Quote# 33810
* (If I were to create a new nation, this is how it would go.) *
In establishing a New Nation, We the People of the Confederate States Of America do hereby hold these truths wholesome and eternal.
1. GOD is the creator and sustainer of all life on this planet. As well as the creator of everything inside and outside of the universe. Jesus Christ is God the Son the second person of the holy trinity. He was born of a virgin named Miriam, lived a perfect and sinless life. He was crucified, died, and was buried. He rose up from the dead on the third day. Forty days later He ascended to the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. Salvation is through Him and Him alone. There is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved. Jesus Christ is the savior and there is none other. He is blessed forever. Amen.
2. We have the right to life and no one person or group can take away the right to life, save in cases of capital punishment. All human beings, born or unborn have the right to life. Only those who have committed crimes worthy of capital punishment, can have their lives taken from them.
3. Homosexuality is a sin and a complete abomination unto GOD. All attempts to create a sense of normalcy, and attempts to create laws to promote this vile sin are wicked, and against GOD.
4. The worship of GOD is wholesome and good. All Christians should have the right to worship GOD as they see fit. All attempts at stopping the worship of GOD are immoral and wicked. No man or group has the right to prevent the true worship of GOD.
5. Marxist Communism in all it's forms is wicked and evil. It is inspired by lucifer and should be driven from the face of the earth.
We the People of the New Confederate States Of America, hereby state these truths and hold them firm. We will strive to keep ourselves pure and stay close to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We are a Christian Nation and will ever be so. No other faith will be officially recognized as the faith of this Nation. This will be true now, and forever more. Amen.
Now may the Lord Jesus Christ bless us all. Amen.
ChristianForums 91 Comments [1/19/2008 10:17:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Harpuia