Quote# 45210

We track everyone, and we do it in a number of award winning, innovative ways. We have volunteers hiding in the bushes outside almost every American pre-natal slaughter house, and we troll records "legally" obtained from medical workers in these facilities who have since found the Lord (or whom always had the Lord, but only decided to deliver "borrowed" records to us after the fact.

If you’ve had an abortion, even if you used a fake name, the odds are nearly certain that your name appears within our records. Even if you had the abortion prior to the Roe v. Wade ruling, whether illegally or in another country, we almost certainly have your name in our database.

Abortion Tracker, Abortion Tracker Website 73 Comments [8/17/2008 12:40:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Topaz_Witch

Quote# 45197

Explain to me HOW antibiotics are made possible by evolution.... scientifically please!!

You may be confusing the concept of adaptation with that of evolution, is that it??

Oh boy, ignorance is unaccountable for....

A scientist

Read Head Angel, Yahoo Answers 29 Comments [8/17/2008 12:36:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: FundieFinder

Quote# 45201

They don’t exist in foxholes. To the contrary, it is not someone who doesn’t practice any religion, but it’s a stupid fool who refuses to recognize the existance of the spiritual including a diety. They only believe in what they can see through science and disrgard any philisophical, theological or prophetical evidence of a supreme being. The irony is that it takes more faith to be an atheist than to believe in a diety because the atheist must always explain things not commonly understood like the origin of the universe (even the proposed Big Bang theory eventually points to a supreme being), scientific laws, prophecy and how only females in all species can reproduce their own kind, etc. Because atheists deny the existance of a diety due to a lack of scientific evidence, they must also deny things that are independent of scientific evidence like mathematics, psychology, emotions, miracles, dreams, demonic possession, the existance of good and evil, etc. Since an atheist claims to not belive in anything that cant be scientifically proven, especially God, the word “atheist” itself is a farce because they DO have a belief system; a belief that must assume everything in this universe is a coincidence and there are no abolutes.

Some atheists may either be aggressively active (intollerant of any belief and attacking persons of faith) or passive (supporting others who have faith), depending on the person. Michael Nudow of California was an example in the news a few years ago in the media by his strong activism of removing “In God We Trust” from our money and no private moment of silence or prayer in schools.

Atheists usually support their arguments with questions like “Where is the scientific evidence of a supreme being?” or “How can a God exist with all the horror occuring in the world?” or “how could a loving God send unbelievers to hell?” These questions are asked by atheists due to their lack of understanding of who God is and the root cause of the world’s problems (sin that was not the will of God but the free will of man). An atheist needs to understand that: 1. You cannot prove the spiritual with science. You cant scientifically prove people have been possessed by demons, but it has happened. You cant prove angels or miracles exist, but they do. You cant scientifically prove dreams exists but we know they do. You also cant prove that good and evil exists but we know it does. So, there are numerous things that are evident of a creator but don’t necessarily prove it. 2. The world’s troubles are a result of sin that entered the world, not by the Jedeo-Christian God, but by man’s free will given by God. Man chose to rebel against God and go his own way at the dawn of human civilization that caused the world to plummet into darkness and strife. 3. God does NOT send people to hell—people send themselves by rejecting the attonement of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, for their sins that separate them from God’s holiness. God did not create hell for people, but only for Satan and his angels following a war in heaven against God. In God’s holiness, he cannot allow sin in his perfect heaven, and there is no other place to send the sinners at judgement day but hell itself.

It’s actually very difficult to be an atheist because they are always having to explain the most difficult of things. The Bible refers to the atheist when it says, “The fool has said in his heart that there is no God.” Atheists are also without excuse because the Bible says, “God’s invisible qualities have been clearly revealed to everyone, so that no man is without excuse.” To put it simply, there is no excuse for being an atheist and not accepting the existance of a creator. At judgement day all atheists will become believers.

To be an atheist means you must consider all belief systems as futile and irrationally deny the existance of anything unseen. After all, there is no scientific proof according to them. How stupid, because much of the world and the universe we live in is unseen.

krock1dk, Urban Dictionary - Atheist 38 Comments [8/17/2008 12:27:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Dan

Quote# 45195

if you dont believe in god your going to hell, and people always say well why would god send his people to hell, god sent you hear to spend your life deciding if he was real, god spent his time making you so why would he want someone that doesnt love him like he loves you, the devil loves all these people saying tey dont believe in god,

the bible says believe in me no matter what you hear or what people say or how many challenges you go threw, believe in me,

if scientist proved he wasnt real, i still woould believe in god, im a firm believer, always will be, no matter what all these immature people have to say

Christinaa, Yahoo! Answers 30 Comments [8/17/2008 12:26:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 45198

I think some one I knew was possessed for years by a demon.....He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but I don't believe he was at all....When he was younger he did something that opened him up to evil and I think that's when it took a hold on him....It destroyed his body like nothing I've ever seen, and when it would show it's self it would say the craziest thing's and speak what it said was the language of the angels....He would seriously growl in his sleep and he would sit perched ....He had a name which was difficult at first to take seriously but in time grew frightening, his name was Damien....All he wanted to do was Destroy....I need some one to read this and tell me what they think, I need someone to tell me if he was schizophrenic or if he was possessed, and if you do think he was if that evil is still out there some where or if it died with him.....If your not serious about this please don't reply.....This is very much appreciated!

lady of darkness, yahoo answers 26 Comments [8/17/2008 11:07:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: senorchipotle

Quote# 45171

You secularists have do a wonderful job displaying your morality.....

Pornography, infanticide, addiction, rape, sodomy, incest, suicide, AIDS, adultery, sexually transmitted disease, and all other manner of indecency and vulgarity..just to name some of the consequences stemming from anti-Christian values that have been forced upon our society as liberals/humanists/secularists/atheists have manipulated the law and the Constitution over the last 60 years...

Your philosophy is an epic failure...

GospelPete, YouTube 39 Comments [8/17/2008 10:30:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 45162

Jim, I definitely feel like a stanger in a world I don't belong in. I ran out of all my 'Why Lord's' about 20 years ago. I am still learning to Trust Him each day.
In another thread in this forum "Where is US in All This" most of the comments there were how that the US is not mentioned in Prophecy and that 'something' drastic would have to happen ie. the Rapture - Nukes - Earthquake or some event that would turn the USA in to a non-player in End Time events. I believe that God, in His Mercy will allow some Major event in The United States that will get peoples attention (knock them off the fence) seperate sheep from goats - you know get some Ready for the Rapture. No matter what - this world IS passing away - it will all be burned up it is all wood, hay and stuble - Only that which is done for Christ will Last .

Until it Happens we always have the Blessed Hope.

I'mready, RaptureReady 26 Comments [8/17/2008 10:28:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 45148

With all due respect, science has no evidence either.

The-Untold-Story, Memegen 50 Comments [8/17/2008 10:03:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 45185

Is secular humanism the religion of evolutionists?
Or is evolution the religion of the secular humanist?

Answer :Secular Humanism is the religion of liberalism. Darwinian evolution is one of the tenets of the faith. Their principal sacrament is abortion.

badbear, Yahoo Answers 30 Comments [8/17/2008 9:56:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 45129

First of all Just because Libs are mindless lemmings who follow all there talking points to the 'T" don't try and attribute your lack of free thought to "right-wingers" this guy did what he did because he was a hater and was trying to find somewhere to place the blame for his miserable existence. Like every loser in the world, it is no ones fault but themeselves.

And the Bile you spew about Christians is repulsive, Just because you hate God and know that a time will come when you have to stand before a supremem being and give account for your selfish, meaningless, Godless existence 'Living for the moment" Don't Bad-mouth people who think.."You know , there has got to be something better besides this"

Oohrah, Drudge.com 22 Comments [8/17/2008 9:55:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 45144

[Discussing removal of "In God We Trust" from U.S. coinage

Hmmm.... How very sad that half of the people who have voted on this question thus far are so removed from a healthy reverence and respect for God (even if they don't choose to love Him or serve Him) that they would say "yes" to removing "In God We Trust". I wonder if there are non-Americans voting as well and skewing the results to look like there are actually that many Americans that want it removed. I really believe there is something to the phrase "tell a lie long enough and eventually it will become truth" or at least believed as truth.

"In God We Trust" does not establish a state religion. It simply acknowledges that we are a God-fearing nation, as well we should be. There are plenty of countries that operate as if there is no God. People that want that kind of country should just move to one of them. Stop trying to change America to be what others are leaving to live in our country.

KimH-422718, Newsvine 34 Comments [8/17/2008 9:52:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Brent

Quote# 45264

You guys think that Christians must be prefect right?
The anwsered is you are WRONG.

Adam and Eve failed cause
Abraham has step with other female besides his true wife.
That why we have Mulisms today.
The True wife was the mother of the Jews.

Christianity teaches the wide path leads to Hell and the narrow path will leads to a Everlasting Life in Heaven.

Mulisms teaches the wide path leads to Heaven and the narrow path will leads to in Hell.

Christians are the true Americans cause Christians was the ones who found the America. Not Mulisms or Satanist.

Any of you are adopted???
God adopted the Christianity as his own after Jesus die and rose from the grave.

KingKakashi(LoneWolf1984), narutomania.com 47 Comments [8/17/2008 9:10:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 45206

You seem to conclude that homosexuals unions should be elevated to the dignity of married individuals. For me this is like saying. Dwarfs are not to blame for the physical abnormalities they were born with; therefore they should be allowed to become policemen, firemen, or apply for any other line of employment available for normal individuals.

Nic Samojluk, spectrum magazine blog 56 Comments [8/17/2008 7:21:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: jemand

Quote# 45205

This video was fueled by a comment read elsewhere. The comment was "Why are atheists always so weird looking?". Once I thought about it, I realized the commenter had a point. A large percentage of atheists do seem to be aesthetically challenged. So I scoured YouTube watching every pro-atheism video I could find, trying to find evidence to back-up my beliefs.

This video presents my findings. I'll let you be the judge.

My Theory?

Atheists became atheists due to their inner-hatred. Hatred that came about due to their being treated as sub-human freaks of nature, and outcasted from society. At first they were hurt, then their hurt turned to rage. They put the blame on God. After all, God created them, so it's his fault they're so hideous. They don't actually have a disbelief of God, they're just angry at him.

[Note: apparently some of those "atheists" in his video are in fact Christians]

TheJaredJammer, You Tube 31 Comments [8/17/2008 7:17:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: ixolite

Quote# 45104

the Bible is the only correct one. Evolution is a lie that i cant beleive they teach in schools. Darwinism came from a man who wanted to prove that some humans are better than others because of their race.

I suggest to watch the movie Expelled. It proves that Darwinism is wrong.

secretsanta123, Yahoor Answers 36 Comments [8/17/2008 7:17:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Damen

Quote# 45170

I don't care if they unearth photographs of Herod killing the infants, or find his actual signed edict to do so. If it's not in the Bible, it's not worth considering.

AV1611VET, CF 30 Comments [8/17/2008 7:16:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pikachu

Quote# 45193

Question: ..eternal damnation -- was so monstrously out of proportion to the crime... I have no problem with the idea of crime and punishment per se, but the punishment has to fit the crime: Even Hitler doesn't deserve eternal punishment.

Ethan's Answer: This is simply because you have no idea who God is or what He is like. Is there a difference in the crime of punching your brother vs. punching your mother? It's worse depending on the person offended. That's how sin is measured. God is infinitely holy. Our sins are an infinite offense to Him. Therefore they deserve an infinite punishment. If you "feel" that God's justice is too strict, just remember you’re not God, and also remember that He's provided the complete forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ. Either you take the punishment or let Him, your choice?

Ethan, Comfort Food -- Ray Comfort's Blog 30 Comments [8/17/2008 7:16:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Alex

Quote# 45116

Gen. 19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
the fire & brimstone killed, not God.
Ex. 12:29 And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.
Pharohs soilders killed, not God.
Lev. 26:25 And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant: and when ye are gathered together within your cities, I will send the pestilence among you; and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy.
the pestilence killed, not God.
Num. 16:35 And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.
the fire killed, not God.
Deut. 32:39 I kill.
that was Satan.


XenoNinja, FSTDT 68 Comments [8/17/2008 7:16:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Rebellious Scot

Quote# 45261

"Fossil fuels". Is that not the dumbest thing you ever heard?

So, what, did all the dinosaurs just die and pile up in Saudi Arabia? People are so stupid *rollseyes*

007, Yahoo Answers 28 Comments [8/17/2008 7:15:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 45122

[Note:This is not a fundie. This is a reporter quoting a fundie about the prop no 8 in Calif]

In any case, one Prop. 8 supporter said, gay rights are not as important as children's rights, and it's obvious that same-sex couples who married would "recruit" their children toward homosexuality because otherwise, unable to procreate themselves, they would have no way to replenish their numbers

Unknown, LA times 25 Comments [8/17/2008 6:42:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 45175

Yep, have cast demons out of animals.

Yep, all those animals that seem to have amazing abilities of doing tricks and talking are no more than a demonised animal. Many great racehorse are demonised. Many stories there as well.

Oh, if only Christian knew the real stories of those earthly and heavenly things.

Elijah2, Ministering Deliverance 33 Comments [8/17/2008 6:38:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 45257

(On what came first, the chicken or the egg)

Let’s get into a little philosophical talk ourselves. Let’s say evolution was responsible for the beginning, and let’s say the egg was the first to evolve (before the chicken). Why did it do that? Why would there be nothing, and over millions of years, nothing became simple organisms, then these organisms became an egg? I can understand that a fish evolved legs and lungs over millions of years--because he (and his necessary female help mate) wanted to breathe, and to walk on dry land. But why would a thoughtless egg appear first and then want to become a chicken? How and why did it evolve with a yolk, a white, and a shell shaped like . . . like and egg? If the egg was shaped with a rounded point at each end for ease-of-laying (a square egg would be painful), how did evolution know to make it that shape if there were never any chickens in the first place to know that an egg is made to be laid?

(there's even more fail where this came from)

Ray Comfort, Comfort Food 38 Comments [8/17/2008 5:24:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 45173

My son has what THEY call autism. I will not speak the " a ' word over him as that gives it power. I try to only speak of the healing power of Jesus over Ben.
I am saved and so is my husband. Ben is 10. But att his point im not sure excaly how much he understands of Jesus. I play anointed music and a few spoken word cds in his room much of the time. We have Christian Tv on a good deal. I speak about Jesus of course. How much does he know? This something that God alone knows as he has not yet spoken to us....
Is deliverence from any demons scriptual ... on his behalf? I would say so but what say u?

Jewels, Ministering Deliverance 61 Comments [8/17/2008 4:55:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 45114

[User profile]:

I'm Male, 18 years old, and live in Utah. I don't attend any church because of the End of the Church Age. Please listen to the 1611 KJV Holy Bible. Many people tell me they trust their Prophet, Teacher, or Pastor. Read the Bible. Pray to God. Search for Light and Truth. Don't trust human beings. 2011 is soon. Are you ready to meet God? Live everyday as though He were to come back today, tomorrow, and in 2011. He is returning in 2011 according to the King James Version of the Holy Bible. The Mayans are all wrong. Save yourselves like Noah did. As we carefully studying the Bible we find that these days occur after May 21, 2011 and before Oct. 21, 2011. These are the 5 months of torment spoken of in Revelation 9.

Robert Mejia, Yahoo! Absurdity 53 Comments [8/17/2008 2:47:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: fritistat

Quote# 45165

[on 15 year old Larry King who was murdered in February 2008 because of his sexuality.]

Thanks to all these gay and liberal groups who are trying to force this gay issue down our throats as a " ligitimate alternative life style" have truely and completely brain washed the young generation. For anyone who says that gay unions and gay marriages are not going to destroy this country is completely wrong and not thinking clearly. The marriage of a man and woman is what constitutes a family. And I for one am totally against a gay couple raising any children. We need to reanalize the justices that sit in court and disregard the voites of the majority of the people of this country and get rid of them. that goes for any politician who also does not listen to the majority of this natuion.

birdmom, Newsweek.com 38 Comments [8/17/2008 1:58:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 3