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Quote# 25835

Do workers really need to be paid?

It is nothing more than a subversive form of communism and the redistribution of wealth. CEOs have no moral obligation to pay their employees; minimum wages are just a socialist/big government way of punishing corporations. Most workers already have too many benefits, like set hours and OSHA guidelines. Only in a truly free society can CEOs keep their OWN money for THEMSELVES, the way it should be.

ConservativeWarrior, IMDb 86 Comments [5/29/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: offthepigs

Quote# 25836

[Part of a post reviewing the online game Runescape under Biblical principles]

This is what runescape had it had demons, witches, zombies, ghosts even down to possed people. Now you may say but i'm not practicing casting spells or doing omens. I have 2 things to say to that when you do the 8-ball or hororscopes what do you think that is it is practicing omens. As doing sorcery in the Bible times when you went to a fortune teller that was considered sorcery, so how is that different than a 8-ball or an Oujia board. Asided from this I have no objection to runescape it is entertaining, addicting, fun, even moral, but it still has witchcraft which I now will not do anymore. I also feel this way about starwars, lord of the rings, and especially harry potter.

Christiangamer, TechIMO Tech Support Forums 34 Comments [5/29/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Praetyre

Quote# 25807

Romans 8:24, "But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?"

So since atheists only understand what they can see, they not only have no hope, but they are ignorant of the greatest part of life, that which is unseen. No wonder they're angry at Christians.

Carico, FSTDT Forums 21 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 25808

[Ahh! So if two gay men could get married you'd have no problem then?]

If they married two gay women, no I have no problem with that.

Gay men marrying each other, however, would not be biblical, and biblically speaking God made marriage between male and female.

Ever wondered why God didn't make just one sex? He could have made it that way but He did not.

MercyBurst, Christian Forums 34 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 25809

Atheists have to deny all of history if they deny that Adam was a real person. They have to make up people's ancestors, which they've done by claiming that they are monkeys. That's the degree of irrationality that atheists have to descendend to deny God. No wonder they're angry and bitter.

Carico, FSTDT Forums 23 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jerubbaal

Quote# 25804

I am not saying that every decision is made emotionally but ALL women make emotional-based decisions. Why? Because that is the way God made us.

Men and women lead differently...because God made us that way. Our leadership abilities are meant to be used in running a household, rearing children and teaching children and other ladies. We use both sides of the brain causing us to be better able to handle multi-tasking - which is required of a wife, mom, and teacher. Men are more analytical. They use only the one side of the brain causing them to focus on the task as hand. They are stronger and made to lead the family, churches, corporations and countries.

Mrs. Debbie, Teens-4-Christ 47 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 25805

Well, I am from England, and since the topics about AMERICAN schools, then I cant answer.
But, you cant get rid of me that easy!

In my school, we once had people from the Gideon Society hand out Bibles to the whole school (thats a lotta Bibles), but the pupils all started mocking them, tearing them up etc. I went to a teacher and asked him to ask everyone to respect them, and his actual words were 'Dude, its just a book, what does it matter?' I took deep breaths and said 'Actually, its not just a book, its God's book.' Right then i realised that wouldn't make any difference so i added 'If this was the Koran people was tearing up you wouldnt be so happy would you?' He rolled his eyes 'Thats different. If people were mocking the Koran then they would be racsist, and we do not tolerate racsism in any form' Thats when I lost my rag; 'HELLO! LOOK AT THIS SCHOOL! LOOK WHAT THEY ARE DOING! IF THATS NOT RACSISM THEN WHAT ON EARTH IS????' And then I ran off and locked myself in the toilets.

Lol, thats kinda a story on how Bibles are looked at in my area.
But Leicester is very multi cultural and i think i am probably the only proper Christian in the school. (excluding my brother)

Yixzy, Teens-4-Christ 53 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Daniel Vasquez

Quote# 25794

In response to:

[We were never monkeys.]

i don't know what it is u believe in because most all evolutionist believe so.

crazy4starwars006, Star Wars Forums 20 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 25795

In response to:

[No evolutionist is trying to argue that a monkey suddenly became a human after walking out from behind a tree or in the blink of an eye.]

i didn't say so. i said that there is no way monkeys change to humans. if so, then we would have millions of half man half monkey people walking around

crazy4starwars006, Star Wars Forums 19 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: gibberingfool

Quote# 25796

In response to:

[The half-man, half-monkey business was several million years ago. Before civilisation.]

that makes no sense!! if they did evolve...where are they today!?

crazy4starwars006, Star Wars Forums 26 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: gibberingfool

Quote# 25797

I see nothing wrong with science when it does not contradict the Bible, but when it does, then I do have a problem and know that there is an error somewhere, whether by error or as to deceive. The Bible is old...but it is still true and infallible, science is not.

Biblenuggetlady, Rapture Ready 24 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 25798

[I'll tell you some of the questions that were asked in an actual sex-ed class;

"can I get pregnant from kissing?"

"can oral sex lead to AIDs?"

"if I have sex on my period, I can't get pregnant, right?"

"I heard the only way to get pregnant is to swallow semen, because that's how it gets to your tummy. Am I right?"

"I can't get pregnant if it's my first time, right?"

How does learning about how humans reproduce violate their childhoods?]

It's a violation, period. I know my children will be taught much better and not at school.

[Someone has to tell these kids that inserting A into B = C. If you're not going to do it, who the frell is?]

If they are told that they can get pregnant their first time then it's their fault. Anyone with a brain knows you can get pregnant the first time.

That's why children don't need to know about sex, they need to be taught to abstain. If they chose to have sex before their bodies and minds are ready, it's their fault.

Sex isn't brain surgery, if someone can't figure out where there genitals go then they don't need to have sex, and sterilization would be a good idea.

raven55, Livejournal 54 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 25799

Oh Lord, hear the cries of the mothers on this thread for their children. Hear, and answer us Oh Lord. Open the eyes of our children's hearts, convict, reprove and admonish them. Show them Oh Lord how transient is our life on earth. How gutwrenching it is to hear and see those words, "I don't believe" ...... like a knife through the heart. Grant, oh Lord, the gift of repentence to our wayward children. Oh Lord, while they are away from you, may their agony be great, and may that agony point them in the direction of home.

Hope, Rapture Ready 29 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 25801

[Randy's response to a poster saying the US isn't a Christian Nation]

FACT: The original settlers who came to America were Bible-believers looking to escape the religious persecution of the Catholic church and the Church of England
FACT: The majority of the men who created the government of this nation were men who worshiped God.
FACT: SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE is a myth that occurs nowhere in the Constitution of the United States. The first amendment of the Constitution has been misinterpreted by atheists who want to dissolve any form of Christian worship in the United States. The First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Among other things, this amendment says that the congress cannot make a law stating that everyone must be a Baptist. This amendment also says that the congress cannot make a law which restricts free exercise of religion. In other words, they cannot make a law which says it is illegal for you to witness to someone at school. This amendment does not say that a government may not, for example, post the ten commandments on public property or endorse a prayer at the beginning of a meeting of some kind. In fact, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court all start their sessions with an opening prayer.
FACT: Both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court all start their sessions with an opening prayer.
FACT: The most common pieces of material printed by our Government (currency) contains the phrase "In God We Trust"
FACT: Even today, in the face of overwhelming media bias which would lead us to believe otherwise, and the corresponding revision of history more than 80% of the population of the United States professes to be Christian (I personally do not believe this number to represent the number of people in the US who are saved).
FACT: Since the creation of the Judicial system (excluding recent actions of the ACLU), anyone who testified in a court of law had to swear an oath before God to tell the truth with their hand on the Bible.
FACT: The Word of God is used in conjunction with some oath whenever a public official is sworn into office.

I could continue, but anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that this is a CHRISTIAN NATION!

Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 46 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Daniel Vasquez

Quote# 25775

Some people are offended by the confederate flag and say it shows that you are a supporter of slavery and don't like African-Americans, etc. . Well, that's nonsense. It is part of American history and it is a symbol of that history and therefore I do not have a problem displaying that flag or wearing that symbol. To remove the confederate flag is to remove part of history. Simple as that.

mandy, teens-4-christ 45 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 25776

Lol I like what your friend said. Of course we know that evolution is a heap of rubbish. Darwin might have gotten hit on the head when he thought that one up. No, I think it had more to do with the fact that he was so anti-God he had to come up with something that didn't have God in it.

katyanne, Teens-4-Christ 26 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Nitron

Quote# 25777

[In response to the 'jug of milk answering prayers' analogy]
Doen't the Bible say something about worshiping a created thing rather than the Creator? Seems like this stupid atheist is just fulfilling Bible scripture.

[Anonymous user], Google Video 17 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Øyvind

Quote# 25779

if we evolved...why don't we eveolve today? IN PUBLIC...why (if u still believe in the sasquach) must we do it in private, away form scientist that can record it? and don't tell me "because we are perfectly adapt and no longer need 2 evolve" because, if we came from monkey's, why don't they evolve since thier not perfectly adapt? scientist have been watching and waiting 2 c if thier lab animals will evolve rite b4 thier eyes 4 centuries and what have they got? NOTHING!!

crazy4starwars006, forums.starwars.com 30 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 25780

scientists believe that we evolved from rocks!! now don't try 2 tell me otherwise because if not, then where do monkies come from?

crazy4starwars006, forums.starwars.com 39 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 25781

why i believe the Bible is the truth:
1.) everything in the Bible has been proven 1 way or another up 2 "Revelations" (which is things 2 come). whether it b countless written documents or caligraphy on the occurences found in this book or simply just the excivational proof.
2.) if u go 2 the red sea and scubba 2 the bottom not only will u find the remains of the Egyptian army, but u will also detect large quantities of metal from their armor from when God parted the sea 4 the Isrealites 2 escape.
3.) Noah's ark was reported 2 have been discovered several years ago BY SCIENTISTS+, people all over the world (china, europe, ect.) have told tales of their ancestors surviving in a large boat 4 40 days and nites after a great WORLDWIDE flood.
4.) the remains of Jesus still have not been discovered, even after centuries of searching
5.) and lastly...take a look outside 4 a quick minute. how could all of that have been formed by a bang? it makes no sense whatsoever!! humans coming from rocks? that's rediculous!! there has 2 b another way, 1 that actually makes sense and that won't fall apert like evolution!!
now i'm not trying 2 tell u 2 change ur religion, but what i am telling u is that if u want 2 keep believing in evolution, then ur just fooling urself. u may have come from monkies...but i certainly did NOT!!

crazy4starwars006, forums.starwars.com 39 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 25782

Darwin would go balistic today at UCLA

All what he calls savages on Basketball and football scholarships. He would have gone into seizures. And all the Native Americans from this hemisphhere.

These are the ones he wanted eliminated for more cattle grazing as he wrote. Darwin was racist big time.

Coadie, CARM 25 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Maragon

Quote# 25784

Oh one more thing before i go, i just wanted to let you know any arguments about all this stuff is really pointless, the real issue is this. Who is Jesus, He is either the Son of God the savior of the world, or he is insane, or worse the most evil person who ever lived. Those are your options, prove He isnt the Son of God, and there are no other arguments needed against Christianity. But please do it with an open mind.

Marinesniper86, Youtube Comments 32 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: RoseThorns

Quote# 25785

Reply on being told that Hitler killed in the name of God.

(How about this one .....

"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.."

That one from Adolf Hitler.)

Hitler had VD that was affecting his mind. So what?

purr-chase, The eBay Town Square 23 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 25786

[The Movie 300]

You would think an event like the battle was mentioned in The True Holy Bible. It wasn't so most likely it's a FALSE STORY created by those Pagan Satanists (known to have lied about their obviously fake devil gods) who inhabited that land back then.

RaaGA-ArsGA, imdb 26 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 25787

Homosexuality is a mortal sin, I advise you to head to the closest church for the cure. Or are you also a socially degenerated evolutionist athiest who thinks "it's ok"? I bet you're a democrat, too.

RaaGA-ArsGA, imdb 28 Comments [5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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