Quote# 28935

Just imagine vast fields of our sisters in Christ -- sisters brain damaged and comatosed, never to mentally return to this Earth full of sin -- inserted into pods that are themselves connected to a myriad of wires and hydraulic tubes (I know, it sounds exactly like the Matrix, and I freely admit, although it's certainly a very evil movie, some of the imagery is inspiring and inspired this post). The pods will be the most comfortable places on Earth, playing soothing music like Bible hymns and Mozart, their insides like a massage chair and covered in silk. A few intruding wires and tubes will, of course, have to connect to the women inside the pods to monitor their temperature and overall health, as well as the babies' of those that are pregnant. And of course there will be one tube reserved for the insertion of a man's seed whenever the women are at their most fertile. And only the best semen will be used. I haven't quite settled on a selection process yet, but I'm thinking some sort of Christian council could perhaps vote on the man who is honorable and moral enough to breed generations of these children. Perhaps one man won't be enough, for a little bit of diversity is always good. We should, therefore, most likely have a multitude of different men, one of each race. When the children are born, they can be sent off to special adoption centers, where they can be delivered to good Christian parents who are unable to themselves breed. Those that may be left over can be raised in God, brought up in Christian schools, where prayers are said thrice daily (at least), and in the summer, they can be sent to Jesus camp. If the schools are as good as I envision, then these children will make the perfect leaders for our future. But not just leaders, for if this idea is near as good as I am thinking, we will breed enough of these children to one day make up a huge percentage of our population, such that they can elect only the most Christian of people to the government. So even those that are not the brightest and best can contribute to God in some way.

Nathaniel, Jesus Loves Everything 211 Comments [9/13/2007 12:36:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 28947

Today on Earth lions and humans live at the same time. But we have learned that lions are dangerous. So we live in different places - but (still) AT THE SAME TIME. Perhaps some of the dragons/dinosaurs were dangerous. It would have made sense then for pre-Flood man to have lived in different places than dragons - but still at the same time.

Editor, CSE blogs 45 Comments [9/13/2007 11:30:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 28946

Today, simultaneously, we have alpine, desert, tundra, savanna, forest, and other ecosystems - all at the same time, and each with respective fauna (animals) and flora (plants).

It was the same before the Flood. You would have had many different ecosystems thriving ALL AT THE SAME TIME, during the 1600 years. I will use the evolution-believed names, but without their mythical “sequence”. In the pre-Flood era, simultaneously, there were: jurassic, cretaceous, devonian, ordovician, silurian, and cambrian ecosystems - all thriving AT THE SAME TIME. That is what common sense shows, as it fits similar to what we see in the world today. -Creation, once again, consistent with common sense and with known science.

Editor, CSE blogs 43 Comments [9/13/2007 11:13:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 28936

This is just an aside, but I was recently made to watch this "Japanimation" movie, Legend of the Demon Womb, that also inspired me in a related way. In the movie, there is this device, the Nazi Death Rape Machine, that could certainly be used as a punishment for women who abort children and especially heinous feminists. The machine looks not unlike a spider, and on each of its legs women are attached and molested. If we were to take the murderers that abort children and the severely God-less feminists and knock them over the head until they are sent into a vegetative state much like Terri Schiavo, we could then hook them up to such a machine. But this machine, unlike the one in Legend of the Demon Womb, would not be a monstrous rape machine, but would gently impregnate the sinners. I know most of you will be outraged at the idea, but you -- at least those of you that think it is okay to kill the vegetative -- are hypocrites; for why is it okay to kill brain dead, but not okay to turn their bodies into vessels for life? And that's the beauty of these ideas. We will be creating a culture of life, a culture so powerful that even women who in life turned their backs to God are brought under His wing. Perhaps this all sounds like science fiction, but even Christians have fantasies sometimes...

Nathaniel, Jesus Loves Everything 112 Comments [9/13/2007 10:29:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 46

Quote# 28942

From what I have seen though, the biggest problem is the lack of scientific understanding. If more people knew more about science, then they would have a better understanding of creationism.

JohnR7, Foru.ms 43 Comments [9/13/2007 10:28:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Scotty

Quote# 28945

Makes no sense why im on there [FSTDT] but im rejoicing because blessings are coming my way from this persecution ! For Jesus states that those who are being persecuted rejoice! Why not put this up there too! Heathens!

TailTactics, foru.ms 61 Comments [9/13/2007 10:27:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: David

Quote# 28938

[In response to this quote being on the site: "If u have sex before marriage then in Gods eyes u are married to that person if a man rapes a woman in Gods eyes they are married it sucks for the girl but what can we do lol"]

I don't see what's wrong with this statement. Why is this on this site anyway????

Robert, FSTDT! comments 37 Comments [9/13/2007 7:02:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 28933

to you heathens at the beeb [BBC]. as you only seem intent on attacking the christian faith, and you seem to be in the pocket of the devil. I hope the god has mercy on you no judgement day, but soom how i don'y think he will save you from yhe fires of hell, which is your fate.
these massage boards are a total shame and a wate of the TV TAX, this is a christian ciuntry even if you heathens at the beeb want to remove god and rplace him with the devil.
i won't be wasting my time on the beeb massage boards again as you are a waste of space.
rember god will judge you and condem you tio a hell at the end of days

71Paul, BBC Religion 38 Comments [9/13/2007 5:58:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 28937

I have a message that I preach on university campuses called “Things I admire about the Muslim Religion.” I think it might be appropriate on this occasion.

1. I admire the fact that Muslims get angry when their god’s name is blasphemed.
2. I admire the fact that Muslims pray 5 times a day, when many Christians don’t pray at all.
3. I admire the fact that Muslims require women to dress modestly in public.
4. I admire the fact that Muslims have a religious and political system that emphasizes the importance of God in daily life.
5. I admire the fact that Muslims still judge sin publicly as in the recent flogging of the man convicted of adultery.
6. I admire the fact that Muslims emphasize masculine rule of the home and nation.
7. I admire the fact that Muslim women are expected to have children and be keepers at home.
8. I admire the fact that Muslims memorize and know their Koran, while most Christians are ignorant of the Bible.
9. I admire the fact that Muslims judge and punish sodomites and other perverts.
10. I admire the fact that Muslims are willing to die for their beliefs.

campusministry, CSE blogs 56 Comments [9/13/2007 12:21:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: arensb

Quote# 28920

(Zachary Austin Harris would really like to see a return to arranged marriages in the proper biblical fashion)

Let me reemphasize my main point in summary, for I know how easily my statements could be misrepresented. I do not think that proper Biblical interpretation would lead us to conclude that Christians must use the arranged marriage system. If anyone's response to this essay is to say, "Oh but just because arranged marriage is in the Bible doesn't mean we must do the same today," then clearly they haven't read what I have written. And yet, although the Bible does not command it for us, I certainly don't see that anything in Scripture would turn us away from the arranged marriage model. But on the contrary, the arranged marriage model is in fact very much in line with Biblical principles about how godly families operate. And indeed, I have a hard time to see what advantages other models (such as dating and courtship) have to offer.
The Bible does not mandate the arranged marrige model. But what if we approached the Scripture without our heavy cultural bias against arranged marriage. Would we find reason to reject arranged marriage? Would we find convincing evidence to persuade us towards the benefits of courtship or dating?

* For Christians living for Christ, singleness is, in the absolute sense, the greater "ideal", for those who are "able" (1 Cor 7). When I speak of a godly arranged marriage system as being the "ideal picture" I am speaking in contrast to dating and courtship systems. I do believe that the arranged marriage system is a preferrable ideal over the dating system, but for those who are "able" to remain single, that is the most ideal of all.

Zachary Austin Harris, Zach's Homepage 37 Comments [9/12/2007 9:41:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 28926

[It's not blasphemous, it's hilarious. (in reference to FSTDT)

Christians believing that there's no such thing as gravity, and our sin is what weighs us down..... honestly *shakes head*]

No some are trying to make a point but others turn it around for amusement. And its mocking Christians which is an extremly ungodly .. its a common trait of a heathen.

TailTactics, Foru.ms 49 Comments [9/12/2007 9:39:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 28925

[In reponse to "Do you know what the Christians of the period did to the people who tried to say that the world isn't flat?"]
Nothing... seeing as how the Bible says that the Earth is round and most Christians believed that.

Believe It!, NarutoForums 31 Comments [9/12/2007 9:38:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Necronomikron

Quote# 28924

9/11 was horrible. However, I do feel that this is only the beginning of disastrous events that will befall the U.S.. Our sin will find us out. God will not let our wickedness go on forever. Or He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorah. Just a tip; GOD does not have to apologize for anything. Never has, and never will. So you know what that means!!!

Top 5 things to do to stop more 9/11 disasters from hitting the U.S..

1. ) Stop murdering our children through abortion. Stop now!

2. ) Destroy all pornography in this country.

3. ) Destroy all strip clubs in this country.

4. ) Stop the promotion and practice of homosexuality.


We can start here and move forward.

ShieldOFaith, Foru.ms(formerly Christian Forums) 68 Comments [9/12/2007 8:21:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 28919

Evolution theory that went beyond a scientific theory became a religion for many believers of that theory.
For one thing, evolutionists created life theory to explain their own life believed to come from a mere cell by natural process to bug to bird to ape to human, which contradict with the word of God who made man out of dust. Period.

henrydust, ChristChat 33 Comments [9/12/2007 6:49:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: kilgoretrout

Quote# 28917

[I know the creationist websites keep claiming that, but they have been known to distort, misrepresent, and selectively quote, as well as to ignore evidence which contradicts their beliefs.

If you are looking for accurate portrayals of what science is discovering, creationist websites should not be high on your list of sources. ]

Of course the evolutionist's web sites are the epitomy of truth and accuracy, aren't they?

HOGWASH! The very same can be said for evolutionist web-sites. A large segment of the evolutionist community is made up of a bunch of scared, grant-begging frauds who have cornered the market on a nice sounding theory, shown that it looks kinda logical, and will damned well brook no interference with their claims of having proven it as THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN.

And they do not hesitate to publish a bunch of lying, twisted twaddle to keep the scam going and the cash cow mooing.

Scientists?? True scientists do not arbitrarily call any and all other theories or hypotheses un-scientific without adequately backing up the claim. They do not claim that there is no way that other ideas may even be a part of what they are observing and investigating. No, they have staked their claim on the whole field -- claiming anyone who seriously advances an opposing theory to be either a deluded fool or an outright charlatan.

I'm sure glad I'm not that closed-minded.

Turret Gunner A20, Free Republic 30 Comments [9/12/2007 6:43:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 28918

[How about you? What kind of evidence would convince you that life on Earth reached its present state via evolutionary common descent?]

I don't see any reason to believe in evolution since God in His infallable Word said He created the world in six days. That's the basis for the seven day week; the fall of Adam is the basis for salvation in Jesus Christ; the provision of a man and a woman is the basis for one man-one woman marriage. God said that's how He did it. Only if God gives me another reason revealed in scripture would I consider believing in evolution.

The secular humanism I've seen promulgated by people convinced we were not created has wrought the evils of relativism, nihilism, hopelessness, lack of purpose, etc. I'm glad you're not saying God doesn't exist.

I'll take your remark about a copyright message or email as a joke. Ha ha. I don't think this would happen (but then God has surprised us before. Imagine him creating the nation of the United States in the late 1700s so we would be the future protectors of His modern nation of Israel!).

TenthAmendmentChampion, Free Republic 27 Comments [9/12/2007 2:25:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 28912

JAMES s. says: "I think a moral code is inherent in most people. I don't see atheists pillaging and plundering."

There are differences in what people perceive to be moral. An example of this is that some people's moral code says it's okay to kill unborn children and another's says it is murder to commit such an act.

Atheists pillage and plunder all the time. Just look at the ACLU and all the lawsuits they are involved in to try and get christianity out of government and public life. They are the epitome of atheists pillaging and plundering.

Antho L., Yelp 31 Comments [9/12/2007 1:08:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 28910

Why is it that everyone else can speak up but us christians. Honestly we christians are the ones that actually makes since.

Michelle, One News Now 61 Comments [9/12/2007 7:05:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Marq-André

Quote# 28913

"Isn't it funny how atheist-taught "science" and Satan are so closely related doctrinally?"

AV1611VET, foru.ms 55 Comments [9/12/2007 1:31:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Necroforest

Quote# 28908

chrtistianity is FALSE , Atheism is worse so stop always justifying the crimes of one by the crimes of the other...Chjristianity is hypocrite satanism , atheism is open satanism , both of them are satanismes ...

KoussKoussKlan , You Tube 48 Comments [9/11/2007 9:46:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 28901

[I would like to ask you something honestly. Do you believe that we should execute people who commit adultery today? That is what the law of Moses says and you believe it should be the law of the land. As I understand your religion, you believe that we should follow the letter of the law, including the Sabbath laws. So, is death a fitting and fair punishment for adultery?]

YES. And those who give FALSE TESTIMONY (as you do) in court should face the very same punishment they TRY to convict someone on--for instance, the Black slut who acccused the 3 of rape would get the death penalty.

That, my "friend", is a serious answer.

BTW as I said, it is the Law of God not Moses. The Law of Moses pertains to other issues.

OK, fire away (and have a nice Sabbath)!

Specter, Minuteman Message Board 34 Comments [9/11/2007 9:41:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 28902

[I think Homosexuals should go to rehab]

[Good luck with that. Try not being attracted to girls, bro]

What is the homosexual compulsion that needs to tell our children in school all the gory details of that choice. If those who do that got the crap beat out of em, the desire would diminish, IMO

Democrat4Rudy, FreeConservatives 38 Comments [9/11/2007 9:22:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 28904

Here are some men and women who mocked God :

John Lennon (Singer):
Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said: "Christianity will end, it will disappear.. I do not have to argue about that. I am certain.

Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, Today we are more famous than Him" (1966).

Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.

JMorrow, teens-4-christ 60 Comments [9/11/2007 7:36:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: MarylandBear

Quote# 28903

[I'm not, nor have I ever said, that gays can't CHOOSE to not have sex with other men/women. Same as a straight person can CHOOSE to not have sex. I'm saying they can't help wanting to have sex with another (wo)man.]

Oh, yes they can. That would be the same as saying, "An alcoholic can't help wanting to consume alcohol". I have no urges to do so. Guess why?

Because those unnatural urges are the outward "expression" of a corruption of the soul. That is the reason why those who COMPLETELY give themselves over to "the care of God" recover. Since I gave myself to Christ, I barely think about it. And I'm not the only one.

Timberwolf, FreeConservatives 38 Comments [9/11/2007 6:00:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 28895

"It doesn't give me displeasure to hear of a virgin being raped. The lot of women is to be fornicated."

L. Ron Hubbard, Holy Smoke 61 Comments [9/11/2007 5:59:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
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