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Quote# 38246

No one has ever observed evolution. A bird that changes its beak size according to what region it is in is still called a bird. There is no proof of it in the fossil record. Just because you see a dinosaur in a fossil it doesn't mean it turned into an elephant or hippo. Where is the record of all the changes that supposedly occurred. THere is none. IF there were they would be in a museum somewhere.

mickey, Topix 47 Comments [4/27/2008 4:00:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Fek'lhr

Quote# 38295

We were at my daughter's school concert and all the kids were up front singing, and my 3 year old pointed to a spot (up front) and said, "There is Jesus." My husband and I just looked at eachother. We asked a few times and he kept pointing to the same spot and said the same thing. It was like he was kind of annoyed that we couldn't see what he was seeing. Then my son looked up to the ceiling and tracked something across the whole thing. I asked where Jesus was and he said ,"He went Bubbye."

He also told us that Jesus gave him a hug and kiss the night before when he was in bed. What do you think??!!

Miriam33, RaptureReady 82 Comments [4/27/2008 3:53:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 38248

Your an idiot... spelled IDIOT!!!

When i was in school the jews BlTCHED about saying the pledge of allegiance to our country flag...

As for you and your darwinian stupidity...

Your a true moron... if you believe if darwins saga... then you bleieve in slavery... because your ancestors are in cages at the zoo...

So pick one idiot... slavery or god...

Wow_here we go again, Topix 56 Comments [4/27/2008 3:50:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Fek'lhr

Quote# 38214

Christian men have always valued their women and treated them with great respect (and if they don’t then they aren’t Christians following Christian principles), but the media agenda has worked hard to hide this and to brainwash everyone into thinking they are a joke, with its focus on the occasional hipocrite such as a church leader who turns out to be gay.

whisper, Stuff white people like 25 Comments [4/27/2008 3:46:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: xplicit_UK

Quote# 38236

If you want to accuse God of being sexist, be my guest. One could say that He was quite sexist. He created man first and only created woman later to help Adam. It was Eve that sinned first and so God was sexist and decided that women would suffer the pains of childbirth. In my book if God wants to be sexist, that's His right as our creator.

PreachersWife2004, Christianforums 37 Comments [4/27/2008 2:34:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 38239

I think there should be less time spent on teaching evolution anyway. It is only someones opinion on what may have happened. Unless one is planning on being an evolutionist I see no benefit of it being taught in the first place. It's not going to bring about a new vaccine for cancer or fix our social problems.

mickey, Topix 34 Comments [4/27/2008 1:37:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Fek'lhr

Quote# 38274

So when you have sex, babies happen and they will always happen until the end of time. So unless you want a baby, you shouldn't have sex. I've never found killing them the reasonable or responsible alternative, and you can say all day that abortion isn't killing. Pro-choicers use that to justify abortion all day long, but the fact is most pro-choicers would drop dead if they had a pregnant dog and you walked over and kicked it in the stomach, resulting in the death of its unborn puppies.

"Filthy Gorgeous", http://mydeathspace.com/smf/ 53 Comments [4/26/2008 11:24:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 38252

[How do you explain dinosaur fossils if there were no dinosaurs?]

I know I've discussed this somewhere before, for one, those Dinosaur fossils are just a few bones they find, then reconstruct what they believe the dinosaur looked like. I think the chances are better they were the same animals around today, maybe a little larger.

Meya, The Atheist Think Tank 41 Comments [4/26/2008 8:17:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pyroclasm

Quote# 38223

I don't give a crap if people are gay. I give a crap when:

They protest bull crap.

Give me crap.

Try and convert kids into fags.

Gay-up the surroundings.

Gay-up the community (with their little restaraunts and little paris hilton dogs with big huge men)

Gay-up the back of their cars. Why is that an issue, I'm tired of seeing the "bush did it, hes a bigot who's just racist when it comes to homos" bumperstickers.

I have a few others but I can't remember them at the moment.

Taylor1, Chelsea stops traffic on queer street 61 Comments [4/26/2008 8:17:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 38229

How come we can see the moon every night? Doesn't the moon move slower than the Earth rotates? So there should be some nights when the moon isn't visible because it's over another country. How come this is never the case? How come I ALWAYS see it every night?

Self-Mutation, Internet Infidels 64 Comments [4/26/2008 8:13:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Archie

Quote# 38275

(On a thread about the discovery through genetics that humans almost went extinct at one point.)

Well duh they almost went extinct when the flood came and killed everyone except noah's family

Clark Andrew Pius Macnab, Facebook 34 Comments [4/26/2008 8:12:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 38204

the universities fell first which is why the education system is in the state it's in and the public schools start teaching kindergarteners about mastubation, homosexual lifestyles, give them condoms in 7-8 grade so they can experiment with whatever feels good until they figure out what sexual orientation they are, then wonder why there are so many teen mothers, students with sexually transmitted diseases, and so many students acting in immoral/crimal ways in high school.

Yup, Godless creation eduction has worked wonders.

and yes, homosexual and heterosexual fornication are equally sinful according to the bible regardless of what liberal, heretical theologians, laity and priests say.

SemazRalan, Galactic Civiliztions II 37 Comments [4/26/2008 7:19:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Fearsom bob

Quote# 38245

Liberalism is a chaotic and unchristian ideology which is all about giving the power to the masses of the people. Unfortunately, ordinary people is to stupid to handle this power.

Suecianus, Christian Forums 56 Comments [4/26/2008 7:17:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: PVM

Quote# 38198

Alexandra wrote:
<quoted text>
You can't call yourself a Christian if you don't even believe what the Bible says. To say that you're a Christian and don't believe the Bible makes you a LIAR.
Forcing him to remove the Bible is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
BTW Bush is not a Christian OR a conservative.
How can people ask God to bless America when we allow these nutjobs to suppress Christianity!?

Alexandra, topix.com 31 Comments [4/26/2008 7:12:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: bria

Quote# 38175

Hi guys,

I am here today, and I know that I am such a coward. I totally need your advice, so please, please help me. I do not know how to handle this.

My Boss and his wife are both Agnostic. They are very nice people, and we get along great - so long me do not go on the religious path. It happened twice that my boss' wife took the Lords Name in vain infront of me. He never does it, he does not agree with my faith, but he respects it. His wife on the other hand apparently does not care.

The first time I was was so shocked, it felt she punched me in the stomach! I then thought if it happened again, I would tell her not to do it, and then... Yesteday - she did it AGAIN, and what did I do.... just stood there in shock and not saying a word.

I feel so ashamed towards my Lord and to every Christian. Could you give me any advice how I should handle this. She is quite a difficult person, and I do not know how I should approach her.

Waiting for any advice. I feel so terrible for not standing up for my faith, but I want to let her know to never, ever do it again. Want to correct my cowardness!

Mickey, rapture ready 75 Comments [4/26/2008 4:37:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: dredknot

Quote# 38267

Well, geeeeeeee!" Did you say "G", as in "GOD"? Yes, you certainly did! You've also said "Gosh" and "Good Golly"! You've also said "Jeepers Creepers" when you really wanted to say "Jesus Christ" (JC!). You've also played around with the letters "G" and "D" together. You said "dad gum" and "dog gone" when you really wanted to say "God" and then follow with the word "damn". Think about it, Christian! Is God pleased with this kind of speech?

Those Four-Letter Words!

You probably wouldn't think of using the word "damn" too loosely, but what about "darn" and "dang"? Do they not serve the same purpose? Is Satan not pleased to fill your mouth with such speech?

"Why, heck!" Look out there! God knows your heart, and he knows you really wanted to say "hell".

Down south folks say, "Ah, shoot!" This is nothing more than a cheap way of saying "s " Again I ask, is God pleased with this sort of speech? Is this "sound speech, that cannot be condemned"? I think not!

James L. Melton, Bible Believers 91 Comments [4/26/2008 4:37:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 38253

Certainly national pride was involved, as the U.S. was engaged with the Russians in a race to put the first man on the moon, but there is no doubt that the motivation of those planning and directing the project was to investigate the origin of the moon and to confirm one of the several theories concerning its evolutionary origin.

Creation scientists, based on the clear and unequivocal statements in the Word of God, and firmly supported by well-established natural laws and the failure of all theories on the evolutionary origin of the universe, accept the supernatural, special creation of the universe, which, of course, includes the origin of the solar system with its earth and moon.


Thus, using special processes operating nowhere in the natural universe today, God created all the heavenly bodies, including the earth, the moon, the sun, and all the other objects in the solar system.

Duane T. Gish, Institute for Creation Research 48 Comments [4/26/2008 2:32:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 38235

(in regards to the state bill in Florida)

"We're not talking about religion, we're talking about the right to critically analyze evolution," she said.

I think the teachers and students should be able to critically analyze any topic studied in class. It teaches the kids to better analyze a situation and think for themselves. And lord knows they need it.

Besides evolution is still a theory and will probably remain that way. After all it does not explain how life started in the first place. Maybe there was an intelligent designer who kicked it off. Maybe an alien nation started it off. But I guess that's no more of a stretch than saying God started it all. Something started it right. According to the laws of physics things don't just appear magically by themselves.

Think about it.

mickey, Topix 49 Comments [4/26/2008 12:25:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Fek'lhr

Quote# 38227

So now that Pluto is considered a star, not a planet, where does its light come from? Did it suddenly burst into flames and generate its own light? No, it didn't. It's light is the same light that is reflected off Mars. So the claims by scientists that stars generate their own light is sheer nonsense. It's as much speculation as speculating on how many stars there are in the universe.

Carico, Christian Discussion Forums 168 Comments [4/26/2008 10:54:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 39
Submitted By: Turk

Quote# 38218

Just wait it will be back.

Here in America, we got our US prez going to scrape and bow before his master...{no other visiting dignitary in America has had the prez go run to meet him at the airport}

That is one reason things are going so bad here and freedoms going by the way side. Just wait til Hillary and/or Obama past the hate crime laws that make direct criticisim of Roman Catholicism or other false religions like Islam criminal.

They are setting things up to bring a new inquisition, count on it.

sally345, CARM.org 33 Comments [4/26/2008 10:02:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 38216

There is no Mary mentioned further in the NT, since her only contribution was to be the vessel to carry the Son.

I suggest you stop believing the Roman lies and come out of her.........

Diane S. , Forum Administrator, CARM.org 45 Comments [4/26/2008 10:01:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 38192

[after being told that America wasn't founded on christianity]

Why am I so wrong?? WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?? Besides I am not saying these things they are quotes from other people, like this one!

" You do well to wish to learn our arts and our ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. Congress will do everything they can to assist you in this wise intention." George Washington

Um so if THE founding father of our nation does specifically mention Jesus Christ where does that leave your arguement???

Go fight for a real cause and leave the Bible alone.

I'm activly doing something for the right to not care what you think or say..
What are you doing???????

ibizian, topix.com 41 Comments [4/26/2008 9:34:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: bria

Quote# 38197

The trial of millionaire tax protester Robert Beale turned bizarre even before jury selection began Monday as the prosecutor announced the arrest of four of Beale's supporters for conspiring with Beale to disrupt the proceedings and intimidate the judge.

"God ... wants me to take the judge out, that's what he wants me to do," Beale allegedly told his common-law wife, according to a new criminal complaint filed against him and the four associates.


Snell said that Beale told his common-law wife, Mun Suk Kim, in an April 3 conversation that God wants him to "destroy the judge. That judge is evil. He wants me to get rid of her."

Robert Beale, StarTribune.com 28 Comments [4/26/2008 6:58:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 38202

Brandy, if you have ever done some studying on the origins of words, you would see that the word "pharmacy" is derived from the word "pharmakia". "Pharmakia" is directly linked to the occult. Pharmacies sell drugs like Zoloft, Tofranil, Prozac and Lithium, NONE of which occur in the natural world. Those drugs are merely a cash cow for the brazenly greedy comapnies that manufacture them. Brandy, you'd be wise to re-assess your career direction, and choose one that doesn't mislead people. Ever read the "vulnerable adults" act? In it is a clause protecting those that are "mentally ill" and, for whatever reason, are highly susceptible to fraud. Technically speaking, Brandy, and pertaining solely to psychology, the very "science" of psychology violates the "vulnerable adults" act.
As far as the other messages I read, from tiffany, Derek, and "anonymous": It sounds to me like the 3 of you are just a little bit angry that someone like Andy & Berit aren't afraid to speak their minds. Maybe you 3 could learn a thing or two from your elders.
(\_/) You Have Received
(='.'=) A Genuine Message
(")_(") From Todd H.

Todd H., Crossroad Ministries Messages 65 Comments [4/26/2008 6:58:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 38196

*about women in third world countries having less rights than children in the western world*

This is a typical example of lying by comparing apples and oranges.
Saudi women should be compared to Saudi children, not to American children.

In addition, western children have far too many "rights" for their own good. Family discipline has gone from families, esepecially female headed households. Children grow up without discipline and fail at life.

Obviously the Saudi's don't have 4 million men in prisons, nor 50% of their marriages failing.

bobx23456, Saudi Arabian women have fewer rights than Western children 37 Comments [4/26/2008 4:36:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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