Quote# 39877
(A pothead gives his "insights" on the theory of evolution)
That is what I wrote from the magazine...Unknow!!!
And so...we continue...the facts presented to substanciate their claims are flawed...
And they have to change the time line...and so the past gets pushed back further...to what common ansestor?...what ansestor lived back that far?...not Ape!...as they claim by the new evedance from the magazine....they can only find a few fragments of unknowns....
And so..we are not from Ape!...like they claim.
Thus the facts, are no longer facts...they are in error...and they are rewritting their Bullshit!...already!!!
My bible..if I take the torra hasn't changed much...the old testement...and the new testement hasn't changed much either...if I take it from a time line stand point....Because God't truth is a constant....Truth has to be constant...for it to be always what it is,...Lies, errors, always have to be corrected!
You can debate that in your own mind!
WHat they are doing is offering you their claims of deduction, and reasoning...but they do not know for sure!
And you believe them...with out looking for yourself!
I believe in God the creator,,,because I saw,,,then I was taught, then I studied, and then I walked,,,Now I found...and I want to share that finding...but you don;t believe me....
So believe what ever you want.
I'm just going to say what you say...I don;t believe!
And when they make corrections...I'll say "see!"
Sir Les
Sir Les,
Cannabis Culture Forums 45 Comments [5/24/2008 11:27:24 AM]
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