Quote# 28892

Faith is what faith is- some things bid no question. I think if you’re lucky, at some point in life you get to where you know there are some things it’s ok to not question.

whatethelsays, Mindsay 27 Comments [9/11/2007 5:07:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 28907

In evolution, there is no law, and there are no laws. The only law is that there is no law. The only law is to expect change. For there to be Law, there must be a Lawgiver, and a Lawgiver can only enforce the law under his own jurisdiction, therefore requiring the necessity of Creation. An evolutionist who believes in law is like a sober drunk, or an honest crook.

How many billions of years ago did 2+2 gradually = 4?

How many billions of years ago did a circle gradually get 360 degrees?

How many billions of years ago did water become wet, or did fire become hot?

How many billions of years ago did a straight line become the shortest distance between two points?

When did water begin to freeze at 32 degrees (F) and boil at 212 degrees (F)?

When did the gradual become the constant?

When will evolutionists stop pretending to be scientists?

Timothy Fellows, CSE Blogs 86 Comments [9/11/2007 4:31:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: MarylandBear

Quote# 28896

We creationists don't know what kinds are but know there fixed kinds.
For example I believe marsupial wolves and placental wolves are from the same pair off the ark. The marsupial is just an adaptaion to a area or from stresses.

Robert Byers, IIDB 45 Comments [9/11/2007 3:37:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Oolon Colluphid

Quote# 28875

When being a christian its not about being logical, its about having faith, faith that the word of God and that alone is true. If the bible says Jesus will return believe it ! If it says God created the Earth in 6 days then He did beleive that !

TailTactics, Foru.ms 49 Comments [9/11/2007 2:17:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Seriyan

Quote# 28883

If you told your child not to smoke cigarettes or cigars, and he does it anyway and ends up with cancer now causing the cancer gene to become hereditary, is that GOD's Fault?? Stop blaming everything on GOD.

Prophetess, JesusPower 46 Comments [9/11/2007 2:17:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: kilgore trout

Quote# 28897

Remember,when Jesus was born the Dragon(devil) swept 1/3rd of the stars to the earth according to Revelations. So all the ones you see could be from a huge spiritual battle involving Satan,leading other angels with him with his intelligence(in the beginning),and the others who stood up against him. Remember,some angels could be as big as planets,stars even I imagine-to break a giant star into little ones during a battle is very possible.

SoulOfAnAxe ver.2, Head2Christ 49 Comments [9/11/2007 2:14:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Oolon Colluphid

Quote# 28891

( On religious folk being unable to question their beliefs )

I do not mind. I am not religious though. I believe that the Bible is true and Jesus is God.

belladonna, yahoo answers 33 Comments [9/11/2007 1:55:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 28860

Sha'ria Law is beyond democracy, and if you think democracy works then you're no better off than those that voted for Bush both times. All democracy is, is a title. It's not practiced as it should be, and you know it isn't. So, who's pretending what here? ON the subject, don't pretend you know about Sha'ria Law either just because you know an often mis-interpreted portion thereof.

What you call "degrading women" is nothing more than the common western opinion and you're not expected to understand it. You think that a woman being free is a woman walking around half-naked. Meanwhile you don't understand why most murders are crimes of passion.

Unlike most of you, I don't have to pretend anything. Men are above women because man was created first. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know that The Qur'an says clearly, "Men are a degree above woman."

Urban Journalz, Wu Tang Corp 38 Comments [9/11/2007 1:27:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 28865

[The letter writer suggests that the author's time would be better spent if he did something about the genocide in Darfur or the unnecessary war in the Middle East.]

War in the middle-east, unnecessary? It is absolutely necessary! The Book of Revelation makes it clear that the Second Coming of Christ will only happen when the entire middle-east is embroiled in war at Armageddon. If true, lasting peace ever descends upon the middle-east, Jesus might never return!

Roger M. Wilcox, International Square Earth Society 50 Comments [9/11/2007 11:59:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jared Goddard

Quote# 28863

If you believe that there is no God, life and death becomes meaningless. Without an eternal soul, you are no more than a bunch of molecules, a living mass of material. So according to this godless dogma, squashing a human being is exactly like squashing an ant or a tomato.

Istvan, CSE blogs 39 Comments [9/11/2007 11:59:03 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 28858

{About Leviticus and the Bible as a whole)

[Most of the religious justification for hating gays comes from Leviticus, but damn few people ever read the whole text. The people who wrote it were freaking nuts. It's like a read from Rev. Moon's writings -- control for its own sake. Superstition and common sense mixed together with a massive dash of fanaticism.]

I have read the whole text. The issue isn't about control, nor is it about hate. Either we are here for no reason at all, or we were designed with a purpose in mind. The Bible affirms the latter, and that said purpose no more includes homosexuality than it does obesity.

wrf3, Slashdot 14 Comments [9/11/2007 11:56:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 28862

Once what I see is applied to a designer then I know that I can study what I see since now it has a purpose and an intelligent mind behind it showing me that it is worth study. But if things just happened by chance, no design then it would be senseless studying it since it might all change tomorrow. An evolutionist can never know if his data will change tomorrow since things just randomly came together in the beginning. I can see that to an evolutionist there would be really nothing to study since there are no absolutes.

Ekkman, CSE blogs 25 Comments [9/11/2007 11:50:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 28885

Lightyears is yet another UNPROVEN scientific theory, when one looks in a telescope at an image it is in real time and nothing exist to prove otherwise, just think of the ill-logic the image is not really reality, there is no looking into time by looking at the galaxies, IMPOSSIBLE!

scoutsout1, Military.com 43 Comments [9/11/2007 11:31:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 28893

abortion is wrong. the first thing to develop is the heart. the heart gives life, controls feelings, and generates love. (ever notice how your heart beats faster when youre around someone you love?) thus, killing a baby is wrong.

allaloneguy, Foru.ms 54 Comments [9/11/2007 10:31:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 28869

I see, but what you fail to understand is that those nations that God had annihilated were EVIL. They were violent, child-sacrificing pagans that spat in God's face even though He continued showing them that He loved them (i.e. giving them plentiful land, bountiful harvests, to say nothing of the other countless blessings on the individual people). Finally, God said: "you have disobeyed my laws and refused to acknowledge me. though I loved you, you hated me. these are the consequences." God still loved them, but they refused to show Him even the slightest hint of love. Why should He continue pouring out His blessings on wretched nations when they turn their backs on Him?

rebelEnigma , ForU.ms 32 Comments [9/11/2007 9:58:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 28879

"Well, that's exactly where you have it backwards. What I am saying is that a monkey has more logic than an Atheist. The biggest problem with Atheists is not that they believe in Atheism, but that they represent Atheism as some claim with significant scientific backing--which cannot be further from the truth. I have never seen a monkey ridiculously claiming the non-existence of an entity without a shred of proof. Have you? That makes monkeys more superior than Atheists in my book."

zigzagzoo12, youtube.com 40 Comments [9/11/2007 9:55:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 28854

(after quoting the Declaration of Independence)

Evolution (with an atheistic view), destroys these foundations of Rights and Liberties of the individual. Where can these unalienable Rights be derived from if atheistic evolution is the foundation of society? Or just evolution in general; how can we be sure the Creator has given individuals the Right to secure these Rights if His word is not infallible?

#1vaderfan, Starwars.com forums 20 Comments [9/11/2007 9:52:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 28857


Our duty is to submit to our husbands with an attitude of faith as our eye’s are set upon the Lord. We must know with certainty, that to disobey our husbands is a very serious matter that the Lord does not take lightly.

Oftentimes a wife may feel as if her husband is asking her to do something against the Lord’s commands because her conscience may be troubled. To be led by our feelings or conscience alone can be dangerous. Man is not bound to do everything which his conscience tells him is the will of God. His conscience is not the lawgiver, but God‘s Word. Get specific when you ‘feel’ your husband is asking you to sin. Pin it down in Scripture. Is your husband asking you to lie, steal, kill, commit adultery? Can you find a command or specific principle in Scripture to back up your uneasiness? I, personally, have never met one godly woman, who’s husband has asked her to break one of the 10 commandments, although I have heard of cases where this has been true. I have, on the other hand, met many women who may ‘feel’ that their husbands decisions are wrong and therefore have not submitted. Many times they have taken a Scripture out of context or just ‘felt’ that what he was asking was wrong.

Kevin and Georgene, A Woman That Fears the Lord 33 Comments [9/11/2007 8:40:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 28856

When I was first born again, I wore clothing that exposed my legs. I wore pants, and I put on tight shirts. Not once did it occur to me that I was ‘displaying’ my body to others. I wore my clothes according to the weather and for my comfort but not according to the scriptures! One of my greatest convictions was realizing that in displaying my body, I was disobeying (sinning against) the Lord and possibly causing others to stumble.


However, let’s be honest here ladies... men love to look at women. There are certain parts of our bodies that they lust after. There are many parts that they desire to look at. Our legs, our behinds, our chests, our waistlines etc... Some men are attracted to women’s arms and calves.

[Bible verses...]

I surely did not want to cause lust in a brother by giving him something to look at. I began to see that concealing my body was an extremely important part of living a godly life. I began to wear skirts instead of pants. Pants were not modest on me and there was no way of getting around it. They hugged my behind, clung to my thighs and clasped my crotch. Not very modest I shortly realized. I then soon changed what I wore over my chest area as that is one of the most pronounced parts of my body. My goal was to divert attention from it, not draw attention to it. It didn’t take long before my entire wardrobe was completely changed.


Modest apparel apparently isn’t enough without the shamefacedness and sobriety. The scriptures teach that a godly woman should be modest not only in our appearance, but also in our behavior. What is shamefacedness? I learned that it means to have “downcast eyes,” to be “bashful.” A godly woman should be soft, gentle, quiet and shy. Never loud, boisterous, impulsive or domineering.

Louise Buhay, Godly Women: Servants of the Lord 71 Comments [9/11/2007 8:34:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 28867

let face it 84 % of all americans are christians, and i for one am tired of the 14 % non-beleivers telling us to take god out of our lives and government. this country was founded on christian principles, our money,our declaration of independence, our justice system are based on those beleifs. ans as this nation seperates itself from those principles, the worse it has done. so the 14 % sit down and be quiet. GOD BLESS AMERICA

basswifelynn, Tide.com message boards 54 Comments [9/10/2007 9:23:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: mimiheart

Quote# 28868

The Pill is used by about fourteen million American women each year and sixty million women internationally. Thus, even an infinitesimally low portion (say one-hundredth of one percent) of 780 million Pill cycles per year globally could represent tens of thousands of unborn children lost to this form of chemical abortion annually. How many young lives have to be jeopardized for prolife believers to question the ethics of using the Pill?

Randy Alcorn, QuiverFull 57 Comments [9/10/2007 7:01:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 28846

I posted this before at Rapture News under my previous onscreen name of Morgan. But thought I would post it again for any new member who may not have read it before. I wrote it one day about 2 years ago and still reflect back on it often. It is an insight that has helped me a great deal and pray it will help others.

Are You a Decoy?

Some days it seems as though I should never have left the warmth of my bed. Everything seems to go wrong - from

1. dropping my freshly filled favorite coffee cup on my keyboard first thing in the morning -
2. to my computer taking four times as long to process every command as usual
3. and a client calling every five minutes to see if I have that report done yet -
4. To the phone ringing and hearing from every friend whom hasn't called me in 6 months and chose this moment to pick up the phone and want to 'catch up'
5. to every telemarketer in the world calling in between
6. to having everyone I have faxed a report to that day tell me they never received it

At some point - I realize I am under attack. These are not coincidences. And the choice is made - to give in and give up and have that temper tantrum I so justly deserve and therefore be ready to tear off the head of the next person I talk to -

or realize that I am on the front lines taking the hits from the enemy and since he is not omnipresent - if he is messing with me - then that means there is a brother or sister in the Lord who is having a good day and recuperating from a day they need to be able to witness to someone for the Lord.

So, I wave the white flag and accept my assignment as decoy and smile. For, while the enemy was thinking I would destroy my witness and lose my joy - he was wasting his time and another soul was saved somewhere down the street by someone who was not under attack.

I am a decoy in the army of God - reporting for duty!

Ruth, Rapture Forums 66 Comments [9/10/2007 6:22:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 28848

A good many researchers will not disclose their beliefs against evolution because their work would be disqualified for peer review. They don't have to be creationists or ID theorists either. Just challenge the evolution establishment and your research and your job could be in jeopardy.
Most of those ID or creation science organizations have their own peer review process because they can't get reviewed elsewhere. The main stream science peer review organizations won't even look at them if they know that they do not believe in evolution.

tekncal, Fark 28 Comments [9/10/2007 6:20:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 28870

[Talking about divorce rates in Christian communities.]

Your statistics are incorrect.
Besides, most of those in the US who profess to be Christians only do so because they hold Christian beliefs.

The_Cricket, yahoo answers 53 Comments [9/10/2007 6:13:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 28866

I am disgusted that the line Tide chose to leave out of their commercial was "America! America!
GOD shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood...
I WILL NEVER BUY A TIDE PRODUCT AGAIN & I know at least 1000 others who will feel the same! You don't deserve America.

missy12, Tide.com message boards 36 Comments [9/10/2007 5:49:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: mimiheart
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