Quote# 22810
[A conversation about whether a forum member is a Nephillim/ Satanist]
Simon, I understand the temptation to be skeptical, but one of the most important lessons that I learned from the Queen Hephzibah was this..."Nothing is as it seems". A trained occultist is trained to disguise his or her name, identity, and true adgenda and intention. To be able to uncover the true nature of what is going on it takes a trained spirit to be able to detect what is being done in the spirit dimension, and how it is effecting our dimension that we inhabite; only then can you truely know what is really going on.
I have had over 30 years dealing with these types of individuals. I am probably the best at uncovering them as anybody. Still, I am very careful not to accuse anyone until I am convinced in my mind and my spirit, that I am 100% accurate on my direction. I have never been wrong. And even though these people plead, and swear, and try to give evidence that they are not who I am accusing them of being, I can't ignore that they have the exact mode of operandi, as a well trained Satanist. So, is everything like they tell us, or is there something else going on?
If you don't believe me that is OK, I will not get upset, but, take heed, because I do know what I am talking about, and I do know how to identify even the best deceiver. If they are not Satanist, then why do they continue to act, think, operate, argue, accuse, and oppose like they are? Simon, when you realize that nothing is as it seems, you too will be on your way to becoming a wise individual, who is able to discern the smokescreen that is being laid before you and catching you up into their web.
The Resistance Manifesto 43 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Ead