Quote# 54527
Atheism vs. Christianity
- Atheism does not have missions to feed the hungry.
- Atheism does not have programs to give shelter to the homeless.
- Atheism does not trouble itself to help the poor or give to the needy.
- Atheism does not clothe the naked or visit the imprisoned.
- Atheism does not give hope to the despairing, does not give love to the needy soul, or open arms to the broken-hearted.
- Atheism does not seek to bring healing to any person.
- Atheism does not intend to encourage the down-trodden.
- Atheism seeks to tear down Love and stop its flow into the hearts of the un-loved.
- During the 20th century, atheists (mostly communists, such as those who followed Stalin) slaughtered untold millions of Christians, Jews, and people of many other religions for the sake of their faith. This still goes on today in places like China.
- Atheism seeks to destroy the hope of Jesus Christ and take love away from a world of people in need of care. In the name of science they proclaim, "there is no God", "we evolved from slime", "the cosmos is an accident". Declaring as gods the foundations and fate of the universe, they ignore the needs of the hearts of men to know that there is a Divine Creator who loves them.
- Because an atheist got God banned from public schools, our children must pass through metal detectors on their way into school where they score worse and worse on educational tests and morals are at an all-time low. They must remember each day the school massacres of the past few years and wonder... if... when... where... who... Does anyone stop to think that this downward trend started the year God was banned from schools?
- Churches have missions to feed the hungry.
- Christians help the poor and clothe the naked.
- Bible-carrying evangelists visit the sick and imprisoned to bring redemption to those that are forgotten and thrown away.
- Preachers minister the healing power of God to those who dare to have faith and forget that miracles are impossible.
- The children of God travel the globe to give light to those in the dark, to show the love of Jesus living through themselves to the ones that He died for 2,000 years ago.
- Jesus gives the world His hope of eternal salvation, His gospel of love, His healing for body and mind and heart.
- It is the Christians, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who care for the world enough to take a chance on alienating themselves by sharing the hope of salvation with others.
Eternal Choice,
Eternal Choice 49 Comments [12/19/2008 4:49:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Kimby