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Quote# 28461

[If having a child is “God’s will” why would God then need a virus to control the population?]

In order to "weed" out those that God does not want

bricks00usa, Foru.ms (Formerly Christian Forums) 43 Comments [8/25/2007 6:30:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 28507

God's sense of humour with evolutionists

Buddy Davis, a Dinosaur sculptor and Creation Gospel singer, wrote a song about a native Australian animal called the platypus. I've seen several of these incredibly cute animals before.

The platypus goes against all the laws. It's a mammal, but it lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. It is one of the few venomous mammals. It has webbed feet, fur, and has a bill like a duck. This cute critter is a real puzzle, and I agree that just maybe God is having a joke with the evolutionists, by creating a critter they can't explain which species of animal it came from.


Katy-Anne, KJB Only 67 Comments [8/25/2007 12:42:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jarred

Quote# 28471

(On the Philip Atkinson article on FSM)

What exactly is crazy about what Mr. Atkinson is suggesting? He's actually framing a very common-sense principal: If democracy is destroying America then democracy needs to go.

And, personally, there are very few of us here on FR who wouldn't like to see the lands of Allah turned into a glass parking lot. In fact, I'm saving a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne for when it happens.

Lightbeam, Free Republic 56 Comments [8/24/2007 11:44:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 28480

"evolution" is simply changes emerging from within the individual to adapt himself to a changing enviornment. Darwin was wrong, dawkins was wrong, gould was wrong -- I am right.

supersport, RichardDawkins.net 53 Comments [8/24/2007 10:48:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Charmo

Quote# 28448

The only solution we have to stop gays from recruiting other people is to cut off the source. They need to be taken to specialized containment centers where they will be forced to become straight and accept Jesus as thier savior and to repent from their disgusting, wicket, hatful, devilish ways. Those that refuse to go can either be forced, or banished from society in other specialized communities where they have no connetion to the outside world at all. Most would die of AIDS anyway. Anyone who refused any of the answers to make them better would have to be killed or banished.

Meg, Myspace 204 Comments [8/24/2007 6:49:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 28447

[On Planned Parenthood]

Let's face it, they're in the business to kill babies for profit. First and foremost, they get young girls hooked on their birth control pills, which don't work.

Leslie Hanks, The Denver Post 51 Comments [8/24/2007 3:38:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 28484

[Reply to a message in a topic called Christianity versus Evolution]

Did you know death came after sin? did you know there was no death in the garden of Eden? So it really comes down to this do you believe in the infallible word of God? or do you believe in fallible mans theories that change all the time?. Even Jesus him self was a creationist .

Do you know why we wear clothes? its because of sin ! because Adam and Eve had sinned they also saw their nakedness and since God made clothes that means there is a moral basis for clothing and when you think about it there's only the Christian that has the real basis for insisting on wearing clothes and that there are standards on how we should dress, the more people reject Genesis there more they will abandon Christian doctoring such as wearing clothes. Its usually the result of people accepting evolutionary ideas instead of the authority of the bible.

cooldude856, GameSpot 59 Comments [8/24/2007 3:20:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: ninjacat

Quote# 28338

You can go ahead and think that. Personally I think you must feel that there is a supreme being out there you're just to afraid to admit. Anyways, to be politically correct, religion is now the person's worldview.

For everyone, I totally forgot to mention when I believe the Rapture will happen. Silly me.

I'm a pre-Trib and here are my reasons why-
1. If we get raptured before the Tribulation started this would probably be when the Rapture would have the greatest impact on non-born-agains.
2. If it were the mid-Tribulation view that was correct, when the contract between Israel and the Antichrist is broken halfway through, there would already be so much death and devastation that followers of the Antichrist (no mark yet) would just brush it off as more of the plagues.
3. It makes no sense to me whatsoever for it being post-Trib. What's the point of bringing the dead and believers back to life and earth if they're not going to actually do anything besides wait around for the Millenial Kingdom?

narutofan1, OOC room - polls 30 Comments [8/24/2007 2:45:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 28438

I've known for years that scientists don't know what life is. Bacterial life isn't life. It's not even right to call it life since it has no life in it. It doesn't have a life cycle. It doesn't grow old and die. The Bible calls it pestilence. We call it bacteria or germs.

MarkT, Christian Forums 47 Comments [8/24/2007 2:35:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Garnett

Quote# 28426

If you believe in evolution, then you believe in the Big Bang.

The Big Bang was so stupid that it actually caught on to people who felt threatened by the truth and had to hide behind a stupid theory such as that. It the Big Bang really happened, where did the energy come from to cause a "bang"? Why did it explode? Is there even a reason? Did you know that the name "Big Bang" was christened by a scientist that found the theory so stupid that he was mocking it? Evidently the other scientists, having no other way to explain the theory, took it up.

inae, Quizilla Forums 37 Comments [8/24/2007 12:18:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 28449

[After claiming the Great Flood is the reason for uneven land masses and saying "science didn't create us"

"and also, you so called scientists say that the earth is like billions of years old and all that crap, if the world was, like 2 million maybe 20 million, I can't remember but it was no more than 20, but anyways... ALL the water on the earth would have evaporated, and since you say that the earth is sooo old, then how come I see water?"

Anna Barham, Facebook 67 Comments [8/24/2007 11:45:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 28366

When we were first married neither my wife nor I were strong Christians. Sad to say we mainly gave lip service to the Lord. It has only been in the last year that I have seen the error of my life—but my wife has not been willing to see how unsaved our lives had been. She is still likely to allow our sons to watch stuff like this Oprah; or allow them to read books like Harry Potter. It has been very frustrating to try and keep satan out of our lives while she seems to want to invite him back in.

PTK, Rapture Ready 46 Comments [8/24/2007 9:03:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 28406

Sorry, but I was an unbeliever for most of my life and nothing compares to the life I have with the indwelling Holy Spirit. So since one cannot become unborn again of the Holy Spirit, then of course you were never born again of the Holy Spirit to being with. One cannot ever deny that someone he has met exists. So since you deny that Jesus is the Son of God, then you obviously have never met him through the Holy Spirit. So you've been walking in darkness all your life even though you paid Jesus lip-service. So unfortunately, you will know why death should be feared in just a short time from now. So enjoy your last days while you can! :-D

Carico, RichardDawkins.net 52 Comments [8/23/2007 1:47:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 28368

Enrollment hits 43 in the free upcoming course here: Conservapedia:American Government 101. Join now while there is still space! Advantages over public school include:
an anti-Christian zealot won't gun you down in class as in Columbine
you won't have to watch an Al Gore movie
you won't have to see Goth clothing on your classmates
you won't have to pretend that the drug addicts are cool
you won't have to fear being sued by the ACLU for leading the class in prayer

Conservapedia (main page), Conservapedia 60 Comments [8/23/2007 1:37:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Doctor Whom

Quote# 28356

I'm not sure where this would go, but since it does deal with the subject of evolution on one level. I thought I would post it here.

There is currently a movement going on to get people to commit the unpardonable sin. Which is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost (KJV). Being a creationist, I have made the connection to evolution through Richard Dawkins being in support of this group. And allowing his picture to be used to promote the cause. Dawkins has more or less become the poster boy for any hate towards Christians being spewed from the interbet, or his published books.

And because this hate is not really scientific in any way. It leaves the only thing left that every atheist believes that is doing this, which is Evolution. What this proves is why Hitler did what he did through evolution. And why this same hate is now brewing on the same level through several websites who promote the same subject to one degree or another.

It is estimated that around 3,000 teenagers go to this site to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and deny God. In hopes they will lock themselves into a hell they can never be dragged out of. The owner of this site actually targets teens as he puts adds on teen sites. His goal? To eliminate the Christian way of thinking in ten years.


It's about half way down that page. This actually proves that what Hitler did was mainly based on the evolution theory.

ikester7579, King James Bible Only 47 Comments [8/23/2007 12:05:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Traitor1

Quote# 28422

I am a high school science teacher. So far I have been able to teach creation science a couple years without being stopped by administration. I spend as much time if not more teaching creation science as I do going thru the textbook they make me use. Of course, I skip all the chapters with evolution. I use Dr. Hovind’s seminar notebook and his book Are You Being Brainwashed. In a couple weeks I will be going at it again. I pray I can continue to do the same as I have been.

Dr. Hovind’s plight exposes how corrupt our judicial system has become. With the advent of Verichip we are now just that much closer to the mark of the beast becoming a reality. And there is the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming our next president. The future of America is very precarious at best. In the public schools and government all across our nation the wicked seem to be securely in charge while the righteous our at their mercy.

Our family prays for the Hovinds daily. It grieves us greatly that our government is treating them as such.
God’s judgment is heating up on America. In my life time I have witnessed drugs abuse, venereal and other fatal diseases, abortion, crime, rebellious youth, illegal aliens, oppressive taxation, perversion, etc. etc. etc.

We either are headed to revival or the end. Most those that claim to be Christians are so confused about what Christianity really is I fear the latter. God is not going to bless a nation and people who have turned their backs on Him and persecute His messengers.

BadBob, CSE Blogs 81 Comments [8/23/2007 12:04:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 28307

I don't understand people really. They refuse to accept the evidence of their own eyes. You see what I am talking about everyday, so I don't know why you have doubts.

Haven't you seen those people that wear baseball caps? They wear the cap to the left, they wear it to the right, they wear it high in front or they wear it high in back. People wear baseball caps all over their head except in the way it was designed. With the bill projecting straight over the face.


Because every single one of those people has a twisted energy body. They know where the top of their head is, and it is to the left, to the right, to the front or to the back. They put their hat on so it covers the top of their head, even if the top of the spirit body's head is not aligned with the top of their physical head.

If you don't believe me, go look for yourself. Look for people with crooked hats. Then stare at them. Ask yourself why they would put their hat on that way. Is it a fashion statement maybe? Or maybe they are blind and don't realize that their hat is crooked on their head? Go ask them why their hat is crooked. They won't be able to tell you. They never think about it. They just do it.

travblonski, Guardian Blog 74 Comments [8/23/2007 12:03:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Diplo

Quote# 28334

Evolution is taught in every public school in America, and not without consequences, as Darwin’s Deadly Legacy documents. Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 people and themselves in the worst school shooting in U.S. history. Their goal was to bring death to more than 500. Harris wrote on his website, “YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE??? Natural SELECTION! It’s the best thing that ever happened to the Earth. Getting rid of all the stupid and weak organisms.”

Coral Ridge Ministries, Darwin's Deadly Legacy 51 Comments [8/23/2007 12:02:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Fili

Quote# 28313

Although homosexuals are relatively few in number, they more than make up for this as they continually push their agenda. They have cleverly and strategically got themselves placed in all the institutions of power and influence. They are well ensconced in the media, in academia, in groups like the [American Psychiatric Association] etc.

Bill Muehlenberg, Bill Muehlenberg's Blog 49 Comments [8/23/2007 12:02:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 28312

(This post speaks for itself)

[Obsession with death?! How about obsession with life! A life well lived and to its fullest in order to help serve your fellow man. Would you consider it an improvement if all those people whose lives were saved by vaccinations had died rather than thrive and provide for a better world?]

and yet again...the unyielding unending Pagan seduction of death.

The Ascetic Crusader, 123 Christian Forums 31 Comments [8/23/2007 12:01:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 28395

[on demonic possession]

It certainly does happen today. In fact, I think it is much more common than we realize it is. I believe the majority of people who are in mental instutions are under some kind of demonic opressions.

I also believe those who abuse druge submit themselves to demonic opression.

However - the saved cannot be indwelled by a demon. That space is filled by the Holy Spirit!


Imasaved1 (Bro Randy), Teens-4-Christ 54 Comments [8/23/2007 12:01:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: yesman

Quote# 28392

I sometimes feel like being friends with a man other than my husband is a sin. I recently talked with a guy at work about computers because he was working on our computers at the time and I really enjoy talking about computers. I didn't even start the conversation. It all started when another girl who was there with us told him that I enjoyed working with computers also. Then he and I talked and there's a few times since then that we've talked about computers. But then when I realized I was enjoying the conversations with him, I felt incredibly guilty! Now I'm doing this thing where I'm like, trying to ignore him but that'll be hard to do if we have to work together again anytime soon...

MonicaNeva , Foru.ms (Formerly ChristianForum.com) 64 Comments [8/22/2007 5:04:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 28303

Does evolution teach/encourage one to commit adultery or not? …Shouldn’t one “spread their seed” as in “survival of the fittest” and all that? If “God does not see” (according to one’s beliefs) then this directly affects human behavior. // And again, this planet is owned; your soul is owned. FEAR God and keep His commandments. The oversimplified “God is luf, luf, luf” (love…) stuff is incomplete, poor theology, I would contend.

editor, CSE blogs 49 Comments [8/22/2007 4:42:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 28365

I think it's high time the truth is told about evolutionist-run debate forums. The Richard Dawkins forum is the 3rd atheist/evolutionist forum I have been banned from for absolutely no reason. I will present the evidence here that creationists simply are not welcome at evolutionists' sites....our ideas are not tolerated, and if we step out of line and make too much of a fool of ToE then we simply get exterminated. You think Communism and mind-control only happens in China or North Korea? HA! Just try posting anti-darwinian language at an atheist site and see how long you stick around.

supersport, CARM 56 Comments [8/22/2007 4:28:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Sam

Quote# 28343

There is truly nothing new under the sun- these atheist liberal dolts think they're being novel in their approach to villify Christianity? Here's a wake-up call God-Deniers- you've failed for centuries and will continue to fail right up until the point the Christ returns to paint the streets with your spilled blood.

CottShop, Free Republic 90 Comments [8/22/2007 1:11:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
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