Quote# 55075
[A true moral person would not kill because he believes that it is wrong.]
But how would he know he is moral? He’s just a guy that doesn’t kill people.
Adolf Hitler can make just as strong an argument for his own personal morality as can your hypothetical moral athiest. Belief in your own rightness is the only standard.
And there is no way to tell the difference between the two, except outcomes. That takes you back to your prison argument.
In evolutionary terms, the outcomes would be measured by how many offspring you have 1,000 years later. By that standard, Ghengis Khan is the most moral man who ever lived. His philosophy? “Kill the men. Rape the women.”
If a murderer avoids jail and has 20 kids, he is moral. Adolf Hitler, OTOH, died childless and with nothing. He was not moral.
Free Republic 46 Comments [12/30/2008 12:04:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: antipop