Quote# 22933

(Commenting about the classic 80's video by Aha.)

Im sorry if I have offended those in this forum but i do indeed feel that aha collaborated with satan during production of "take on me"...watch the video closely several times and you will see many small subliminal images that refer to the prince of darkness. (notable second 19 in the bottom right of the screen) his face looks like it is being covered by a sheik. (terrorist garb)

the fact that you guys continue to try and antagonize my opinions proves every western cliche out there. let me have my opinions and i will allow you yours...satan is out there for i have met him, remember my id name because you will want to contact me when the day of reckoning arrives. for it is too close to even fathom.

poopscoop3000, YouTube - Take On Me comments 28 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Zipperback

Quote# 22934

I think I'll just ask a question and see if anyone can come up with an answer (it proves my point)

If everyone in the world was strictly homosexual, how would the human race survive?

Answer: It wouldn't. Fact of life.

callumevans324, IF Skin Zone (registration required to view post) 34 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Danny

Quote# 22935

Look in any physics textbook for scientific evidence:
Mainly: The second "commandment" of thermodynamics: Entropy: Any closed system becomes less complex over time. According to this law, any closed system, including the known universe should after a period of time, encounters what physicists call 'heat death' Therefore, the universe had to be created by someone or something and given its complexity certainly not long ago.

BRIDOG529, Youtube-comments 25 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: anti-nonsense

Quote# 22936

Homosexuals and Jews are alot alike. Ever seen a poor fag? Didn't think so... That's why they both hate The Bible, because they're both abomonations. Jews killed Jesus, fags would've just fucked him to death.

DarkBlade, http://rpgforumsonline.com/forum/index.php 57 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Haseo

Quote# 22937

Is there any evidence in science where mass was created from nothing? If so, then I might have a faith crisis.

See, the problem is that I have witnessed God create mass from nothing. It wasn't documented, so I can't offer proof that would startle you, but as far as I'm convinced, it was as real as anything in this life. I have also witnessed occultist, big shot powerful occultist who thought that they were gods, that had money, and political power, come against me and were killed so fast that it shocked the world. These people that have tried to use their occult power against me and die in the process are in the hundreds. You have read about most of the well known ones in the news. That is why I am monitored by every intellegence agency on this planet. Because there are people who rule the earth behind the scenes that believe that a human Christian should not be able to have this kind of power. I was also kidnapped, beaten, tortured, and finally rescued by the local SWAT team, from a coven of Satanist who tried to take matters into their own hands. That much is on record. But to try to convince someone like myself that you have any sense of what is really going on in this world, is truely a testamony of your reprobate mind...OH I'm sorry, your Twisted Evil

whiterider, The Resistance Manifesto Forums 39 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22943

The most vile tactic of homosexuals is to indoctrinate children. They come in the guise of "helping" the "confused" children make an easier transition into their "identity." What they are really doing is confusing impressionable children into making decisions that will alter their lives forever. They take kids who may have a confusion about the opposite sex, and convince them that they may have been born differently, and convince them that they may in fact be homosexual, which sets them down a path that might take decades to correct!

To me, this is a non-physical form of sex abuse, and should be treated as a crime! Children should not have to discuss their sexuality PERIOD until their PARENTS deem it is the right time!

Ole Shosty, Rapture Ready 32 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 22946



Patsy, Myspace 33 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22947

face it...this empire is being ruled by satanic pedophiles. Truth hurts. I'm from Omaha...ask me. I know.

Red Savior, Myspace 48 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 22948

the problem is....

in the old days... people who said such things...

would of been killed....

in todays world.... people can say anything.

and the gays and christ haters.... know it.

and they are using it.... to PROMOTE THEIR HATE FOR JESUS.

THOSE bastards.

Mosheh_Thezion, The Resistance Manifesto 42 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22950

Christ is REAL is a SICIENTIFIC fact. Only YOU are to stupid to realise it! Maybe you should go to a DOCTOR!

Anon, COTC Mailbag 42 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22951

Evolution is making 2 eyes out of 2 warts.

RandW, The Resistance Manifesto 36 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22952

lol, i agree that Christian logic is circular. It needs to be that way in fact otherwise there would be no way in knowing that the bible is really what should be read.

Jeremy Smith, facebook 42 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jeremiah

Quote# 22953

Jesus was jumped! I truly believe that Jesus' execution was an example of gang violence.

First of all for the sake of argument let's leave the Jew's involvement out in this. The fact of the matter is that it was the Homo erotic Romans that carried it out. The Romans acted like a gang. The dressed in gang colors they all wore red. They would all roll together riding almost 10000 solders deep. So lets face it roman soldiers don't fight alone they are a bunch of punk ass bitches

Hey and they had to have Jesus escorted by a whole crew of Roman soldiers. I bet if it was a fair one Jesus would have drop one of them gay roman soldiers. Think about it Jesus was a carpenter which means he was built. I mean he had to carry his own torture stack you have to have strength to carry that for long distance. So Jesus was no punk.

In conclusion Jesus' death was an example of gang violence because the Romans were too gay and cowardly to shoot the fair one with Jesus. I mean I bet Jesus if he had the chance would be like "yeah I am God's son but I am not getting sacrificed by some group of homosexuals". Imaging J.C. darkening some eyeballs it would be great.

FirstbornPsycho, Myspace 59 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 22955

You are a typical liberal - your frame of reference is Stalinism and you consider Trudeau to be a great Canadian. What can I say, you're a fucking communist - now piss off.

Canada is a "fake democracy". Pierre Trudeau never admitted to Canadians just how "far left" his policies were. Trudeau is the architect for everything that has gone terribly wrong with Canada. Socialism breeds nothing but poverty and despair. Canada's standard of living has fallen dramatically because of the scourge of liberalism...

You don't watch "the [O'Reilly] Factor" and your politics are out in left field - which is why you were allowed to emmigrate to Canada. you're just another brain dead liberal who gets sucked in by Canada's liberal media. Try thinking for yourself you supercillious twit.

letitbleed1234, YouTube 32 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: offthepigs

Quote# 22957

Are Atheists nothing more than Androids? Wind them up and they seem to
go. They seem to live totally deterministic lives. Tell them what to
do and they oblige. Nothing more than robots I say.

No heart, no soul, no nothing except made of mechanistic parts.

Jim Roberts, Usenet : alt.atheism 49 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 22961

People who commit witchcraft, for example, invite generational curses upon their children and their children's children. People who kill invite the spirit of murder. People who commit sexual sin invite generational curses on their children and their children's children. You can see patterns of sin running through families (alcoholism, for example---I often go back to this one because it runs in my family) and that is often because of generational sin.

kristenlouise, CARM 26 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22962

I have noticed, the anti-Christs [Atheists] have really stepped up thier campaign to smear and discredit Christianity.

It was bad enough they attacked Christ in the schools, in the streets, in plays, displays,ect...

Then they started with Davinci's code which is completly garbage.

Though this week alone. There is an article on the denying of Jesus's crucifiction. They are implying that Jesus was crucified upside down...

There is the article that was perfectly timed to come out now that discredits the Bible in regards to judas.

There was an article that claimed Jesus did not walk on water but on Ice...

I believe they know their end is growing near and they are desperately trying to weaken Christian faith.

wiseones2cents, CARM 21 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22801

The same can be said for evolutionist scientists, who believing by faith, for there is no evidence of macroevolution, expecting to see that evolution has cause concludes that it does without empirical evidence. Evolutionist scientists already believe that evolution is true before they graduate college. They are indoctrinated in school to the faith. Then they go about seeking the cause of what they already believe in.

The difference between them is conviction. A creationist scientist is bound by religious conviction to be honest with himself and others about the evidences of science. For a creationist scientist, lying about or intentionally misrepresenting evidence for or against evolution would be a serious sin. However, there is no such safeguard for evolutionist scientists. Without religious conviction, they are left with only intellectual conviction, which the world demonstrates is often weak when passions come into play.

IronOne, Internet Infidels 46 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22805

You cannot deny over 35 years of proven evidence. Contraception does have a direct link to abortion. Why do you think every country that has legalized abortion started out with contraception and a few years later the promoters of Birth control suddenly comes out and says, "Good you have all learned your lesson well. Now here is the problem with birth control. One that we conviently forgot to mention. All Birth control fails some times. So to conteract the failure rate of contraception we have this new thing. Abortion. Oh yea it cost more but hey It's worth it if you're not saddled with a unwanted baby. Right? Good that will be 250.00. Just make the check out to Planned Parenthood.

HM3 Ratigan USN 1987-1993, Once a Doc Always a DOC, Myspace 42 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 22806

It has been an established proven fact that there is high correlation between a negative-father complex and atheism.

This is why the observation that atheists typically have abusive fathers or an absent/indifferent father can be explained. Often an absent father fosters a strong degree of cynicism in the individual.

An atheistic outlook is also compounded by the fact of the nature of relation of the Ego to the unconscious, where the Ego is born from. The Ego IS consciousness and the self-awareness that it brings. The Ego can very easily fall into its own trap of thinking that not only is it sole authority in the psyche, it is the only occupant of its house. This however has been empirically proven as untrue in psychodynamic theory. It is not the only occupant.

And I use theory in the original Greek context, theoria, a beholding or a contemplation of the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another. Interestingly enough, theoria is where we get theatre from, "to make apparent".


Without elaborating more at this little time I have to comment, when the Ego rebels against the inner God-image, the Self, that it was born from, the Self will cause a myriad of symptoms of sickness, neurotic symptoms such as anxiety, depression, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, suicidal fits and so on which will be perceived by the Ego as punishment at best, or projected as oppressions coming from "outside".

thom319, Fstdt! Comments 76 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22807

I think no one’s a good person. We’re all sinners and are terrible people, led to believe that if we do something a little wrong, it’s okay because other people do worst things. Sin’s ugly; thank God for Jesus.

supersillystring_lol_123, help.com 32 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Missa

Quote# 22810

[A conversation about whether a forum member is a Nephillim/ Satanist]

Simon, I understand the temptation to be skeptical, but one of the most important lessons that I learned from the Queen Hephzibah was this..."Nothing is as it seems". A trained occultist is trained to disguise his or her name, identity, and true adgenda and intention. To be able to uncover the true nature of what is going on it takes a trained spirit to be able to detect what is being done in the spirit dimension, and how it is effecting our dimension that we inhabite; only then can you truely know what is really going on.
I have had over 30 years dealing with these types of individuals. I am probably the best at uncovering them as anybody. Still, I am very careful not to accuse anyone until I am convinced in my mind and my spirit, that I am 100% accurate on my direction. I have never been wrong. And even though these people plead, and swear, and try to give evidence that they are not who I am accusing them of being, I can't ignore that they have the exact mode of operandi, as a well trained Satanist. So, is everything like they tell us, or is there something else going on?

If you don't believe me that is OK, I will not get upset, but, take heed, because I do know what I am talking about, and I do know how to identify even the best deceiver. If they are not Satanist, then why do they continue to act, think, operate, argue, accuse, and oppose like they are? Simon, when you realize that nothing is as it seems, you too will be on your way to becoming a wise individual, who is able to discern the smokescreen that is being laid before you and catching you up into their web.

whiterider, The Resistance Manifesto 43 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Ead

Quote# 22814

"Make sure your answer uses Scripture, not logic."

cdevidal, CARM 117 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Elizabeth

Quote# 22863

[From a certain point of view, sure. Unfortunately, this thread is meaningless since it assumes God exists in the first place.]

You are at a Christian forum, are you not? What you will see here demonstrated, is faith. Just like some of science, and it's theories require faith. How? Has anyone seen the oort cloud yet? Believing in what you cannot see, is having faith that it is there.

Science even has god did it type excuses for what they cannot explain.

1) Natural selection.
2) Given enough time, anything can happen.
3) Odds don't count, because science no longer counts it.
4) If we can see it, it did happen. Assuming that evolution has become an absolute.

So there is a lot of faith and assumptions from the other side as well.

ikester7579, 123 Christian Forums 21 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
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