is glorious!

Disciple of Christ, Raving Atheists 83 Comments [9/4/2008 9:18:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Rhinoqulous

Quote# 46659

Q: Atheists, would you believe the Bible if Genesis said that we had evolved from apes? ?

Details: If evolution were true, don't you think God would have admitted it? Wouldn't He have just cleared everything up by saying, "Billions of years ago, I created the Earth. Then I made some sea creatures like shellfish and scaly fish. Then I made amphibians, which I made turn into reptiles, then I made mammals. Then I took one of the mammals, a monkey, and made an ape out of it. Then I took the ape and changed its brain and voice box and made it stand up. Then I made humans out of them." If you saw that written, wouldn't you just think the Bible was the greatest book ever written, and historically "accurate"?

Maybe the reason why He DIDN'T write that is because it isn't true?

KiraJenLove, Yahoo! Answers 62 Comments [9/4/2008 8:32:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Bumble Bear

Quote# 46672

I think I know why atheists refuse to let go of pride and believe in God?

You atheists think God is a horrible monster for sending people to eternal hell fire damnation forever. You misunderstand the entire concept. I know my grandmother is burning right now and will forever. The fire has made her clean and she can now enjoy that cleanness for all time. It is very, very sad this will take place in hell fire, but now she can love God forever. I know I can trust God to make good judgments(sic) like this. Why can't you trust him even if it does mean eternal hell? Love can and will conquer all!

Additional Details

4 seconds ago
Go to church and answer the alter call. Will you please for me. The pastor will help you. Trust him. He loves you so much.

Eternal Hell is Love, Yahoo Answers 62 Comments [9/4/2008 8:30:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: SouthAfrican

Quote# 46829

So, you now say that the Holy scriptures are false? Please use Scripture to prove it false.

Floatingaxe, Christianforums 62 Comments [9/4/2008 8:23:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: EnemyPartyII

Quote# 46596

[This post made my eyes bleed.]

WHich religion is true???
ok..look islam is the true religion! christians are wrong because jesus isnt god's son..jesus is god's prophet and the devil changed the koran in to bible (he put lies in it). bhuddism are wrong because how can there be more then one god? there is one creator and his his name is allah! if u go to utube.com then watch videos and u'll see animals saying allah(god's name in a islamic way) and u'll see animals and objects that have allah's name on it in arabic! and hindus are soo stupid! they pray to stupid freaking animals! elephants. cows! god is not an elephant! it's a bad thing to make god into dirty creatures like these! lakshmi, ram, lakshman, sita..these are all fake stories! and one more thing! in january 10th..be careful because in the koran it's written that it's gonna be judgement day on jan. 10. so that's means god is going to decide who goes to hell and heavean!! it doesnt have to be this jan 10 coming up..it can be in any jan 10. it could be in jan 10 2008 2009 2010 2011..etc.

Ciara L, Y! Answers 43 Comments [9/4/2008 8:11:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Mike